The missing Dutch girls in Panama
Part 2 - the swimming photo
March 19, 2019 - This is part 2 with photos of the girls' bedroom, the swimming photo and other news, ideas and updates. See the main article on this disappearance case here and follow up part 3 here. Part 4 with the latest updates can be read here. And in part 6 you can read the most important interviews with the parents and families of Kris and Lisanne. I am not a blogger or crime writer in normal life, but this case always seemed so mysterious and complex and sad to me. And at the time when I started to write this blog, there was barely any coverage of this case outside of the Netherlands. It is incredible how it has gained international following since. I feel that this mystery deserves it and certainly that poor Kris and Lisanne deserve it. I hope the case will be solved eventually due to ongoing pressure and international attention.

And what are the odds of having your exact doppelgangers walking around in the same small Latin American town in the same time window, with the exact same hair colour and profile features? Hardinghaus and Nenner think the same and wrote: "Kris's red hair alone makes it very unlikely that another tourist couple with the same characteristics hiked the Pianista Trail on April 1 - only three hours later and dressed differently. If there had been such doppelgangers in Boquete at the same time, they would certainly have been found given the intensive search. At the time of the disappearance, the investigators searched all hostels and hotels in the region for young women with matching descriptions - with no results. No accommodation was hosting guests who looked similar to Kris and Lisanne. In the case of a "doppelganger couple," it would also hardly be credible that these women would not have contacted the police despite the calls for witnesses in 2014. Or that they would never have been made aware of one of the most prominent missing persons cases in the age of social media."
Exactly. And without actual evidence of the contrary, I believe my own eyes for now. The two girls in the swimming photo look just like Kris and Lisanne, especially when you resist the urge to zoom in far enough for the photo to become too pixelated to be reliable. It is not known when this photo was taken. Possibly in April of 2014. But we cán see in the swimming photo that the sun seems lower, softer, possibly matching 16:00 or 17:00 PM (or even later). Could this match with the girls getting off the Pianista around 15:30/16:00, as stated by multiple witnesses (new timeline)...? And then proceeding to have a fresh dip? But there is no supporting phone log data that supports this. There is also no specific information about anything regarding this swimming event. There is also nothing known about what may have happened afterwards. They all look happy and cheerful in the photo. Could this be the last photo of the girls alive (and if so, how come all their remains were found far away behind the Pianista trail)? Or can it simply have been a photo of an innocent afternoon swim with youngsters their own age at some point during their Boquete stay, one which they didn't feel like writing about in their diaries. Is it possible that Kris and Lisanne were so used to hanging out with their young male newfound friends in Bocas del Toro, that they searched for something similar in Boquete? They were both dealing with disappointments there, as their long-planned children's school work was unexpectedly delayed (possibly indefinitely) and they had to really adjust to the change from sweet holiday bubble party island Bocas, to 'real life' Boquete, staying with a host family they could hardly communicate with in Spanish. Could they have possibly met Osman and his friends and hung out with them, only for things to turn sour? Or is this all mere unfounded gossip and does this photo have nothing to do with the rest of the case photos shared by the leakers?

Although I do need to report here that Ingrid Lommers at the time was personally touring with a small group of students, visiting all the Spanish at Locations-locations, and one Norwegian girl called Mette and her friend were in the area for at least two months (March and April 2014), going by Ingrid's Facebook photos at the time.. and they do resemble Kris and Lisanne. The only date they are said to have been in Boquete was April 18th. So not on April 1st or March 31st for instance. They did meet Kris and Lisanne in Bocas del Toro in late March, but there is no confirmation that they were in Boquete when kris and Lisanne were. I see some resemblance (although Mette had blonde hair at the time and not red/orange like Kris), but I still personally believe that the swimming photo shows two women who resemble Kris and Lisanne a lot more than Mette and her friend. These two have also never come forward about the Kris and Lisanne case, nor has Ingrid or Sigrid for instance ever posted publicly that there could have been a mix up between the two sets of friends. Ingrid was with Mette and her friend pretty much non-stop for two months, bang in the middle of this disappearance: when she was in Bocas del Toro and met Kris and Lisanne, this coincided with Mette and that little group being in Bocas. So it would have crossed her mind I'm sure to bring up the mix-up possibility IF they had actually been in Boquete at the same time. We know that Ingrid herself was in Costa Rica when Kris and Lisanne disappeared in Boquete, and so was this mini-group with the Scandinavian 'lookalikes' I suspect. learnt also that someone contacted Mette at the time about it and that she denied having been in Boquete at the time. So I do remain sceptical about the swimming photo showing Mette and her friend, instead of Kris and Lisanne. But, it must be said: there are clear similarities between the two sets of friends. Some photos of Mette and her friend:
This swimming photo may link to what was claimed all along in gossip, and upon researching a local newspaper article surfaced from 2014, in which Osman Valenzuela's mother told an interviewer that her son died under very strange circumstances. That according to his mother, the boy had been very anxious and afraid in the days leading up to his highly suspicious 'drowning' (which it was still ruled at the time). That he had been stressed out about personal threats he received. I think it can all be fitted together with the gang framing him now with this 'swimming photo'. That this may have been the incriminating photo that was rumoured to have been found on his phone. Perhaps even being the reason he was murdered. The person who took this photo may have been the relative of the Sabroson owner (Edwin), because the photo carries his name. Or perhaps it is linked to one of the Sabroson restaurants in that area. I don't know. Those seem for now the only two logical indications, together with the knowledge that he was friends with Osman and Jose Manuel Murgas, the two young men we believe are seen in the photo. According to multiple sources from the area, Osman was also part of Henry's local gang of sorts (the infamous Los ND5 perhaps), or group of friends if you will, together with a son of the Il Pianista restaurant. It was reported by quite a few people, but without solid proof, it remains hearsay. You can read more about the deaths of Osman and Murgas further below. Tragically, everyone in that photo was dead within a year: Kris and Lisanne as we already know, Osman drowned under suspicious circumstances soon after and the other youth pictured, Jose Manuel Murgas, was killed about a year later by a speeding car at night nearby this bathing area. Osman is said by some to have also worked in that Caldera area at the time, at the zipline (Boquete Tree Trek), but I failed to find the hard evidence for this. Same for Jose Manuel Murgas, who was also rumoured to have worked there. Henry for sure did, as he is pictured in a Tree Trek staff photo at the time. And the taxi driver also died in the same month as Jose Manuel during another drowning incident. Of course, car accidents happen every single day, and drownings are said to be common in Panama. UPDATE 2023: there is a lot of new information out. Osman's mother has collaborated with a podcast made by Jeremy Kryt and has revealed a lot of new case info. I wrote an entirely separate blog post about it which you can read HERE.

I think it could be near the Caldera hot springs area. See this photo and review Juan and I found for instance; it looks very similar. I also contacted local tourism agencies who do tours in the Boquete area, and they identified this place as the same spot. For whatever that is worth. When I contacted one tour operator about it, he wrote back: "This place is at Chiriquí river, near the hot spring in caldera, actually at the hot spring up river." See how the type of stones on the shore are comparable and how the colour pattern of the water, including the deeper more blue-green parts and the shallower browner parts of the water overlap. (Although to be honest, you see similar stones and riverbanks all over that larger area it seems). We may have more indications that the girls could have been there, because they were claimed to be seen by several witnesses in that same Caldera hot spring area on March 30th and/or 31st. And search teams and dogs also searched in that area on May 30th of 2014. Witnesses can be wrong though. But clearly police took those reported sightings serious enough to check out the area. During their second day in Boquete, Kris and Lisanne are also said to also have shown interest in visiting the Caldera hot springs, as well as the Hidden Waterfalls. They showed this verbal interest when they talked to staff of the Spanish by the River language school. Without going there myself and matching the place, there is no full proof that the swimming photo was indeed taken near the Caldera hot springs, but it really matches in appearance. It is also conveniently close to the place Alto Boquete, where the girls were staying with a host family. Andries found this match online and shared it with Juan. It is a photo taken along the Rio Chiriquí, near Alto Boquete. It seems the exact place where the swimming photo was taken. I believe it has been identified for sure now as the spot Juan and I suspected all along. (Note; I blurred some random swimming people out of the 1st photo). The place also has a nearby bridge.
IF this photo does show Kris and Lisanne, it may theoretically have been in the later afternoon of April 1st, (after the Pianista hike). But it could also have been taken at any other day of their short stay in Boquete. Looking at their short stay in Boquete, Kris and Lisanne arrived in Boquete on Saturday afternoon. They were exhausted then and wrote in their diaries that they slept a lot. Sunday they got themselves installed and accustomed to the place and went to Boquete to have lunch there at 'Boquete Bistro' and to explore the area. They took photos at the flower show as well that afternoon. Then they were home with their guest family all of the evening, as Miriam has declared in the media. On Sunday Lisanne was also not feeling well according to her diary post, experiencing symptoms such as panic, restlessness and unease. I feel this does not match with the happy swimming photo, with smiles and V-signs made. But on Sunday some witnesses did mention to have seen Kris and Lisanne at the Caldera hot springs area: "At the Hot Springs in the village of Caldera, some witnesses have told area units that the Dutch would have been there on Sunday March 30 before being reported missing". But, the source goes on to mention other tourist sites where Kris and Lisanne were also claimed to have been seen. So whether these are all reliable witness sightings remains to be seen (or guessed).
A better match for that swimming event is in my opinion Monday afternoon. Especially for the Monday afternoon window of roughly 14:00-16:45 PM, there are no phone logs or other information as to their movements and whereabouts. What's more, local officials received information that Kris and Lisanne had been at the Caldera hot springs on Monday March 31st around 14:00 PM. Strangely enough, it is confirmed that this claim was not further investigated properly by police. The only thing that happened is that the tip motivated police to sent an inspection team plus a search dog to the Caldera hot springs once. But nothing came of this search. Nothing was further done with the rather specific witness sighting on Monday 14:00 PM, despite one of the investigators specifically asking Sinaproc about it once more. According to the case files, Abelardo A. asked about "the girls and the man in Caldera". The Dutch friends from Kris and Lisanne in Bocas, Edwin and Bas, also communicated with Ingrid Lommers around April 4 that they knew that Kris and Lisanne wanted to go to the hot springs near Boquete. Various witnesses also claimed to have seen them there that day, but also on Sunday March 30th instead. Witnesses have claimed a lot in this case though, and the majority are probably wrong. But how to sift out the correct ones? - Monday is the day that Kris and Lisanne went to the children's school in the morning and were refused and sent away there. Then they went to the Spanish school to complain and look for other work options. But their midday movements are unknown. I reckon the nearly three hours they are unaccounted for, is enough time to go to the Caldera and come back again to Alto Boquete, as it is a short drive only. Of course, the next questions are immediately: who took them there? Were they invited by other people? Etc. But in any case, their phones made connection with the school's Wi-Fi again around 16:44 PM that Monday, meaning they couldn't have been swimming elsewhere from that moment onwards. They also had a massage that evening with Sigrid between 18:00 - 20:30 PM, making the time in between the Wi-Fi use in the school and the massage simply too short to travel to a swimming spot, swim and go back again in time for the massage. Sigrid never saw them with wet hair either when they arrived and despite long chats between them and her, the girls never mentioned a swimming event. Lisanne also mentioned this massage as the one thing that made up for the disappointment with the children's school:

*I realize that many people see the phone log info as the Bible; as irrefutable evidence. But I do not agree with this. Not in this case. The log info may have been incomplete, a cherry-picked highlight of events or worse. There are various copies of the case files circulating among a few authors and some people who received them one way or another, including the Canadians and Imperfect Plan. I myself have recently also had access to the NFI files. I could see firsthand that the Dutch Digital Specialist showed not enough curiosity to anomalies, for instance the seeming absence of background activity logs for the massive drop (of 19%) in Samsung phone battery on the afternoon of April 1st. Between the moment Kris and Lisanne took photos on the Mirador and the first emergency call. A highly important moment in time, as this is when Kris and Lisanne disappeared. But the digital specialist failed to explain this huge drop. Nothing in the phone log info explains this loss of battery, as there were seemingly no significant processes or apps running in the background, and the phones were in a zone without mobile reception. The NFI specialist did not even flag this suspicious event as noteworthy or up for further investigation. We also know for a fact now that Pittí and her team were the first people to go through the mobile phones of Kris and Lisanne. And that Betzaida Pitti messed with the night photos, before sending the camera to the Dutch NFI. Betzaida Pitti and her team idiotically worked on the images on the original SD card with their photo editing actions. Altering their 'last seen' info permanently. Despite having delegated the primary task of first forensically and technically investigating that camera and those phones to the Dutch Forensic Institute NFI. They received messed with devices. Which at the very least opens the door for suspicions. There is a missing photo or video file #509, after all.
It will come down to reliable sleuths getting their hands on the RAW phone data, stored on DVD's by the officials, to hopefully sort that mess out some day in the future. More specialists need to look into the RAW phone data. Unfortunately those five DVD's were never released by the case officials. Nothing to see here, the case is closed', they told Juan and others. And bad intentions are one explanation, but another is unprofessionalism and clumsiness of course. If Pitti for example decided to turn on Lisanne's phone without taking the precautions outlined in the mobile forensics manual, then the first thing that would happen was the clearance of the cache of any application data that was set to clear cache on a power on/off cycle. Oops. I can see Pitti - not being versed on this type of forensics - making this blunder if she was left to her own devices and did not straight away sent the phones to the local computer forensics department. You can read more about the phone logs and data in my blog post part 4. She of course also played stupid and created her own alibi for June 17th. For all we know, that is when photo #509 was removed But Pittí can now say that she just innocently wanted to see what was depicted on the phones/camera. Never mind that she also sneakily and manipulatively leaked photos to the Panamanian press, much to the shock of the families of Kris and Lisanne in the Netherlands, who had not yet been offered the opportunity to see those photos.

In the swimming photo you can see that neither women have shoulder straps from a bra visible. Either they wore strapless bikinis which are hidden under the water, or they went swimming topless. Kris and Lisanne did swim in strapless bikinis in Bocas del Toro. But we never heard from the families or host family if the girls' bikinis were found in their room, yes or no. That could be valuable information. If their bikinis were missing, then that would be further food for thought regarding this swimming photo. Then they may have planned to go swimming that Tuesday. Whereas if their bikinis were found in their room, then that could perhaps explain the seemingly topless girls. I read a comment from LaLynz on the Dutch FOK forum on a detail I always overlooked myself: "Always had the idea that the bikinis they wore in Bocas, a blue bikini for L and a green/black bikini for K, are lying on the left of the 2nd shelf from the bottom of the closet in the room with the host family. It is possible that there were several bikinis, but it is also possible that the swimming was a spontaneous action." - Good point. I never before noticed them on the shelves, but I think it is correct. See the photo compilation I made to point to this. The photo of their clothes/room was taken after the girls went missing.

Osman was a good swimmer, reportedly. There were different stories going round, with one source reporting drowned, another site reporting that local youth gang members had hit him hard or even tortured him before dumping his body in the water; youths all coming from 'well-to-do Panamanian parents, driving in expensive cars'. Osman was friends with the stepson of guide F., someone regularly described by locals as troubled at best and psychopathic at worst. He also hung out with some other local youth, including the Sabroson kid Edwin and the relative of the restaurant at the Pianista trail. Some people claimed that Osmans parents had been separated and that one of them lived also in a house at the foot of the Pianista Trail. But this seems incorrect: Osman valenzuela lived with his mother in Bajo Boquete (there is however a house linked to a Valenzuela owner located at the Pianista trail, hence the confusion). Betzaida Pittí confirmed that Osman had actually helped Sinaproc with the searches for Kris and Lisanne the day of his death, before going for a swim. This was however denied in a new book from Hardinghaus and Nenner ("A false claim"). Officials and sneaky Pittí also claimed that Osman had been 'drinking alcohol' and that's why he drowned. Is that true though? He went missing in the afternoon and nothing was reported by others about him being drunk. His family also mentioned nothing about him staggering around drunk enough to be able to drown at 18:00 that day. He was a strong swimmer they said. His mother did say in the local press that the days before his death, Osman had been restless and not like himself. He had seemed very anxious about something according to her. Some people in Boquete whispered that it was because he had been pictured with Kris and Lisanne in the water and was now being threatened. Others say that they witnessed him challenge local criminal youth in a public place about the disappearance of the girls and heard that he had received death threats during the altercation. Either way, for some reason he was unsettled in the days before his death and had been telling his mum that he was afraid.

[Sam John D. at work in Il Pianista; a place that gets many 5 star reviews, but also some 1 star reviews, mentioning the threatening and mafioso Giovanni owner] - Police ruled Osman's death an accidental drowning. But aside from the reported head wound, the photo shows that his body froze in a strange pose. Research on 'rigor mortis in an unusual position' (which is rare apparently) states that when finding a dead body in such 'gravity defying' poses, it has in the past been linked to homicides and attempts to destroy evidence. And that in previous cases "the scene of death (occurrence) is different from the scene of disposal of a dead body, and time gap between the two places. [..] A dead body without decomposition, lying on its back with limbs raised in the air, indicates that the body reached full rigidity elsewhere." Because rigor mortis does not happen so soon after death that it can defy gravity. Here is another (basic) news article on his death. Despite police and Sinaproc suspecting this was a murder case, Osman's death was officially ruled an accidental drowning. Osman's funeral was reportedly disrupted by local youngsters, disturbing the relatives. Suzanne Miller wrote below a Press report (April 9, 2014 at 7:08pm) by Keith Woolford on Osman's death:

Margarita says that Osman was basically a good Christian boy, who tried to be part of the wrong crowd. He was good friends with a young woman in town, Milagros P. Margherita says, that’s where all the trouble started. Milagros was also friends with the members of the 'Pandilla' and got them into contact. Milagros introduced them to Osman. Osman had already known them from school, but never really fit in before. But Milagros arranged a job for Osman at a local restaurant, where he got to know some of the Pandilla lads better. They sold cocaine and marijuana and wielded power. According to Margarita, Osman told her shortly after the disappearance of Kris and Lisanne that he had something important to tell her. He told her that he was having some trouble with the young men in the Pandilla. "He tells me: 'Mom, they are telling me they're going to kill me'. So I ask him: 'why?' And he tells me: 'Because I saw the Dutch girls in the car." On Boquete's town square, the day before their disappearance. "In the rear seat of the car he saw the Dutch girls. Each had a beer in their hands and they were smoking cigarettes. He didn't talk to them, he just saw them." Then after Kris and Lisanne disappeared, his friend Milagros told Osman that she knew they were dead. And that the Pandilla was responsible. Margarita claims that Milagros also told Osman exactly what they did to the Dutch girls. And after that, the threats began. Osman told his mom: "Because I saw them with the Dutch girls, they are going to kill me. And then two days later, they killed my son."
Interesting detail here, is that Jose Manuel Murgas had shorty before his death approached Osman's grieving mother Margarita outside a pool hall. Margarita: "I was coming from work and he was standing outside a pool hall. He said: 'I want to talk to you'." Margarita says that Murgas was 'haunted by guilt'. "I can't sleep, I see your son in my dreams. I can't take it anymore, I need to talk about this. I need you to know the truth". Murgas, according to Osman's mother, confessed to her that Osman was indeed killed by the Pandilla. And that Murgas was present, complicit, a witness and also an accomplice. "They killed him because he knew about the Dutch girls". Milagros had invited Osman to go out by the river. She then informed the Pandilla that Osman would be there. They followed him to the river and saw Osman sitting on a rock, looking out over the river. That's when the gang attacked. 'Edwin gave the order. He said: "Kill him". Margarita: 'He took up a rock and hit him at the back of the head. My son fell. He wasn't dead, he was still alive. He threw them from a bridge." Interestingly, Jeremy Kryt states in the Aftershow of this podcast episode, that the police report does indeed mention that Murgas was the last person to have seen Osman alive. Multiple witnesses who were interviewed by the police confirmed that they saw Osman and Murgas go off together, shortly before he died. These witnesses, questioned by police, included Henry 'Tito' and Edwin 'Sabroson' and their respective girlfriends at the time... They were there on site when Osman was killed, so on April 4th. Very interesting how that detail from the actual police report was kept out of Betzaida Pitti's media exercises, as well as out of the media until now. When these youngsters were asked by police where exactly Osman had gone off to relieve himself (take a pee) they gave a location. But police found that the body of Osman was in fact found upstream from there. "So was Osman a salmon? And somehow swam against the current after falling in and drowning?" Kryt says that the cops were in fact suspicious of that at the time. The police knew they were lying but could not prove it. So suspicion did not lead to an actual further investigation. What Kryt also said in the Aftershow is that multiple witnesses confirmed that there was a fistfight seen between Osman and Sam John, shortly before his death. So there was in fact animosity. So police turned the end verdict in a murder and it is confirmed that the Pandilla were the last to have been with osman, after Milagros lured him there. While Osman himself told his mother shortly before his early, brutal death that he was very afraid and had been threatened, because he 'knew about the Dutch girls'. Surely the claims so far seem to match up with the verified facts here?
But we are far from done with the murder spree. Because Murgas himself is killed shortly after. After telling Margarita (according to Margarita..) about how the Pandilla took Kris and Lisanne from the Pianista trail, over a hidden trail called Pata de Macho, to Cuervo's house, everything went wrong when Henry tried to touch up Kris and she slapped him. You can read all the details in my blog post summarizing this entire 2022 podcast, but effectively Murgas claimed that Henry and friends bludgeoned Kris to death and then Lisanne. Osman's mother Margarita also claims that Jose Murgas told her that the gang had faked the phone activity, staged the Camera photographs, as well as scattered the girls' remains along the river. Margarita told Murgas that he had to make a statement to a lawyer, but Murgas was afraid that he would end up dead, like Osman. Before he had a chance to talk to the authorities, he went to a canteen on his 22nd birthday and got drunk. Guess who was there? Milagros, the black widow. As well as Henry and Edwin. 'And they took him'. The Pandilla quietly disappeared with a drunk Murgas and drove away. He was found dead by the roadside the next morning, in a seeming hit and run. But in fact, Margarita and some others claim, he was purposely run over multiple times by Henry and Edwin. Martin says that the hit and run killing of Murgas was no accident. "He had blows to the head that are not compatible with a hit and run accident." Two witnesses who came forward made it sound like Murgas was run over on purpose. "A city official from the Alto Boquete area tells me: 'I heard a car pull up and they open it, like a pickup truck door, and they closed it. They backed the car up and they accelerated and drove off." And a woman who lives across the street of where the killing happened, heard voices coming from the car. "On the property across the street from where they found mister Jose Manuel Murgas, she says she heard a vehicle. That she stopped and heard some voices, saying 'Hurry up! Leave him there! Throw him, leave him there. Come on, come on, come on!"

Jorge Rivera Miranda's drowned body was discovered on April 4th of 2015. Exactly one year after Osman was murdered and drowned. Another friend from this circle of people, Jorge Rivera Miranda (20), also drowned under very strange circumstances in late March of 2015. [In Panama they seem to have no qualms about showing graphic photos of deceased people in the newspapers and media]. He died in the Grande ravine, located in Dolega in Chiriquí. His body was lying face down among some rocks and apparently had been dead for several hours, since its face was completely purple, according to a citizen who saw the corpse. Newspaper: "During the removal of the body, the competent authorities found some evidence that showed that his death had not been accidental." There is no link between him and Kris and Lisanne, but I'm presenting his case here because he is yet another deceased youth from the friend/acquaintance group of the Pandilla. And another drowning in shallow water in Boquete in the same timeframe as the others. Some claimed that Jorge was another claimed 'gang member', but this is not clear. He would be the 3rd member who died within a year of the disappearance of Kris and Lisanne; another suspicious 'drowning'. In the photo in that newspaper article you can see that he even had his arm and leg laying dry on land, and only had to lift his head to be able to breath. One of the friends within the Pandilla group wrote 'Rest in peace' for him on his facebook page. I have been told that Jorge's parents own a pharmacy in Boquete. Unverified which one. So many drownings in the Boquete region though.. Read more on Osman here.

And then there was of course the taxi driver, Leonardo Arturo González, who also was found drowned around that exact same time. The taxi driver who claimed to police that he brought Kris and Lisanne to the Pianista trail in the early afternoon morning of April 1st. When the girls got in the taxi, there were already two other men inside the car. They heard the girls tell the taxi driver where they wanted to go. One of them told him in Spanish: "A la entrada del Pianista." After that, the other two Panamese passengers were dropped off first at their destination and then the taxi driver brought the girls to the start of the El Pianista shortly after. Witnesses have stated that they saw the two young women get out of the taxi at this point. But it has also been claimed (but not proven) that Leonardo witnessed Henry and Jorge Manuel Murgas (now dead) in the Pianista area that April 1st. And that this is why he ultimately 'had to go'. But none of that is verified info. The taxi driver turned up dead almost exactly a year later, on March 2nd 2015 (see his gravestone here), under officially “unexplained” circumstances. Leonardo Arturo Gonzalez Mastinu (34) drowned, apparently. “It’s a strange thing,” says César Castillo, a rock-climbing instructor who was teaching clients nearby when Gonzalez’s body was pulled from the water in a shallow stretch of the mini-canyon the locals call Gualaca. “It’s easy to swim there, with no strong current,” says Castillo, who frequently takes his climbing students for a dip in the same spot. “And we never heard any cries for help, or splashing around like he was in trouble. We know he didn’t hit his head on a rock, because there was no blood or bruising,” says Castillo, who helped pull Gonzalez from the water and tried to perform CPR. Castillo also reports the presence of other cars parked near the mini-canyon that day, although he admits he can’t be sure the death was not an accident. “Leo was a good kid,” says a fellow taxi driver in town, when I ask about Gonzalez. “Always responsible. Always on time. If he got killed over the Holandesas, it could’ve been because he saw something he shouldn’t have near the Pianista,” the driver says, referring to the trail where the young women disappeared. “Not because he did anything wrong himself.” In this news article, it is written that Leonardo Arturo González was at the time "investigated for having transferred the Dutch Lisanne Froon and Kris Kremers to the Sendero El Pianista". The article ends that with the 'inexplicable' death of Leonardo "the number of victims of drowning increased already to four for the year 2015 in Chiriquí."
And compare this photo of Milagros and Sandra "XiXi" C., taken on August 14th of 2014, with the figures in the swimming photo... Either the Pandilla are taking the mickey out of the two German authors, or they all collectively think their audience is blind or stupid? Because no offense, but Milagros looks nothing like that Lisanne type of figure. Nothing... Same for Sandra C. not resembling Kris whatsoever. These are 99,9% not the same women. Different skin colour, different hair colour, different body size and weight, very different facial features. Are they taking Annette for a ride? In fact, when Annette talks to Sandra C. she also cannot believe it is her who is pictured next to Milagros (which was Milagros' decided version of events). "She recognizes the others, the same as Milagros and Henry. What she doesn't remember, however, is whether she is the person next to Milagros. "It could be me," says Sandra and explains the crux of the photo: "You can't recognize the faces. But I remember exactly that I was in a few of the photos back then." She shrugs her shoulders. "But in this one? I really can't say for sure." - Neither can anybody else, I reckon. Bizarrely enough, the book authors seem completely content with this quick and sincere explanation though. They don't ask too many critical questions. Instead they write about how everybody else out there simply 'think the wrong thing' for believing we see Lisanne here (with her pale skin and lighter brown hair and broad smile and apple cheeks) and Kris (with her striking red hair and cream and peaches skin).
It becomes even more bewildering when Alba C, another friend of the Pandilla clique, says that it is in fact not Sandra C. who is standing in 'Kris's place, but Osman Valenzuela 🤣 Milagros and Osman are arm in arm standing deeper in the water. Annette also scratches her head initially, but then quickly adds that "the photo is so distorted and blurred that you can interpret anything and everything in it." Group friend Xinia P. also says that the figure with seemingly red hair is in fact Osman Valenzuela. Standing next to 'Milagros' in the water, who is making a V-sign. When Jorge G. is also confirming that he is the one with the black cap on, yes, and that in the water are Milagros and Osman, Annette is sold. "There's hardly any doubt in my mind now. No one has colluded here, nor has anyone tried to pull the wool over my eyes." OK then...
Annette is told that this swimming photo was taken by Xinia P. with her tablet, together with a whole series of other swimming photos. All of which showed inexplicable distortions, blamed on supernatural stuff. Because that is probably one way to explain away the total absence of ANY resemblance between these people and the swimming photo figures. Quote from the book: "But," says Sandra C., lowering her voice. "There is something mysterious about this photo." She then talks about silhouettes that are said to have been visible in the swimming photo and in other pictures from that afternoon. "Similar to ghosts, something paranormal," she says. "Our people with blurred faces and unrecognizable." Annette continues: "In my mind, I dismiss this statement because I don't believe in paranormal phenomena. But a few days later, my skepticism matures when I meet with the lawyer who investigated the circumstances of Osman's death to find out more. He also tells me about unexplained apparitions and outlines in the photos." Xinia P. also tells Annette: "There were these strange phenomena on all of them, Osman's face was always altered, strangely twisted or even completely unrecognizable." She had never experienced anything like it before. "That's why they talked about it for a long time among friends." - So the grainy quality of the photo is explained away here because it was spooky and 'strange' that day and all the photos turned out distorted, due to paranormal activity lol. Not because we are dealing with a big bunch of coordinated lies here by the Pandilla people.
So ALL of these supposed other swimming photos are gone now, as Xinia P's tablet was disposed of without saving the photos and apparently nobody else saved them either 🧐🤔 But we just have to believe their claims that it are them all in the one surviving photo and not Kris and Lisanne, because... they all coordinated their statements more or less? Despite us having no other photos, no text messages of that day that confirm that it were them in fact who were even at that place on April 4th 2014. No evidence shown of phone calls made that day, in order for us to see if cell tower pings were made to their respective phones. No copies shared of the police files regarding Osman's death, confirming that these Pandilla friends were named as witnesses in Osman's death on April 4th. In light of the importance of the specific angle of the sun and shade (that afternoon?) seen in the one surviving swimming photo, I would have also liked to hear from these friends at what time of day that photo was exactly taken? Heck, why aren't we shown its EXIF data that prove that it was indeed taken on April 4th? And not a few days prior for instance.. Where was Osman even, according to his "friends", if not captured in the photo? They all tell the same details about him going behind a rock to relieve himself, never to be seen alive again. They were all there they claim, but it must be that paranormal cloud that was hanging around that day, which swallowed Osman up when he went behind that rock and spat him out somewhere in the river. Who believes this nonsense? Well I know who do.. And why do these people, supposed friends of Osman, mostly blabber about who is in the photo, but not talk about the highly suspicious death that very day? They were there, so who killed him? We still don't know. How chilly, how bizarre. But all this does not seem to worry Annette one bit, or make her doubt this uniform answer from the gang. It is case closed people, when it comes to the swimming photo. The authors declare that "mysterious photo" to be totally explained satisfyingly now. Nothing to see here 😊 And the authors sound incredibly confident that their absurd eyesore 'identification' of Milagros and Sandra or Osman in that swimming photo is the solution of this swimming photo problem.. Maybe because they did not provide actual photos of Milagros and Sandra in their book? Well, I can. I honestly do not understand in what sort of world this is is supposed to be clear evidence. Does everybody need glasses?
I'm not saying that this part of the investigation is sub-par, but it leaves a lot to be desired and therefore certainly is not enough to "debunk" the swimming photo theory. Not by a long mile. I haven't reread everything in detail yet in the new book, but I don't even know - with all the other photos being 'lost' - how the authors even explain THIS one swimming photo surviving and resurfacing in the package of leaked case photos which Juan received from the two Canadians? They simply don't even try to explain that. The authors also unearthed good bits of info about the investigation and don't hold back with warranted criticism. I don't want to give off the impression that it is a big nothing burger book, because it is extremely helpful to finally have proper insight in those case files, source links and all. As it should be. I also loved reading how one set of authors in particular is held to the test. One can only conclude that they must have had the misplaced belief at the time that nobody but them had copies of those case files, and that they could just claim whatever the heck they wanted (without providing any source links whatsoever). Not the case now... And how very sad it is to finally see it confirmed that they took very generous liberties with the truth. No doubt spurred on by Pittí in her thirst for compliments and good PR. Depressing stuff which is well researched. But it isn't all hosanna here, because the German authors appear biased and even illogical themselves when it comes to the topics of guide F. and the swimming photo especially. More on that in due time. But at least they make it clear when they are relying on actual case facts and when they lean on personal feelings and convictions. I will in due time try to write a separate evaluation post about this new book, but I'll need some free time first unfortunately.

In 2022, well before the podcast came out, Juan came with a related interesting update. It is eerily similar in points with what Jeremy Kryt later brought in his podcast series. Juan received information from someone in Boquete about a local young man the girls were seen with, the already earlier mentioned Edwin A. Kris and Lisanne were reportedly seen being picked up in a pick-up truck by him and given a lift to another part of Boquete; downtown, where their host family also lived. He is the relative of a local restaurant owner and multiple people from the area mentioned him in anonymous tip offs. Which in itself does not make it more than gossip without actual evidence. He and his friends are claimed to have been questioned by police, but were released. He has been linked to the person who leaked info to the swimming photo. Vivian is the daughter of someone who had rented her house to masseuse Sigrid. Vivian was present there when the girls came round on March 31st for their massage. She overheard them while doing some chores in the house and also noted that one of the girls had a moderate sunburn.
The Boquete source writes: "I want to tell something about Edwin the el sabroson restaurant owners' X. [..] I found one testimony from a young lady from Boquete named Vivian. Sigrid, the Dutch lady who was working giving massages, used to rent Vivian's mother's house. Vivian met Kris and Lisanne the day they visited Sigrid, but she didn't talk with the girls, only with her father. Later, Vivian had a conversation with Sigrid about the girls, she mentioned something about how she didn't understand why Kris and Lisanne changed their plans, about going to the Pianista Trail. Vivian also mentioned that she finds Edwin a very suspicious guy because some people from Boquete saw him picking up Kris and Lisanne, he was driving a pickup, giving them a ride to a place Vivian called "bajo pueblo". I think it means downtown. Boquete's people know that Edwin doesn't behave well. I'm confused about Edwin and the Pizza restaurants owner, placed in the beginning of the Pianista trail. One of them has been linked to gang activity. Or maybe both?"

Posted by 1qm2dsahxa4dw, April 8, 2014:
William Wolff replied on April 10, 2014: "The young man was a friend of my step son. I have seen the photos of the body that were posted in one of the "more localized" papers. My wife pointed out that the feet and the head were the worst injuries. I do not recall the name of the paper, but it did indeed indicate that the crime was by gang members and it happened in Boquete. The body of the young man was left near the river."
Roger Bellido April 10, 2014: "It is strange that this murder wasn't covered by the tabloids and newspaper. Unfortunately in our society we are not used to these type of crimes. News like that sells their newspapers. Tabloids like CRITICA, El Siglo, etc usually covers this type of subjects in red letters."

On August 25th 2014 already, a forum member called "Poekje01" wrote the following (translated from Dutch): "My contact in Panama* told me one month ago that according to his friend at the DIJ (Panamanian investigation) 2 photos were found in the mobile phone of the drowned 22-year-old Osman Valenzuela boy. One photo from a blond haired girl and one from a red-haired girl. This was not allowed to come out earlier. And the family of Osman also never received this phone back from investigators. He could not indicate with certainty whether the girls in the photo were Kris and Lisanne. That is why occasionally attention has been requested on these forums for the drowning and death of this Osman Valenzuela. Some here are laughing about that, but I would like to say; just keep on reading.. My contact in Panama thought it was suspicious that the girls disappeared on April 1, and that Osman (nickname Piki) disappeared on April 4, and was found dead in that river on April 5. My contact further said that Osman was part of a youth gang of 6 boys. The rest have been arrested for questioning. Two were imprisoned for a longer time, and one accused the other: "He did it". It is not certain if they referred there to the killing of Osman or the death/disappearance of the girls. Osman's mother apparently does not want to talk to Enrique Arrocha (the privately hired lawyer of the Kremers family). Perhaps you now understand my frustration with the 'forced' disappearance scenario, something which a number of the people on this forum are also so wrapped up in. One person on here does this in my opinion because she really is Ingrid Lommers from the language school, using an alter ego on this forum. The other because he is her friend, living in C, bordering on Panama. They have business interests in Panama, and nobody is interested in poor tourism in "Murderville". Also the fact that an insulin metre has been found on the trail (on April 5th, by a local in Boquete, SN), and that I have posted a link that shows how you can get to the confluence of the Changuinola and Culebra rivers by car and then by foot, what Panamanians do in that video, and so you can imagine that you can also do that to dump body parts, is laughed away here. Because a disappearance scenario "disappears" 'easier' from everyone's memory. Just look at a disappearance case such as that of Alex Humphrey (Boquete, 2009): will the same happen soon with this disappearance case of Kris and Lisanne? If Kris and Lisanne have had an accident on the trail, or encountered the wrong people (eg drug runners, or the gang) then I think you can also think for yourself what should happen to difficult witnesses. Maybe Osman disagreed. But, trying to prove it all is not easy. But just so you know: I was approached with this information about that Osman boy, I am not making this up." *The contact in Panama turned out to be a forum member called Baru, who is active on a forum called Websleuths. He is a former Panamanian guide from the Boquete area who resides currently in Germany. Baru also stated on websleuths by the way that three Panamanian men went to the police to try to collect the tip money in the Kris and Lisanne case. They were Colombians, living in Panama City.

"Then there is another scenario that you can imagine. And that is because my contact came with more info. If the girls were on the Pianista trail with the boys from the local gang, they of course knew the way everywhere. That may explain why they reached the summit of the Pianista at such a good time [after around 2 hours, Scarlet]. And that can also explain why they may have returned so quickly from the second Quebrada, back up on the Mirador, and back to town on April 1 at the end of the day. H, according to my same contact in Panama, had a car accident. A local woman died as a result of this. It is unclear whether Kris may have been seated in that car, and if that can explain why her pelvic bone was broken so badly. This also makes you wonder whether or not the girls may have perhaps been present in that car crash and had to disappear because they were witnesses. The Latino community, from which my contact comes, has been asking themselves all this for weeks now at home."

Some claim online that Edwin A. (linked to the Sabroson restaurant, friend of Osman and Jose and Henry) may be a member of a supposed 'gang of 5', who some locals link to the disappearance of Kris and Lisanne. It could be a unique gang of 5, or even somehow be linked to that other band with the number 5 attached to it; La banda ‘Los ND5', o ‘Los niños de la quinta' / band 'The ND5'. Remember that the number 5 was visible on the stone of one of the nighttime photos, next to the plastic wrappers attached to the sticks. So anyway, this E. was named by locals as one of five suspects in the disappearance of Kris and Lisanne. People noticed a public facebook post from E., a verbal quarrel in fact, on April 28th 2019, with a certain Heriberto G. (who was also linked by some locals to this 'gang of 5'). Back in March of 2019 this same Heriberto made a public complaint about the Sabroson restaurant. He complained about the cost of a meal. Heriberto and his family paid over 30 dollars (which doesn't sound much to me, but I must be missing knowledge about local average prices or something) in the Sabroson restaurant. The consensus in the comments was that this was expensive, and Heriberto mocks the place; calls the owners thieves who even charge their guests for the packaging when they buy a takeaway. "Total theft", he wrote, and more. Anyway, someone is clearly unhappy with the price of the food, but so what. Well, the conversation then gets more unfriendly when Edwin mingles in and defends his family. He posted a screenshot of one of Heriberto's comments on his own facebook page, which reads: "Mrs. xxxx, I have to buy that restaurant with you inside so that you can cook me so I respect you so that you can scrape it". Which resulted in a short online altercation. Edwin is upset and accuses Heriberto of thievery and swindling. Note: I used online translation machines and there may therefore be small errors in the translation. "I do not know what will be the envy and pain of the thief and swindler Heriberto, who broke the neighborhood of N'uare, then he was a partner of Roger with the blockade and also swindled him and left the foreigners, you are a thief and comes over to make fun of my mother's business." To which Heriberto replies: "The mule returns to wheat! Going to keep signing every month to kill the kid in the river caldera .... and stop taking cocaine, that hurts .. that lady I think and only answered him stop saying in other people's pods." Edwin then bites back: "Comment in other people's bayas if you're talking about my business, honestly stealing it or swindling people, you do not even pay your workers, you're a rat." Heriberto replies sarcastically: "Peace and love ahhhh and nito presidente'' And then continues: "I had even forgotten that incident and this lady writes that enantes ... I just answered her. It was not a mockery of your parents' restaurant until I had forgotten it. But the interesting thing about all this is that I remember that I am a silver washer too, that is what stays on the list, another thing I do not want to break it, I will not kid one day and we will hijack the equipment, another I will not have a partner in the block, and the gringos that I have locked up every once in a while if they wake up if I pull them hahaha ... and the last one I do not put your mother in anything that is between you and me ..... do not put your mother in your entangled only you and I, the old ones are respected. I insist one day I gave my opinion that I was robbed and I keep holding it and I said that the system is the problem, not your mom or your dad." Etc. Edwin replied: "I am going to sign that there are so statements if you want to find out with my lawyer." And he finishes with: "If this is what God has to be, take control of what is coming."

And: "Yes, in the case of S, the relative of the owners of a restaurant, it's a definite possibility, as he has always claimed his family has property and is well connected. As for F's relative, I know his family has been in Chiriquí Province for their whole lives, so they know many people. Or it may just boil down to the government not wanting to damage the tourist industry. I am by no means saying either of these people are guilty of this (possible) crime, but I, like you, have many questions, and when they both have means and motive, etc they should have been and should be interviewed and investigated." I understood from a local source that the relative of the Il Pianista restaurant owner has "spoken to Kris and Lisanne when they were still alive".
And then there was another local actually living in Boquete who wrote to me on youtube: P, June 25th 2019: "I will say that there are two real suspects, one of which you mentioned (who is also known to have a sort of mental disability, and knows that area VERY well). The other personally said some shady things to myself and others at a bar after this occurred, which was very suspicious. He had the means and the motive, and literally lives very near to the Pianista Trail."
And on websleuths Henry is also frequently implicated in things: "A theory spoken in the village involves a guide's relative, which may have been interested in guiding the girls. This doesn't constitute foul play, but makes one consider many possibilities. There was a finca/house mentioned not long ago on websleuths, that is apparently located close-to where the backpack was discovered" - This may all be unfounded gossip of course. But it could also perhaps be relevant to the case. If this relative of the restaurant owner is truly implicated in all this together with Henry (for which there is no proof at the moment, but we're going past all sorts of reasonable theories in these blog posts as the investigation itself failed to properly look into and rule out potential people of interest), then it could also perhaps explain why Azul/Blue the dog, hís dog, went back to the restaurant in the evening of April 1st without staying with the girls who took him on their hike, according to Doris. Of course, with the dog not being pictured in any of the photos from the girls, he may never have been there at all. More uncertainties...
Henry (H.G.) is described by several locals as troubled. He was at the time the rumoured 'leader' of that youth gang involving Osman, Jose Manuel, the kid of Sabroson, Edwin, and the relative of the Il Pianista restaurant owner. Jorge Rivera is also at times named as a friend of theirs. Henry also has posted some provocative stuff on his social media accounts. Strange photos where he has a girl laying in ashes and imitating to strike her with a stick. There was talk that Henry was involved in a car crash and that he had Kris and Lisanne in the back of the car, explaining why Kris had her pelvis broken. I would say: there is no proof for this at all. No evidence about a car crash. Besides; there are plenty of people on those roads there, nobody would have gotten away I think with a car crash involving two really photogenic exotic beauties in the back of the car, possibly already missing at that stage, with not anyone mentioning or seeing this. People typically stop and look or try to help with such crashes. He may have been present during the swimming event that was pictured as the "Sabroson" swimming photo. Nina von Rönne spent several months near the family of guide F. in 2015/16 and also encountered Henry. She wrote about him in her book "Ne t'en fais pas, nous sommes amis..." ("Don't worry, we are friends..."). She described Henry as a "force of nature", who shouts at neighbours and has moments of rage. During one incident Henry "rages at a neighbour about something that happened with a dog. He is really fired up by rage and even picks up a long sharp machete from the house to make death threats at the neighbour. I am afraid. Guide F. seems annoyed by his son's behaviour and does not know what to do in order to calm him down. It was a very bizarre atmosphere where family secrets and the unspoken reigned." - Notice by the way how close Miriam's place is to one of the Sabroson restaurants. Could Kris and Lisanne perhaps have passed it during their daily walks or perhaps even entered it for a drink and a chat.. with Edwin A.?


He believes that Osman Valenzuela only saw the Dutch women once, and that was at the Adolfo Médica park in Boquete. Martin also believes that Kris and Lisanne partied and slept in a hut beyond the summit of the Mirador on the night of April 1st. It lies on a road towards Boquete Tree Trek, where several local youngsters worked at that time. Martin Ferrara O'Donnell said that there is a road through the Tree Trek park that leads very near to the house where Kris and Lisanne partied in the night of April 1 to 2. It was supposedly on the way back down to Boquete on April 2nd that some of the daytime photos were taken. He also believes that the camera times and the chronological order of the photos have been messed with at a later time. And what's more; just like Juan he believes that some photos were taken at Piedra de Lino (near the hostel of Pedro, where the girls were reportedly seen by several witnesses) and not on the Pianista trail, but that the photos were messed with to create a fake 'innocent afternoon walk turned accident' narrative. He also believes that the girls received a fateful lift that day. A friendly get together with local male youth, where alcohol and drugs were later introduced, turned at some point into a dangerous situation for the Dutch women. This detective believes that both Jose Manuel and Osman were murdered. All four young people in the swimming photo were victims in all this. He is also not convinced that Kris and Lisanne called the emergency services themselves on April 1st and beyond. But a bit of good news: the taxi driver Leonardo was not a murder victim according to the detective.
The parents of Kris and Lisanne apparently knew nothing of Martin's investigation. They made him feel they thought they were better than the Panamanians, supposedly. He accuses the authorities of having made many mistakes and says that they underestimated him. His theory is based on testimonies and proven facts; he knows who killed Kris and Lisanne, and possibly where and when. Corona has put everything on hold, but he's working on bringing the perpetrators to justice and has already spoken to the prosecutor's office in Panama. Also interesting: a local expat woman contacted Juan in the past and told him that she and a team of former army men also offered the parents of Kris and Lisanne help, right at the start of the searches. They offered to do their own investigation in Boquete. She has provided some evidence of this. These guys were former American militaries and they believed that they could find out much more than local police. But the parents REFUSED to work with them. Afraid that they would be ripped off by them. This really offended the team and they were like: you know what? Good luck with Pitti then. So I think there could be some truth in Martin's claims also. The parents were probably overwhelmed and totally unprepared for anything. They of course should have accepted such help, I mean even Ferrara's help would have been beneficial I think. But it appears they put their trust in the case officials and may even have been rude to some extent, or appear rude in their dismissal of other help offered.

And this is a gruesome statement from forum member Skidawayme from Boquete, about the deranged cruelty of some local young men there: (Quote) "I've debated whether to mention this or not. [..] There have been references every now and then to a possible psycho killing Kris and Lisanne, but usually to debunk the notion. I work with a Boquete animal welfare group and there have been 2 instances of severe animal cruelty here in the last 6 months or so. Both times it involved dogs and both times they were horrendously mutilated. One dog had to be put to sleep; the other was saved after intensive medical intervention. In both instances, the conclusions of the vet, the rescuers and, I believe though I'm not certain, the police, were that more than one person had to have been involved in order to hold down the dog while the other person used the machete. In the States, this kind of behavior is a marker for later violence against people. Certainly, it takes psychopathic behavior to disembowel one dog and horribly cut another. We do have in Boquete two young men capable of unimaginable violence against helpless animals. So -- how likely is it that there is a sick psychopath here? Answer for yourselves. sk"
Witzah replied to this gruesome animal abuse statement: "Yes, animal abuse is known to be a precursor to violence against humans (and frequently seen in the younger lives of serial killers) so knowing that at least one disturbed individual lives/works in the area these two girls went missing is probative. We now know that the existence of a psychotic abuser/killer in the area is more than just conjecture."
To which Skidawayma replied: "I only told the story to address the question of how likely it would be for our small town and surrounding area to have a psychopath in residence. I think I've answered that. We have at least one and probably two. [..] Actually, if there were a crime in the girls' case, I'd think it highly unlikely they'd use machetes, at least initially. Too unwieldy. I can see rape, beating, strangulation, THEN I can see using the machetes to dismember the bodies. Remember, 28 bones have been found out of a total of 412 (206 per human adult) and none of them, I believe, are where you might cut apart a body. [..] I asked my surgeon husband how the foot could have separated from the rest of the body and he said there's no way except cutting or severe abrasion (the river scenario). I grilled him a bit more and he did say later that an explosion might do it, too. :bombshell:"

there will always be youths who are simply looking for the boundaries and for identity. And verbal alterations online happen every hour of every single day between people and they usually don't mean much. The Osman death is peculiar because it reminds of the death of the taxi driver a year later, but (young) people seem to drown a lot over there. In shallow water. The circumstances of these drownings of Osman and the taxi driver Leonardo were peculiar; both (very) young men, both happened during the day under strange circumstances, Osman (22) was said to have had no water in his lungs (not officially confirmed though) and was found in a suspicious rigor mortis which may not match with drowning. Later police changed his cause of death in homicide according to Jeremy Kryt (no direct proof of this is provided though), but his killers were never caught, even though he was killed in the vicinity of his gang friends. Leonardo (34) seemed to have drowned while simply waiting for his passengers, in shallow water. Some forum members believe that all relevant evidence pointing towards foul play has been wiped away thoroughly, as nobody had any interest in any of this coming out (only the parents of Kris and Lisanne, but they have been sent on a wild goose chase more or less). Even the Panamanian president at the time, Ricardo Martinelli, referred to this disappearance case and publicly stated that "Boquete can not afford to commit a crime", hinting at its lucrious tourism industry most of all. But for every forum enthusiast, there is another forum member who is not too pleased with this 'hearsay' information and negative whispering. The sources did go to the police, both in Panama and the Netherlands with these suspicions, but they never heard from them again (in one case there even came an official dismissive response from the Cold Case team: "We do not see any reason to reopen the case. Thank you."). So perhaps in frustration over this, the person(s) behind the latest big documentation leak decided to dump this material out there instead. And with regards to local sources: despite all the info these people 'tipped' us with, nothing came out of it and police may not even have believed any of it or have taken it seriously. Or they did and found it all false information.

*They protect their own people
*Locals have a deep sense of family commitment, and often protect their families before anything else
*They will often vouch for their family members, even family members that commit crimes (the “blood runs thicker than water” concept)
*Integrity often comes in short supply
*They fear governments and organized crime
*When in doubt, they are silent
*Police are often unable to gather information
*The have a general lack of trust for outsiders
*They are often secretive
*When they want something to go away, they make it go away
*They do not like to receive a lot of publicity
*Formal educational resources are not widely available to them
*They are predominantly poor
*The are god-fearing and usually Catholic
I have no doubt that a local person could have murdered these two girls. And I also believe that his/her family would have remained silent on the issue. Finally, I have no doubt that Panama’s authority would cover-up the truth. Governments in Central/South America and well known for shady practices. They should not be trusted, especially when the success of an entire tourism industry is being threatened." Chris also writes about other crime cases in Central America here. Some expats from Boquete have written me over the years as well with tips and angles to look at things, and that is a returning thing they told as well: how society there is still, in some ways, ruled by a couple of powerful, wealthy figures. I won't call it a tribal society still, but the totally lost Losters online seem to imagine some modern day, western town when they think of Boquete, with modern amenities and total democracy and personal freedom. When in fact there are some remaining structures there from the old days, where the general population tries to stay out of the ways of a small group of more powerful and rich and influential figures, who call the shots WAY before the local police do. Although I have trust in Sinaproc and do believe that they worked hard, independently and professionally.

And Suzanne Miller Moreno wrote on April 8, 2014 (so a week after Kris and Lisanne went missing) about local gangs murdering a young lad in Boquete. She also refers to 4 youth held in jail, which may be the same 4 who were at that time interrogated and held in jail by Boquete police over the Kris and Lisanne disappearance: "I am unhappy to report the death of a young man Friday who was robbed of $300 by gang members here. I will be able to tell more about this after the forensic report which the policia will give tomorrow. He was beaten to death with rocks and died a horrible death. This is all I can say as I knew him when he was 14 and had always been a great help to me with bathing and rough housing with Tigger who loved him very much as I did. I will add more information when I am up to it as I am very upset right now. He was a good boy who loved his mother and worked hard to help her. This was a local gang known to the police here. Perhaps someone should have a talk with the four who are in jail, plus the other two girls involved."

He also enlightened the macho culture there a bit, in relation to female rejection: [Quote] "Aside from money, foreign women have two other forms of value that could result in potential motives – their body and their sense of empowerment. Any young [Latin] man with spiking testosterone levels will feel a sense of frustration for being rejected by a woman. Adding insult to injury could have been the manner in which the man was rejected. Facing rejection from a foreign woman in one’s own country and being rejected in a way that led to embarrassment, perhaps in front of other male friends, in an environment with no other foreigners present, could quickly escalate to a dangerous scenario. Unfortunately, exerting dominance is sometimes the recourse. Men often compete amongst each other by utilizing various forms of challenges. A challenge from a female foreigner may not be welcomed, especially in the form of a rejection coinciding with perceived mockery, such as a direct laugh or a challenge to one’s intellect. If one man responded by heavily exerting dominance, possibly accidentally inflicting injury on one of the two women, the situation could easily and quickly deteriorate. Even a slight push that resulted in a slip and fall accident could have created a bad situation. [..] I suggest that women treat demonstrations of interest from local men with caution, especially when alone. If the scenario does occur, foreign women should express a sense of graciousness and flattery but also change course to escape the situation in a methodical and respectful manner. Do not laugh at any point during the situation. Laughing can make one feel embarrassed and disrespected, thus heightening frustration."

[Wednesday 2 APRIL]

Shouldn't things have stayed in place and shouldn't this room have been treated as a possible crime scene? By police and by the police only? Why was there no official inventory made by investigators of the bedroom and its contents? Why wasn't that business card of the guide, which was photographed pretty prominently on the bed, checked for fingerprints? If the girls actually handled it and put it there themselves, you would expect to find one of their fingerprints on it. There probably are fingerprints of theirs on it (and hopefully none of the guide), but these basic things should have been investigated by the book. Nothing was ever published about this though, most likely because it was never investigated (just like the other fingerprints found on their belongings weren't properly checked with a national database). And these photos made their way quickly to the local media. Who leaked them and was money made from this? Let's face it: that whole room was contaminated even before the police arrived, days later. The first people going into that room should have been forensic specialists, period. Not well meaning tour guides, school workers or even Sinaproc, with all due respect. Photo graphics of the probable lay-out of the house of Miriam, done by Power-Pixie. Notice how everyone in the family lived so nearby their guests. How is it possible that nobody was certain whether or not Kris and Lisanne had come home on Tuesday the 1st of April or not?
Picture 1. - red plastic bag stands next to sandals
Picture 2. - red plastic bag is placed onto the sandals
Picture 1. - light blue booklet lies left from a Spanish language course book
Picture 2. - light blue booklet lies on top of another black book, with the Spanish language course book now laying below
Picture 2. - shows a purple-white book with black stripes in the middle of the photo (Important! This is Lisanne's diary)
Picture 1. - does not have this book in it
Picture 2. - on the right lies a pencil and next to it lies a black book and a white piece of paper
Picture 1. - both have disappeared on photo 1
Picture 1. - on the right a receipt is seen
Picture 2. - no receipt is visible
Picture 1. - on the right top of the picture you can see 2 books on the side
Picture 2. - on the same spot there is suddenly only 1 book, and it stands straight

We also wonder: since Spanish by the River used Miriam's hostel more often, there must have been information available to Eileen about Miriam's address and phone number. We also know that Kris at least had Miriam's number on her phone (*Mytiam* plus phone number on her whatsapp). Can we therefore assume that Miriam also had the contact data of Kris and Lisanne? It is striking that at no point, she tried to call Kris or Lisanne on their cellphones, when they did not show up for dinner. Nor later that evening. Nor for breakfast the next day. Is that normal? Not that long ago, in my mid-twenties, I combined my normal research work for years with the running of a fairly large gite in the south of France, in a mountainous hiking area. And I can't imagine this scenario. If foreign young female tourists stayed over and said they would be back for dinner, I would call them on their cellphones to check how they were doing, later that evening. And if this failed, the police WOULD have been called by the next morning, if not sooner. It seems short-sighted that Miriam didn't at least try phoning Kris or Lisanne, to check where they were that evening, and especially as evening turned into night. Miriam would have likely been watching TV that evening in the room right next to the closed/empty bedroom of Kris and Lisanne, which looks like the place to congregate with the kids. Since the girls used the same main house entrance door, and had to cross this living room space to get in their own room, there would have been no possibility for them to sneak in unseen around that time. Miriam commented herself that Kris and Lisanne did not seem adventurous, that they appeared under the weather and that they did not seem ignorant either. Boquete is hardly Bocas, where could the two girls be as evening turned into night? It seems normal that Miriam would have by now asked her daughter about the girls. The daughter who stated to have seen Kris and Lisanne leave the house that Tuesday in their hiking clothes and with a small backpack.
And you'd think she would have also been aware of the absence of their presence in the morning: a lack of coughing from Lisanne perhaps, no Kris having to go to the toilet or using the shower, or just either of them doing their normal human movements. I myself don't remember ever 'forgetting' about tenants or hikers who stayed for some time in the gite. Yet Miriam calmly and casually proceeded to make breakfast in the morning. Her kids also get up to go to school, but without seeing Kris or Lisanne. Why didn't Miriam at this point try to call Kris or Lisanne? Or the police? Or Spanish by the River or Ingrid Lommers? Miriam also never gave any indication that she tried calling both women, and there is no available information in the case files even that she did. So she did not. Kris had Miriam's number on her phone. Miriam should have had Kris's number as well. Why rely on a tour guide and a fresh in town, young German girls to go through Miriam's private house, and then have them wait all day to inform the police by the evening of Wednesday April 2nd only? I still don't understand this part. It's also interesting how the media focused on the backpack, or rather Miriam stating that her daughter noticed they took one backpack. But why not give a description of what the girls wore? We haven't heard a single witness mention Kris' striking red and white striped shirt, for instance. Why is that? I don't think a single witness has so far detailed the clothes they wore that day correctly. [Note: the rooms other than the Kitchen, Living Room and Kris and Lisanne's room, are obviously well calculated but nevertheless imagined rooms. The door to the second room is 100% correct.]
Here you can see a short interview with the person who found the plastic bag and the hair. He is named Carlos V. in the police reports and says: "It is forest, an area far from the trail. At that spot was some sort of hiding place or shelter. A sort of small cave, where people sat in." The Dutch interviewer asks: "What did you find there?" He replies: "We found food, leftovers from cookies, juice and other things such as potato chips." Reporter: "And hairs?" Answer: "Yes, we found a hair on an insole of a shoe. But we don't know for sure if it is from one of them. That is now investigated." And correspondent Marc Bessems who was present there at the time, told the Dutch news channel that after this finding, the coordinators immediately sent several rescue workers to this location. This was on Wednesday April 9th. But the coordinator of the rescue operation told the reporter that it was very difficult to find the exact location of the plastic bag and shoe sole again. "Because it was a volunteer who found this plastic bag and shoe sole, at approximately 1,5 hours from the Pianista Trail. The same trail where Kris and Lisanne were supposedly last seen. And then it took a long time before he could report this to the coordinator. They all went back then, and they have not been able yet to find the exact finding place again, but in the wider area where the plastic bag and the hairs were found, they also couldn't find any new clues. It means in any case that they will continue tomorrow. They will send manpower to the region and they will also schedule several helicopter flights over the area." And press officer and reporter Casper van der Kruit tweeted the following (I translated in red):

As you can read, Casper seemed to have boots on the ground there during the search operations, and stated that "According to the commander a plastic bag with garbage was found and a possible sleeping location. Not known if these are traces of Kris and Lisanne." He updated: "Breaking. With the found plastic bag from the jungle, a red hair has also been found. It was sent to the lab for DNA testing." The plastic bag and its content was investigated for spores or traces from Kris and Lisanne. But we never heard about it again, as far as my knowledge goes, and searching the net again now I find no more news articles on it either. Was it not officially linked to Kris and Lisanne therefore? (*Update; I found the reason why we never heard about this again... I added the respective newspaper which explains it a few paragraphs further down..). Despite the fact that this plastic bag came from the same local supermarket in Boquete where Kris and Lisanne had shopped that fateful morning of the day of their disappearance. They were seen there on CCTV footage, according to Ingrid Lommers, head of the Spanish school they attended, but this footage had been overwritten accidentally before police could investigate the images. She posted that unfortunately, the CCTV was accidentally overwritten. In this Dutch newspaper it is also stated that police confirmed that the girls had been caught on CCTV camera in Boquete, nearby a supermarket and shortly before they started their hike. Correspondent Marc Bessems also told Dutch news that Kris and Lisanne were seen in a local supermarket on the day of their disappearance. Ingrid also posted that several camera systems recorded the girls "walking towards Romero Supermarket". Which is exactly the logo on the plastic bag which was now found [so on the morning of April 1st]. (2nd and 3rd photo also made by Juan; big thanks).

So could this bag be of the girls? Casper the tweeting reporter also wrote that "A mountain guide told us that he saw vultures circling above the jungle. That would be less good new." Here you can see the guide discuss it on camera. But he says in fact to the reporter that he has not seen vultures fly over*. If the girls perished out there, he had expected to see vultures. And that people must have participated in something that is no good.. Which is a peculiar comment in all this, considering how the guide later on always made a case for an accidental fall in the river. The guide made also other conflicting statements (although he was interviewed a lot, so then you can also more easily say conflicting things) about having met and greeted Kris and Lisanne shortly before they disappeared, followed by an interview in which he stated that he never met the girls at all. Guide F. also stated as soon as the backpack was found, that that should be enough information for the parents and that tour guides and locals should no longer "risk their lives" trying to find the girls' remains at that point. (All linked to and described in part 1 of this blog series). He also tried to steer the investigators to the Il Pianista area from the start and he then summoned local investigators in interviews to search abandoned and closed off houses in Boquete. The person who found the plastic bag, has been pictured working for him in the past. That does raise the question whether or not the bag was truly left there by Kris and Lisanne, or if it was left there by someone else entirely: planted there by a third party perhaps even, who were involved in their disappearance. By the way: I am beyond the whole questioning by now of "why would a perpetrator not just destroy the camera and the phones and the bag??" I believe this disappearance case received way more (inter)national attention than any 3rd party ever anticipated and that they decided to use the belongings to set out a fake trail and end the large search operations. And Betzaida Pittí instantly cancelled any pending house searches as soon as that bag was found, and ruled the deaths an accident. That is a motive, right there. The phone data, the belongings and night photos all tell us very little. But the fact that these photo loving girls left no visual/audio/text evidence for 11 days that they were actually lost and alive and out there, plus the absurd state in which their bones were found, could still indicate that it was all staged by others.

And where was the bag exactly found? Juan and Jeremy figured out the location based on the things Elvis Gonzales, publisher of the video on facebook, wrote about it. It lies roughly in between the Pianista Trail, the trail towards the Lost waterfalls (more on that trail a little bit further down part 3 of this blog post series, made with the help of Jeremy S) and ... the hamlet of Alto Quiel, which is where tour guide F. is reported to have his coffee farm. And where he brings tourists to sometimes. Ingrid Lommers first told police that the scheduled trip from the girls with this guide was to her knowledge going to "a ranch in Alto Quiel", the same place where the plastic bag, long hair(s) and a fuchsia red shoe sole were found later on. Alto Quiel is in the opposite direction of the Pianista Trail, however. Jeremy wrote me about the location and that he based it partially on the comments that were placed under the facebook post of Elvis. The volunteer found the bag and sole of the shoe around 3 kilometres from the crash site of a small plane, years ago. Jeremy wrote me; "There are a number of key items in the words, such as the bag being found in an area that Sinoproc hadn't searched and weren't planning on searching (obviously only based on Sinoproc plans at the 10th April). The key item for me though is the description by Elvis, he states: "Video echo por voluntarios que se suman a la búsqueda de las jóvenes holandesas (área entre cerró orqueta y donde callo la avioneta ) como tres quilometros dentro comenta no ver rastro de búsqueda reciente... " Google Translate tells that me this means "Video made by volunteers who join the search for young Dutch women (area between closed orchestra (forest?) and where the plane fell) as three kilometres inside comments not seeing a recent search trail ..." I've done a lot of searching and there's only one plane crash in the general area and it was into Baru in December 2007, it was a big story because whilst a small plane with only 3 people and a pilot, the passengers were American so American media descended on Boquete. The first link is the most complete and told from the local perspective, it includes pictures, the other two are ABC News which are US TV crew who followed the story most closely. First link, Second link, Third link So, unless there's another plane crash before 2014 which I can't find or unless Google Translate is mis-translating it appears [this is it]." - So, 3 kilometres from "La Pandura" he found this plastic bag. Below I show you the locations found by Juan and Jeremy and in the last photo I roughly drew the important locations on this map.
Update: In the police files, the location of the discovery of this plastic bag is named as Cerro Horqueta. Well done to Juan and Jeremy and others for finding it years prior already through good sleuthing. Please scroll further down this blog post towards a post headlined "About the 2007 plane crash in the Baru volcano area" in order to read more about this plane crash.
In the comments under his video, Elvis Gonzalez also made an interesting statement: "In reality what the volunteer who made the video says, is that although the effort they [the search teams] are making is arduous, they are only looking on the trails and not away from them ... and the local people of the area who know a lot about these mountains should be recruited." - So, the searching was intense and arduous, but they only focused on the trails and didn't go so much off trail. Again, this was the situation at the start of April; searches became more widespread as the weeks and months progressed. Marcelino gives also an interesting reply (also translated) and seems to criticize the search teams for what sounds like incompetence: "We know of its existence and remember that in previous years there have been other disappearances and they have not been found. That has been a very closed issue at the level of the FFDD. My suggestion is to look for personnel who know the areas in depth and know the bright that leads that search and how to do it."

Now over to the content of the plastic bag. Considering the girls had for a fact visited the same Romero supermarket the morning of their disappearance, and considering the commander in charge of the search operation has stated that there was a long hair found, I am leaving the option open that this plastic bag did belong to Kris and Lisanne. Going against this however is the knowledge that this plastic bag has always been considered a dead end by the Dutch press and according to the Prosecution and parents. But let's look more closely at the bag's content. Empty wrappers from cookies, an empty can of Pringles ships, something looking like an empty bag of taco chips of the brand Picaronas, an empty plastic bottle of pineapple (papaya?) flavoured yogurt drink. And more empty plastic (fast)food wrappers. We also saw the loose sole of a left shoe, laying nearby out on the leaves. It is placed there upside down, but once the volunteer picks it up, you can see that the sole has a red/pink colour (fuchsia). It is clearly worn and to me seems to belong to a rather large shoe. I'm no expert, but I have shoe size 39 myself, and this sole seems slightly bigger. Considering Lisanne's length, a good 10 centimetres taller than me, I'd say this may be a size 40. And what's more; the found Wildebeast shoe of Lisanne had a similar fuchsia coloured inner lining. There seems also to be a small hole in the sole, perhaps a puncture mark of sorts? Could she have stood on a nail that punctured her shoe and her foot, injuring her perhaps? Who will say.. Unfortunately I don't speak Spanish so I can't hear if the volunteer has more findings he tells about. But from Jeremy I got the impression that no great secrets are told in the video.
Also Lisanne's walking shoes have a very specific colour of lining, matching the colour of this sole. Her shoes were only available at the time in a Dutch store called Perry Sport, and is of a brand called Wildebeast. Panamá América also reported on this here. Below you can see what it looked like new and when the shoe was found in Panama eventually. As usual there was a lot of fog and unnecessary doubt strewn around in this disappearance case, because how simple should it have been for investigators to immediately confirm if the sole was from Lisanne or not. DNA testing should have solved that quickly, and if that wasn't possible for whatever reason, then investigators should still have been able to link the sole through fibre testing to the found left shoe from Lisanne in June 2014. A new Wildebeast shoe could have shed light on the type of sole in this shoe. Or Dutch sniffer dogs could have probably verified if the sole belonged to Lisanne. But nothing was further published or released on this matter and for all we know it was never even investigated by Pitti. Just like scientists have declared openly how they wanted to test the blue shoe that was found, linking it to Kris or not, and Betzaida never gave the order for the testing or to send the shoe to the lab. And thus, the shoe wasn't tested. And why were those two blue shoes that were found splashed all over the media, but this fuchsia coloured sole which may very well be the lining of Lisanne's shoe not? It took years for someone to find that obscure video again. But this upload from Elvis is real, and the date he posted it, without any signs of editing, shows also that his upload is real.

Could this plastic bag perhaps have been theirs? It could be a coincidence of course, and I am not sold on this tbh, but things seemingly fitting are the bigger sized pink sole of the shoe, the Pringles chips and the yogurt fruit drink. Of course, we needed simple and effective DNA investigation of this bag and its content. Did Kris or Lisanne drink and eat from these food items, yes or no? Unfortunately, as usual in this case, we haven't seen the test results. And how about the content of the bag; was there a receipt perhaps? Matching in time with the moment Kris and Lisanne were seen on CCTV images (later overwritten unfortunately)? I mean, it not only seems odd that they went out hiking without food in their bag, but it also seems odd to go for just an afternoon hike with so much food in their bag. All that fast food... did they really buy all that at Romero that morning to bring it along? Surely the shop had CCTV footage which could have helped us confirm that? But that footage was overwritten before police could investigate it. What is interesting however, is that this video of the volunteer showing the content of the found plastic bag has long been considered gone. People couldn't find the video anywhere and the media didn't show it either when they reported on this plastic bag finding. They reported on the finding, but they had no images or clue really as to what was found or where. Was this video simply ignored from the start because no genetic link between the girls and the bag was ever presented? Someone from the Dutch prosecutor's office has stated in writing to Juan that Panama was leading in this case and the Dutch let Panama decide. Only when Panama asked them specifically to look into the memory card of the camera and of the phones, did the Dutch step up and investigate something.
I understand that this find and video will make a lot of people believe even more firmly in a Lost scenario, where Kris and Lisanne dropped their food wrappers in true Hansel and Gretel style, but to me personally it changes nothing about my crime suspicions. I also suspect that if this bag with food wrappers and the hair were in fact from Kris and Lisanne, the bag and food wrappers would have been pictured by them in at least one of their photos. Especially if the girls left the plastic bag on purpose, to mark where they had been. If they had the time and the opportunity for this, then why not make a photo of the bag before leaving it behind? 'See, we left the bag here. This is what we encounter along the way of this stressful period in time.' And if their DNA was in fact on these items then I still suspect that a third party had taken their freedom away, and planted this bag in the same fashion in which they later planted the backpack. Drawing rescue groups to one side of the region, when they probably had to look in fact in another part. But this is of course well-motivated speculation. Nevertheless it is the same pattern again and again; throw out as many contradicting statements and pieces of evidence as possible, so that not even the truth among it is recognized and trusted in the end. So here one person says "it was a red hair!" and another says that no in fact it was a blonde hair. Another talks about multiple hairs while a 4th insists that no hairs at all were found. Sigh..
I attach a great photo from Mutinyonthekitkat, who proves that the mirror in the SOS photo is truly the underside of a Pringles tube. (Meaning that Kris and Lisanne would not only have carried all that fast food, which wrappers were found in the plastic bag, but also at least TWO tubes of Pringles crisps, because one tube was found in the plastic bag and it still was in one piece, so they would have needed to have brought at least one more tube to make this mirror out of).

Could this found bag mean anything? Perhaps. Although perhaps this bag was not left by Kris and Lisanne but by someone else entirely. Maybe strangers who had nothing to do with them, or perhaps the girls had already ran into other people, who provided them with this food and these drinks, but kept them under control and prevented them from returning to their host family. Perhaps Kris and Lisanne truly secretly left the bag and sole behind as a sign that they were there, or maybe a 3rd party planted this bag themselves, just like they did 2 months later with the backpack. If this location of La Pandura is correct, then the bag was found near the hamlet of Alto Quiet where 8 people live and which has one coffee farm. The bag was found rather close to this coffee farm. Another problem with this new location is that it is very hard to imagine that Kris and Lisanne walked there, lost supposedly, passing inhabited hamlets and villages as well as trails, in a week where it was very nice weather in the Boquete region, and that they did not run into a single human being who could help them... Despite the word being out that they were missing, posters placated everywhere and rescue teams looking for them. Despite them having a bounty reward on their head and being searched by Sinaproc, helicopters, dogs, their families and mostly everyone else living there. And it gets even more strange because we have to also believe that while this bag was found south-east of the Pianista Trail, close to the town of Boquete, that going by the location of their few found bones, they would have also walked BACK to the Pianista Trail again, and walk beyond the Mirador all over again, to end up 15 walking hours up north near the village of Alto Romero. Anyway, I wanted to update here on this new finding from Juan.
Regarding coffee farms: A Panamanian clairvoyant (psychic), Marcia Smith Del Rio (45) claimed on April 15th of 2014 to a Dutch newspaper that she saw Kris and Lisanne in a dream. She saw them at a coffee plantation near Boquete and not far from the Pianista Trail. The first dream dated from April 7th, 2014: "I saw a girl with light-colored hair that was grabbed by a man in a forest setting. He was wearing jeans and work shoes. His hand had the color of a latino. The girl screamed and was dragged roughly by her hair behind a house or cabin. So rough that she was bleeding. I saw dark, chocolate-colored earth moving and I felt a stabbing pain in my stomach. This pain was so intense that I woke up crying." The Panamanian woman claimed she had a second dream on April 14th, 2014. In it she saw a mountainside and plants that she thought looked like coffee bushes. "I saw one of the girls through her own eyes. They looked up at the sky. She lay on her back among the bushes and was very calm. I think she's dead", said the clairvoyant who got overwhelmed by emotions at this point. Marcia had useful tips in the past for the police that led them to find her lost sister and a murdered local Indigenous person. In order to find the coffee plantation she saw in her dream, Marcia went to a coffee plantation on a mountainside near the Pianista trail with a private investigator. This happened a week before she spoke to the Dutch newspaper, so in the week of April 8th. They also searched a few houses and huts but found no traces of the girls. "I didn't get a special feeling there either. I hope to get that at the plantations." - Perhaps Marcia saw the coffee plantation of guide F. in Alto Quiel, close to the finding spot of the plastic bag with food wrappers, in her dream? - You can read the whole article further down this blog post.

Closeby screams were heard.. This place of La Pandura can be linked to a blog of two French speaking tourists and bloggers who walked the same trail on April 6th, so 5 days after the girls went missing, and they declared that a local told them not to get into the tropical forest as he had heard someone scream the day before; screams coming from the jungle. This is their blog. Important passages translated from French: "The problem at the moment is that two 23-year-old Dutch girls have been "lost" for the past four days, and they put this argument forward to discourage us from hiking without a guide. The hike begins with a track that goes down. We cross the Rio Caldera and then we enter a path that sinks into the beautiful rainforest. The path is flat at first and then climbs up to another guard post, which we reach after 3h30 of walking and more than 1200m of elevation. It is then possible to go down on the other side, towards the village of Cerro Punto and to take buses to return, but it takes 3h of transport. At the guardhouse, we meet a guy who, the day before, heard frightened screams from two girls, then a loud crash, and then saw three guys on the trail. This explains the presence today of many cops and rescuers on the trail in search of the girls. After the picnic we go down the same path, a little troubled by this story and the possibility that the two Dutch had a bad meeting in the area. In fact, it is almost impossible to get lost on these well marked trails, and it seems even less possible to stay lost here for the duration of 4 days ... This hike, which is announced as one of the most beautiful in Panama, did not really dazzle us. We left very early to try to observe the wildlife but we did not see much, only some birds and cows, sheep, cats, dogs and hens not really shy and not really wild .. Although others stated to have walked the Pianista Trail in the night (!) of 1 to 2 April 2014, and they heard or saw nothing unusual."
Juan noticed that this place where the screams were heard may link to the location where this plastic bag was found, as it isn't very far away and on the same route. Not all that far from the Pianista Trail either, leading toward the Lost waterfalls in direction, as well as the volcano; Sendero Quetzales, Sendero Piedra de Lino, Volcan Baru... Cerro Horqueta is a more mountainous top and apparently where you end up if you go left on the Y-crossing at the Pianista Trail. It's not that far from the Lost Waterfalls. - The source of this claim may be the following: in the early days of the police investigations into the disappearance of Kris and Lisanne, there was also a statement made by a German tourist, Marcus M., who claimed to a local forest ranger at a control station that he witnessed that Kris and Lisanne had been beaten and thrown down a ravine. This may coincide more or less with the information the two French tourists were given. Marcus had arrived in Boquete on April 4th and this event had taken place on April 5th he claimed, at Cerro Punta at the Quetzal Trail. He was the one who claimed to have heard a female voice screaming for help, followed by a loud bang. He then claimed to have witnessed two men crouching and hiding in the bushes, after which he ran away in fear. Senafront did visit the spot in the evening and searched for the women, but they found nothing (aside from the German tourists own plastic water bottle). At the end of the day I personally do not believe that the plastic bag with food wrappers was left behind by Kris and Lisanne. I don't believe that they were out on this trail and not even the fuchsia sole of the shoe may belong to Lisanne. The media largely ignored this find probably because there was nothing to it. But why have we not seen the test results of these items?

Update: Pitti and the Dutch author duo claim in 2021 that the plastic bag was only lost for a short amount of time and was later found to be stored somewhere at the Sinaproc office. Forensic investigation of some drink packages in the bag resulted in no detection of DNA traces to work with. The rest of the plastic bag wasn't tested. The pink shoe sole was attributed to a shoe from another brand. As a result the fuchsia shoe sole was never further forensically investigated either. German author duo Hardinghaus and Nenner later wrote in 2024 that Pitti and West/Snoeren were deceitful in their book. That they purposely left out any information about the blonde hair that was found on the fuchsia shoe sole, and which were never further investigated and which WERE in fact lost by authorities. But Pitti and her biographers left that info out of their book. Just like they underreported the lack of forensic testing of the fuchsia shoe sole, as well as the angry note from Lisis C. that what he had to work with here was "unsuitable as evidence and easily spoiled". In the investigation report, the expert involved wrote an angry note, stating that the chain of evidence had not been recorded correctly and that the expert had no idea who else had had this bag in their hands already.

This all reminds me of the strange encounter a German tourist had near this Cerro Punto point, and which he reported to a ranger and the police. His story ended up in the case files and was confirmed by Pittí. (But nothing came from it). Two French tourists (Boris and Edith - French) walked the same trail on April 6th, and they declared that a local told them not to get into the woods as he had heard someone scream the day before (so on April 5th); screams coming from the jungle. None of these people have been questioned however by authorities. This is their blog. Important passages translated from French: Quote: "The day after our arrival [in Boquete] we explore the place. We are desperately searching for an information office which does not exist, at least not in the center. We grab information in the tourist agencies, who each time recommend us a guide, but we know very well that the hikes in the area are quite feasible alone. The problem at the moment is that two 23-year-old Dutch girls have been "lost" for the past four days, and they put this argument forward to discourage us from hiking without a guide. On April 6 we leave early by taxi to do the Quetzal trail [which is west of the Pianista Trail, Scarlet]. The hike begins with a track that goes down. We cross the Rio Caldera and then we enter a path that sinks into the beautiful rainforest. The path is flat at first and then climbs up to another guard post, which we reach after 3h30 of walking and more than 1200m of elevation. It is then possible to go down on the other side, towards the village of Cerro Punto and to take buses to return, but it takes 3h of transport. At the guardhouse, we meet a guy who, the day before, heard frightened screams from two girls, then a loud crash, and then saw three guys on the trail. This explains the presence today of many cops and rescuers on the trail in search of the girls. After the picnic we go down the same path, a little troubled by this story and the possibility that the two Dutch had a bad meeting in the area. In fact, it is almost impossible to get lost on these well marked trails, and it seems even less possible to stay lost here for the duration of 4 days ... This hike, which is announced as one of the most beautiful in Panama, did not really dazzle us. We left very early to try to observe the wildlife but we did not see much, only some birds and cows, sheep, cats, dogs and hens not really shy and not really wild .. Although others stated to have walked the Pianista Trail in the night (!) of 1 to 2 April 2014, and they heard or saw nothing unusual."
But I like to also try to make a case now for a theory where Kris and Lisanne returned from the Pianista trail and voluntarily went for a swim on Tuesday afternoon instead. The girls were said to have been seen at the trailhead again around 16:00 PM by multiple witnesses. Of course, none of these many witnesses correctly described the clothes they wore that day, making you wonder if their sightings were correct at all. But Kris and Lisanne were also reported to have been seen by witnesses with two young men in the days prior; once in what appears to have been Nelson restaurant in Boquete and another time outside in the street. For what it is worth, because not all witnesses could have been correct with their wildly varying testimonies, and some people believe they were all wrong. But we simply cannot be sure of that, and may throw out correct witness statement also with that all or nothing approach. Is it possible that Kris and Lisanne returned after taking photo 508. They may have met some people during the Pianista hike and then felt hot and sweaty from the hike on this warm day. Maybe they were invited to come for a swim. Or did Kris and Lisanne make it to the summit with help along the way from locals, who gently pushed them to walk the trail beyond the Mirador, promising a waterfall perhaps further down the road? Then reaching the swimming location through another trail? Just a theory.. But the girls were perhaps invited afterward for a refreshing swim. Or maybe they had heard about this local swimming spot and went there on their own initiative. And met the wrong people there, which wat the catalyst for their disappearance (in this theory).
They were reported to have been seen by several people at the start of the trail again around 15:00 - 16:00 pm, asking for a way to get back to Boquete. For instance on this local Boquete message board, it was reported that on April 7th, 2014, Lee Zeltzer had a word with one of the volunteers searching for the two missing Dutch women in Boquete. "Phil [..] said the owner of Il Pianista, Giovanni, had spoken to the women on April 1 and told them where to catch a bus back to Boquete. This along with other rumors drove me to drive to Il Pianista. (Il Pianista at the road to the trail). Giovanni was not at the restaurant but his wife Doris was. This is what she said: Giovanni saw the women on 1 April near Don Pedro hitching toward Il Pianista. An employee at Il Pianista saw them start-up the trail between 15:00 and 15:30 PM. They may simply have hung around the trailhead then, waiting for a taxi. A bus or taxi was recommended to Kris and Lisanne after all; they asked about it again at a small cigarette store nearby; the shop owner also suggested a taxi to them. Maybe these witnesses were right and the girls were indeed at the start of the Pianista trail after actually returning from their hike. Neither of the girls spoke much Spanish. This would mean that the new timeline is the correct one: Kris and Lisanne were on the summit at 13:00 PM and at the location of photo #508 at 14:00 PM. It is a downhill walk to get back to Boquete and 1,5 hours is enough for this. Other people who have walked this trail managed to get back down from the summit in approximately one hour and they often walked it under worse conditions. Then from there on, they were reported to have been seen with a taxi driver again, back at the trailhead. So they didn't walk to the Caldera hot-spot, no they were driven there. Either by the local youth they were seen swimming with in that photo, by a local in that witnessed and documented red truck perhaps, or by taxi. It is no more than a 30 minute drive by car, making it possible for them to arrive at the swimming spot around 16:30. This time matches with the low, and some would say almost golden sunlight that can be seen in the swimming photo. Light from the late afternoon, if you ask me; lower and softer. Consequence of this would be that the data regarding their phones never having made contact with any cell tower again after the early afternoon of April 1st may be... sketchy. Or false. Or conveniently incomplete. Or they both had powered their phones off or set them to flight mode during their descent from the Pianista and during their swimming activities, maybe they realized that their phones had little battery life left. (Even though the phone logs as we know about them, do not seem to indicate this and show a phone powering off by 17:52 PM (and not sooner)...

Local: "Those people have to search over there."
Manuel Burac, supervisor forest Boquete: "My mind says that they are not here. But in my heart I still have hope. Maybe there is still a small possibility."
Presenter: "Manuel Burac is sent into the forest every day by the municipality to look for traces of Kris and Lisanne. He searches with all his heart, but at the same time he knows that what he does is pointless."
Manuel Burac: "I think that some people with bad intentions have maybe taken the girls, you know. I don't think that they are still in these mountains."
Presenter: "Not only the team of Manuel is searching for the Dutch girls. Rich foreigners are also helping along."
Caesar Sherrard, president Alto Al Crimen: "When I first got here there was almost no crime that I knew of. And little by little we started witnessing some burglaries."
Presenter: "Caesar Sherrard is the founder of Alto Al Crimen. An organization that investigates crime in the region of Boquete. The main reason for this: he believes that the local police does not have the capacity to do so."
Caesar Sherrard: "Well they need all the help they can get. Let's put it that way.. The finances are limited, the number of vehicles they have are limited. Sometimes a vehicle doesn't start. There is usually only one vehicle in Boquete. And it is a town of 20.000 people. Sometimes you don't have a battery to start the car, or the car won't start, or you need gasoline..."

Erik Westra: "Well I also thought that Boquete is a pretty idyllic village, in a beautiful valley. But when you truly have a look behind the scenes there, you find out that there's a lot of trouble going on. The cocaine, which is freely available there. And the organized crime, which has settled there."
Presenter: "Westra says that the Pianista Trail, which Kris and Lisanne hiked and where they were last seen, is not as safe as people usually think. This year there were even armed robberies on the trail. For decades, maybe for centuries, there has been a connection between Bocas [del Toro] and Boquete. So it is not just a tourist spot where you can enjoy the views. But people walk back and forth between both places. That will take you a few days, but people have the time here."
Presenter: "So it could be a route where drugs are smuggled?"
Erik Westra: "Yes... Yes, I say yes because although I never knew it before, I found this out now that I have been involved with this disappearance case and have spoken to many people. And I hear this more often from others."
Manuel Burac: "This is not a crime ridden town. My family lives here. There are some cases of robbery. But no serious crime. No rapes. I think it is for 80% a healthy town. In this case we don't have any trace. No sign that the girls are still here."
Presenter: "The fate of the Dutch girls touches everyone here. But despite the $30.000 reward, mouths remain closed. And that has a reason in this country."
Caesar Sherrard: "Because they are afraid of retribution. So it is hard to get information out of people. Because everybody in a little town like this knows somebody. So if you give up information on somebody, they might come back at you. And.. it could get ugly. So people are very slow to give up information. They are very afraid."

One of the most controversial cases in which Steffens became involved is the disappearance of Dutch medical student Sophia Koetsier. In August of 2015 she had left for Uganda for her graduation internship. Three months later, on October 22, she disappeared when she went to the toilet during a road trip. To this day, nobody knows what happened to her. One of the few things found were black underpants hanging in a tree at four metres height. For a while there have been wild speculation in the media about the case. Koetsier sometimes had manic episodes due to bipolar disorder. How her trousers ended up so high in a tree, or why there were no mud traces on her shoe, remains a mystery. After a while the case disappeared from the media and eventually the police had to close the case without knowing what happened. The Koetsier family continues to look for answers. "If I read what has been done during the search for Sophia and if I watch videos of how the police worked, I cannot say that there has been hard work put into that search," he says. Steffens relies on a film clip made of the place where Koetsier disappeared, and a police file that lacks crucial information. A hiking shoe can be seen in the video. There is no mud on it, not even on the sole. A little further lies the inner sole of the shoe, which is brand new. According to Steffens, it seems that the shoe has not been used at all, but that it instead has been planted there later. "Then you see her underpants hanging four metres high in a tree." Steffens acknowledges Koetsier had episodes of mania in the past, “but I cannot imagine that in such a state of mind you will tear off all your clothes, crawl into a tree completely naked, and that then not a single trace of DNA can be found there. The scene was just too clean. It's no good, something is not right there", says Steffens. He also finds the conclusion that she was eaten by a crocodile absurd. "I have never heard of a crocodile eating someone without leaving a splash of blood, then bringing a shoe back and hanging underpants on top of a tree," he says. - You can read more about the disappearance of Sophia Koetsier in this blog post of mine.
According to Steffens, it is an advantage that he himself has a police background because it is easier for him to steer the local police. “In the case of Koetsier for example, it is always possible to even start a completely new case. Then you could also speak to the policemen who were working on the case three years ago." Mixing yourself into crime cases in corrupt countries is not without danger. For example, crime journalist Alberto Arce describes in his book the dangerous situations that you end up in when you, as an outsider, enter a world of corrupt agents and violence. "You have to be careful, yes," says Steffens. “I have never been in immediate danger, but you are aware of it. You should never go out investigating all on your own and always make a planning for the day and leave it somewhere, preferably on the internet, in case you yourself disappear from the radar." "On top of that, Steffens believes that it is important that you stay on friendly terms with the authorities. “If necessary, you pay them a little. You first give them a small amount of money, and then you tell them that you pay the rest if you have received the correct information. It is extremely dangerous to go out and about with a large sum of money." When I ask Steffens why he is still busy after a long career as a detective - he has been retired for some time - he says it is simple. “I just like doing it. I have to, because I can't let go. As a family of a missing person, you are at the mercy of the gods."

But on April 2nd, Lisanne's Samsung phone manages, according to some sources, to make connection with 112 for 1 to 2 seconds. [Although this is not stated in the official police files, so it may be simply an error from the journalists involved; they did have the other phone log data correct however]. Then the connection is broken off again and the phone is powered off soon after. And Kris' iPhone is then also not powered on right away, to try to make a new connection. So, if true and going by the theory here that Kris and Lisanne were out alone in the tropical highland forest, lost, then in order to get a weak signal, this must mean based on this map that between April 1st and the early afternoon of April 2nd, they must have travelled to a higher elevation, closer to the top of the mountain ridge, either toward the south or east (most likely south), as that's the only way they could have gotten a signal, going by this map.. Because north of the Mirador, all the way to Bocas del Toro, there is only white region of no cell phone reception. But this creates a puzzle: if after backtracking back up the mountain and starting to get a weak signal, how and why did they eventually end up back down the mountain on the same (wrong) side? It's not a matter of getting lost again, because they were already going the right way, and getting the phone signal must have confirmed that to them too. Of course, this isn't 100% proof. But it suggests a scenario which I think should be considered. If they did come back eventually within the purple region, what happened? Have to add that Panamanian officials have not done much to reliably read out the data from these cell towers. There seems to have been little interest in all this. Overall, none of the official investigators could locate the phones pinging in a specific place on any day of their disappearance. And the Dutch may not have pressed hard for this sort of local data either.

Gaetan wrote me and stated that if a cell phone connects to the network for 2 seconds, theoretically, then the operator automatically knows many things. Because when a mobile phone connects to a network, many data are checked:. First, once the pin code is entered, the phone connects to the nearest cell tower. Your phone number is verified by the servers to know which operator you can get access to, then your subscription plan (or prepaid plan) is checked and once deemed valid, you can access the network. All this takes a few seconds. Then you see the network operator’s name on your cell phone. Considering that on April 2nd, Lisanne's Samsung phone was claimed to have had a few seconds of connection, this would mean that the phone was actually connected to a specific cell tower. Meaning that Panamese cell operators should be able to know which cell tower was used when this specific 112 dial was made. Of course, a cell tower doesn’t give you a precise localization like GPS. The accuracy depends on whether or not you are in an urban area (more towers, more accuracy) or in the countryside (less towers, larger radius). In the case of Kris & Lisanne, it would have helped to know if the calls were made from a city or a forest. It would also be good for us to know if a tower near the Pianista Trail pinged, or one near... let's say the Caldera swimming area. However, Panama supposedly found no info on this. Even though cellular tower companies should keep records or logs of established connections. As far as the public and the media are aware, Betzaida Pitti and her team failed to get this information. The Dutch investigators as a result had nothing to work with. - Gaetan also confirmed that if somebody needed to access the iPhone, a code and pin code were required. At that time, to charge or to connect the iPhone to a computer, you needed its non-standard 30-pin connector to usb-a cable Kris certainly left in her room. Another thing which Gaetan told me, is that in 2014, the iPhone4 (which Kris had) used iOS 7. Even now, people usually leave the tracking location services on by default. It means the iPhone regularly pinpoints your location using either cell or gps. There was even an app showing on a map where you’ve been to. It could be interesting to know where the 112 calls have been made. Hopefully Dutch forensics knew about this hidden tracking device and checked it and did their job. - You can read a lot more information and research into the phone logs and the phone's connectivity in my part 4 blog post.

The useless Dutch

First they make a clear profile of the suspect (called 'daderprofiel' here: offender profile). You create a suspect profile based on the facts as you found them on the crime scene. For instance: was the perpetrator most likely an acquaintance of the victim or not? What could have motivated him/her? Did the perpetrator have a sexual, financial or other motive? What did witnesses describe? Was the perpetrator most likely from the same area or not? Did the perpetrator show self control or impulsiveness or rage, for instance? Did he/she leave any traces or revisit the scene of the crime?

Then they sift through all the newly made possible scenarios, to determine which of those are 'possible' and they then order them from most likely to least likely (For instance; the scenario where a young woman is murdered by a spurned lover). The third step is then to investigate whether the most likely scenario could have in fact occurred in reality. Based on this last step it is also possible to determine if there is a suspect, yes or no. If so, you investigate if you can prove that this suspect committed the crime, for instance with the help of DNA if possible. If so the suspect can be detained; if not, or if there is no suspect within this scenario, you move on to the next most likely scenario. And you start this process again. But before you skip to the next scenario, you first check if there are more possible suspect candidates within your initial Scenario. Only after all the possible suspect candidates within this scenario have dropped out, you can start with the next most likely scenario (for instance: the young woman in question also had work clients who she fell out with and who felt threatened by her work-related investigative powers). If there are no clients who could have matched with the perpetrators, you move on to the 3rd most likely scenario.
Only in cases where there is no clear indication in what direction you have to search and investigate, is the (time-consuming) Different Scenario principle handy. Timmerman also writes that he can tell from experience as a former cop, that police and Justice Department investigators have made a habit these days of stating that they "are investigating all possibilities and / or that all scenarios are being taken into account". They do so to avoid being accused of suffering from tunnel vision. This gives the impression that these officers also work with the Different Scenario's concept. But Timmerman writes that this is not always the case however. For each case, you first have to analyze the facts and then decide on that basis whether or not you focus on one scenario or whether you have to take several scenarios into account. So not all cases are the same and require his multi facet approach. Only in cases where there is no clear indication in what direction you have to search and investigate, is the (time-consuming) Different Scenario principle handy.

He also describes the north side of the Mirador summit as steep, matching what Dutch news have reported. He determined that: "the steepest slope to the North, falling away toward the Atlantic, should be searched first and I was about to implement the decision, when an Indigenous bloke appeared on the path coming up from the Atlantic side carrying a sack. I was able to talk with him for a bit and turned the subject to the lost women, he also appeared really puzzled not understanding how you could get into trouble here, and in good weather. Asking about cats we talked for a while, the puma he said does not bother anyone and are a common sight sometimes crossing the tracks whilst they are walking along. On the other hand the jaguar was a more of a problem and that they been known to have taken people, he pointed down to the North, and explained that you would not be likely to encounter one up here as they don’t like the cold, but lower down they were not uncommon." So aside from the jaguar story, he runs into someone up there... Which means it is not far-fetched to assume that it was possible for Kris and Lisanne also to run into someone up there, considering they hiked at an extraordinary nice day also with warm temperatures, sun and dry walking circumstances. This explorer then goes down the Mirador, on the north side (so not the side facing Boquete but the other side facing the jungle, where Kris and Lisanne are assumed to have gone missing). Unlike the parents from Kris in their reconstruction video, this man then goes 'off piste', not taking the main path going down but another more wild route. "So I descended the path a little bit on the northern slope and chose the easiest place to plunge into the thick jungle to make a long traverse along the front of the mountain and down to a small stream .. There was absolutely no sign of anyone having pushed through the bush, no broken branches or telltale skid marks where someone would have slipped, as is normal on steep difficult terrain." In other words: two weeks after Kris and Lisanne's disappearance, there were no traces to be seen of anyone skidding down this off-beaten north side of the mountain. But he then more or less proves that there are other ways to get to the first quebrada/small stream (the stream which Kris crossed in photos 507 and 508): "After a long traverse I descended into the small creek, which is literally part of the headwaters of the Culebra River, then descending downwards following the stream through really thick overgrowth. Nothing, no sign of anything." Perhaps his route coincides with the routes which Jeremy S. sent me and another map with some Russian websleuths have thought out:
This male explorer then decides to climb back to the main trail; the one followed by Kris' parents also. "Finally after descending quite some way it just seemed obvious that no one had come this way, so I started making my way now back up to the descending ridge of the Pianista path." He then walks back to the Mirador (summit of the Pianista Trail) and here he has a weak telephone signal: "I encountered the path and climbed back up to the lookout, sat down and rested a bit, I was able to use the cell phone I had with me Here to check in, but only at the very top of the ridge and the signal was weak." Then he runs into another person again: a local guide shows up on the Mirador and tells him that he finds it very strange that the two girls just vanished into thin air: "At around this time another person showed up, he turned out to be a guide from Boquete whom seemed quite surprised to see me, we talked at length. He had been searching for the two women for some time, we talked of the terrain, he felt as I did that it was unlikely that they could have remained lost for very long and on the whole it was also unlikely that they would have had an accident up here, which would have proved fatal. It was really a puzzle." So the guide was of the opinion that you cannot easily just perish by an accident in that area. The explorer then does another sweep of the mountainside, this time a little higher up, thinking that if an animal had dragged them off then maybe there was some belongings to be found, but again he came up with nothing. Although this time there are signs of others before him, which he takes to be also searching for the girls. By then it is the late afternoon and after already one night spent up that mountain, he has to abandon his search and go back to work. That is how he leaves things for quite a while; in the upcoming months the parents of the missing women come to Panama, official rescue parties and the local Boquete expat community try to find the girls in a coordinated manner. Nothing is found and this male explorer then believes that if they had been lost in the wilderness, it was already too late and it was a case of looking for bodies, so there was no reasons for carrying on.

But then he decides to go out there a second time. He brings a friend this time, Samuel. Again this explorer goes off-piste around the Mirador, exploring the wilderness there at several different altitudes. "It had been raining on and off steadily on the Atlantic slopes now, the weather was no longer stable, but on the day we went up it was actually quite dry." They drive up the first part of the Pianista Hike in a Chevy four wheel drive, until they can go no further at the end of the cattle pasture (the place where Kris and Lisanne took pictures of each other, carrying the backpack, against the backdrop of flat green surroundings and wooden poles). "We spent a fruitless day searching around the lookout in long swathes through incredibly dense foliage and thickets, many times we were crawling on all fours to get along, or clambering on top of dense vines and twisted trunks of trees fifteen feet or more off the ground. At one point I slipped and rolled very literally down a steep incline, the ground being so soft no harm comes of it." [..] "We had a good day and covered a lot of territory, a complete circumnavigation of the mirador had been made at varying altitudes. There were now a lot of signs of others who had searched before us, we tried as much as possible to pick new lines, and every so often we would see tell tales of cut saplings or the bush pushed aside. The results were dismal, at this point we were looking for shoes, clothes or anything which might give us an idea of what had occurred, And so around five in the afternoon we gave it up and slogged back to the truck covered in mud and mulch." They come to the conclusion that there seemed little point in continuing, and are sure that it was most likely that no further evidence would be uncovered of the two Dutch girls.
The first finding takes place: the girls' backpack and some remains are found many kilometres up north. "This was found in the Rio Culebra and a little further upriver a shoe was discovered with the remains of a human foot." Still this explorer believes there is no foul play involved and that Kris and Lisanne simply got lost and perished. "The remains were discovered many Kilometres down the Culebra River, no one had any idea how they got there, again the spectra of foul play was brought up. To me it was now confirmed that this was no criminal case, the cell phones, money and anything else of value would have been taken for sure had these young women been abducted or attacked, just the nature of the beast". He still believes at this point that the girls reached the Mirador late in the day. Then more remains and objects were discovered, a piece of pelvic bone belonging to Kris, the foot was DNA tested and belonged to Lisanne, A pair of shorts belonging to Kris were discovered much further up the river.
There he left it and thought no more of the subject. But again much later still, something really strange occurred. "There is a place in Chiriqui called the Cangilones de Gualaca, where a lot of local people and tourists go to swim in the river, it is unusual in that the rock formation is a long canyon of vertical rock rising some twenty feet from the water, it is very narrow and the depth of the river is some thirty feet at the deepest. It’s a great place to practice climbing, the bouldering moves are really difficult and when you fall, it’s directly into deep water, no equipment needed and a soft landing. The shallower spots are used by locals to swim and to wade, and it's very popular during the dry season, people bring food and make a day of it. So it was a great surprise when it was reported in the paper that on the third of march of 2015 the body of Leonardo Arturo Gonzalez was found floating in the water. It was he whom had given the two girls the taxi ride to the start of the trail on that fateful First of April the year before. The report simply stated that he had given a lift to three tourists to the Cangilones and whilst they were enjoying the location, he had been found floating dead. I had the opportunity to ask some locals about what occurred and they said he had dived in and hit a ledge, there being no one looking he had simply drowned. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but the whole thing felt like a visit from a very dark place not of our world; as I said no one whom got into that taxi survived [Correction; the two other passengers in that taxi did survive to the best of knowledge; but Kris, Lisanne and this taxi driver did all die within a short time span). "Then in early 2016 whilst surfing the internet the dutch girls came up in an unrelated google search, the photos from the cell phones and their camera had at some point been published, they had originally been suppressed out of respect for the family, which was understandable. It was a really strange and unsettling feeling to see them so alive and happy in the first group of photos from their cell phones where they are seen walking the path, at a brook, marveling at the deep overhead banks of the Sendero, smiling, alive, when you know their very soon to unravel fate. The last group of photos taken were just plain spooky, not much else to say to be honest. On their camera there were ninety photos taken on the 8th of April exactly one week after their disappearance, of which the report states eighty-seven were blank, and the last three were really strange, taken at night, two were of rocks and trees and one is of a small branch with some red plastic from what looks like supermarket bags tied to it, this seems fairly obviously a signal device. The ninety photos were reportedly taken between 1am and 4am only three of which were good, one every two minutes or so.
Something stood out clearly though, and for me changed everything, it was the photos taken on their cell phone on April the first at El Mirador, the sun was shining high in the sky there was little cloud, it was remarkably clear, and there it was! The photos were analysed by experts, it was not five thirty or six in the evening, it was 1pm in the afternoon or thereabouts, these young women had left in the morning NOT at three thirty in the afternoon, it changed everything. I know the reported time of their start up the path fixed in stone our search area at the top of the ridge El Mirador, I am sure it influenced others. At one in the afternoon there was time to carry on with the adventure, squeeze a little more from the day, they were young and therefore not tired, so instead of turning around they might well have kept going on the path towards Changuinola heading to the North. Thirty minutes or so would have got them to the first quebrada or creek, There is a second quebrada another ten minutes along the path, both of these creeks join a little further down and they make up the headwaters of the Rio Culebra. So if the Girls arrive say 2pm it’s the height of the hottest part of the day on a sunny mountain, if you have ever experienced this you will know with the sun beating down it can get pretty warm. So there is a cool stream, well, human nature is to go for a swim. Maybe you would want a little privacy for this, so follow the river up, or down to look for a pool. From the second creek onward to the north, there are no real features until you reach a major branch of the Rio Culebra, but this is two or hours or more further on and through dense jungle. So it makes sense that this would be the point where they decided they had gone far enough, after all they did not have anything more than the items aforementioned, certainly nothing to spend the night out in the cold. There has to be a point where they would decide they had gone far enough and it would be closely related to the time. From either the first or second creek it would take more than two hours solid going to be able to get to the sealed Boquete Road again." Their cell phones register a call placed to the dutch emergency number of 112 at 16:39 that day and another at twelve minutes later using alternately both their cell phones. A total of eight emergency calls were made the last being on the 3rd of April. This information was also released some time after the initial searches. "So clearly they were in trouble at 16:40 in the afternoon, given delays and messing around it seems unlikely that they would have gone much further than the first or second creek which are slightly to the north of El mirador. So if indeed this is where they got to, what occurred there that ultimately proved fatal?"
He believes that the girls got lost and died from the elements. He then goes on to list all the natural dangers in this part of the wilderness: "For the most part the rivers of the Panamanian are open and often quite wide, very rocky and the water tumbles down them amongst boulders, but sections of rivers where the gradient is steep enter Formidable canyons. These features require specialized equipment to safely negotiate and a lot of experience, they have many natural traps for the unwary. They are three dimensional zones which are hard to comprehend unless you have had previous experience, and they are not necessarily easy places to safely get through. They also tend to come up quite suddenly, one minute its easy boulder hopping and the next you are confronted with perpendicular walls and high waterfalls. It is easy to descend into a section and not be able to exit it. You can enter a deep pool to swim and not be able to get out due to the very polished nature of the rocks and rock walls. The upper sections of waterfalls bear a slimy coating at times, which is the equivalent of black ice. Flash flooding can raise water levels in seconds. Boulders can shift trapping a person. The extremely uneven nature of the terrain can unbalance you, and falls can easily occur. I treat such places with extreme caution always. Could they have got themselves into such a zone and become trapped? Had they perished and their bodies not been found, then it is perfectly possible that they would have remained there until the rains started. Any place in a river narrow enough to hide two people from a low flying helicopter would very quickly fill with water in the intense rains of the wet season. The width of the river has little to do with this phenomenon, a narrow creek can be way more powerful than a wider river, especially if it has been squeezed down, It has far more to do with water volume and gradient mixed with the width of the hydraulic. Nothing is spared, whole trees are washed miles downstream, on many occasions I have had a steep rapid completely transform on me due to heavy rains which have moved boulders of many tons, making kayak lines I knew obsolete (the path which you aim to use to negotiate a rapid). So it was no leap of imagination to think their bodies and belongings would be swept many kilometres downstream in similar floods. Such is the power of the water, it is enough to power cities."
He goes on to describe the animal life up there and names some remaining questions: "The animal life of the jungle is very efficient in its food usage and that little remained of the women was no surprise to me, ants can reduce large animals in short time, carnivores will eat animals that are already dead, also dragging remains for some distance. It is generally rare to find the bones of any animal in the forest everything has been consumed. Was this ultimately their final fate? Of course this is all conjecture, there are many unanswered questions, for example, why was the backpack and belongings found largely intact after having been swept down a river for some distance (the official version of their demise comes also to the conclusion they were carried downriver by the water)? Why were the remains and items found only after a large monetary award had been offered? Why were the photos taken only of what appears to be a rock wall and a stick with plastic attached, and no further photos were taken of themselves beyond the first of April? These questions and more are troubling. I am not sure we will ever really know what occurred on that April day, the first of the month, and the exact events that followed it. From my own perspective I found this a very haunting case that still gives me chills to this day. Many people have become lost in the mountains of Panama, most are rescued by the authorities, some, as this story relates are not so fortunate."

He then describes how easy it is to lose the trail further up north, but also describes human habitation and huts along the trail at times: "The dark night brought the incredible sound of frogs, they were loud, really loud it was pretty amazing to listen to them, they made you know you were in the jungle. It was raining by the morning, I got going early and followed the path down the river valley through the towering trees, it descended steeply from 1000 metres at the hut to some 750 metres where it again crossed the same river. A second triple wire rope bridge crossed this feature, they looked way worse than they really were. The creek was crystal clear and dropping over large boulders and forming deep pools, it looked inviting except for the horse flies that is. They were ever present wherever you were on the trail but were especially bad close to the rivers, making stopping at at times painful. The Sendero was now smaller than it had previously been, I was to find out this was due to it being much less used than further up, where the locals use it to reach cattle farms. Further on the people of the comarca tend to go out to the Atlantic side making the central section much less travelled. After walking some distance more and crossing a marshy pasture with a wooden rough cut board hut, the Rio Culebra was reached and a third wire rope suspension bridge. Here I stripped off and had a swim and wash, fantastic as long as one remained submerged that is. The path continued on mostly NNW, every time it passed from the jungle and crossed a cattle pasture it became really difficult to follow, as the grass tended not to show the line to follow and of course the cattle had made tracks in all directions. Things went well for about three more pastures but then I lost it completely. Tracing the boundary of the jungle did not show up anything. Finally slogging upward to around 800 metres I ran into a small group of Indigenous houses surrounded by gardens of banana, papaya, yuca and other vegetables. I was able to talk to a really surprised young bloke whom was completely nonplussed at giving directions, the gist of it was “it is too difficult to explain, you just go down and in two minutes you will find the path, its easy”. [..] After having slashed through a couple of Quebrada’s, down again through the bush until I came out at the River Culebra [along this river the remains of Kris and Lisanne were found], without intersecting the path and I now found myself at some 600 metres or so. Ok I was not happy about the outcome and felt maybe I had been led astray, but wisely decided to have lunch, this made me feel much better about it all. So after a while It was slogging back up to the overgrown cleared zone above, through the very inclined jungle, I kept slogging back until almost the small community again, where, and I am proud of this, I resisted the temptation to ask for the directions again. I am sure this reduced the perception that gringos are a little soft in the head amongst the local population. To be honest the only reason I finally found the bloody path again is because I had noticed that a local and his dog had been following the trail earlier on, these were the only legible tracks apart from some really nice big cat footprints which were evident in the mud whilst in the jungle (Cow hooves apart). So tracking back to the last place I knew I was not lost, (a golden rule) and picking up his tracks again which were followed religiously right back and across the huge clearing, then downward to 715 metres where it left the cow pasture and plunged again into the forest."

Unknown cause of death: In the cases David has studied, when a missing person is found dead, the cause of death can either not be determined or does not correspond with how the victim is found. (Check for Kris and Lisanne!). David has discovered that people go missing in clusters in certain areas, and there is no reason for these places to be any more dangerous than anywhere else. The clusters range from three in the same vicinity, to up to 80. He also realized this was not just in the USA either; it was the same for areas in Canada, the UK, Australia and seven other countries, all with missing persons following the same profiles as those mentioned. Also, none of the disappearances could be attributed to animal attacks. As when this happens there is almost always clear evidence left behind. (Check for Kris and Lisanne!) David also discovered that there are an inordinate amount of genius level people disappearing, such as doctors, scientists, scholars etc, as well as people with extensive knowledge of the back trail who simply normally wouldn't get lost. He has elsewhere said that the majority of these unexplained missing person's cases involved either people of very high intelligence, or very low intelligence: two ends on the spectrum. (Kris and Lisanne were university schooled and intelligent by all standards). After an initial week or so of intense searches, officials tend to stop trying, leaving relatives to conduct their own searches and left in limbo with no definitive answers and no closure (check)."

Some interesting quotes from him from this short 10 minute interview: "And initially it was thought that the girls had gotten lost, or had injured themselves in an accident. But as time went by, a Crime scenario became more obvious. And there are definitely places there where you can fall or get an accident. And it's even possible that such a thing doesn't end well eventually. But we are now 2 months further... And those guides have searched there for days on end. The route is still walked and searched daily, not just by tourists but also by local guides. If they had had an accident, they would have been found by now. And when you get lost there.. That's also a possibility, because I could see there that you can miss a route indication or an arrow on that trail. But when you are climbing up a mountain, and you then get lost, then you really only have to do one thing.. And that is to descend; to go back down the mountain again. For too long they considered the case a possible accident... Or a possible case of them getting lost. And all that time they didn't invest in a proper criminal investigation. And therefore very crucial time has been lost. Within hours, at the least days but ideally sooner, you need to interview all witnesses... In a very intensive and thorough manner. You need to do technical research very early on and investigate telephone data.
It's been some sort of bureaucratic obstacle over here too, because ... the Netherlands also didn't definitely consider it a crime case yet. And still it is not officially classed a crime? The right steps that are needed to do a proper investigation into whether or not a crime took place... have still not been made. And those telephone data are still not available. It's unimaginable and unbelievable really. The error lies in the communication. Like you often see when boundaries need to be crossed. Panama hasn't made it clear to the Netherlands which data are needed there... And the Netherlands have been way too slow and lax themselves with giving the Panamanian authorities information. And what I find unbelievable really, is that there are currently 12 search and rescue dogs there and 18 handlers.. There are also Dutch volunteers there and two of the Dutch parents... There is nobody from the Dutch investigation authorities there, nobody is sent there... If only to monitor what's happening there." - *Update: Hans Kremers said in October 1st of 2014 however that the Dutch NFI report stated that the girls had their phones not set to flight mode during that first week of April in Panama. But overall they did use flight mode to avoid unwanted roaming costs.

The NFI scientist has a chilling conclusion about the sudden introduction of faulty PIN codes: "For this change I could not find a technical cause. I think that it cannot be excluded that the change in (login) pattern is the result of the use of the iPhone by another person than the original user or owner of the iPhone. I mean with this a user who had no knowledge of the PIN code." Equally chilling is the discovery of a series of photos on the memory card of the retrieved digital Canon camera. The last 70 photos of the 133 consecutive photo files "seem to be made in a deep, dark location after sunset and with most likely a lot of overhanging vegetation." Those photos are "made in the night of April 8th", according to sources. "Possibly in order to attract attention." Private detective Dick Steffens think so too. "An explanation for those dark photos may be that the women were locked up there and used the camera's flash to attract attention. Perhaps photos were made at a time when a helicopter flew over. But that is speculation." Steffens doesn't think that this is any longer a case of the girls having gotten lost. "All the traces found back by now were spread out, many hours apart."
The Dutch authorities still think about an ill-fated case of the girls getting lost. But the two Panamanian requests for judicial assistance from June 20th 2014, classed it as "a suspected criminal offense of deprivation of freedom" against Lisanne Froon and Kris Kremers. It was based on "the UN agreement against trans-national organized crime". The Boquete area is not just idyllic; this year alone more than 51 people have disappeared there. One wonders if the girls intended to make an extensive foot travel that day. In the backpack that was found, investigators saw no food, no drinks, no mosquito repellent spray or sunscreen. In particular Kris would need it with her pale skin tone and would not have left without it for a long trip. She had a significant travel experience and "it is highly unlikely that you do not take food and drinks with you when you plan a significant walking tour", according to Steffens. It would make sense to assume that the young women would also have attempted to send an SMS or whatsapp message. "That seems evident to us too, but the NFI-report states that no SMS or whatsapp were recorded on the phones after March 31st", according to judicial sources. It is however known how much battery capacity the phones had exactly, at the moment of their disappearance. On April 1st, both phones were charged for around 50%. "This indicates most likely that the women didn't plan on making a long hike", concludes detective Steffens. At 11:05 AM the girls started their hike. A photo of Kris is made before the first emergency phone call from 16:39 PM. On that photo you see a cheerful Kris. Nothing points towards the women being in trouble. There must have been at the most two hours between that photo and the emergency call attempts. A very acute emergency situation must have presented itself therefore, thinks Steffens. The parents from Kris made a long list of questions and handed it in to the department of Justice the day before yesterday. And they come down to one request: thorough investigation from the Dutch department of Justice to the true background of the disappearance and death of Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon.
There are some interesting things said in the video I thought. Firstly, Lisanne's mother says that before Lisanne went to Panama, she went through a very difficult time. I wonder if this was due to her volleyball injuries, preventing her from doing the sport she loved? Or because her father had endured a stroke? Even though that was quite a few years ago by then.. Or due to other private reasons perhaps? Mum doesn't elaborate however. On public forums, there has been some information shared about some form of intimate abuse by someone, which is really shocking to be honest and unverified. So it may be fake news and someone trying to act importantly perhaps by sending such a message out there. But it made me feel even more for Lisanne and Kris (if that is even possible because I already think about the girls' plight a lot); if one of them went to Panama to recover in some way from a tough period at home and from such an ordeal, and then ended up in the worst hell imaginable...

At some point the presenter asks the parents: "What I am wondering is this: was this case [of missing backpacker Alex Humphrey - see part 1 of this blog post about his case] discussed in Panama? Because 5 years ago his son disappeared under the same circumstances in Boquete... Well... is that a coincidence? Has this scenario been taken into account? That someone else has also gone missing there?" Kris' parents reply: "We didn't hear about it when we were there... No, we haven't heard about it, and that scenario also hasn't been taken into account. What we have heard in fact, and what we also saw with our own eyes, is that Boquete is really a very calm little place really. And we constantly saw young girls and women, alone or in pairs, walking in the streets. Also in the evenings. And there was no one there who said: that's not wise to do. Or; would you really do that?"
Summary on Alex: In August of 2009 a British backpacker, care worker and poet named Alex Humphrey went missing while hiking the same area around Boquete, one week into a three week holiday. Alex vanished, aged 29, after checking into a local hostel. An experienced hiker, his family believes he was a victim of a crime. But he may have also just fallen victim to the jungle elements. Despite several police searches, a Panamanian media campaign and the offer of a $5,000 reward, no clues to his whereabouts emerged. Just like Kris and Lisanne, he just vanished into thin air apparently. Not a single bone of Alex was ever found. Which makes some people think that instead of getting lost, Alex may have run into a criminal gang of sorts, used for his organs perhaps, but most certainly made to disappear for good. No body, no murder case, after all. Dutch Ambassador Wiebe de Boer (a useless diplomat and door mat in our Kris and Lisanne case) made the shocking comment that Alex was autistic most likely, so well... there you go. As if it was therefore his own fault that he disappeared. Alex will always remain that 'missing person' now..

Adelita Coriat

More proof of obstruction of a proper investigation by Panama? Froon's bones still had some skin attached to them, but Kremers' bones were squeaky clean of any body tissue remnants and they also appeared to have been bleached... I mean, for a piece of skin to be found intact 5 months after passing, while out in the animal-infested open air jungle is peculiar. And makes such a contrast with finding bare, completely clean bones. First to decompose should normally be the soft tissues, including the skin. This was after around two months of estimated death, while laying in a cool cloud forest... Strange for sure to see the very different rates of decomposition on the bones of Lisanne on the one hand (flesh and skin still on the bones) and Kris (bleached clean bones), as if Kris' bones had been decomposing for 2 years instead of just over 2 months. Her bones looked like they had been baking in the hot sun for a long long time. Not as one would expect from bones having been shielded from the sun in the cloud forest jungle, around 10 weeks after their suspected death. Or is it the other way around perhaps, and are Kris' bones looking like they should, and are Lisanne's the odd one out?
Dutch forensic pathologist Frank van de Goot said about this case back in June 2014: "Forensic determination of a cause of death will be very difficult. It will also be very difficult to estimate how long the bones have been laying in the jungle. In jungles like this one in Panama, not much will be left of a body within a week; nothing more than bones." Not the remains of Lisanne though... And the forensic pathologist who investigated her remains also had it published that he has the impression that the skin had been hidden in a cool, dark and moist place where the bones were laying or kept. He did not think that the pieces of bone and skin were buried in the ground, because if they were, they would have been fully decomposed. He himself hints at human intervention; the skin must have been stored somewhere. And he wonders out loud how the searchers could have recognized the rolled up piece of skin as being human tissue (contaminated with sand). It was not decomposed and therefore wasn't emitting odour. Did someone know where to look, perhaps? So for good order; the piece of skin was found rolled up in a sandy ball, and once in the lab it was carefully folded out and became a more or less regular piece of skin, with some small holes and traces of fungus and/or bacteria. Also, the forensic pathologist revealed that the bones don't show signs of decomposition. The bone marrow in the femur and tibia proved to be dry(!), not decomposed, intact and unaltered. Therefore, these bones had not been lying in water.

The left leg's major bones were found from Lisanne... and her left foot, shattered. Why no other bones from any other body part? And her shoe looked good. Not muddy, not worn down. Guide P. stated that he didn't think that boot had seen a lot of jungle, because weeks in the jungle tend to degrade your shoes very rapidly he said. These shoes looked brand new almost. The smashed foot bones may be from a fall but other people suggested that in a fall the heel bone is usually broken and not all these small bones in the foot itself necessarily. Something may have fallen onto the foot (but then why no damage on the shoe?) or her foot may have been broken on purpose, stamping on it with something, like the barrel of a gun for instance. It would certainly prevent someone from fleeing. In a way I hope she wasn't alive anymore by then because so many broken bones in your foot must have been absolute horror in terms of pain.... But I don't think anyone with such a broken foot can walk very far. Not to mention what could have shattered Kris' pelvis to the point of it breaking in two like that.
One prominent Dutch websleuth who has vast and detailed knowledge of this case, has also shed doubts about this supposed cow's skin claim. For which prosecutor Pittí (who is no scientist and managed to suspiciously accessed the camera's SD card and the mobile phones as well on June 17th) showed no evidence and which was conveniently used to make her critics look like fools. This sleuth RapaN. recalls that Coriat wás in fact present during the autopsy during the first week of September. The bones and skin were found on September 29th of 2014. She states that the coroner identified the piece of skin to have belonged to the femur leg of Lisanne. Two months later, at the end of November, Adelita Coriat in fact interviewed Betzaida Pittí and asked her about this patch of skin. This is when Pittí dropped the word 'cow'. In that October interview, Coriat - who was present during the autopsy of Lisanne's bones and skin - asked Pittí questions about this patch of skin, to which Pittí answered that she "did not dare to say" that the skin was from Lisanne, but rather that of a cow. That she was "not sure" that the skin belonged to Lisanne. She also did not know if the bones found belonged to a cow or not [no they didn't, according to DNA results they belonged to Lisanne]. What she díd know however, was to tell Coriat that Kris and Lisanne's mobile phones were pinged and located in Bocas del Torro on March 30-31st... (Nonsense). Pittí could also not specify in late November of 2014 who exactly found and transported these bones; that had not been properly registered. Adelita Coriat then asked Pittí if she saw the piece of skin with her own eyes? Pittí did not directly answer that question, but repeated that it was animal skin. But what she also said then, was that it was found on August 15th. Was she talking about another piece of skin altogether? Because the mass of skin linked to and found together with Lisanne's femur and tibia bone were found on August 29th. That is almost two weeks later. I am sorry readers, for banging on about this skin detail, but this is exactly the sort of misinformation and fog the Panamian prosecution has been trying to create. Pittí did not have her facts correct, she did not witness the autopsy (unlike Coriat), she had no idea really if the skin and bones were or weren't from a cow (again she was wrong in thinking the shin and upper leg bone from Lisanne belonged to a cow as well). This all sounds and looks very unprofessional and unscientific. There is no evidence that this was cow's skin. There wás evidence that it belonged to Lisanne; both the coroner (the only professional in this respect) and Coriat say so. Pittí claims otherwise but is mistaken about many details that cán be verified. So her accounts are, as always, looking dubious.

Presenter: 'Diny and Peter Froon still have hope that this case will have a good ending. Since their daughter and her friend Kris went missing, they have now traveled to Panama for the first time. Een Vandaag followed them.'
Diny Froon: "Please, leave us no longer in uncertainty. And please give us a sign of life."
Presenter: 'Diny and Peter fight against their tears on the press conference with the Panamanian media. They are distraught since their daughter Lisanne vanished without a trace with her friend, about six weeks ago.'
Peter Froon: "Dear Lisanne and Kris. Please know that we will stay here in Panama until you have been found. We will wait as long as it takes, until you are found. And we will not give up! Really, we won't. Have faith in us, we will keep looking for you, for as long as it takes, we will stay here."
[Scarlet: The parents would never give up or leave, until something was found that gave them closure. Hence why I believe that the backpack and bones were planted mid June; to ensure that the parents would finally leave]
Presenter: 'The Panamanian media has come in large numbers. The mysterious disappearance case is still in the news here. In the street everybody knows who we are talking about, when we start about the Dutch girls.'
Local: "It is a worrying situation, because people have disappeared. Even though they are not from Panama, it still touches us that they are missing. We pray to God that they are doing well and that they will be found soon."
Presenter: 'On Wednesday April 2nd the alarm is raised when Lisanne Froon and Kris Kremers don't return to their host family in Boquete. A mountain village in the west of Panama. A large forest area is meticulously searched. But to Kris' parents great disappointment, nothing is found.'
Hans Kremers: "But we are convinced that if there would have been a trace of them in these mountains... that these men and women would have found it."

Diny Froon: "You now start to look at everything as through the eyes of Lisanne. And you think: this is really where she has been, and what has she seen here? And of course we have seen the images on TV, but to see it all for yourself here is overwhelming.
Peter Froon: "Of course it is difficult to keep faith. Especially as time goes by. But as long as the opposite hasn't been proven, we keep believing that they will be found. And that is where everybody is working towards, and that keep us going. Even though it is sometimes hard."
Presenter: 'The rain season has started in Panama. There are several theories about what may have happened with the two Dutch women. Did they get lost on the Pianista? A popular hiking trail in the mountains. Did they step in the car of the wrong people? And what happened during the last day? We get in the car with Ingrid Lommers. The two girls followed a language course at her school.
Ingrid Lommer: "This is the most direct route to the Pianista. They wanted to learn Spanish and they really wanted to work with children. They had really good intentions, for themselves and for the local population. And it is so unbelievable that something like this happened to two girls, who came here with such good intentions. Why did this happen to them? Why on this moment and in this place?"
Presenter: 'Ingrid takes us to Casa Pedro. Probably the last place where Kris and Lisanne were seen.'
Ingrid Lommer: "One of the two girls has sat here, the other stood here. And they had the intention to return to Boquete. And they sat here for a little while. The mister from Casa de Pedro has seen them here. And at some point they were gone."

Presenter: 'Do you think that a crime took place?'
Manolu Ruiz: "I hope not. I only hope that they are still alive."
Presenter: 'By now there are said to be new signals about a possible breakthrough in the case. It is not clear what signals.
Diny Froon: "It is more like a rumour that we heard. And we want to check everything. To find out if we can find a trace in these rumours. If they are true or not."**
Presenter: 'Jan Rigter, Diny's brother, has travelled with them to Panama, together with his wife. For years he worked for the Dutch police but he also knows that in countries such as Panama, you need a private detective to really get to the bottom of things.'
Jan Rigter: "First there are the tips that could come in through the offering of a reward. The police doesn't do anything with these tips, so you need someone who will verify them. The private detective can do this. Sometimes you also receive tips from psychics. Which could be correct perhaps. And then you try to link those to the facts that are known. And the police often does not have the time to properly investigate this."
Presenter: 'The reward for the golden tip has by now been increased. And this has to open up the naturally closed-natured Panamanians.
Diny Froon: "But then we need certainty within the next three weeks, about where the girls are and that they return to us alive and healthy."
Diny Froon: "It has to happen here. So we really want this to make it to the national papers here. And the people already talk about it, but the coverage has to get even bigger. Because here is where it has to happen. There must be people here who know something. And this is how we want to encourage people and to convince them to make contact when they know something. To give us tips we can work with."
Peter Froon: "And there are plans from us to constantly have one of our families present here from now on. We will stay present here, until this is solved. We don't want to leave them alone."

Juan mentioned a link to a travel blog. Two tourists who went with the guide on a hike, describe how on that day, the guide discouraged them to walk the Pianista Trail, but instead suggested a 'secret trail' that only he knew about. This may or may not be a trail close to the Pianista Trail. They write: "From Bocas del Toro we went by bus to the mountain town of Boquete. This is known for its beautiful hikes, waterfalls and walks. Unfortunately we were both sick, no fun. We had to skip a few things. But when we recovered a bit, we set off with our Panamanian friend F. This was really fantastic. We asked him if he wanted to walk the Pianista Trail with us. That trail must be very beautiful and is also known for the disappearance of two Dutch girls, Kris and Lisanne ... F. soon asked if we knew for sure that we wanted to do that trail, as if he had doubts about it. You should always take advice from locals, so we immediately said that if he had a better idea, we wanted to do that instead. The mountain of the Pianista Trail was covered in clouds so that, according to him, it would not be so special there today.
UPDATE In their new podcast series, which I cover in great detail in this post, Jeremy Kryt and Mariana Atencio went back to Boquete and discovered a secret trail.

There is also a back road leading from the Pianista trail to this Palo Alto area. It's called Pata de Macho ('hoof of the tapir'). Interesting.. I long assumed there were other, unkempt and small trails leading away from the Pianista trail. Trails which could have been used to kidnap Kris and Lisanne, without them being seen. But this is a very interesting bit of information on at least one such a path, confirmed by Kryt and Martin who saw the trail and its linking to the Pianista with their own eyes. Mariana rightly makes it clear that this discovery is a *huge* deal and it really shouldn't be downplayed. Discovering the (back)trail that connects the Paolo Alto house to the Pianista should probably be a turning point for everyone. This Pata de Macho path is not used a lot, the podcast makers describe. It's flatter, longer, less strenuous and pretty empty. Only park rangers and possibly hunters [and local tour guides of course] still use it. It's also overgrown and hard to spot and it takes almost twice as long to lead to the Mirador than the Pianista does; between three and five hours. [Scarlet: So if Kris, Lisanne and their company had started marching after 14.00 PM, they would have most likely still been walking down this trail by the time the first two emergency calls were made. Given they were approaching civilization by then - going by this theory - is that a logical thing or not?] This route could have certainly been used to move people or remains around unseen. In theory... Jose Donderis, the former head of Sinaproc, confirms that this Pata de Macho route was NOT or barely searched. "Because we were prohibited". "We had problems with the authorities. The director of the operation was not comfortable with my participation on the site, due to political problems." In the Aftershow of episode 6, Kryt and Atencio discuss this further and Kryt corrects Donderis here and says that the police report states that this area of Pata de Macho was in fact searched. The podcast makers also share that they ran into a puma on this trail, but that the animal ran off instantly and was very skittish. "It wanted nothing to do with us, and I think that is typical behaviour for those big cats", Kryt says. Jeremy Kryt also says something else interesting: "Even the bigger reveal is that when we sent our head guide up the Pianista to find the mouth of the Pata de Macho trail, he was told by multiple sources on the mountain that guide F. had ordered that trail to be closed. And he thought that was very suspicious. I think this is very interesting, if we're right and guide F's son Tito and the other members of the Pandilla did use this trail. And we already know guide F. is threatening other sources. He's threatened the entire community of Alto Romero. So we know he has a history of trying to cover this case up. He actually threatened the landowner to get him to close that trail down. Of course, according to sources on the mountain." How interesting.. Guide F. said nothing about the existence of this other trail when Roelie and Hans Kremers asked him about side trails on the Pianista. Roelie noticed a third path there. "A temporary path.." says guide F. Hans quickly diverted the conversation elsewhere, but when you look at the body language of guide F.'s assistants, you wonder if there is some fear there, While that particular side trail appears not to be the Pata de Macho trail (but perhaps it is, I don't know for sure), the guide also makes no effort to inform his paying customers about OTHER back trails. Guide F. may have been right about that specific side trail which Roelie points at. But they hired his services in order to scour that Pianista trail and the ongoing trail beyond the Mirador for possible exits. That was their goal. See if Kris and Lisanne could have exited or fell down at any place. So knowing this was their purpose and knowing why they were there, hiring his expertise, I find it very odd that he is caught on camera telling others in Spanish not to talk or tell the parents about .... (muffled) and that he never informed them about this Pata de Macho trail. A trail he clearly was aware of. Doesn't look good. And now we learn that guide F. also prevented people from searching this trail back in 2014... While single-handedly steering everyone to the wrong side of the Mirador. Why would that be? Peculiar. Not to say damning information, if those witnesses tell the truth.
A lying, insensitive machine
Poor police work can not only be seen in places like Panama, but also in the Netherlands. (Thanks to Juan for finding this article). Master of law Sébas Diekstra concentrates on cold cases. "In one of my headache dossiers at the time, a group of individuals was completely mangled by the machinery that is the Public Prosecution."
What do you know about this scandal by now?
It is unbelievable how many mistakes have been made. The police did not investigate anything, the train tracks were immediately cleared. Forensic investigation was not started, any perpetrator DNA and trailing or footprints were not secured. A medical examiner could not say whether it was suicide or murder. There was some correspondence between the prosecutor and the deputy officer, but we still don't know what that involved. What I do know is that Talitha's body has been taken care of [washed and prepared for a wake site]. Later the officer started having doubts and ordered for a section after all. But any traces there may have been, were almost certainly destroyed by the previous care of the body. We called in an external pathologist. He concluded that the injuries could have emerged earlier. There is a real possibility that someone else is involved in her death.

This is often argued by OM and investigators.
It would almost be funny if it wasn't so sad. The police and the judiciary usually reason in a circle in these cases. They claim to have done nothing in those cases, because there is no detection indication. Then I say: there is no detection indication, because you didn't do anything to find one. Then the answer is: that is because we have no detection indication. You could write metres of text about it, in the end it comes down to that idiotic little circle."
Is that different in other countries?
In some countries, the premise is that with any unnatural death, a crime should be rule out first. That means a forensic section to the cause of death. That is pure. The Dutch system leaves too much room for errors: the public prosecutor decides what he or she does. With this, you accept errors of judgment."
The big problem is that the police and the judiciary system are far too concerned with public opinion. Improper interests play a role in this. Moreover, they are hierarchical organizations with too many officials who are busy keeping their own street clean.
You now have seventeen such cases under your care, including the case of the Polish boy Tornasz Kosmala. There must be a pattern in this error festivals.The big problem is that the police and the judiciary system are far too concerned with public opinion. Improper interests play a role in this. Moreover, they are hierarchical organizations with too many officials who are busy keeping their own street clean. The essence in these cases is that the emergency aides who arrive first - often insufficiently trained surveillants - are directly focused on one scenario and are blind to other possibilities. When a body is found on the train tracks, it must be suicide. When a body is found in the water: suicide or an accidental drunkard. If things go wrong there and the forensic investigation does not arrive on the scene immediately - you see that in all those cases - then it's over. Then it is finished. The police and the judiciary sometimes admit that they wrongly assumed one leading scenario and delved into it incorrectly. But they don't learn from those mistakes. How long has this misery been going on now?"
There is contradiction these days. Highly educated employees that are brought into the police force to combat tunnel vision.
"That only looks nice on paper. The results turned out to be downright poor. What do you think? Those contradictors are crammed somewhere within the hierarchy and do not have the position they should be given. They are part of the clique. They become infected by the clique-thinking and go along with it. Contradiction is supposed to be independent. You should not stuff them within your own ranks and give them a rank or scale that makes the opponent subordinate. Hierarchy and criticism do not mix well.
The essence in these cases is that the often insufficiently trained surveillants are directly focused on one scenario and are blind to other possibilities. When a body is found on the train tracks, it must be suicide. When a body is found in the water: suicide or an accidental drunkard. If things go wrong there and the forensic investigation does not arrive on the scene immediately - you see that in all those cases - then it's over. Then it is finished.
As a surviving relative, you are therefore at the mercy of the gods?
You are without rights. It is difficult to initiate proceedings because there is insufficient research to substantiate a crime scenario. You are left with all your questions and can actually only start a crusade. You are then seen as a nuisance or someone who gets stuck in his grief [Scarlet; this seems to be exactly what happened to Hans Kremers; deemed a pest and a troublemaker by the OM, in Hans' own words]. In the meantime, justice will do everything in its power to prevent you from getting the police files. The bullshit argument that is always put forward, is that the privacy of the deceased should not be violated. But that doesn't matter to you, as a surviving relative. After all, you want to know what happened to your loved one and what has or has not been investigated. There is only one reason why these files are not provided: the police and the judicial authorities do not want errors to be discovered."
Lawyer Job Knoester previously argued for an independent committee that can have an investigation instituted after all.
I don't see much in a blunder committee. In my opinion there should be a civil court that can order Public Prosecution Services, police or other authorities to investigate. As an outgrowth of the right to life, there is also the right to know what killed someone. I am working on a letter to the House of Representatives with that proposal. I have already have the approval of [political parties] D66 and VVD."
It is difficult to initiate proceedings because there is insufficient research to substantiate a crime scenario. There is only one reason why these files are not provided: the police and the judicial authorities do not want errors to be discovered."
You must have made many new police friends by now?
Not exactly, but that's not what I'm here for. Of course some people are scornful towards me. Whatever. All this work does not benefit me. I usually assist relatives free of charge. Name recognition is nice. But for me it is all about that text message I receive from a surviving relative, with the message 'we are glad that you are here'. That is enough."
During the night of last Wednesday, this newspaper managed to interview Feliciano González, the guide who had been contacted by the school where Kris and Lisanne were going to study Spanish, to guide them on the El Pianista trail. “The two girls who work at the Spanish by the River school contacted me. A German named Eileen and a Dutch named Mariolane. I speak English well, I am 58 years old and I have been a guide on the Boquete trails for 14 years,” said González, specifying that he charges 25 dollars for each tourist. “Eileen told me to come to Spanish by The River on Wednesday, April 2 at 8:00 a.m. to look for them. At that time I arrived there and together with her I waited half an hour for the Dutch. Time passed and they did not arrive. We decided to go together to the house where they were staying. Upon arrival they did not answer and we thought they were asleep. For this reason, we telephoned the owner of the house”. Being 10:00 a.m. [Scarlet: so they waited for two hours already for Kris and Lisanne?] the owner of the property authorized them to look for a key in the garden of the house so that they could enter the room. Upon entering, Feliciano says that together with Eileen he saw the unmade beds, some backpacks and cables to charge cell phones. "The owner of the house told me that she even made them breakfast, thinking they had come home late," he continued. “So as not to alarm anyone”, Eileen and Feliciano separated and did not resume contact until 5:00 p.m., thinking that perhaps the Dutch were walking around town. [Scarlet: in other interviews, both agreed and admitted that they spent that day together at F's coffee farm, before going to the police. How come there is a different version of events told here? And why shouldn't people be alarmed, nearly 24 hours after these young women were last seen alive? Why keep it a secret?]. “Since they didn't show up, at 7:30 p.m. We decided to go to the Police and they told us that at that time they had no officers available. Not having the exact data of the girls, we went back to the room where we found a card," said the guide. Then, together with Eileen, who had only lived in Boquete for three days and [soon] already left Panama, they went to Spanish By The River where they found the complete data on the company's computer. Shortly before 9:30 p.m., both returned to the Police and filed the complaint. On Thursday, April 3, Feliciano reported the disappearance of Kris and Lisanne at the Sinaproc headquarters in Boquete, at 7:30 a.m. An hour later he did the same in the municipal personería of this community. In the afternoon, the guide went to the DIJ to repeat the procedure. "Except at the Police, I filed all the complaints, only because the German does not speak Spanish," he said.“She told me that she thought the Dutch were going to go for a walk on the El Pianista trail. At school he heard them talk and saw a map of this trail. Even though she is German, she told me that she understood them because she studied tourism in Amsterdam”, continued Feliciano, clarifying that days after her disappearance, Eileen left Panama.
Accompanying Kris's parents at a vigil held last Wednesday night in Boquete, Feliciano indicated that on Saturday, April 5, he accompanied a DIJ commission to walk this path. “Unfortunately we found nothing. [In the Answers for Kris video, guide F. says that he walked the Pianista trail alone to look for Kris and Lisanne on Thursday April 3rd in fact]. Two days later I accompanied Sinaproc and we didn't find them either. In fact, during the two tours we saw many roosters in an area where they do not normally fly. When we went to those places we did not find anything”, confirming that “it is at the order of the authorities and the relatives of the disappeared for anything they need”.

A forensic anthropologist with Panama’s Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Science (IMELCF), a high-ranking examiner, told Jeremy Kryt: “The lesson, unfortunately, is that women still can’t walk safely alone in the campo in Latin America.” He agrees to be interviewed only under the condition of anonymity, saying he has received death threats after discussing sensitive investigations in the past. “That [Bocas] area is swarming with sicarios,” the IMELCF source says, referring to the cartel smuggling routes that link Panama’s porous eastern coastline with Colombia and Venezuela to the south, and Mexico to the north. “There ought to be a national red alert for foreigners, and especially women,” he says. “But of course that would be bad for tourism.” “Panama is a commercial port for the Sinaloa cartel and others,” he says, and goes on to mention both forced prostitution and organ trafficking as other threats posed by organized crime operating on the isthmus. Part of the problem is that publicizing such dangers could weaken the crucial influx of tourist money, which makes up almost 20 percent of Panama’s GDP. But the problem goes beyond a lack of will, the forensic scientist says. It’s also a lack of skill. “Without competent [law enforcement] officials,” he asks rhetorically, “how can you hope to control crime?” - There have been many dozens unsolved murders and disappearances in this remote, rural stretch of Panama since 2009—with more than two thirds of those in the years around 2014. In the majority of these cases, no bodies have been recovered, no rigorous investigations launched by authorities.
Boquete's forum members discussed also a warning safety leaflet, issued locally in town
By Linch K., April 16th 2014
"Despite what people in Boquete think, Human Trafficking is here and has been for a long time. Panama is a source, transit, and destination country for women and children subjected to trafficking in persons, specifically forced prostitution. Although some Panamanian women and girls are found in forced prostitution in other countries in Latin America and in Europe, most Panamanian trafficking victims are exploited within the country. Although statistics were lacking, both NGOs and government officials anecdotally reported that commercial sexual exploitation of children was greater in rural areas and in the city of Colon than in Panama City. NGOs report that some Panamanian children, mostly young girls, are subjected to involuntary domestic servitude. Most foreign sex trafficking victims are adult women from Colombia, the Dominican Republic, and neighboring Central American countries; some victims migrate voluntarily to Panama to work but are subsequently forced into prostitution. Weak controls along Panama’s borders make the nation an easy transit point for irregular migrants, from Latin America, East Africa, and Asia, some of who may fall victim to human trafficking.
The Government of Panama does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking; however, it is making significant efforts to do so. During the reporting period authorities increased public awareness about the prostitution of children through seminars in schools and an outreach campaign with the tourism sector. Despite such efforts, the government showed little evidence of progress in combating human trafficking. Law enforcement efforts remained weak, the Panamanian penal code did not prohibit trafficking for forced labor, and the government failed to provide adequate assistance to victims and to identify trafficking victims among vulnerable populations; therefore, Panama is placed on Tier 2 Watch List. Recommendations for Panama: Amend anti-trafficking laws to prohibit forced labor, including involuntary domestic servitude; intensify law enforcement efforts to investigate and prosecute trafficking offenses and convict and sentence trafficking offenders, including any public officials complicit with trafficking activity; train government officials in anti-trafficking laws and victim identification and care; dedicate more resources for victim services; and develop a formal system for identifying trafficking victims among vulnerable populations, particularly women in prostitution.
The Government of Panama maintained its law enforcement efforts against trafficking crimes during the reporting period. Article 178 of the Panamanian penal code, which was updated in 2008, prohibits the internal and transnational movement of persons for the purpose of sexual servitude or forced commercial sexual activity. The prescribed sentence is four to six years imprisonment, which is increased to six to nine years if trafficking offenders use deceit, coercion, or retain identity documents, and is further increased to 10 to 15 years if the victim is under 14 years of age. Article 177 prohibits sexually exploiting another person for profit. Under aggravated circumstances of threat, force, or fraud, this constitutes human trafficking as defined by international protocol, and carries a sentence of eight to 10 years. Article 180 prohibits the internal and transnational trafficking of minors for sexual servitude, prescribing prison terms of eight to 10 years imprisonment, and Article 179 prohibits subjecting an individual to sexual servitude using threats or violence. Prosecutors may also use other statutes, such as anti-pimping laws, to prosecute trafficking crimes. The above punishments are sufficiently stringent and commensurate with those prescribed for rape. Panamanian law, however, does not specifically prohibit human trafficking for the purpose of forced labor, including domestic servitude. During the reporting period, the government investigated eight human trafficking cases and seven cases of commercial sexual exploitation of a child, which is comparable with last year’s efforts. During the year, however, authorities achieved only one conviction, compared with two achieved during the previous reporting period. The trafficking offender was sentenced to 72 months for pimping a child, which was reduced to 48 months incarceration for unreported reasons. This sentence does not appear to meet the standards established in the Panamanian penal code for this crime. Authorities maintained a small law enforcement unit to investigate sex trafficking and related offenses, and Panamanian law required that one prosecutor in each of Panama’s 13 provinces be trained to prosecute trafficking crimes. One prosecutor based in Panama City was dedicated exclusively to prosecuting trafficking crimes. There were no reports of partnerships with foreign governments in joint investigations of trafficking crimes during the reporting period, although Panamanian authorities met with Colombian officials to exchange information. The government opened no formal trafficking-related corruption investigations during the reporting period. Some judges received training on sex trafficking. There were no reports of training for the members of the diplomatic corps abroad.
The Panamanian government sustained limited efforts to assist trafficking victims during the reporting period, though overall victim services remained inadequate, particularly for adult victims. Authorities did not employ systematic procedures for identifying trafficking victims among vulnerable populations, such as women in prostitution or detained irregular migrants. Panamanian law requires the National Immigration Office’s trafficking victims unit to provide assistance to foreign trafficking victims. During the reporting period, however, authorities did not report extending victim services to repatriated Panamanian victims or foreign victims of trafficking, and the Immigration Office indicated that there were no foreign victims of trafficking over the past year. The government continued to provide partial funding to an NGO-operated shelter with dedicated housing and social services for child trafficking victims. This shelter, in addition to another NGO shelter working with at-risk youth, and the government’s network of shelters for victims of abuse and violence could provide services to child victims of trafficking, although the government did not report assisting any child victims last year. A shelter for child trafficking victims, funded by a foreign government, was in the process of being constructed. There was no shelter care available exclusively for adult victims of trafficking. The government could house adult victims in hotels on an ad hoc basis but did not report doing so or providing any legal, medical, or psychological services or long-term care to adult trafficking victims during this reporting period. In past years, Panamanian authorities encouraged victims to assist with the investigation and prosecution of trafficking offenders, although few victims chose to do so. The government did not provide foreign victims with legal alternatives to their return to countries where they may face hardship or retribution, although in past years foreign victims were allowed to remain in country during investigations. Trafficking victims were not penalized for unlawful acts committed as a direct result of being trafficked; however, due to the lack of victim identification strategies, not all foreign victims may have been identified before deportation.
The government maintained efforts to prevent human trafficking during the reporting period. To raise awareness about commercial sexual exploitation of children, the government conducted seminars in 84 schools, reaching 6,900 students, 230 teachers, and 140 parents. In collaboration with the ILO, the National Commission for the Prevention of Crimes of Sexual Exploitation, a multi-agency task force, sent 300 letters to the tourism sector to raise awareness of commercial sexual exploitation of children. Child sex tourism is prohibited by law, though there were no reported prosecutions of sex tourists during the reporting period. During the reporting period, the government implemented its National Plan for Prevention and Elimination of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents by publishing a comprehensive guide on health care of children and adolescent victims of commercial sexual exploitation and through supporting a study of sex trafficking in Panama. The government undertook no initiatives to reduce demand for forced labor.
This was taken from a Department of State Report on Human Trafficking. I thought I would put this out there since I read a post by BEC that made mention of preventing future issues. From what I hear around Boquete, most people are naïve or simply in denial. It is common around the world even in quiet Boquete. I love to point out statistics and facts, and this would be a primary reason this particular popular tourist destination was most likely selected. Keep in mind that this is the 4th case in the last 10 years, which is extremely low by most agency or country standards. However it does lend credence to the fact that it's here. There are many steps that can be taken to prevent or slow the rate of Human Trafficking, I would suggest that training be attained from Qualified Professionals in the field. And the neighborhood watch does not count, well... unless it involves the responsible use of a boat horn. If Ning users want to be proactive, and personally contribute to the search for these young ladies I would suggest going to a website named and breaking it up by country and compare the pictures of the escorts to those of the missing girls. I have personally worked 4 recovery missions that were given actionable intel from this site. Start with the middle east, UAE being my first choice.
Replies (some of them)
Lee Zeltzer wrote on April 21st, 2014: "I have thought a lot before taking the action of closing this thread. It was of interest although the information cited was years out of date. Panama is a tier 2 country as are most non "first world" countries that do not fall into tier 3. Panama is not great on protection of victims of human trafficking in fact they offer Colombians a special sex trade Visa. None of this except the claim of four possible abductions in all of Panama is relevant. Since the one I know about, and the only other case in Boquete was a 29 year old British male. I doubt he was abducted for sex trade so that tragedy is probably not related to the content of this thread. I do not want to discount the problem nor the risk of abduction or being lost in the wilderness surrounding Boquete. I realize closing the barn door after the horses have escaped is important as a precaution for others still inside. There are people trying to do that now, Fran, Lori and the Spanish Language Schools are all trying to prevent this from occurring again. We are all hoping for a positive event and positive ending of this horror for Lisanne and Kris but this thread has become shopworn and is now closed."
C. B. L. wrote on April 20th, 2014: "Don't believe me then! Keep skipping around town pretending everything is la di la. Go check yourself. It's public record. Go to the DIJ and the sala judicial and ask them for files about the child porn case in Boquete. I don't need to give you specifics, do the work yourself if you want verification. I was there. I saw the kids and the perps. I don't need verification that Boquete is about to go the way of Costa Rica. [..] Isn't the sex traffic theory speculating as well? Give me a break. This is reality. I can't sugar coat this nor it shouldn't be. My heart goes out to the family, but this is the real world, the 3rd world. This idea, you call it speculating, should have been investigated on day one. Many investigations and crimes are solved in the first 48 hours, after that, the odds of solving drop exponentially. You can read about the 2007-8 case, I don't know the exact date in the Prensa archives. there is also a youtube video about child porn that mentions Boquete and that case. The DIJ has info as well. You won't read about it in any Boquete welcome center."
Linch K. replied on April 19th, 2014: "Susan, I gave credit where it was due, the call center is a good thing even though I personally disagree with it. I feel if you chose to live in a Spanish speaking country then you should be able to communicate in said language. I have no axe to grind other than AAC has no business involved in a case such as this. They should know their place and stay in it. As far as being a true professional, brutal honesty just comes with the territory, sorry my chosen profession does not afford me the privilege to hug a tree every time my feelings are hurt. I tell you what, when everyone involved with AAC produces some credentials that validate their existence, I will close my ning account and leave the neighbor hood watch alone."
Henrietta V S wrote on April 19th, 2014: "WOW! Your post - your novella - is so wrong on so many different levels it's actually quite sad. I mean WOW. Good luck with that."
C. B. L. wrote on April 19th, 2014: "Why argue with these people? They're nothing but hero complexed expats with no achievements. Ask for credentials, you get silence. Ask them for schools, nothing. All they do is brag, and brag about what they know is good for other people just to reprimand them later. You can't praise and scold in the same paragraph. Just leave them alone. Let them waste their energy.
Safe Home Security of Panama wrote on April 18th, 2014: "No one did a damn thing to research human trafficking/kidnapping or think about "what if there is one ounce of merit to the stories and the mayors warning". Hey "we have many young people that visit here maybe we should have the hostels, and other venues have some basic warnings and guide lines for our young visitors". Thankfully my kids school did up the security and protocol for pick up at the time of the reports. We are all aware of the evil in the world, especially to young women but most made the choice to dismiss the mayors warning and media coverage in Oct 2013. Instead of being pro-active, the warnings I posted were considered rumors and made fun of. I just feel bad, if our community would have used common sense maybe two young women would be home with their families. Hopefully in the future, young visitors that vacation in Chiriquí will be given some safety advise on their arrival." [..] "I posted several stories from local tv and newspapers in Oct 2013 about alleged kidnappings in Chiriqui on Ning. Many of the usual negative people chastised me for writing and called it a rumor. Many did not take me or any of the kidnappings seriously. I was overreacting and all the media outlets were lying, even the mayor.. A statement from the mayor Nov, 2013: the Mayor of San Lorenzo district, eastern Chiriqui, issued a statement alerting parents to pending departure of students in the college, and also monitor small when they are at home. Mireya Rodriguez Moreno, Deputy Mayor of San Lorenzo district, said the statement is a warning to parents, mainly because information was received from the National Police over an alleged kidnapping in the village of Mount Boca, San Lorenzo. "Yesterday the police told us of an alleged kidnapping in Boca del Monte community. Well if the community would have taken any of it more seriously, maybe tourists would have been warned about traveling alone, recommendations about not taking rides with strangers, not hiking alone or informing foster homes where they were going and when they were scheduled to return. Pathetic... Linch..good job, tag your it!"
Mark Heyer wrote on April 18, 2014: "Linch, Your comments are right on the money, thanks. Although we don't know for sure, this event fits the profile: Attractive young women traveling UNACCOMPANIED are spotted at airports (San Jose) and turned over to catchers who befriend them and get them into a car under some pretext and convey them to the "business." Boquete itself is not being targeted, it was just the place where they let their guard down and took a ride, if indeed that is what happened. Human trafficking is an international problem, but it is also preventable if we took it as seriously as, say AIDS. Much more to be said going forward."
C. B. L. replied on April 20th, 2014: "When I started to come back to Panama to visit my parents and contracting with the U.S. embassy, in 2008, the child sex ring was recently busted in Caldera. It surprised me because I grew up here and that was unheard of. Among those found were many missing children that were kidnapped from around Panama, Costa Rica and Columbia and used as sex slaves. I did many details with the embassy and no one paid much attention because none were American. It was found that some kids were sent to other countries or even murdered. Some of those bodies were found without organs. No one can tell me crime is not a happening here. I am here because of crime, a personal one. There are murders, kidnappings, rapes, burglaries and simple attacks on people here that did not happen before. The Pianista trail is famous for those attacks. No one knows if the girls were kidnapped and used for sex slavery. It is just a theory. Another is that it was foul play, and the girls are... you know what. The thing to know is that if that's the case, the person or persons are still on the loose and will strike again. I've done too much and been though hell training to not know that. All of you should too. Take your hands from your eyes and ears and wake up."
Jim T. wrote on April 17th, 2014: "Don't forget the owners of Montañas de Caldera. Maybe this explains their disappearance.:)" [..] "When I first came to Panama I was standing in Line at the airport talking to a man from Miami. I asked why since he lived in Miami would he be going to Panama. He looked me up and down for a moment, got a small smile on his face and said "Because señor, You can get anything you want in Panama".

from a local Boquete forum said about the Kris and Lisanne disappearance on April 23rd of 2014:
"Youth has nothing to do with it. You only have to be fearless and trusting to become a victim. Maybe only trusting. It has been over three weeks since their disappearance, and while I would like to think they might still turn up alive, the odds are not high for that happening. There was a university student that was killed a year or so ago and it was said that it was to harvest organs. While older people may be mugged for money, young people may be mugged for more sinister reasons. [..] I believe the population of Boquete is doing all that can be done in the search, however, crime investigation is not one of Panama’s strong suits. I hope there is some finality to this case by the time I return from my trip, but I wouldn’t count on it." - Nevertheless the official Panamanian reading is that Kris and Lisanne got lost and fell off a cliff.
Boquete's forum members discuss a Jeremy Kryt article and a removed news item that said Lisanne's entire foot was found in June and that it was intact
By GP91, July 31rd 2016
Source and source
There were two interesting discussions on Boquete's own forum community, called Boquete Ning. I highlight a couple of things that were discussed mid 2016 about the disappearance of Kris and Lisanne. These are people commenting on this forum who mostly all live in Boquete.
"The title of this second article ['The last man to see the lost girls of Panama alive', by Jeremy Kryt] in the series is misleading, as the writer did not even get an interview with the unnamed guide thought to be “the last man to see the lost girls of Panama alive.” And then the writer says in the article that this local rancher/part-time guide was “one of” the last people to see the women alive. Other questions/inconsistencies that have surfaced in this latest installment from The Daily Beast:
- “The pulverized remains weren’t sufficient to determine the cause of death”
- “Witnesses say this same guide met with Kris and Lisanne less than 24 hours before they disappeared, on the campus of an all-inclusive language school called Spanish by the River, where the women were staying in Boquete.” - What witnesses? When were the girls last seen by the school/hostel? Why is there no interview of the staff of this small school/hostel?
- “Early the next morning, Kris and Lisanne set out to climb up to the Continental Divide on their own.” - How is it known they were on their own?
- “Contradictory testimony from eyewitnesses also hampered rescue attempts. It would be months before investigators confirmed Kris and Lisanne had in fact set out on April 1, instead of the day before.” - Again, what eyewitnesses? When were they last seen?
- “The pack was wedged into a mess of flotsam on the bank, the Ngobe woman said, and she was sure it hadn’t been there the day before.” - So the backpack had just recently washed up, after over two months in the elements, but in good condition, with cash, phone, and cheap sunglasses intact?
- “By the end of August, a total of 33 skeletal fragments had been linked to the missing women using DNA tests. Twenty-eight of the recovered bones were the small metatarsals of Lisanne’s left foot, still in its boot and sock, and reportedly found behind a tree near the river.”- We are not anatomists, but according to Wikipedia, the human foot has 5 metatarsals, and a total of 26 bones.
Also we did a quick search for the whole foot and boot online as it was all over the internet when it was first found. Can't find it anywhere, just the empty blue boot. Changed dates, changed evidence- is this rewriting history?"
Concerned replied on August 1, 2016: "In this article Jeremy has accepted wrong information about the date (April 6th) Sinaproc started searching the Pianista and surroundings. The date of April 6th serves as a basis for the following proposition present in his article: If Sinaproc would have started their searches earlier than April 6th, the two young ladies could have been found alive. Well, Sinaproc did start searching earlier than April 6th. At least TWO days earlier. Why didn't Jeremy verify this properly? Numerous postings in BoqueteGuide/ning at the time show when and where the searches were taking place and there are numerous other records, here is one of them. Sinaproc was physically involved in the searches as from April 4th. So, to go back to the proposition: If Sinaproc would have started their searches earlier than April 6th, the two young ladies could have been found alive. Sinaproc started on April 4th. Were they found alive? No. Were they found at all? No.
GP91 replied on August 1, 2016: "Yes, proposition is unfounded based on inaccurate dates given, not to mention other factors. Also we did a quick search for the whole foot and boot online as it was all over the internet when it was first found. Can't find it anywhere, just the empty blue boot. Changed dates, changed evidence- is this rewriting history?"
Concerned replied on August 1, 2016: "In all accounts about hikes on the Pianista trail, there are encounters with others on the trail. Regardless the weather conditions, rainy or not, muddy or not, there is always someone else on the trail. The trail serves as a pedestrian highway between Bocas and Chiriquí. So why should two beautiful young ladies be the only ones not to have encountered anybody on this trail? On a warm, sunny and dry day without any mud on the way? Here are some recorded encounters. You can find more recorded encounters along the Pianista trail in internet. For instance the most recent one, the Colombian lady who went missing. She supposedly bumped into her saviour Aristides."
Paul Jones wrote on August 1, 2016: "Personally, I would not consider it accurate to say that someone is always on the trail. In the half a dozen times we've hiked Pianista, I've only come across one other person, and that was a farmer working off the trail in the land before reaching the actual trailhead (there is a significant hike from parking to the actual trailhead).
Concerned replied on August 2, 2016: "That's good to know. How far on the trail did you get? Did you cross the CD? One of the links I posted, shows an encounter with 1 person behind the Mirador so at the bocas side."
Paul Jones wrote on August 2, 2016: "We would only go to the CD [summit] and turn back. However, since the search on Pianista, we no longer hike this trail."
Concerned replied on August 7, 2016: "3rd part: The Lost Girls of Panama: The Camera, the Jungle, and the Bones. If the two young women were at the river crossings, than that alone is proof for them not being lost. The crossings in question are found on the main path. Why would the two women want to cross at night? How sneaky. Why not in daytime?"According to the official necropsy reports, those fractures could only have been caused by a “fall from a high place,” likely while Lisanne was still alive." The same forensic expert who examined the bones and who worked on that report, Van der Goot, says that those fractures don't have to be caused by such a fall: The fractures can easily be caused by long distance hiking. "every year we see such injuries in hikers".
Regardless the weather conditions, rainy or not, muddy or not, there is always someone else on the trail. The trail serves as a pedestrian highway between Bocas and Chiriquí. So why should two beautiful young ladies be the only ones not to have encountered anybody on this trail?"
Concerned replied on August 8, 2016: "I understand what you mean. But sadly enough, the parents were compelled to accept the lost and accident scenario because they did not get any support by the Dutch authorities. There are many discrepancies in this case that could still be tackled."
And GP91 wrote another great post on August 7th 2016
"There is no evidence that the pictures were even taken by the girls.
1. There is no picture of the girls, lost and in the dark.
2. The time/date stamp on this camera can be changed. According to Wikipedia entry for this model, “the timestamp is only as accurate as the clock in the camera, and it may be completely wrong.” Therefore, someone who got their camera could have stood in the same spot and clicked the camera repeatedly, and even changed the date and time while doing so.
3. None of the pictures are clear, so the writer had to draw in and explain in great detail what we are supposed to think about them.
4. Pictures taken over and over in the same spot in the dark were stated to perhaps be (Lisanne) “trying to use the camera to tell us something she thinks is important,” but it is anyone’s guess what that might be.
5. The picture “possibly” showing a wounded Kris is not shown or verified by anyone as Kris, nor where she is. Yet it is used as the sole evidence for another far-reaching theory of how Lisanne may have left her there.
6. Articles placed around the rocks and identified as “possibly” signals for rescuers could also be entirely consistent with a cover-up of a crime. Anyone could have put them there. Then the article presents the thoughts by email of Dr. Reichs, “world-famous forensic anthropologist and best-selling author,” who offers these theories: A “flap of Lisanne’s skin that survived intact” can be explained by rainforest “micro-environments.” Concerning the fragmentation of the remains, she says, “Further damage from animal scavenging can be very diverse due to multiple transport modes: avian, fish, turtle, crab, small and large carnivores, etcetera.” (Though there is no noted damage to the remains from animal scavenging_. And her most 'powerful point': “Why would any criminal or criminals ‘leave cash, a passport, and electronics in the back pack?’”(That is a no-brainer, because again, it would be consistent with the cover-up to a crime).
Other Ning posters have spoken very well to questions about the conditions of the trail and how the girls could have ended up at the cable bridge, which was still part of the trail. And further, no one saw them there over the span of several days? None of this is in keeping with them getting lost, or that they even would have attempted to go this far. It is a stretch to think they did. Yet this entire article engages in wild and far-flung speculation, to arrive back at the official conclusion. Major unanswered questions remain, that fit a “crime and cover-up” more than “lost in the jungle”:
- The backpack and bag of bones brought in by the Ngobe, and no one even knows they were ever at the river.
- The condition of the backpack and the contents (they sure don’t appear they were ever at the river).
- The condition of the remains, and lack thereof.
- The forensic reports, and lack thereof.
- The lack of interviews as evidence from multiple eyewitnesses, including: guides (the one named in part 2 and Walter’s), hostel/school staff, people who sighted them near the trail (and don’t forget Blue), the Ngobe man and woman who reportedly found and brought in the bag of bones, and others.
- The reason for this whole article which leads us in spite of all these unanswered questions to believe, “this is a story with no real villain.” Therefore, we do not even know that Kris and Lisanne died on the Serpent River. Boquete, the authorities of Panama, local resident expats, the school/hostel who received them are all responsible to take care of guests who come as tourists, or to do volunteer work. If there was a failure, then it is the responsibility of those in the community to submit the facts of what is known for the safety and decency of the community. Further, if this is a crime, the perpetrator went too far this time, and the international community will find out what happened. He/they left too many clues.
Paul Jones replied on August 7, 2016: "I, for one, do hope that answers are found. No, Lisanne's father had not accepted the "lost in the forest" theory the last I heard, but this was around the time I attended the candlelight vigil in the square. I'm sure there's no harm in any new information coming to light. I hope someday it does. I've always leaned towards the foul play theory, due to several factors, but I'm definitely not sure of anything at this point. I do think that a particular guide and his son should have been investigated, and seemingly was ignored, as they own a place near the Pianista and he was one that was in the middle of it all (down to actually finding remains). That being said, I'm sure we don't know all the info obtained in the investigation. The government does have the motive to lean towards a lost girls theory, as tourism is good money in this country."
GP91 wrote on August 8, 2016: "Walter, I didn’t know the investigation was closed. Concerning “Mission Director,” if you were here, you would know he’s still cruising the streets. So again, why did you take your replies off the first part post about the missing girls?"
Concerned replied on August 8, 2016: "I still have to read the 3rd part properly, but I can say this: the forensics expert said that the girls "intelligently" left signs. How intelligent were they then?
- intelligent to knowingly cross the CD? Knowingly, because apparently they knew that the trail took to Bocas province, they were told the day before. They knew that they had to turn around to get back to Boquete.
- intelligent to supposedly follow the trail up to the official river crossings and not to take any side path? Many a time Boquetenos warned about the Path: "El sendero se bifurca..."
- intelligent to stay hidden for a full week and not to make photos in daylight?
- intelligent to make strange photos of their signs in night time?
- intelligent for not leaving a message to their loved ones, in plain Dutch instead of in gibberish (their signs)? I understand that hikers in distress leave such signs, but they also had the opportunity to leave some kind of message in their phones.
- etc"
GP91 wrote on August 9, 2016: "Thank you Walter for clarifying some important information. You are forgetting, however, that “Dutch police said an inn keeper saw them on April 1, when the women asked him for directions for their hike. Tired, they later returned to the man and asked for help getting back to town. Police said the man advised them to take a taxi, but he said he didn't see whether the women returned to town or went back to the mountain. Dutch police spokesman Bernhard Jens said Tuesday on Dutch media that "it was unlikely the women would have returned to their hike.", Apr 22 2014. There were other reports of them at the time that they were seen on their way back to town. So if anyone reading this has a sighting to report, it would be helpful to post that to establish again if the girls returned from their hike or not. And Walter, are you saying that the guide you talked to and know is the same guide Jeremy Kryt is referencing in the second part of his article as “the last man to see the lost girls of Panama alive”? If not, please clarify. Because again, if Jeremy is zeroing in on your guide, seems like he didn’t do his homework if this guide was already thoroughly investigated, and wasn't the last one to see them."
Concerned replied on August 9, 2016: "A Panamanian criminologist studied this case too. I don't have the details at hand, but you can find some in the internet, published by La Estrella. Her conclusion was clear: manipulation. I wonder whether the Canadian criminologist mentioned in Jeremy's account, has studied the whole picture or whether she only looked at the photos and concluded that the girls were very intelligent to use their toilet paper. It's the pattern that counts. The selfies and demeanour of the girls before they reached the Mirador, and records of whatever happened after are a huge contrast."
GP91 wrote on August 9, 2016: "The job of an expert who’s analyzing photographs is to determine the time of day they were taken by the shadows from the sun which is fairly easy to do, the dates and times on each picture’s original jpeg file, the number sequence, camera name, person’s name, to first establish if the files have been altered. Instead of that to attempt to figure out what is going on in someone’s head by looking at unclear and dark pictures, is strange fiction. No, nothing too intelligent here."
Concerned replied on August 10, 2016: "I agree. The authenticity of the nightly photos remains uncertified."
GP91 wrote on August 10, 2016: "Why wasn't it certified? Does anyone know who has the disk from Lisanne's camera?"
GP91 wrote on August 10, 2016: "To say that we shouldn’t look at what may have happened to the lost girls because it is too hard for the families or just too sad and uncomfortable is one thing. But to say after all the questions raised by professionals who have looked at the case and now again this investigative reporter that the possibility it was a crime is near “zero” is demonstrating extreme defensiveness of the “official” conclusion, to say the least. These girls’ smiles are etched in our minds. To think a possible perpetrator(s) may still be running free in the area should drive us all to find answers in this case. In addition to many unanswered questions and discrepancies, there’s the witness of absolutes. In spite of our instructors telling us from the 60s on that there are no absolutes, now that we are old we realize indeed there are. There are absolutes in chemistry, biology, physics, that can’t be changed. One of those absolutes is that when we step out of our body, it starts a process that returns us to the earth. This process is consistent, you can google it yourself.
To simplify, the body will be nothing but skeletal remains within as little as a month in hot climates and two months in cold climates. The only “micro-environment” that would slow this process would be refrigeration (temperatures between 2 °C (36 °F) and 4 °C (39 °F).
The environment of these trails and the Culebra River with its temperature, moisture, and diverse and abundant scavengers, insects, and microorganisms would in fact speed up the process. Delivering the remains to the authorities in a plastic bag, with no crime scene to examine, eliminated the evidence that this environment would have provided. What were the examiners supposed to do with that?
Concerned replied on August 10, 2016: "Thanks for sharing. However, many discrepancies remain. Firstly, the girls had dry sunny weather and could tell the difference between the Bocas and Boquete side. It is new for me to know that they were offered an excursion to the finca behind the CD, just the day before (or perhaps 2 days before?) I assume that the cable bridges were described as well. In other words, at some point they should have understood that they were descending on the wrong side. But no, the supposedly went on, kept low, kept quite for a full week, making no photos or selfies at all and then decided to make pictures of their signs AT NIGHT. Why not in daytime? There are other ways to make signs without offering the only pair of pants you are wearing. And place them at an official crossing near a cable bridge?"
Concerned replied on August 11, 2016: "I think the family has or the Dutch / Panamanian forensics. But it's my guess that the disc will not be released. The data should have been analyzed."
Concerned replied on August 11, 2016: "I appreciate your standpoint. Yes, I have hiked in the jungle, many times. And I know that you can get lost and unlost. I agree that it is hard to find the way in the dark, but why oh why would the girls have attempted to cross a dangerous cable bridge AFTER MIDNIGHT? Why not wait till sunrise? After a full week in the jungle?
GP91 replied on August 11, 2016: "The Panamanian examiners did the best they could with what they were given, and reported accordingly. Does anyone remember what was actually submitted of Kris and Lisanne’s remains, as reported at the time? The story from The Daily Beast seems to be altering and leaving out details of what is known of the evidence, in its quest to settle the “no villain” conclusion.
- Lime was found on the femur and left foot of Lisanne, and the pelvis and rib of Kris. “This would explain the state of the bones; without traces of blood, appearance almost intact, off-white, and without trauma”
- “The bones found do not have marks from the current or from blows by rocks...” Further “at the beginning of April the Culebre River did not have the force sufficient to sweep a person away.”
- “The evidence showed the first signs of decomposition and was covered in dust. The remains were found on 29 August.”
- “If we suppose that the girls died during the first week of April, right now, after 5 months of death, larvae shouldn't be seen. This points out that the body is or was kept in a humid place, under shadow and in low temperatures, according to the reports.” (i.e. refrigeration?)
- “During an examination to the tibia, the medical examiner stated that it didn't have any alterations. When he cut the bone to the bone marrow, he detected a dry, well-kept bone without any signs of putrefaction. The same happens with the femur, where the bone marrow is almost intact. How could the persons who picked the bones conclude that the mass covered with earth was part of the evidence?”
- According to the criminologist Calderon, “We don't know if it was plain ignorance or a plan, but all the information that could have helped us find out the truth behind this case was destroyed”. Los huesos presentan rastros de fósforo,, 24 Sept 14
Concerned replied on August 12, 2016: "This is about it, I think. The journalist who wrote this report in La Estrella took the trouble to visit the IMELCF where she was shown around and where she interviewed the examiners. If I recall correctly, the examiners were struck by the piece of skin. How could it have been spotted and recognized as such by the finders?"
GP91 wrote on August 12, 2016: "Yes, they were surprised. That is a huge red flag on this evidence. Use of lime by a perpetrator on the bodies would have explained the condition of the bones and why a piece of skin could have escaped decomposition as the spreading of the lime was uneven. Another quote from the first article above regarding this: “Humberto Mas, director of IMELF, is analyzing the possibility that the dismemberment of the bodies is a product of treatment with lime. Mas explains that the effect of lime is corrosive and previously he has had the experience that by covering the body with calcium oxide it is possible that the extremities are detached. If we continue this line of hypothesis, this would explain why the left foot does not present traces of cutting.”
GP91 replied on August 12, 2016: "True. The zigzagging conclusions of The Daily Beast on this story and the final angle of “lost in the jungle” is yet another huge mystery in all this. For any police investigator, this is in your face, a crime. One thing we can say for Walter’s posts about the guide in question, he might have saved him from getting thrown under the bus, as that seems to be where Part 2 of the article was heading. Clearly a crime of this nature would have had to involve more than one person, and someone who could/would plan out psychopathic twisted trails of evidence, much like a crime novel.
Concerned replied on August 12, 2016: "Tnx. It doesn't make sense to spend a full week in the jungle, not making any photos nor selfies (even if you are in distress) and then decide to cross a dangerous cable bridge AFTER MIDNIGHT. Unless you are fleeing from somewhere. That criminologist from Montréal failed to point this out."
Concerned replied on August 13, 2016: "The photo of the cable bridge in Jeremy's article, where the young lady wearing the green shirt is crossing the bridge: she is walking in the direction of Boquete. Westbank = boqueteside, eastbank is Bocas side. Kris' pants were supposedly found on the eastbank. She therefore supposedly had crossed the river already (from Boquete to Bocas). Or: Lisanne managed to cross the bridge in the direction of Boquete, coming from Bocas. So presumably on their way back from where?"
GP91 wrote on August 13, 2016: "Very interesting points. Either scenario is illogical and unbelievable, to take your shorts off and leave them “zipped and folded and set on a rock high above the water line” perhaps “placed at the crossing as a marker” as per The Daily Beast. These are apparently the same shorts that were later found to have “no evidence of blood or DNA” per the lawyer quoted in the La Estrella article “Los Huesos Presentan Rastros de Fósforo.” Even top Boquete Ninger Walter blogging from Montreal concluded in what was to be his “final post” that the shorts could have been “placed to draw attention to the fact that there was an accident.” It is not a fact that there was an accident. What is a fact is that this article from The Daily Beast is the latest chapter in the continual manipulation of the evidence and story of the missing girls."
Concerned replied on August 14, 2016: "IF the girls are the authors of the night photos and the timestamps are authentic, then what do we see? The night photos (taken AFTER midnight) are close-up images. One (or more?) shows a close-up of what is supposed to be Kris' hair. That would indicate that Kris and Lisanne were next to each other at that moment on one side of the river. Presumably the side where the items were placed? The items and the paper seem to be DRY, indicating that they had just been placed. In other words: Kris removes her pants and places them on a rock and then crosses the bridge. Remains the crucial question: why in the middle of the night instead of waiting till dawn? And why try to attract the attention by placing items if you are sneaking around in the dark? Because of the fall? And seeing the place where the items were placed (if correct), then couldn't they have just climbed out of there? And, being an official crossing, wouldn't anyone show up eventually? I don't believe that these 2 young women would have created so many questions for their loved ones without leaving behind some kind of concrete message in their mother language."
GP91 replied on August 14, 2016: "These are all key questions. So, this series of images all taken at night; none are clear; supposed markers placed in odd unintelligent way; though the girls were likely weak and possibly injured, one or both had the strength to cross the bridge and place the shorts high on a rock; no one saw them over a week span on a main trail at an official crossing; and…no note/message/picture left to loved ones in their native language. That this could have actually happened as presented by the articles defies the imagination. It appears to be a total and complete illogical, botched attempted cover up of foul play, no matter what levels of status were solicited for help."
Concerned replied on August 15, 2016: "And TWO governments go along with it, shaking hands."
Concerned replied on August 26, 2016: "There is something else: one of the phones (Samsung) connected to GSM on April 2nd."
Guy Craig replied on August 28, 2016: "Money and expensive electronics left in a knapsack? .... not very ominous."
And GP91 wrote another great post on July 25th 2016
"Sure, everyone for a time was led to believe that the girls had likely gotten lost and perished in the jungle, which is entirely plausible. But if the investigative journalist at the Daily Beast and others he interviews and provides documentation from were nearly sure of that, then he would not be providing this investigative report with so many question marks, including:
- “Why had so few remains been found?”
- “Why were there no marks on the bones?”
- “What did the presence of other human remains mean?”
- Why “after the discovery of the identified remains, [did] Panama’s attorney general [call] the case ‘a crime against personal integrity,’ but when forensic examiners reached an impasse, the Panamanian government simply declared the case closed”?
- Why does the lawyer for one of the families believe “the evidence seems to have been manipulated in order to hide something”?
- Why though there were “more than 30 unidentified fingerprints” on the backpack did Panama fail “to record prints from any of the Indigenous people involved in the case”?
- How can “the intact conditions of the clothes and wallet,” backpack, and electronics be explained? (and we heard reported that the pack was found hanging on a branch, not “washed up on the riverbank”; which was it?)
- Why is it that “no forensics examination was ever done at the crime scene”?
- Why as Concerned already posted did “none of the dog teams ever [get] near the scene either—including the Dutch dog teams”?
- Why were the local resident Ngobe the acting ‘forensics’ team, with the bag of bones they brought in not even verified?
Though we can’t imagine the pain of the parents of these girls, a full investigation of whether or not it was in fact a crime would serve to PREVENT other victims and other grief-stricken parents. So we look forward to follow these reports and anything else that comes out to see if any light will be shed on these unanswered questions."
And GP91 wrote on July 24, 2016: "I also find it interesting that I saw the Volcancito Mission Director (who we've posted about before) visited by the local police for advice about the missing Dutch girls (so he told me after they left) the day before the backpack was found. He also announced at Sunday night church early in April that he had gone with his head groundskeeper to help with a search on the Pianista Trail, as a good Christian should do. So glad this case is being investigated.

May 30th, 2014
He recalled that 75 percent of Boquete's economy is generated from tourist activities and, he ventured that there will therefore be damages if the other side of the district is not sold, which includes the security and diversity of activities that people can carry out. He calculated, as it was added, that each backpacker spends an average of $150 a day in the community, paying for lodging, buying food in supermarkets, transportation and expenses for activities such as hiking and canopy, among others. He added that the problem goes much further, because in the district (of Boquete) there are 46 businesses dedicated to hosting tourists, including hotels, hostels and cabins, and that they are already receiving calls from tour operators to cancel reservations, specifically to cause of the news about the disappearance of the Dutch. The Chamber acknowledged that tourist activity is low at the moment in the area, but that generally people prepare for the months of July and August, when the summer holidays are given and the increase in flights from Europe is expected. It was added that there is therefore concern about the repercussions that may have due to the disappearance of the two young women.

Update: T. the medium said that one of the kidnappers eats sweets constantly and one should follow the trail of the sweet wrappers.
All the photos taken by Kris Kremers & Lisanne Froon during their Panama stay. Chronologic from Scarlet R on Vimeo.

As an aside, I just found this reenactment video from two local girls who live around 40 km from the Il Pianista trail and who made a college project about this case. They say they use the local folklore information about this disappearance

Britta Sanders: "The inhabitants of Boquete have really sympathized with the families of Kris and Lisanne. And the people here are also waiting anxiously for the results of the investigation. But local inhabitants are not content with the manner in which the authorities have organized the searches. Because all the findings and discoveries were done by local ordinary people, and not by the professional search teams. First the backpack, last Wednesday... Then the shoes and bone remains. They were all found near the river Culebra, by ordinary people. Such as F. G.. He is disappointed in the course of events."
Guide: "We found the remains. And they didn't even say thank you for your help. (He literally seems to say: we found that path). No, nothing. They only came and picked it up by helicopter in two minutes."
Britta Sanders: "F. is a guide in the area and has a farm there. Since the two young women disappeared in the area, two months ago, he has been thinking about them every single day. They disappeared in his region."
Guide: [Sobbing] "Today it has been two months and 20 days. And when the people [parents] went back the first time, to Holland, the government stopped looking. Nothing. But when they came back again, they sent a helicopter up. For one month they did nothing. Only when the parents stayed here, was something done."
Britta Sanders: "Together with three Indians and a team of six people from Boquete, he went out looking, because they felt the authorities did far too little."
Guide: "This is about people. They needed to move like this, quick."
Britta Sanders: "And they didn't, you think?"
Guide: "No. Waiting for the chief... waiting for this, waiting for that. Then they need to discuss this.."
Britta Sanders: "I asked the chief public prosecutor [which was Betzaida Pittí at the time] for a reaction to the discontentment of these people who were the ones who made sure with their findings that there will finally be some more clarity in this case. But she does NOT want to react in front of the camera. No matter how sad the ending, F. and his men are content that they could do some good work for the families, in these uncertain times.

La Estrella de Panama
December 26, 2014
Adelita Coriat
[Source. Translated from Spanish] Betzaida Pittí affirms that the evidence in the case of Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon does not allow her to assert that the girls were killed. Prosecutor Betzaida Pittí outlines several hypotheses about what could have happened to the Dutch girls.
"The death of the Dutch Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon remains a mystery. According to the criteria of some experts, the evidence suggests that it was a homicide. But Betzaida Pittí, First Superior prosecutor of the province of Chiriquí, in charge of the investigation, still does not dare to affirm it with force. She does not rule it out, but with the scientific evidence available to date, and the testimonies that have reached her office, asserting that it was a murder, it is for her like jumping into the void. The last time Kris and Lisanne were seen was on April 1 of this year. The girls disappeared when they ventured on the El Pianista trail, located in Boquete, Chiriquí. Their remains were found at a distance of more than 12 hours on foot from the trail. That day they carried their cell phones, a backpack, a bottle of water and a camera with them. They wore shorts and a T-shirt, both wore also dark ankle boots. Prosecutor Pittí is almost certain that the girls died eight days after their disappearance. She reaches this conclusion based on forensic analysis of Kris and Lisanne's cell phones. The devices showed activity - among which there are eight unsuccessful calls to the emergency numbers in Holland and Panama. At this time, cell phones were turned on correctly. But, April 6 was the last day the iPhone of one of them was properly turned on and off. The forensic report carried out in the Netherlands revealed that on April 11 the telephone pin was not entered, unlike the rest of the previous attempts. [Scarlet; the wrong or no PIN code was entered from the afternoon of April 5th onward] For this reason, Pittí relies on the fact that the girls lived for several days after having vanished among the vegetation and the rivers of the path.
Six months after the disappearance, the prosecution does not have a clear hypothesis about how young women Kris, 21, and Lisanne, 22, died. The prosecutor begins to sketch some probabilities based on the evidence: 'Let's see ... they dismembered them, let's suppose that happened. How lucky that rib that turned up is featureless. We found the middle of the hip, tell me if there is a feature of that, 'asks Pittí. 'It would be irresponsible to say that the girls were murdered without foundation. I have nothing to say that they were killed. A rumor reached me that there was a witness who said they had been murdered. I sent for that witness and he spoke of other people outside the case. The evidence tells me, so far, that there is no dismemberment. Who knows if tomorrow I will find a skull with other signs, 'explains Pittí. According to the prosecutor, so far, "with the evidence available, the interference of a third person at the scene is not appreciated." But nothing is set in stone, and Pittí does not rule out changing his hypothesis.

Edwin Álvarez: "Once the first evidence was found, a group of researchers in the area should have been set to do a meticulous search in a very wide range of action. This should have been done over the entire sector to increase the possibility of finding any evidence that had the capacity to lead to clarification of the event." 'The lawyer also says he has some apprehensions about the discovery of both some belongings and skeletal remains.'
Edwin Álvarez: "In my opinion, it allows us to rule out at the outset that it can be considered that the death was due to an accidental death or due to starvation. It is the fact so that no elements of the fabrics, of the dresses that the victims were wearing, have been found." 'While Álvarez indicates that the existence of a criminal hand should not be ruled out. The families of the young women are willing to continue searching for new elements. However, the task will not be easy'.
Search team professional: "We should do a study of the place because we should remember that we are in the rainy season and there is a lot of risk that we are going to take. And if they are not specialized units in fast water rescue, the search maneuver will be somewhat difficult." 'In this puzzle there are many pieces that do not fit. Meanwhile, in the Netherlands, the focus is on when the Panamanian authorities will deliver the few skeletal remains found to the relatives of the young Dutch women.'

"I bit of a rest in my room before tackling the track up the hill behind the house. I had some difficulty finding the start of the path as they were obviously clearing land to build more houses and had managed to clear the path in the process. I therefore trekked back down the hill to ask my hostess and then back up again to do the walk, so I got even more than I had bargained for. I had been warned that the path was steep. It was vertical and very dry and dusty, with absolutely no flat bits. It wasn’t long before I had acquired a little Indian boy as a guide. I had passed their house on the way up and a couple of minutes later, I was joined by Abisima (at least, I think that was his name!). He looked about 7 but told me he was 10. He scampered ahead of me like a mountain goat and then sat and waited for me to catch up. This was quite a slow process on my behalf, so he did a fair bit of waiting. The best view was about three quarters of the way up, so I didn’t even need to go to the top but I did, of course. On the way down, he slid down the dust, as if he was skiing and swung on branches, whilst I picked my way slowly, trying to find terra firma. Even so, I managed to get very dusty and dirty[..]. Once back at the house, I felt I had done enough for one day, so read for a while before having a very tasty chicken dinner cooked by Marilin. Whilst I was eating, a party of 7 Dutch people arrived, who all decided they wanted a meal, so at 8pm, Marilin started cooking again and the new arrivals seemed quite surprised when they were told it would not be ready for an hour!"

"27 March - The day started badly. It had been pouring with rain overnight and I had left my boots under the veranda, thinking they would be safe and dry. They weren’t and I do not like wet feet when I am hiking! Plastic bags on the feet solved the problem temporarily." And when she visits the Three Waterfalls: "The path was extremely muddy and slippery after all the rain, particularly between waterfalls 2 and 3, where there were also ropes you could use to swing yourself up and down the track. I was very, very tired by the time I got back to the road!"
-It can be cold at the end of March/early April in the Boquete cloud forest: "There were some soldiers staying at the Ranger’s hut, who apparently came from Darien and were all dressed up in balaclavas etc because they thought it was so cold here!" Makes me wonder how Kris and Lisanne stayed warm overnight, in their very short pants and singlets/tank tops. And no bras at some point..

The best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour, and Kris and Lisanne broke with all their natural behaviour and habits, as soon as they went missing. A sudden stop of taking photos, a sudden stop of calling their parents, a sudden stop of documenting their days in writing. Sleuths arguing from the comforts of their homes are often quick to tell you what is 'logical' and what isn't. But aside from Latin American countries having often their own set of issues with crime and quality of policework and lower crime solving rates, nobody can convince me that during a first night out in the jungle, in a panic, two young girls from the other side of the world, the 'safe' side, would not call their parents. Or that they would immediately think of saving battery life. Because batteries die without using them anyway, and they needed help right away. But when Lisanne díd leave her phone powered on during the evening and night of April 2nd to April 3rd.... nobody was tried to call. While the phone's battery was being drained. I find it hard to understand. She must have been aware of the phone being powered on, because between roughly 02:00 and 03:00 in the morning, a weather app was looked up. And the phone remained powered on after that as well, until 07:36 in the morning. So why not try to call your parents? And then suddenly on day 8 they would have decided to take such vague, meaningless 99 photos in the dark of night? Not one picture explaining where they were and not one photo explaining how they were. Or who even took those photos? It makes no sense. I believe that it was most likely a 3rd party who took those photos and who set out to make it look like the girls had gone lost, alone, in the jungle. The 3rd party couldn't write draft messages because they didn't speak Dutch. They couldn't take selfies because the girls were probably dead or injured, so they made some vague meaningless photo of the back of Kris' head and the side of the face from Lisanne. It was all done on purpose I think, to stop these families from coming back, again and again, turning the place upside down to find their poor daughters. That's why these remains were found so late, so many months into the searches. This area has drug trails, they are not happy with international news crews. Authorities may have been all too willing to cooperate with the lies and the scam as they want no bad publicity for their tourist economy. Just as crime and human- and organ trafficking in Panama had to be kept underreported. I also think there were bits and pieces of the girls kept by this 3rd party, then strategically spread around (planted) to mess up the narrative even more and voila, nothing makes sense anymore now. I think it was a crime of opportunity, that these girls were sexually abused and when the searches became too widespread and the media covered the case too much, the girls became a risk to keep around and were killed :( It's such a shame that not more and new facts have surfaced by now. Nobody has yet without a doubt identified the location of the night photos, for instance. We also do not know what photos were taken between #508 and #550.

So of course there will have been things left private. But aside from various people having had access to all these case files, verifying that no important photos or details have been kept out of the public space, one also has to wonder if such info really could have been important enough to potentially change the state of this case; being stuck. If so, why did the parents of Kris oppose the Accident scenario for as long as they did? Explicitly stating they believed their daughter was kidnapped, and hiring a lawyer to force Panamanian officials to do more? The parents will have known about all the info in this case. Or so we have to trust. So there is most likely no photo of Kris and Lisanne in a terrible state, as one single blogger once wrote without a source link or any evidence. If such a photo really existed, I think it would probably have been leaked one way or another a long time ago already. The lawyer Arrocha also had insight in all the case information and he has also battled for a long time to get more answers (he believes the girls met foul play). And what did the Lost in the Wild presenter say again? “What this pathologist showed us off-camera was very convincing. He was really afraid for his safety, which meant we were not allowed to broadcast everything. Believe me: something much bigger is going on here than is suspected in the Netherlands and I certainly do not exclude the involvement of high-level people." But they are just gullible, scoop-making simpleton journalists, right? Coming from some people who are not even journalists themselves, nor went to Panama.
Since there is no hard proof, this is just a subjective theory, mind you, and it has weaknesses as well, such as the rushed timeline involved and the phone log data not matching 100%. This is just one of several 'foul play' scenarios possible. But I believe that the so called Pandilla gang could be behind this disappearance. I believe that Kris and Lisanne met others on the Pianista and were forced off track and were kidnapped and murdered. The Pianista is a One way up-same way Back trail, so anyone following Kris and Lisanne would have been in a prime position to intercept them. Either something went wrong by the time they had taken photo 508 I believe, or the girls made it back to the summit and ran into the wrong people there. A third option in my book is that they made it all the way down and went for a swim. Hence the swimming photo. This swimming theory is not 100% fitting either, however. But here we go:
I think that either way, local men are involved. Possibly linked to that local youth gang of sorts, but not necessarily so. There must be more potential people of interest in Boquete and surroundings who simply managed to stay out of the spotlight, and therefore remained anonymous for now. Gangs are said to have been an actual problem in Panama, and probably still are. This article from early 2015 states that six of the nine murders (66%) that were registered in the Province of Chiriquí in the month of January of 2015 alone, were murders committed by gang members. At that time there were 17 known gangs active in the Province of Chiriquí, and even more unknown gangs that stayed under the radar. "At present, there are two groups of these gangs that are in a frank dispute, for which the National Police are directing the necessary efforts to dismantle them," said the Chief of the police zone. Officials were worried about this high number of homicides and especially about the fact that gangs committed such a large percentage of murders in this province of Panama, which caused "mourning in many families and generates insecurity". The gangs are said to not just consist of local people but also include internationally operating gangs (who sometimes use the services of local gang youth). So despite the fact that Boquete has the international (cultivated) reputation of being a sleepy pensioners and expat village, reality is that the region also has gang related violence and murders. Many people die by drowning also, even when they don't have water in their lungs (in other words: 'drowning' is a popular way of getting rid of opponents). The resurfaced photo shows in my belief Kris and Lisanne bathing with some local youth. They all died under suspicious circumstances soon after. Then there is the lad pictured, Osman Valenzuela, who's drowning was detailed near the top of this blog post and who was also a member of this gang of sorts. Police seized his phone and reportedly did not give it back to the family. There are many claims that the swimming photo came from his phone. Rumours went round in Boquete from that time onwards about the suspicious and incriminating photos of the missing girls on his phone. Only recently were they leaked by a source in Boquete, together with mostly all the night photos as well as the photos of the girls' diaries. I think the swimming photo now finally proves that those rumours were true.


This is only a theory! AS I SAID: There must be more potential people of interest in Boquete and surroundings who simply managed to stay out of the spotlight, and therefore remained anonymous for now. - I personally do think that Kris and Lisanne started the Pianista Trail. Or perhaps instead a shorter nearby trail, which starts next to Casa Pedro, Alto Lino. They were seen by multiple witnesses along the trail. But I think that they could have perhaps met tour guide P. along the way. He admitted as much, before later retracting that statement, but I still think that he could have spent more time with them on the trail than simply seeing them in passing. However I don't really suspect him to be necessarily further involved. I think the girls were either followed behind the summit by a 3rd party and forced to go elsewhere, or taken for a swim [swimming photo location] with local youth soon after reaching the summit. Two of these group could perhaps have even been the never identified young male duo who were already seated in the taxi from Leonardo, when Kris and Lisanne stepped in. The taxi driver may also have told his friends about the good looking young tourists in his taxi and where they were going, by themselves, as he stated himself in an interview that he was on the phone most of the time while they were in his cab. On the phone with who? We don't know. And the girls were reported to have been seen with multiple local young men in the days prior, with some witnesses mentioning that they had an appointment with two local guys to see waterfalls or meet at the Pianista Trail. Perhaps there is some truth to these statements, although witnesses have proven to be particularly challenging and dubious in this case, unfortunately, with may contradicting one another.

Anyway, back to the Tuesday Swimming theory. While the poor girls were held against their will, Osman got shaky about it all after a day or two. Something his own mother stated explicitly to the press; he got nervous, anxious, started to behave paranoid. He may have had a crisis of conscience perhaps and this disturbed the other people involved. He proved to be unreliable with photos of 'a red haired and a blond haired young women' on his phone, of which word had already been spreading. Maybe someone made him a scapegoat by taking the photo and putting it on Osman's phone, maybe Osman was involved in the girls' disappearance. Either way; within this theory the other guys saw him as a weak link, someone who could start to talk eventually, and he was disposed of. Locals know the craic but don't dare to speak out, despite some personally hearing the restaurant's relative telling dodgy stories during a drunken slur in bars; about having met the young women, about being the last person to have seen them alive (I received a couple of messages about this from witnesses). Police were informed about these drunk statements at the time, but they did nothing with it in the end. Perhaps they discredited the info, perhaps they investigated it properly and found no merit in the accusation. Another bit of mere gossip in town was also said to have been that Osman said something to local gang members about the disappearance of Kris and Lisanne and their involvement in it, and that they shouted at him, in this public place, that they would kill him for his remarks. Could be malicious nonsense though. Osman helped with the searches of Kris and Lisanne on April 4th, right before he mysteriously died himself later that day. At least one of his family members is said to have lived on the Pianista trail at the time. The restaurant owners on that same trail have a son who is consistently named by locals who contacted me over this as being a member of this youth group. Did they really give their dog to the girls and did Blue the dog really come back alone in the late afternoon? Or was this a way to distract from something else that took place perhaps. See? Girls never came back from their hike. They are over on the other side of the mountain. Who knows. - Some photos could also have been manipulated to make it look like they were all alone on the summit. Perhaps missing photo 509 showed Kris and Lisanne with this local group and was therefore deleted afterwards. Or perhaps the photos taken on April 1st were rearranged, to obscure that the girls had returned to the Mirador and the trailhead after taking photo 508. Especially as we now know for a fact that Pittí and her team meddled with these photos on June 17th. There was an opportunity there to do this photo order manipulation, as they also rotated and photoshopped night photos unasked. Something she shouldn't have done, given that the NFI were still to start with their primary investigation of those phones and camera devices at that point in time. We know that halfway up the Boquete side of the mountain, they already hit the (cellphone) dead zone. This was confirmed by IP and Tharindu (more about this in part 4). It could therefore also mean that a crime occurred above that halfway line, up to an hour under the Mirador. And that the phones were disabled then. I also do not believe those phone logs themselves blindly, as they were handled also first by Pitti and her team. If they are capable of manipulating photo sequences, they can also easily change some phone log data. Night photos and phone calls could also technically have been staged/faked to reinforce the false narrative.
The backpack was planted within this crime theory, and some bone remnants too. This was done after 10 weeks, when the remains were decomposed far enough to erase any signs of foul play or human involvement, as well as their DNA. The skulls and upper torso's would have perhaps shown a (violent) cause of death, hence why those body parts were never found. This closure was needed however; these breadcrumbs, in order to finally send the heartbroken parents home. They would not leave until they found their daughters' remains, they swore in the Dutch media. Is it even possible that in order to 'get' their daughters' bones, the parents had to sign some sort of special clause from Panamanian authorities? What is certain, is that accepting their daughters' (very few) bones meant also the end of the investigation in Panama. The Kremers family said on camera at the time that they did not accept their daughters' bones yet, as that would mark the end of the investigation, and they wanted their whole daughter back first. Hans Kremers also wasn't allowed by authorities to talk about the phone use of the girls for a while, which I believe visibly pained him to stick to at that point. Some say that you can see the doubt in his eyes already there. I do not believe he had full trust anymore by then, that the Panamanian authorities truly did everything physically and technically possible to find their daughters.

*Osman Valenzuela (22) drowned under suspicious circumstances, only a few days after Kris and Lisanne disappeared. He had even helped 'search' for Kris and Lisanne on the day he went missing. Very suspicious circumstances. He was threatened also and very afraid and nervous in the days leading up to his untimely death, his mother declared to the local papers. He was pictured in the swimming photo
*Leonardo Arturo Gonzalez Mastinu (34), the taxi driver: another unfortunate drowning in shallow water. He was investigated at the time for the disappearance of Kris and Lisanne.
*Efrain Manuel Rios Gonzalez “Adonis” (23 by now) got locked up in 2018 for the brutal rape and murder of a 50 year old woman in Boquete.
*Then there is Heriberto who is still alive as far as I know.

I believe that the girls *may* perhaps have returned after photo 508 was taken. There was no need to take more photos of the same route, as they already took them on the way up. But I am inclined to say that it is possible that some of the summit photos were shuffled later, and in fact taken both after they made it up the Mirador, as well as roughly two hours later, on their way back. Showing the view suddenly against a cloudy backdrop. Lisanne wears her hair differently also there. Photos taken mere seconds apart now show her with different hair styles against different cloud/blue sky backdrops. Their phones supposedly didn't make contact again with a cell tower after approximately 13:38 pm, even though there is reception down the Pianista Trail. But on the top half of the Pianista trail (so still on the Boquete side), the iPhone of Kris also failed to make GSM cell connection according to the official phone logs. This means that there was at least an hour's worth of trail behind the Mirador and an hour's worth of trail before the Mirador where the phones had no GSM network reception. Matching the lack of reception with the time the first emergency calls were made, between roughly 16:30-17:00. It is theoretically possible as well therefore, based on the currently available information, that they ran into foul play in this summit area, after trying to return to Boquete. It could also explain why no more photos were seemingly taken after photo 508. - But the fact that Panama's investigators bungled things and that the telephone companies there failed to provide the relevant cell tower data and locations, I wouldn't necessarily blindly trust even those phone data... And what about that 14:00 contact Kris had with her boyfriend? That was confirmed on camera by the relatives on day 2 or 3, when they had just gone missing, so their memories were very fresh about these types of critical details. Kris' parents discussed it in detail, making sure they talked about local Panamanian time when they discussed when Stephan had last contact with Kris. This could tell us that either the information about where exactly on the Pianista trail there is and isn't cell network reception is dodgy, ór that the girls were on the trail at a different time than is now believed, ór that they had already returned to the summit by then and found a spot with cell reception, ór that the parents were incorrect about this 14:00 time after all. It sometimes bugs me tbh why journalists or investigators never picked up on this detail later. Nobody asked about it ever again. Investigators said the connection was lost at 13:38 PM for Kris and Lisanne, so it makes little sense that Kris would have communicated by phone at 14:00 again. Unless they walked back after taking photo 508, perhaps. Or unless the parents were an hour off with their time and it took place around 13:00 instead... But how easy is it to verify the exact time of contact with Kris' boyfriend, before the journalists arrive at your house for an interview which the entire country will see on the news? I trust that they did their homework in advance and that the 14:00 PM time must therefore be correct.

The swimming photo is named after Sabroson, but the person who leaked this photo and the additional night photos didn't explain or prove the link between Sabroson and the photo. Nevertheless, it seems possible that the Sabrosan relative took the photo, as he was friends with the lads in the photo, Jose Manuel and Osman. And with some other local youth, rumoured by sources in Boquete to be all in this local 'gang' of sorts, including the stepson of the tour guide, a troubled local character. Osman was eventually found under strange circumstances, in a curled up rigor mortis, seemingly drowned despite being a strong swimmer. It was not given much media attention, aside from one or two articles. I am not sure Osman and Jose Manuel were directly involved in the disappearance of Kris and Lisanne. They could be. It is also possible that they were there when the girls met their friends and that they first just all had a good time together, as shown in the swimming photo. But that something happened afterwards. For instance, one may have gotten jealous that the girls had more interest in Osman than in him. Or, the boys may have wanted to go further with them sexually, but Kris and Lisanne suddenly backed off. And it turned out they only wanted to have a good time swimming, but no physical contact. The boys may perhaps have felt they had been led on, or insulted. And then took the girls elsewhere to teach them a little lesson. Maybe Osman and Jose Manuel knew about all this, but didn't condone it. Osman was restless, anxious and unlike himself in the days before his death, his mother stated to journalists. It worried her, he seemed petrified and stressed out about something, but he didn't tell her what. I can imagine that his conscience played up. Or that he was threatened by one of the group (the erratic one, according to sources) to keep his mouth shut and not let anything show. But that he cracked under the stress and became a liability for the others. Taxi driver Leonardo and Jose Manuel may have known what happened too but were no direct threat, yet. But they both died in March of 2015 under strange circumstances. Perhaps they were deemed a risk also, later on. Or perhaps it was just a coincidence that these young men died within weeks from one another. To me Osman Valenzuela's death is by far the most suspicious and strange one of the three. But of course it is all speculation; vital information is missing. We just try to put a puzzle together with a blindfold on, at this point.
Some people have suggested that the death of Osman may coincide with the sudden stopping of entering the right PIN codes into Kris' iPhone. But the times do not overlap entirely. Because Kris' phone kept receiving the correct two sets of PIN codes up until the morning of April 5th. So this does not match with the date of Osman's reported disappearance, in the late afternoon of April 4th. Of course, he was only found dead by Saturday afternoon April 5th, so in theory he could have still been alive that Saturday morning. Osman was reported missing on April 4th by his family, around 18:00 PM. That same afternoon - so on the day he went missing - he had already helped with the searches for Kris and Lisanne. He himself was searched for until Saturday April 5th, when he was found around 12:50 PM. And the iPhone from Kris received its correct pin code for the last time on April 5th, 10:50 AM. That leaves two hours for him to die and develop rigor mortis, if he was the one typing that correct code for the last time at 10:50, going by this theory. That will be very tight. But perhaps it is possible under the right circumstances (he was found in the water and apparently being murdered can freeze people in odd positions). I am really not sure though if two hours would be enough for rigor mortis to set in the way it did with his body. But it certainly is an interesting theory. - And there is also the theory that the reported April 5th screams at Cerro Punta at the Quetzal Trail can be linked to this last correct PIN code entrance. Then the girls would have died by then, or Kris at the very least (perhaps thrown in a ravine, as the Marcus M. witness believed, who saw three young men hiding from him in the bushes afterwards). And that is why there were no more correct PIN codes entered after April 5th, 10:50 AM. But I personally believe that there must be another explanation for the PIN codes suddenly never being entered again. I suspect it was all a set up tbh. ('See? See world and investigators? This is when Kris perished out alone in the jungle, and Lisanne plodded on a bit longer until the 11th').
I don't exclude the possibility that Kris and Lisanne met Henry, Osman, Edwin and their friends before April 1st and that the boys suggested things like the Pianista trail, the Tree Trek and the Caldera swimming spot to them. Perhaps the girls had a drink or a meal at the Sabroson restaurant at some point during their stay (the restaurant is only a block away from Miriam's house), or perhaps they met them somewhere else. It is even possible that they were the young men of whom several locals testified that they had an appointment with Kris and Lisanne that day. Some say they were bound to visit a waterfall together on April 1st, and police never were able to verify this information. But the high amount of money found in the girls' backpack (roughly the equivalent of 88 American dollars) could indeed point towards the Tree trek zipline experience. It is located rather close to the Pianista trailhead. So that is a very good connecting of the dots by you. The zipline accident is also something we have wondered about ourselves. Maybe they first went for a swim after the Pianista hike and then the boys felt strong and confident and told Kris and Lisanne that they worked at the Tree Trek zipline and that they could do an evening zip, secretly. [Although this deviation from your main theory does pose issues with the two emergency calls already having been made between 16:30 and 17:00PM]. And things went wrong from there. Perhaps the boys took Kris and Lisanne to the zipline after official working hours, and abused their responsibility as such. And when one of the girls had an accident, the boys freaked out. They wouldn't have been insured for the damages, and it may - in theory - also explain Kris' seriously broken pelvis. Broken so badly that it matches with a fall of great height. And this scenario can in theory also explain why the guys wanted to cover up the event and therefore had to make Kris and Lisanne disappear and make it seem like they went missing on the Pianista trail earlier that day. It certainly makes sense in terms of geographic locations of all these places, as well as provides a more detailed motive. I believe the daytime photos could have been manipulated, in the sense that the order may have been rearranged (making it look like there are only photos of the outward journey, up and beyond the Mirador, removing photos that may show that the girls actually also returned on the track OR met with Henry and Osman and friends for instance and were taken to the nearby zipline, or perhaps even that they got a ride back by the witnessed red truck).

I do really understand where people are coming from when they find a foul play scenario too far-fetched. I believed for years that the girls just got lost and perished. This is not aimed at leisure readers, but when I read on some online forums where seemingly die-hard followers of this case go on and on about how insane any foul play scenario is, but never come up with a convincing and detailed Accident scenario that respects the hard forensic facts of this case, then it makes me frown. There also often are a lot of assumptions with regards to what Kris and Lisanne would and wouldn't have found logical, or what they would or wouldn't have done, or, what is 'logical' in this situation anyway. But we all need to remember that not many of us are actually 21 or 22 years old Dutch young women, stuck somewhere near Boquete. Most of us have never even been to Panama. So we just try to imagine these situations. Many people are looking for the facts. But there are not that many solid facts in this case. We're all simply trying to find the most likely scenario of what happened and this is ultimately a subjective approach.

People have disappeared in that region before, but usually the attention for their cases quickly died down. I think that it stressed the perpetrators out that months into Kris and Lisanne's disappearance, their families and search troops were still coming back to look for these girls. The whole jungle was turned upside down to find them. The media circus was huge and it all impacted the tourism industry negatively. It may have unnerved some people as well.. So what was needed? Something had to be found to give closure to the families/media and stop those ongoing searches of the jungle, 'their turf'. The only thing that factually and actually stopped these mass searches, funded from the Netherlands, was the discovery of the girls' belongings and a handful of their bones. The camera was important I think because the photos on it showed seemingly that Kris and Lisanne had walked on from the Pianista summit and got lost. The phones showed the same thing; emergency calls for days on end. Without the camera and phones, there would be no closure for the families and everyone would have assumed that the girls met foul play and were made to disappear, cartel style. That is what you expect from cartel criminals, and that would have been potentially disastrous for the local tourism industry, after Alex Humphrey's never solved disappearance there in 2009. Nobody wanted Boquete to become such an ongoing place of pilgrimage for crime fans. So they had to do the opposite: plant items and - perhaps with the help of some corrupt local politicians and officials - ensure that belongings were in fact found and somehow prove that those girls did walk too far after the Pianista Mirador, and that they were in fact alive 8 and 11 days into their disappearance and that there were in fact no other people visible in their photos. It was all their own fault. This case would not go away on its own, and neither would the parents and their search operations of the area, unless things were found and a credible story-line would appear about what happened to Kris and Lisanne. So there you have a possible answer to the ever returning critics question of: "Why didn't they just dispose of the bodies and the camera and the phones then, if someone was involved??" Planting these personal belongings of Kris and Lisanne redirected public opinion towards an accident. That is why I personally think the phones show this call pattern and why the night photos were taken and why the bag and some bones were planted in a spot where they simply had to be found. In this video, Lisanne's father Peter Froon literally says: "Dear Lisanne and Kris. Please know that we will stay here in Panama until you have been found. We will wait as long as it takes, until you are found. And we will not give up! Really, we won't. Have faith in us, we will keep looking for you, for as long as it takes, we will stay here." And: "There are plans from us to constantly have one of our families present here from now on. We will stay present here, until this is solved. We don't want to leave them alone." I believe that it is proven that the parents of Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon were not going anywhere, as long as the fate of their daughters wasn't discovered. They would never give up or leave until something was found that gave them closure. Hence why I believe that the backpack and bones were planted mid June; to ensure that the parents would finally leave.
to uknown (april 4): in my opinion, it is not reasonable to quess what they have done according to content of their packpack. I am convinced it was change for two purpose only: save identification and confusing. The content of backpack is strange. Where are such things nearly every woman has with her (lip balm, handkerchiefs, comb, tampons, personal medical...). If they put their bras in backpack why they did not do the same with other things: shorts, bracelets....???
ReplyDeleteOn the Henri G hypothesis, the timeline seems a bit rushed, similar to other variants of the Caldera swim hypothesis. The swim hypothesis puts the them at foot of trail as late as 15:30, which means only a short period of time to travel from Pianista to Caldera to Macanito Rocks. if Henri G only appeared on 1 Apr, then it would quite hard to quickly arrange the trip. No witness puts Henri G with Tour Guide F with the girls on 31 Mar. The girls might have met lots of people on Sunday 30 Mar and said to have been seen at Caldera on that day. But this could also mean the swimming took place on Sunday and not Tuesday. For the moment, Henri is a person of interest but not much else. Unless someone leaks a higher resolution original of the swimming photo (if it exists). Furthermore even if a hypothetical higher resolution original appears, if it can be shown it is not taken on 1 Apr, then it is only useful as a background reference. Regrettably, as one comment I have come across sort of goes something like this: "Only the leaving of the house and the 16:39 phone call are certain events. The rest are all re-constructed"
ReplyDeleteHi Sian, yeh the timeline is cramped for a Tuesday swim. It would have to involve some form of phone log interference probably, unless the Caldera swimming spot can be reached bypassing an area with GSM cell reception (the phones of Kris and lisanne did not regain phone reception after roughly 2pm on Tuesday). It is also possible that the swimming took place on Monday afternoon. There is a nearly three hour timeframe in the afternoon of Monday March 31st when they were 'unaccounted for' and their phones did not show them where they were either. But I do believe this photo to be legit because it was leaked together with the diaries and the night photos, by the same source. And the diaries and night photos are all proven legit. Also, the existence of this photo was already known for years before it was leaked. Osman Valenzuela had this photo on his phone and police confiscated the phone after he was found drowned on April 4th of 2014. The photo quality is shit, this was a mobile phone photo (from a local Panamanian who may not have been rich and able to purchase the best mobile phone) and not one of the best quality, but still I as good as certain myself that it are them pictured. Although opinions can of course differ on this. The issue is constantly that you have rarely 100% certainty. But there was consistent gossip about this photo already in April of 2014, some coming from reliable sources in Boquete. Of course, people like Pitti and lost believers will do everything they can to sow doubt about it and of course there are some arguments to be made against it (grainy photo, it could have been someone else etc etc). I guess in the end it is down to everyone individually to determine if they believe it to be real evidence or not. But the fact that police did not give back this phone to Osman's parents may explain why this photo and information about it have not been spread by case officials. If legit, then Kris and lisanne may have gotten to know local youth and either something went wrong afterwards (if this all happened on Tuesday late afternoon) or they may have shared their hiking plans for the next day if it took place on Monday.
DeleteThis is just supposition. What if Henri G had invited them to go swimming? 'Hey my dad's a guide' - then they would have felt safe. Or perhaps they already knew who he was?
ReplyDeleteGood day here is a part of my comments on 3 Apr 2021 on pg 3. I shall repost them here since this is a better page to refer to the swimming picture. "If Kris & Lisanne allegedly went to the extent of taking off their bras and swam topless because presumably they did not want their sleeveless vests and bras to be wet, this might ( I repeat "might") have also meant they did not want their shorts to be wet. It might have also explained meant why there were no available photos taken by the camera (alleged tampering of the photos was a separate issue). The way they posed in the swimming photo with only their shoulders above the waterline more or less proved the ladies would probably not have taken photos of themselves in their existing state. The absence of other clothing in the backpack suggested the ladies did manage to put their clothes back on after the swim but probably did not put on their bras back because they felt more comfortable that way." To add to my earlier points, although their bodies are almost completely submerged, I can see their bent legs under water and Kris' right arm on the river bed. Her left arm may be supporting Lisanne's back who in turn is leaning on Kris' left shoulder. Kris is trying to hold her legs and knees together straight up in front. Lisanne, due to her slanting posture appears to have her right leg bent in front while her left leg seems stretched out, possibly to balance her slanting posture. I have tried these poses myself and I can safely say they can become physically uncomfortable after a few minutes. Before the photo-taking, they must have been sitting in more relaxed positions. Due to a more relaxed atmosphere, their legs are likely to be flat straight out vertically with arms behind their back for support, similar to people sitting on the beach. Since we can be reasonably certain that they do not want their clothes wet whenever possible, we can infer that not only the vests and bras have come off, so have the shorts. If they are wearing black-based bras, the panties are almost likely to be black or some other dark color. Therefore Kris & Lisanne are likely to feel comfortable to treat them like bikini bottoms in this case. There are no personal belongings visible in the swimming picture. So I am asking myself how (not why) did they manage to strip down to only their panties with their belongings some distance away while maintaining genuine confidence? Right now I am trying to compile a pictorial analysis of the swimming picture and other pictures of the same place. I will try to email you the details as soon as possible.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your analysis and upcoming research, it is appreciated. The photos of this swimming location show a flat large slap of stone right across from this swimming location where they were pictured. That seems the place where people gather and leave their belognings, before getting in the water. Maybe that is where their bag was placed? It is guessing work. I am convinced they went swimming with these local young men pictured, and some more including the one who took this photo. Indeed, it looks most like the girls were crouching under water partially with their bodies; the guys show by standing upright near them that the water was not too deep yet there. No bra straps visible on their shoulders and this does increase the chance that they swam topless. Hence why the bra's may have been found folded up int he backpack eventually. Of course, usually swimming topless is causing some self-conscious feelings especially when someone else pulls out a phone or camera to document it. Although I do believe that if true (if these are Kris and Lisanne and if they truly swam topless), then they took a risk here.They had nobody there to protect them, they were with strange locals in a strange country where they hardly spoke the language and in the eyes of some men swimming topless with them can spark the wrong expectations, unfortunately. We know from the diaries already that these were fairly adventurous young women who chose on more than one occasion to jump into an unlicensed taxi or a vehicle without knowing if it was really safe. Therefore, they may have been also capable to accept a lift from strangers off the Pianista trail - in theory - or an invitation to go swimming nearby. Maybe they felt confident like young people often feel invincible. They may have taken risks in Boquete as well. We have to be realistic even though it is unfair because why can't women have fun in the same careless manner in which most guys can? But it is the reality unfortunately that there are always certain risks involved for young women.
DeleteHats off to you, Juan and Imperfect Plan. Great body of work and it looks like it was a hard and perhaps at times a thankless job. Know that some of us out there appreciate how you have archived this case and came up with so much information and valid questions and theories. Without access to source or help from officials. Thanks J.
ReplyDeleteThank you J. Always happy to hear someone enjoyed reading it. Best wishes Scarlet
DeleteAt one time you had pictures from one of the guides from Juan with other girls that appeared to have on a shirt like Lisanne. Also there was a picture some thought was a face of one of the girls. What happened to those photos?
ReplyDeleteHi, yes that photo is still up, you can find it in part 4 of my blog series: Here is the direct link to the photo I think you are referring to: As for the photo some people thought was a face of one of the girls, I am not sure which photo you mean specifically? The night/hair photo of Kris perhaps with what some believe to be a face showing underneath the hair?
DeleteBest wishes Scarlet
Hey scarlet first I want to say thank for your time and effort. One thing I noticed and I don't think I have seen or heard anyone mention this, but even if the phone is protected by a pin lock you are still able to make emergency calls. Since the language on the phones was more than likely set to Dutch whoever took these girls might not have known they were dialing an emergency number. In my opinion the mystery isn't what happened to kris and lisanne but more so who killed the 4 locals that were connected to the girls and why.(I think we can all agree they were raped and murdered) Was it the killer covering his tracks and getting rid of accomplices? My theory is that a vigilante cop knew who did it and just couldn't prove it. So he took matters into his own hands. I know it's far fetched but it could be the same person on the inside that was leaking info and pics up until 2019.
ReplyDeleteHi, thank you for taking the time to write a comment here. It is true, and I did cover that detail on my blog (somewhere in part 1). Indeed, most phones even then allow the user to call emergency services without the need to log in successfully into the phone first. Same for having phone credit or not; you can still call emergency services then. But you do need GSM reception for this. Yes indeed, the phones were Dutch and set up in the Dutch language. The only contacts a perpetrator may have recognized in that of Myriam Guerra. And yes, her name was in fact viewed in whatsapp. But not called... yeh the locals killed in the wake of this tragedy do add extra weight to it all. Of course, they are waved away as just random drownings (they do drown often there it seems...) or accidents. But when you believe that the swimming photo is legit and shows them, and realize that all 4 youth in that photo are dead now and the maker of that photo has not been heard of for years online, it does make this case even more eerie. Good point about the vigilante cop. I heard theories already that indeed such a cop ensured justice took place and that this is why the families stopped kicking against the prosecutor. Justice behind the scenes. I am not really convinced that this is what happened though. Would personally more likely suspect that key players from within this local gang of sorts got rid of weak links with conscientious objections or qualms, becoming a liability. And that cops know all these people but turned a blind eye. Best wishes Scarlet
DeleteI am convinced that the contents of the backpack found was set for purpose of identification adn for confuse. There are many things that girls usually have in their backpacks: paper handkerchiefs, lip balm, comb, pen ... especially if you only have one piece of luggage that you carry with you everywhere and everyday, not several handbacks to alternate.If the girls put their bras in backpack, they would probably store other their things there - clothes, bracelets, etc. I dont think it is good way to deduce from the content of backpack what they could have done that time...
ReplyDeleteThe 2 girls were only carrying 1 backpack. From their clothing and known items, they seemed to be only going for a short trek.
ReplyDeleteSo why did they go so further in? We do not know.
I tend to think they took off their bras to rinse their bodies at a stream.
Hi Scarlet, I've followed this now for several months and have sat on the fence as to whether it was accident/lost or foul play. Recently however, I have begun to wonder if the biggest clue has been right in front of us the whole time- the swimming photo. Let's assume for a moment that on Mar 30th/31st the girls make some kind of affiliation with Osman and his friends (these are socially active twenty something women doing what twenty something women do naturally- they are not nuns. They may omit mention of such things from their diaries- "Massage with Sigrid" may have been code for that event). Now lets hypothetically assume that they ARE the two women pictured with two men at Caldera Hot springs.
ReplyDeleteWe now have a photo with 4 people in it who died, in separate instances, in quick succession. That is suspicious!
I believe there is a case to argue that these girls could have inadvertently been caught in the crossfire of a gang war or an act of retribution by a rival gang for fraternizing with said gang.
I believe Osman could have been nervous prior to his death because his new 'friends' have disappeared perhaps even he was being goaded and taunted by rivals over it- "you're next" messages etc
When contemplating any foul play theory I ask myself would it have been an opportunist or pre-meditated crime. If there was a foul play scenario I believe it could only have been pre-meditated, the perps would not be prepared to simply sit there in the wilderness waiting for the 'right' victims to come along. Pre-meditated crime requires a motive. Any good detective show will state there are rarely more than three motive reasons for a crime- money, sex and revenge.
Money- they still had the $83 in the backpack so unlikely
Sex- these were two moderately attractive young women dressed lightly in a location where help was not nearby so as horrible as it sounds, probably.
Revenge- If as I believe rival gangs had seen these women affiliating with Osmans group, quite possibly
I think locally there are people "in the know" as what really happened to these women but such is the culture in Central America they shall forever remain silent.
Just looking at the pictures you posted of the blueish boots and the brown ones from the girls' photos.
ReplyDeleteIs it me, or do the blue ones only have 4 lace holes and the brown have 5? Also, they appear be laced differently. The brown have ine straight lace and then all crossed. The blue has 2 straight, then 1 crossed.
I thought of something this week. We have a fresh case in the Netherlands currently, where a group of relatively posh boys were looking for some fun (=fights) and kicked a less posh but equally Dutch lad so hard and frequently against the head in holiday island Mallorca, that he died. The lads have parents with money and at least one mummy who is a lawyer. When Spanish police knocked on the door of their holiday home, the birds had already flown. Mummy had advised them to take the first flight out of there. Now the Spanish unfortunately cannot manage to extradite them to Spain, and they left it to the Dutch OM to try to find some justice. Meanwhile the kiddo's are lawyered up, not speaking, armed to the teeth with class justice, money and behind the scenes influence, and the OM is doubtful if they will ever be able to determine who gave the one fateful kick that actually killed Carlo. You can already sense where this is going. They are still free and out on the street and I'll be surprised if these well-connected affluent boys, 'first time offenders', will see life behind bars at all. Coming back to this case of Kris and Lisanne: it can pay off to ask the help of mummy and daddy, when you're in trouble. And NOT all parents are of the opinion that justice should do it's course and for their young to solve their own sordid problems. Makes me think about H. and whether or not it is a likely scenario that he called in his (step)father to help solve the mess, if he theoretically was somehow involved in the disappearance of Kris and Lisanne. I think it is not unthinkable. Apparently the family ties are even closer in Latin-America than in the posh parts of the Netherlands.
ReplyDeleteGood day
A reader on Reddit mentioned the possibility of the girls taking the wrong path and continued northwards when they thought they were returning southwards to Boquete.
Hello, I'm Brazilian, sorry if there is any writing error.
ReplyDeleteI have a question about the swimming photo.
If another boy in the photo next to Osman, José Manuel Murgas was only killed after a year in 2015. Why didn't they interrogate him about that photo while he was still alive?
The disappearance was first publicized and given priority on Wed 2 Apr 2014 in the evening.
DeleteAt that time, no one around them really knew where they went. Going to El Pianista was just considered most likely based on the Spanish by the River info.
The search started largely because Tour Guide F made plenty of noise.
Among those who might have known about the photo, no one really connected the swim photo with the girls. The priority was to get them out of El Pianista alive.
Even if it could be proven the girls were Kris and Lisanne, it was taken at a different place and not directly linked to El Pianista. It might also be taken on an earlier day which would also mean no direct relevance.
No one saw the girls with Osman and Jose on the day of the disappearance.
Google "Macanito, Gualaca District, Panama" for the location
Legal ver outro brasileiro interessado nesse caso.
DeleteI see in some Youtube videos on the case that the times of the girls' photographs are disputed as the Canon camera log may be inaccurate or not reflect local time. I notice that on one of the earlier Bocas del Toro photos where the girls are playing cards at a table with a man (the photo where Lisanne's bare feet are visible showing discoloration), this man is wearing a watch that's facing the camera and the time on it is almost visible. On a higher resolution photo I imagine it would be visible. As this must be the correct time of the photo, can the camera's exposure time be compared to this watch time to show the accuracy of this and all the other camera photo times?
ReplyDeleteHi Spaceport
Deleteyes apparently the Dutch forensic investigators used such a ploy indeed, to come up with the correct time. Someone in one of their photos sported a wrist watch and this way the photo/camera time could be compared to the 'actual time'. But there were also photos taken on the Mirador by Kris and Lisanne with their smartphones, so perhaps that worked as a double checkpoint.
Hello. Thank you for this interesting material. Have you tried to compare the murder of 2 Danish tourist girls in Morocco in 2018, who also went alone with unknown locals to the mountains and the murder in Panama? In my opinion, these are absolutely similar cases, with the difference that in Panama, politics and big money obviously intervened in the case, and in Morocco it wasn't possible a write-off for an accident, given that the bastards who killed the girls themselves posted a video with the murder. Unfortunately, the Dutch police are biased against the deaths of their fellow citizens outside their country. As for example, it was with the downed Boeing in Ukraine in 2014. This case was politicized and used to impose sanctions against Russia and no one was interested in the real facts and events, and important witnesses(pilots and dispatchers) also disappeared or were killed,as happened in Panama...
ReplyDeleteHi Sergey, thanks. I followed that horrible case a bit at the time, but since it was indeed clear as they that they were murdered in the most brutal of ways (never watch that video those animals made and published..), the story passed at some point. As I understand it, those two Scandinavian girls were into hikes and sport and wanted to climb the Toubkal mountain I believe it was. They were into loving all of humanity and against prejudice and all that stuff that is very easy to live by in some western countries. So they went to Morocco alone, without male friends or parents. It appears that they were spotted and followed even before they made it into that mountainous terrain, as the killers also took a tent op and prowled them for some time. Had these barbarians not videotaped the attacks and had they not thrown it online right away, it remains to be seen if they could have been captured. But there was no denying really as the decapitated girls were found the next morning already by other international hikers. It could have been sold as an accident if the bodies and all the forensic evidence (blood, body parts) would have been made to disappear, but the killers seemed mostly interested in making it all public asap and becoming martyrs.
DeleteThe Kris and Lisanne case is fairly different therefore, I'd say. Overlap is in the details; young, good looking, European girls going up a mountain in foreign wild terrain alone. But that is probably where the similarities stop. It is still unknown how they died and if there was a 3rd party involved. I think that there was, and that the local government have covered up the real story. But this cannot be proven at this point in time.
The problem with MH17 is that there ARE satellite images, which prove absolutely who shot that rocket and who was ultimately responsible. It seems clear as day that the pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine or a Russian brigade fired that Buk 9M38-series surface-to-air missile, as it was fired from rebel-controlled terrain. Accidentally mistaking the large passenger plane for a military plane. But this has not been proven yet. Like I said, satellite images should provide the evidence for this, but the Americans refuse to release the footage. Maybe Russia will resort to tit for tat if they do? Everyone wants the real facts and the evidence, but when those possessing such evidence refuse to release it, you are stuck, just like we are all stuck with this Kris and Lisanne case, since Panama refused to do the normal and necessary forensic investigation. No info = the possibility to play dumb and call everyone who is right 'conspiracy theorists'. And indeed, anyone who can burst the bubble risks his or her safety...
Good day, I would not say the disappearance could be compared to MH17. The incident could be compared to MH370.
ReplyDeleteWhat was thought as the initial chronology was overturned after examination of further information.
Furthermore, while the initial path of MH370 was not in dispute, the Pianista trek was initially considered speculative. But Tour Guide F made enough noise for the authorities to get into action.
After a possible chronology was constructed, it was put aside upon discovery of the phones and camera with a newer chronology.
Just as only bits and pieces were discovered for MH370, a similar situation was for the disappearance, which added to the mystery.
Hi, thanks for your comment. I think (?) that Sergey compared the case to the MH17 case, because of the way the Dutch officials handled both cases. Coming to unfounded conclusions, while not possessing all the information. I agree with you that if we were going to compare the Kris and Lisanne case to an aviation tragedy, then the MH370 disaster would come close.
-Where did the girls exactly go after passing the Mirador / What flight path did the MH370 flight ultimately take, once it went off route?
-Why were there no goodbye messages or any messages really, explaining what happened / Why did the pilot in command of the Boeing 777-200ER power off all communication and radar, after going off track and flying over his town of birth?
-Where are the bodies of Kris and Lisanne / Where did the plane and its passengers crash and where are they now?
ReplyDeleteImperfect Plan has apparently announced they have completed their expedition. It is likely to help in a better understanding, similar to the various research on both MH17 & MH370 but it probably will not provide the final answer.
As a sidenote on MH17, I do not think John Kerry has the pics that will prove Russian or pro-Russian responsibility. The known location is a contested zone and is very hard to pinpoint. Kerry probably got too excited initially and thought he had the evidence.
Meanwhile the Malaysians have complained they have been sidelined during the investigation.
Thanks, I have read their updates, excellent. The location of the swimming photo spot was already identified by Juan and myself and more recently by Andries, who came with the exact GPS coordinates as well some time ago already, matching the one IP have now provided. Their photos are excellent and I think they match the photos which Juan, Andries and myself have provided. Only with a few years in between the photo taking.
DeleteI am not sure that you can say that these findings are similar to MH17 research tbh, but valuable details about the environment there and the Pianista area as it is today, are very welcome for sure.
America has the satellite images for sure, no doubt about it. But whether or not they contain the hard evidence of who shot that rocket remains to be seen. And we will never see the evidence anyway. Russia will have some info of their own then about America, that will be released in that case.
It is a shame that Malaysia has been side-lined, or at least feel they are. I believe that the current MH17 trials are mostly theatre for the relatives; something to provide the assumption of justice. Nothing will come out of it though and the key players involved will not be extradited I'm afraid, regardless of the outcome...
Good Day, Imperfect Plan has, in my opinion, almost certainly confirmed the swimming location at Macanito.
Based on location and chronology on 1 Apr 2014, we could safely say for sure that if Kris and Lisanne were in the photo, it had no direct immediate link to their disapperance.
Thanks, I have read their updates, excellent. The location of the swimming photo spot was already identified by Juan and myself and more recently by Andries, who came with the exact GPS coordinates as well some time ago already, matching the one IP have now provided. Their photos are excellent and I think they match the photos which Juan, Andries and myself have provided. Only with a few years in between the photo taking.
DeleteNah, we can't say any of that safely. If they got a lift then it is still possible within a realistic timeframe, that they were pictured there in the late afternoon of April 1st. Another option is that they went there the day prior, Monday March 31st, and simply never told Myriam, Sigrid, their parents and their diaries about it. Or even Sunday March 30th would technically be possible then. Given that everyone in that photo is dead today and all the other information regarding Osman and his mates, I think you really cannot say that there is no direct link to their disappearance. That's just your personal opinion.
best wishes Scarlet
My point on the immediate direct link was that unless the official chronology was wrong, they could not be there on the afternoon of 1 Apr 2014.
ReplyDeleteOn previous days I am still inclined to think the answer may be Yes. Sunday 30 Mar 2014 was a good possibility as they were still in the mood and they had the available time.
Unless photos showed up to prove they really spent the whole afternoon at various parts of Boquete and nowhere else.
Many photos had been "leaked" or publicized, but not a wider range of Boquete tour photos.
Why not? Perhaps the answer was the other tour photos probably did not exist. In addition, no Spanish school photos on that day which suggested they were there only for a short time.
Therefore my position at the moment was that they were likely to have gone somewhere else which they did not photograph.
Some people noted they were very casually dressed for a forest hike and wondered why. It would not seem too casual to the ladies if they had been swimming in a river by the forest 1-2 days earlier.
Other than the hiking shoes, they really looked they were going for a swim on 1 Apr 2014.
Hi, thanks for further elaborating on that.
Delete"unless the official chronology was wrong, they could not be there on the afternoon of 1 Apr 2014."
-That depends on your timeline. They were on the Mirador at 13:00 that Tuesday. At the stream where photos 507 and 508 were taken just before 14:00. It had taken them 45 minutes to get there, after leaving the summit around 13:15. Going back to the summit would require about the same time, so let's say they could theoretically have returned to the summit at 14:45. The hike back down to the trailhead can be done within an hour, walking down. Fit people and the local guides hike up the trail, so uphill, in a similar time.
Meaning they could (timewise) have been back at the trailhead between 15:30 and 16:00. If given a lift, they could have been at that river before 17:00 and going by the light and angle of the sun in that swimming photo, that would still be possible.
Of course, as I discussed quite a bit in this blog, there are other objections here, primarily that the phone logs do not show a return to the trailhead that afternoon, where they would have cell reception. But I do not bin this possible theory solely because of these government-provided phone data, as I do not trust Pitti and her team or anyone else who could have potentially handled those phones before the OM finally got them after June 17th.
For a Monday afternoon swim, yes there is an afternoon, after lunch and before the early evening massage with Sigrid, where the girls are unaccounted for. We have to be willing to accept that these girls kept it a secret altogether to the people around them and their diaries. And we have no phone log data confirming their location there, east of Alto Boquete near the river either. Yet, when comparing the swimming photo and the known photos of Kris and Lisanne, it is clear to see that it are them pictured. No doubt about it (for me).
And the same applies for Sunday. They would have decided then to not mention the event in either of their diaries and Myriam also did not notice anything; no wet bathing clothes drying outside, no mentioning of the swim to her, that evening.
But nevertheless it is very well possible that it took place on Sunday or Monday. The most important thing about it, is that the local lads are acquainted with the tour guide's son H. and his cronies, and that both Osman and Jose Manuel died under suspicious circumstances, not long after. It may very well be that the girls got to know these local lads and had agreed to meet up with them again that Tuesday on the Mirador.
But ultimately it's all speculation. I am just still surprised that there are people who see that swimming photo and see the comparison photos, and can keep it up that these are entirely different women.
I agree, their attire of April 1st wouldn't look out of place for a swim. I also believe that Kris and Lisanne wanted to feel as uplifted again as in Bocas, and the way to do so was to go swimming again, with people their own age. Like they did in Bocas.
Dear Scarlet,
ReplyDeleteIf the girls had gone swimming on the evening of the fateful day they got lost, who made the emergency call at 4.40 PM (or so)? Why did it not connect? Cellphone reception would have been good on the location of the swimming photo...
Hi A S,
DeleteThat is what i wondered as well. Unless there are not kidnapped and Taken to the swimlocation, the 112 call does not make sense at that time.
Good day AS,
According to Reddit user Bubbly Past, he lived in the area and that the traffic bridge next to the swim photo location was already in place as of 2014. So the swim photo was in the zone of civilization.
There would have been some kind of cellphone connection had they been there on that day.
Were they really there? I did not think so. But it was possible the girls were there on an earlier day.
Hello Scarlet
ReplyDeleteRomain of Imperfect Plan has uploaded a video of the trail.
If they had kept fingers prints from the bag they found.....and could of seen if it matched any of those related to the yound men that died from the waterhole not long after.
ReplyDeleteRomain C has uploaded a video of a stream, presumably the one at photo 508.
ReplyDelete@scarlet check this his friend ;D
ReplyDelete look that...
ReplyDeleteGood day Scarlett
ReplyDeleteReddit r/kremers froon has uploaded a pic of Kris supposedly based on a video that first appeared on 29 Apr 2013.
Does not directly help in the case but one interesting point: If the person is Kris, it shows how she look with more of her hair covering the side of her face.
The known Boquete and El Pianista photos usually showed with hair either tied at the back or combed backwards, thus giving the appearance of a broader face.
When comparing the alleged 2013 photo with the swim photo, the probability it was Kris inside the swim photo significantly increased.
Good day Scarlet
ReplyDeleteRomain C has uploaded more videos of the stream that appeared to be at photo 508 as well as the paddock area.
Unless proven otherwise, I am inclined, at the moment, to think that something has gone wrong for K & L at this area. The stream is suitable for the girls doing mundane stuff such as relieving themselves after a 3h trek but not exactly a nice place to trek.
Hi everyone. I put a link here, Sloan Bella psychic medium made a video about Kris and Lisanne. That could explain the phone calls, the school being involved etc. That school is way beyond suspicious.
Very interesting, even thoght you dont belive in psychics.
I think it's most likely foul play was involved as you do, there's just too many things that don't add up with the getting lost theory. Like why would they have not used their camera at all for the 7 days between their hike and the nighttime photos? Whether they were using it for a flash to navigate, or to document their situation, you'd think they would've been taking photos consistently through all that time. To me the timeline that makes the most sense is that they were taken on April 1, maybe on the Pianista hike or maybe after returning and going for a swim. During the first four days they were held captive and regularly attempted to make emergency calls only in the same general time frame, probably the time frame when their captors weren't around. Maybe during this time they were also searching for the boy(s) who were swimming for them and that's why they didn't kill the two right away. Then on the fourth/fifth day Osman was finally found and killed, and this prompted them to kill the girls as well (which explains both the screams heard in the jungle and why the incorrect PIN started to be entered on the fifth day; the girls were dead at that point and the killers had taken their phones and were trying to erase any evidence). They held onto and dismembered the bodies in the following days probably waiting for a good opportunity to dispose of them with all of the heightened search efforts (and maybe harvested their organs as some have suggested, which is why only their bones have ever been found). Then on the night of the nighttime photos they went out either to get rid of the remains or more likely to take more photos in order to make it seem like the girls were still alive at that point, perhaps after finally getting into the phones/camera and realizing the girls were the type to take a lot of pictures. However they did this extremely amateurishly, only hurriedly taking a lot of shots of the same backgrounds and then throwing in one shot of Kris's head after realizing the girls weren't in any of them, but also making sure only hair and no features was in the photo so it was impossible to tell she/they were dead already at that point. Maybe they got rid of Kris's body parts at that point but preserved Lisanne's which would explain the discrepancies between decomposition status. Then a few months passed and they decided they wanted to take advantage of the $30,000 reward by giving up just a few unimportant remains and the neatly packaged backpack, but they didn't get the reward and became bitter about it. I think many parties were probably involved--F, the taxi driver, the two who found the backpack, probably some of the younger gang members. Being from a small town they probably all knew each other and had a mutual understanding to protect their own over these foreign gringas.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I wonder that's probably far-fetched is if, rather than the gang being responsible for the taxi driver's death a year later, maybe the families found out through their own private investigating that he was involved and took matters into their own hands knowing the police wouldn't do anything. I don't think that's likely but it could explain why the family's demeanor has changed a bit over time from asking for anyone's help to being more closed off and uncooperative. That could also just be regular grief and them wanting to move on though.
@Swimming photo: I am pretty sure the girls wore tops while swimming with Osman & Co. I clearly see dark lines indicating bra straps. I guess they probably wore their normal bras as swimming tops. The same bras the girls wore on the Pianista trail that show in the Mirador pictures. Those are the bras later found in Lisanne's backback. They put them there as they were wet from swimming.... Another indicator the Caldera swimming event was after the trail.
ReplyDeleteI see a lot of innocence .... as a solo female traveler, someone who has experienced crime and learned depravity of humans . . . everyone is a liar in this story; listen only to Lisanne and Kris, what they tell you; their diaries, their photos [not the night ones], their communications. They were inside a culture that is very very very ... different. It is not catholic. Having spent time with and around those from this region it -the culture - is built from another base - something that those from the more northern hemispheres do not conceptualize until it is in their personal sphere and threatening them ; leave the 'I don't knows', focus on the 'knows'.
ReplyDeleteTwo beautiful young woman in a region they never should have been - I have traveled alone as a solo female and been in the middle of the ocean on a 50' sailing vessel and I would NEVER GO TO PANAMA - even with a fellow traveler. It is not safe as a whole. This was the first tragedy, that they ever went there without knowing the dangers.
They went hiking and went off trail. Then harm struck. They were preyed on.
The local 'government' will not figure out what happened, nor the national. Perceiving other nations to be equal in how they operate to one's own is very naive and the Dutch government should have been stronger in this tragedy. It is up to the parents to demand action, use their voice and yell from the top of the highest building until the needed help and actions are done; and not stop yelling until the answers are found. Maybe they have them and are not sharing.
Hi Scarlet, i checked all photos and i could not find anyone where one of the girls wear the sunglasses pictured on the bed. The ones you See in quite a view Photos are the ones found in the backpack. Did i miss something? Otherwise i can only Conclude that These sunglasses are really Osmanes one. Maybe from an earlier encouter or he was in the Room and forgot them (bevor or after the girls gone missing?), or someone placed them on purpose there. Very odd... what Do you think? Are there more Information to the sunglasses?
ReplyDeleteI cant help but notice not one but two curls at the hair photo on the right side. Those curls look like curls from a hair curl iron. How Could can the two hair strands of hair Naturally turn out like this?
ReplyDeleteHi Scarlet. We just wanted to say thank you for all the amazing hard work that you put into this case. There is so much great information in your blog. We like many others are obsessed with this case and still wonder what these poor girls went through in their final hours. We're not sure that we will ever know what happened to Kris & Lisanne but we DO know that there are many people like yourself who will not stop looking until we have an answer. Thanks again for this incredible blog! Have a wonderful day! ~Jennifer & Marcel
ReplyDeleteHi Scarlet! I feel for this case, it is so very close to my heart. Thank you for all the work you've done. It's been fascinating reading through your analysis. As someone who traveled alone sometimes in my 20s (in the 2000s), to places in the Caribbean and Central America,I know what it's like to crave that adventure and want to do something fun in life but I got extremely lucky and nothing ever happened to me. During this period (I would say early 2000s to about 2015) also as a whole we lived in a much more lawless world with less surveillance, less technology, and smartphones were something new, also white people getting crazy ideas about traveling to foreign places without knowing the implications of simply existing in a place like that!!
ReplyDeleteI too experienced travel to a Central American country where a European girlfriend met me there. It truly is not what anyone thinks it is. Especially if your travel buddy is clueless, outgoing, and wants to party and have fun, put some notches on the wall of crazy things she did on a trip.
I read through all the analyses, and I remember somewhere reading of a time when Kris and Lisanne were partying at a local night club on one of their first nights in Boquete. Is this accurate? This seems to mix up with the theory of the house party. Or could both have happened in this short amount of time?
As far as messages go, did Kris's boyfriend notice anything weird about her later messages, was she being vague or distant, did those messages ever get examined or released? Sometimes on a trip we don't always reveal everything that goes on until there's free time but there must have been something revealed. It's hard to believe the girls just went silent as soon as they disappeared. I am of the theory that Juan presented: all the Pianista stuff is nonsense. It's a timeline that is shoved down our throats so hard it could choke us. To me anyway, it is clear that the girls are on a beach trip in Bocas. Look at their faces kissed by the sun, the way Kris is all squinty. Their bodies are so pixellated it's extremely obvious the entire chain of Pianista pics is contrived. The excitement of pointing at a landscape like the Mirador just feels...not right. Because they are not excited about that. They are at a beach, being excited about actual cool stuff and sights. That's why we didn't see any pics of sloths or other incredible things which may have been seen on the beachy islands, rather than the boring pianista trail. Who would want to spend that much time hiking there unless there was a good reason. But I digress.
Finally, no one has discussed the abandoned mansion that looks like a castle (grey stone I believe) ---what is this place. It appears on some pics. What went on there. I had to wonder. I do hope this case will be solved. I've been following since 2014 when it came out on Daily Beast and I pray for the truth to be revealed so this can be put to rest and the deeply sick, corrupt individuals and organizations who put it together to be brought to justice.