part 3 - all the chronological photos and the diaries

between March 16 - March 29, 2014
Kris fully visible in original.
between March 29 - March 31st, 2014
Third, the photos taken in Boquete on April 1st 2014
Both the Canon camera and Kris' iPhone had their times set to the time zone Europe/Amsterdam. So Kris's phone were still set to Dutch time during her stay in Panama. The Canon camera was also incorrectly set to 2013 instead of 2014. Both devices were therefore not set to the local Panamanian time zone. Meaning the iPhone hadn’t automatically reset itself to Panamanian time when it was in Panama, something which the iPhone's operating system iOS 7.0.6 has the ability to automatically do, based on the current date and time setting of the telecommunications network of the provider to which the SIM card of the device is connected at that moment. Although Apple says on its support website that "the option to set automatically might not be available on all carriers in all countries". Another possible explanation is that Kris had deactivated this option. In any case, she did not manually reset the time either while in Panama. The Dutch digital specialist writes in the NFI files that there was a time difference between the local time in Panama (EST) and the local time in the Netherlands (CEST) of 7 hours on April 1st and after. The iPhone hád correctly adjusted from Dutch Wintertime to Dutch Summertime on March 30th, but the Canon SX270 HS camera had not. (You can manually set the time and date on the Canon camera, which had not yet a GPS function, whereas the phone adjusted to summer time automatically). Therefore the digital specialist had to subtract 7 hours from the iPhone (photo) times to come to the correct local Panamanian time at the time of phone use, and subtract 6 hours from the Canon camera (photo) times to come to the correct Panamanian time at the time of camera use. The Dutch digital investigator verified this by taking digital photo IMG_0167.JPG, which Lisanne took at Schiphol and of an American Airlines plane. It's EXIF data showed the date of March 15th 2013 and the time of 07:17 AM. It was a known fact that Kris and Lisanne took that very plane in March 15, 2014. So the year of 2013 was determined to be set one year off. In photo IMG_0248.JPG the investigator noticed a wrist watch, which showed the time of 13:32 PM. But the EXIF data of this photo read: DateTimeOriginal - 2013:03:21 19:37:57. Even though the time is 5 hours and 57 minutes off here, the investigator deduced that the Canon camera took this photo in fact at the local time of 13:32 PM. Meaning he had to deduce 6 hours (and add 1 year) for all other Canon photos. [Unfortunately this photo was never made public and in the existing photos of Kris and Lisanne, neither of the girls ever wears a wrist watch]. The date and time of the Canon camera had to be changed manually and Kris and Lisanne seem to not have done so.
(*These are the official times as they were found on the Canon camera)
The next photos are all taken with the Canon on the Pianista trail:
*Distance thicket of the forest, with the small log over the
creek in the foreground - similar location to photo 491
Photo IMG_2126 - 13:14 PM (iPhone4)
Photo IMG_2127 - 13:14 PM (iPhone4)
-IMG_2125; taken with the iPhone4 on the Mirador at 13:14. This was around 6 minutes áfter the last digital photo was taken on the summit, photo 504, which showed the views down towards Boquete. So there were six minutes where we have no idea what happened, but then these eight images are taken in quick succession with the mobile phones. And going by the numbers of these images, there may even be more that we don't know about?
-IMG_2126; taken with the iPhone4 on the Mirador at 13:14.
-IMG_2127; taken with the iPhone4 on the Mirador at 13:14.
-20140401_131420; taken with the Samsung S3 on the Mirador at 13:14:20.
-20140401_131424; taken with the Samsung S3 on the Mirador at 13:14:24.
-20140401_131430; taken with the Samsung S3 on the Mirador at 13:14:30. This image shows similar clouds and scenery as Image 502
-20140401_131456; taken with the Samsung S3 on the Mirador at 13:14:56.
-IMG_2128; taken with the iPhone4 on the Mirador at 13:15:00.
-20140401_131513; taken with the Samsung S3 on the Mirador at 13:15:13.
Photo #511 - April 8th 01:30:07 AM
Photo #512-540 - 01:30-01:37 AM
Photo #557 - April 8th 01:41:26 AM
Photo #558 - April 8th 01:41:33 AM
Photo #560 - April 8th 01:41:58 AM
Photo #577 - April 8th 01:47:31 AM
Photo #578 - April 8th 01:47:51 AM
Photo #581 - April 8th 01:49:56 AM
Photo #596 - April 8th 02:05:16 AM
(officially 07:30 AM)
(officially 07:37 AM)
01:38 and 46 seconds AM
(officially 07:38 AM)
01:39 and 21 seconds AM
(officially 07:40 AM)
01:40 and 59 seconds AM
(officially 07:40 AM)
01:41 and 38 seconds AM
(officially 07:41 AM)
(officially 07:42 AM)
(officially 07:43/07:44 AM)
All the photos taken by Kris Kremers & Lisanne Froon during their Panama stay. Chronologic from Scarlet R on Vimeo.

But it could also very very likely be just a finger in front of the camera lens. If so, this person seems to have had some hairs on his finger... I'd say it is more likely a male than a young female, in that case.
I also feel that we should not underestimate just how bad Lisanne was feeling initially in Boquete. Her panic and anxiety are palpable through the pages and have to be taken into account when it comes to trying to unravel this mystery of what ultimately happened to them. Most of all, these diary entries provide you with Kris and Lisanne's own voices, in an ocean of other people screaming about them. Or as Dave Mullen wrote me about this: "As for the diaries, I always see them as Kris and Lisanne’s inadvertent/accidental cry for help. It’s somewhat of a gold standard for me as I cannot imagine the case without their own words, even if they were careless or not as forthcoming on every detail. Without their own words we’re left with chasing two ghosts."

"This morning I had Spanish lesson, the last one for Ethan, Davis and Bas. It started raining at 8 AM and it only started to dry up again around 1 PM. Because the weather was so bad we couldn't really make plans. We have brought a deck of cards and have dived into Casa Verde! Initially together with Mart and later Edwin and Bas joined. It cleared up and the afternoon flew by with a number of beers and games. Wonderful! At 6 o'clock we had a BBQ with the whole group on the small island! We played volleyball and I got completely punctured by mosquitoes. Fortunately there was enough beer and fun! Later that evening we went out to La Iguana. A few dances and beers later it was suddenly 4 o'clock. Time to go to bed. Tomorrow the Deep Sea tour is on the program!"
March 24th 2014

"Kris feels very unwell and decides to stay in bed all day. I have to make a switch myself, but I decide not to let my day be ruined because of this. Off to Spanish class! It went pretty well! After the lesson I chilled and brought the laundry away. It is not really wise to take to the streets on your own, but I did it anyway! Bought some postcards and went into some shops. Some Lisanne time! In the afternoon I picked up some smoothies for us and in the evening I chilled with the boys in Casa Verde. Nice!!"
March 30th 2014
March 31st 2014
*[Scarlet: a Dutch saying. It comes down to this 'being of no use']
March 25th, 2014

Lisanne's diary entries

"I think the images are mixed up. Especially #499, #500, #501, and they have probably had to remove #509 first before mixing that set. They may have removed even more after #509 or perhaps not, but in trying to be clever they left behind a gaping hole. EXIF information is written when a photo is taken/created. It contains all the technical information like date/time stamps, when it was created/modified, camera lens used, focal length, exposure, etc. It's just a digital fingerprint of a photo. Once this photo file is created and the EXIF information stored as part of the file, if opened at a later time whether it is just to view it or edit it, more information is then written to the EXIF file as part of a running record. So if you open and edit it with Photoshop, this information is then noted in the EXIF and date/time stamps are also noted along with this new update of information. Juan discovered the inconsistencies years ago when he looked at the EXIF files. He saw that someone used a Window based software to edit the files. The basis of evidence tampering is there for all to see after this, no matter what theory you hold. And no explanation was given at the time as to why or what was done.

This graphic makes me think that Kris and Lisanne were returning from their last photo location River 1, when they may have been intercepted by Henry and his friends, and they convinced Kris and Lisanne that the hidden waterfall was nearby. Taking them through one of these secret paths, but that did not lead to the hidden waterfall but may have taken them further away from Boquete and into very unfamiliar territory."

Matt adjusted the hair photo in photoshop to work out the "neck" area some more. All colour adjustments and colour manipulations of this photo were done global, meaning that they affect the entire image in the same manner. These colour adjustments are therefore not just applied to the neck area: it affects all parts of the image equally. In this manipulated photo, it does seem like we are looking at the back of the head and the back of the neck of Kris. And that there are wounds visible on her neck, underneath her hair. Dark holes. They do not look like gunshot wounds, but like larger wounds from being struck with something heavy. But there is no blood visible in her hair. This "wound area", with its redness now exaggerated, stands out and has a different red hue than the hair. Matt wanted to separate the wound area from the hair to be able to see its details better. Of course, due to the manipulating effect, one can wonder if this result is realistic or just a side effect of the colour adjustments. Nevertheless, this photo result may discard the notion that we see Kris' face under the hair. Matt himself doesn't think that we are looking at nostrils and an upper jaw. The distance between nostrils and teeth doesn't fit in his opinion.

January 26th, 2020.
1a. Illuminating the path taken. Can be ruled out by the fact they did not move around at all, a blinding flash would not also not have helped much.
1a: the first and the last photo and mostly all the photos in between show the same area; the same tree, the same foliage. There was no moving around depicted. I dismiss therefore by now the theory that the flash of the camera was used to illuminate the path, while on the run for something or while walking in the dark. (Which would be a very unwise and dangerous thing to do in a foreign jungle anyway).

Here this disappearance case is discussed in detail. Barbarossa170 writes on May 8th 2020: "I worked in IT forensics in the past, supplying services for local as well as state law enforcement in my country. I have worked on digital evidence relating to cases ranging from copyright infringement to homicide. I'm not an accredited subject matter expert however (I worked under the supervision of several during my time in forensics though), do not represent any official forensic institution or law enforcement agency and haven't worked in the field for a while. None of what I am going to put forward here is based on a claim to authority in any case. You can research and recreate all of this yourselves. This is just to put my interest into this particular aspect of the case into perspective. In this case there has been ongoing discussion about the veracity of EXIF file data (data embedded in images on the womens' camera showing the time and date of the pictures taken). Discussion specifically focuses on the timeline as the EXIF data shows Kris and Lisanne on a mountain summit at around 1300h local time when several eye witnesses place them in the village where they had been staying at that time, making it unlikely that they would have reached the summit before 1500h. The camera on which the pictures where found was missing for some time after the girls' disappearance, alongside their cellphones, only to be found by locals, contained in the women's backpack, in good condition, despite them allegedly having been "dragged to death" by a river. This opens up the possibility of the files having been tampered with to plant false evidence. The time the women reached the summit is of importance since it would put the first distress call they made at 1639h into perspective. The pertinent question being: was there enough time between them reaching the summit and the first distress call to make the hypothesis that they walked on for a long time after the summit and thus got lost at some point (more or less) likely. The official position of the Panamanian government as well as the Dutch investigators is that the EXIF data is correct. Various online sleuths have called this into question, in the case of the Panamanian officials with good reasons since the case was botched at every turn, with such enthusiasm in fact that one cannot help but think that they intentionally tanked the investigation.

I used the following data;
Coordinates: 8.78024 | -82.441360
Date: 1st of April
GMT offset: -5

Lossincasa replies: "The night photos, I said elsewhere, at first impression were as if taken by an animal. What you say, is how I rationalize it immediately after, a sick person or injured, confused etc. If it had happened earlier and not that eleventh(?) day of their ordeal it wouldn't have been as mysterious. There are a lot of days in between with no evidence at all. Great catch on the 911. Why not use or enter another number? Call their parents out of panic etc. I understand conserving battery, but when in panic or fear you tend to at least attempt something. All their possessions neatly placed in a bag is also highly suspicious. As if someone gathered everything idk and placed where water or elements couldn't harm. The police handled this extremely poorly."

Matt looked more closely at the night photos
Chris from Imperfect Plan published his findings. I will summarize the gist of it for you here. I will add first that I know that these photos are the more eerie and fascinating part of the case for many people. I understand that, I watched the Blair Witch Project in the cinema at the time; these photos are appearing to us like potential messages from the grave. But I personally see them as red herrings. Staged photos, taken by someone other than Kris and Lisanne in an attempt to make it look like the girls were out in the jungle alone in the night of April 8th. I've written enough already in this blog about my own suspicions, but this is why I am not that keen on analyzing these photos without end. We have already established long ago that there is no head wound or blood clearly visible on the back of Kris' head. That it is not certain without a doubt where these photos were taken (in a gully/on top of a cliff looking down/on a rock along the river looking up?) and that we have no proof whatsoever of who took these photos. No selfies, no arm or hand from the photographer visible. No bag with belongings or a leg with shoe pictured from the girls. So all the hours and metres of text spent on the analysis of these photos may just be wasted energy to the amusement of whomever did make these photos. But because not much in this case is certain at the end of the day, and I may be wrong with my suspicions, here we go.
The quality of the photos
Matt looked at the night photos, numbered #510 to #609, which you can find in my part 3 blog. Going by the date and timestamp on the Canon Powershot SX270 HS digital camera, they were shot between 01:29 and 04:10 in the early morning of Tuesday April 8th. Of these 100 photos, only about 50 have been made public by Juan after leaks by an anonymous source in November of 2019. Matt observed that these photo files were damaged to some degree: most photos have been resized from their original resolution of 4000 x 3000 pixels. Matt writes that "the publicly available images were all resized to 1280 x 960 and 772 x 963". But just to be precise; a couple of photos that were taken on the summit are in fact 1600 pixels. For instance this one, photo #499, which Martijn Froon used as a background photo on his facebook. It has 1600 x 1200 pixels. This one is also 1600 x 1066 pixels and this one 1600 x 1205. And the last two photos of the day, #507 and #508, are also 1600 x 1200 pixels. But even then, they are unfortunately still a lot smaller than the original files. This is a problem with all the photos from the girls' memory card. They were mostly all published through media sources or leaks and all those photos were made smaller. And it is tricky to zoom in too much on them, therefore.
Nothing but darkness
Matt establishes that a lot of the night photos had their brightness and contrast enhanced in a straightforward manner before they were leaked. I assume this was done by the anonymous source, because in their original state many of the photos truly seemed to be mostly black. Matt writes that he thinks it was a truthful description by Dutch officials and the Dutch families to describe the night photos as nearly black: "This is also an explanation for the statements made by people that saw the original images. Apart from a few of the night photos, the original night photos would have been mostly black. Furthermore, it would be a fair to refer to even almost black pictures as “black” unless you are examining them meticulously, as is done here. Thus, I’d like to point out that the statement describing the night images as mostly black was truthful and not intended to be misleading." But what the investigators said was that the remaining night photos show mostly nothing, or 'nothing but darkness'. I probably have to disagree therefore. We're not talking about inexperienced people who just took a quick glance at the photos and came to this conclusion. The Dutch prosecution had investigated these photos at that point and this includes inspecting if changes in brightness and contrast could show more in the darker photos. They already knew there was information on these photos about rocks, about trees, about surroundings. But they had no intention of sharing them with the public, and thus they were downplayed. Which in itself is fine, but based on that non-correct statement, the discussion out on the internet has been warped before these other night pictures were leaked. We could have known all along that the person who took the photos was not running around, on the run or picturing her dead friend down a ravine. On top, the following photos were also included in the 'nothing but darkness' comment and these are not photos of nothing:
Matt confirms what Juan and I also concluded, that some of these leaked night photos are simply manipulated originals with the brightness adjusted. Nothing strange about that, whomever leaked these files had clearly already done his or her homework, as we all would have done. But some of the photo numbers could be incorrect, possibly because the source may have mixed some of them up while handling/working with these photos. Matt also notices that the camera bag on the photo of all the collected belongings of the girls seems not a good fit for the camera.
Table of the night photosThen follows a table with all the night photos numbered below each other. There is a gap between known photos #511 and #541 (taken at respectively 01:30 and 01:37am) and Chris tries to fill in the hiatus by adding approximately 14 seconds to each photo in between. This elapse time is of course an estimation, as neither these photos themselves nor their real times are known. But it seems a reasonable estimation. The police report, as seen in the Een Vandaag tv program, only went as far as showing the data until photo 512. I'd want to go as far as saying that we also cannot even fully trust the official photo times and neither those of night photos 541-609. The source who leaked these photos could easily have added them or (theoretically) made them up. We have no certainty here. So, we also do not know if photos #512-#540 were taken for instance in clusters of quick succession, followed by a minute here or there when no photo was taken, or if the photographer indeed clicked systematically, every 14 seconds. But taking a photo with the flash on, as was the case here, would have required a minimum of 6,5 seconds per photo, Matt says. He also keeps the option open that no more photos were taken after #609 because the battery of the Canon camera ran out. But I don't think this could be the case. Because when the camera was found mid June, it was found in good functioning order and to still have normal battery function.
Camera temperature
Matt also writes: "The internal camera temperature is also recorded in the EXIF data and this temperature rose from 19C (ambient) to 34C after 331 images." Juan wrote me the temperature of the camera was around 24 degrees, not 34C. I couldn't see in his text where He found a 34C. degrees reading. Juan found these data:
Photo 491: 24 C. degrees.
Photo 493, 499, 500: 22 C. degrees
Photo 505: 25 C degrees, the peek
Photos 507, 508: 23 C. degrees
Photos 542, 550: 24 C. degrees
Juan added that the camera temperature is measured with a censor within the device and that it does not reflect the outside temperature. It could be 30 degrees during the day, or -10, and you will normally still see a 24 degrees camera temperature.
Photo overlay collage
Matt created an overlay of the night photos. A very interesting and pretty looking collage. He more or less digitally stacks a selection of the night images on top of each other, showing you how many of them overlap in the center. But also showing the parts where they do not overlap. He writes about this: "The images are simply overlaid so that common features show the most overlap. Perspective is not considered so that image that are to the sides are distorted. In order to create a perfect panorama, it would be necessary to stretch the images to correct for the perspective. Since there are not enough images and the angles they were taken under are too great makes this impossible." For each image there is a red frame that shows how the camera was held and a red dot that shows the center of each image. He also shows the process step by step in this video.
Matt also writes: "Although many aspects of the official investigation are questionable, it appears that there’s little doubt that the images were taken in the “Boquete Area”. Followed by: "They may not have been taken near El Pianista trail though. We cannot be certain of the precise location.". Personally I have not seen a single piece of hard evidence for this. But this is one of the biggest and most important questions regarding those night photos. Where were they taken? None of these night photos have been claimed by someone to have been for a fact taken here or there. Everybody hoped this would happen once these other night photos came into the public domain, but nothing. No official has ever identified the location of the night photos with evidence, nobody has made photos of any location and put them next to our night photos to show they were from the same location. Many people think that these night pictures were taken somewhere else entirely. Some people seem to have made the suggestion that these photos were taken at the first river crossing behind the Pianista summit, a good amount of hours of walking up north. But all the evidence for this is a photo of a rock next to the river, which in my opinion looks just like any other rock of about that size over there. Regarding collages, I did something a bit different last year, placing these night photos together by matching edges. You can read about it in my part 2 blog. Also a video from me about how the same V-shaped tree can be seen in the majority of these photos, and a video about the returning typically shaped leaf which was first confused with a dead body.
Recreating the hair photo #580
Then follow some other observations, such as who could have possibly taken these photos (Lisanne, Kris, Kris and Lisanne, Someone else). No sublist of possibilities for Someone Else unfortunately. Matt tries to recreate the hair photo of Kris, pretending to be Kris herself. Wearing a beautiful wig :) In other words; can one take a selfie of one's own back of the head? Fast forward: no. "Having longer arms than Kris, being rested, warm and dry, not in a state of distress and having had time to think about how to take the picture and the issues that arise, e.g. how to aim. I was able to take the following image":
"I did not even manage to get the back of my head into the image." An interesting observation from Matt has to do with the location of the flash on the camera: "It is important to remember that the camera has the flash on the left side so the light, especially at close distance would come from the left and cast a shadow on everything on the right that is further away from the camera. This explains the lower right corner where the hair is darker and appears to have a different colour. This is caused by the flash being shadowed by the head." Matt thinks that photo #580 could have been an accident. That Kris may have been walking close by Lisanne and that she got in the way of Lisanne.... who was trying to make a 40th photo of the V-shaped tree? This is by far the most interesting photo of the series. But Matt himself also deems the accidental photo theory unlikely, because you'd need to focus to get such a sharp photo. In other words: you'd need to have intent. He also finds it astounding that Kris' hair is completely dry, with not a spec of dirt and not a single leaf or twig or anything in the hair. "At the time this image was taken Kris would have been outside for 7 days and 7 nights and it is hardly imaginable that her hair would be completely clean and dry. The only possible foreign object in the hair is in the upper left corner. This could be a leaf or torn piece of paper. It is difficult to say for sure due to the low image resolution. I do not think that it is hair." Mind you, he worked with a wig. But he tested the wig anyway outside in the rain. "I have taken the image below after 15 min. exposure to 40 – 70 mm of rain. It is very clearly visible that the hair is very wet after only 15 min." But not a hint of wetness on Kris' hair in the photo, after hours in the rain by then. The dark spots under Kris' hair, I have discussed them for lengths in part 2 of my blog series. Matt thinks they are shadows caused either by the flash or by two crossing hair strands. He does not believe that the spots are stab, bullet or other wounds, because there is no blood visible anywhere and no disturbance of adjacent tissue. He believes that we truly look at the back of Kris' head, not at a frontal with hair flipped over the face. Matt: "It is remarkable that the image is framed in the way to show just hair, which raises suspicion that something might have been cropped out that is not supposed to be visible." But he sees no evidence for this in the pixelation and dimensions of this photo (although we know that it is reduced in size, like all the other photos
Who took these photos
(Photo on the right is from Juan). As for Kris and Lisanne alternating the camera to take pictures in turn that night, Matt quite rightly comments that there is essentially no way to prove or disprove this, but that it seems unlikely to him because most images show similar compositions. But if someone other than Kris or Lisanne took those photos, then there is a good chance in Matt's opinion that he had bad intentions and may have acted in a fit of rage, confusion or mental illness. (I'd say; because he wasn't completely stupid and knew how easy it was to make some abstract photos of absolutely nothing of interest in a jungle, making it look like Kris and Lisanne took them). Matt disagrees: "For someone not to at least delete the photos or destroy the camera, the person would have to be extremely stupid or a psychopath. It is unlikely, given the circumstances, that the assailants were truly stupid enough to take photos of their crime, and then let the photos get away to the police, unless they are also very incompetent, and the camera got away inadvertently." Hmmm, no. I think he may be overlooking the reality that is glaringly staring us in the face. The photos were found and did they prove that a crime took place? Nope, exactly the reverse. Did anyone high up in the investigation teams even suspect that these photos were taken by a 3rd party - despite having zero visual evidence of who held that camera? Nope. I always find it interesting to read online how many people deem this very simple thing, a 3rd party zapping away some photos of the exact same location for over three hours, some sort of extreme psychopathic scenario. It's bloody simple and effective, folks. Nothing more and nothing less. Anyone of us could replicate that string of night photos, if we wanted to. And I think a couple of hours in the rain does not deter any tough Panamanian man either, not at all, and especially not when there is a potential jail sentence on the line. It rains more often than it does not in the cloud forest above the Pianista trail, and people absolutely don't huddle around the fire all day if it does rain there. And as for someone else finding that camera and having taken those pictures; passing on the chance to gain $30.000 dollars at that point in order to make not one accidental photos, not ten, but close to a hundred? And then dumping the camera and the bag with belongings that came with it near Alto Romero, again without cashing in on the reward money? Ludicrous. Matt concludes that Lisanne most likely took these photos.
White dots
As for the white dots, Matt believes they are either specks of rain or water drops from a waterfall, that are lit up in the flash of the camera. He tried to recreate the situation, going out at night in the rain (40-70 mm), picturing bushes and trees with the flash on. The photo was resized to 1280 x 960. Left photo is one of our night photos, right is Matt's result. His conclusion: "It is very apparent that the white objects look identical to those in the original images and we can concluded that the white objects are raindrops. I marked one dot with a red circle as it exhibits a phenomenon caused by the flash. It gives the drop an elongated shape and it points IN the direction of travel of the drop. This is a completely normal instance of flashing a moving object. Waterfall spray is less likely the culprit. Based on the location of the camera, pointing away from the edge of a ledge, we can conclude that the white dots in the original photos are rain, which must have been strong at times."

Several images show red hexagon shaped “orbs” for example in image 585. Matt concluded that these orbs are caused by the flash hitting skin and reflecting back into the camera. It is possible that in our night photos, "the reflection was another person that stood close to the camera to the left of the photographer (the flash is on the left side of the lens) or it is possible that the red reflection is from the hand of the photographer who placed one hand in front of the flash either while holding the camera or while trying to shield the camera from rain with one hand. It is likely that in most cases the orbs are caused by fingers or a hand close to the flash and the lens." Very interesting. And bright blobs are caused by a skin coloured object close to the camera, Matt writes, when an out of focus object near the camera is lit up by the camera’s flash. In our photos they were exaggerated when then image’s brightness and contrast were increased with photo editing software.
Regarding photo 550 Matt thinks we are seeing the red plastic from a local shopping bag and that the markers are not likely intended to be a marker. Instead it may have been used to collect water (a bad attempt at this then) or to hit insects with. Or built out of boredom... But another person could not have put the thing there. Very unlikely, he believes. Anyway, we all have our own theories. I really enjoyed reading this piece and the photo recreating attempts were very interesting, thanks so much! Great initiative and very comprehensive research.
-Matt deems it unlikely that the night photos were cropped by someone.
Update: The night photos have by now almost completely lost their fascination for me. It was chilling to first see them. Then it was interesting to look at those newly leaked night photos last year and to discover that the 'body' was just a leaf which came back again and again in the photos. Or to make the first overlap collage and discover how the night photos were NOT taken while on the run, or even while moving. But I don't think much more can be extracted from them. Certainly not who took those photos. And the location has so far also proven to be too vague and generic to be discovered, going by the continued lack of hard evidence of the location of this spot. These night photos were not made by Kris and Lisanne in my opinion, so analyzing the work of a 3rd person for years on end is probably useless up until a certain point... They seem to have been made vague and dark and non-descriptive on purpose, by whomever took them.

He found an image on a Russian forum on this disappearance case (when your computer allows you to auto-translate, it is very well readable when you're not speaking Russian), where forum members really studied photo #491, taken at 12:03 AM - according to the New Timeline. So after some meddling in photoshop with the photos brightness and contrast, people think they may have found, in the bottom right of the photo, the dog Blue. I have to say, I had to ask Jeremy for an outline of the dog, as I didn't see it myself, but after he kindly did I did see what he meant. The dog appears to be keeping himself cool in the shade, laying down with his mouth open or even his tongue hanging out. Of course, this may be like one of those infamous Rorschach tests; either you see 'it' (and once you do, you can not easily 'unsee' it), or you don't... So I may see things that really are just the equivalent of a suggestive ink dot, but is it possible that the black and white outline on Blue's face is visible here?

In fact, next to the small and narrow waterfall which the girls would have passed after the small stream where they took the last daytime photos #507 and #508, there is also another, larger waterfall beyond the Pianista summit. But it is hard to find. Is it possible that the girls deviated from the main path at some point to find this waterfall? And that they got lost along the way? Calista Hart wrote about the girls' disappearance in her blog:"In April my Spanish teacher told me that two young women had gone missing from the sister school in Boquete, Panama. They had left all of their belongings, and not told anyone where they were going that day. The last anyone saw of them they were talking to two strange men, making plans to see the waterfall." In this blog post, a description of how to get there is given, plus photos of the fall. This waterfall is considered the hidden one, as there is no official description of how to get there. "The Pianista really is a knockout, winding through meadows with stunning mountain vistas along the rushing Rio Pianista, and with an abundance of lush cloud forest vegetation. This trail goes up to the Continental Divide (a more ambitious hike that we did with a group last year), and if you’re especially adventurous, it can take you all the way to Bocas Del Toro on Panama’s Caribbean coast. (CAUTION: no one should EVER go beyond the Continental Divide without an experienced guide. Just Google “Dutch Girls in Panama.”) Today we had something much more mellow in mind – we wanted to get to the “secret” waterfall that Susan and I had not seen yet, but the others in our group had been raving about. The trail begins at the Il Pianista Ristorante (outstanding Italian food, BTW) in the Alto Lino area just north of Boquete. You need to wade across the Rio Pianista after 200m, but then it’s a steady, leisurely incline for 2km before you start to climb a steeper, narrow path. Today, we were accompanied by two young guides, Jefferson and Miguel (as it happens, these cousins are nephews of our gardener, Sergio) – and it was a good thing, because finding the waterfall required us to get off the trail and take another cow path that leads into the cloud forest. We could not have found it on our own. Since we’re right in the middle of rainy season, it was a pretty muddy slog – but not too bad."
Het Lichtpuntje replied: "Next photo.....same sky....same sun.....almost the same cloud(s) much time is there between the 2 photos?? I think not much, because of the cloud. So where are the sharp shadow lines at Kris?? The ones on Lisanne are clear. The sharp straight shadow line on her left arm (on the photo) looks still very strange to me. Next photo shows the clouds.

People had been robbed in the past. People had gotten lost in the jungle. A guide was recommended. The girls seemed confident however, perhaps due to the low difficulty grade of the walk. It takes around 1,5 to 2 hours to climb to the top, which has stunning views, reaching all the way to the coast on clear days. Then downwards is achieved in around an hour, depending on your level of fitness. Especially the climbing part can be tiring when the day time temperatures and sun are high, combined with the high humidity in Panama. But for young, fit people it should not be a problem. Lisanne was known to be sporty, she played volleyball at a high level and liked to go for walks. Kris was slightly less athletic but in good physical shape nonetheless, which is also visible in their photos on the trail and at the top. At the start of the trail, the path is clearly visible and well defined. But as you ascend, it gets more narrow and the jungle does close in. Nevertheless, it should be clear which is the main path and where to go. And once you descend again from the summit (which is cooler than the valley), moving on instead of the recommended turning back, the trail is for a long time still clearly distinguishable, especially on the dry and sunny day of April 1st 2014. However, the further you move on, the more risks of getting lost. It drags you further and further into the jungle, and the next settlement is a multi-day walk. And there are risks with the rivers too; they have monkey bridges; dodgy swanky frail cables where you can move over, but which can easily make you lose your balance. They are placed high above the river and a fall can cause injuries. If the water is high and runs fast, you can drown too. At the start of the girls' trip however the water was relatively low and slow flowing. There is also said to be another bottleneck on the route, where you need to pass a metal gate to continue the Pianista Trail, instead of walking along it (which would direct you in the wrong way).
When I tried to make some sense out of this disappearance case back in late 2018/early 2019, there was on the one hand very limited public information with regards to what actually happened to Kris and Lisanne, and on the other hand a lot of journalistic work was done on the matter which had not always been highlighted equally well. It was clear that the story had some gaping holes and that there was conflicting information out there. I have tried to shine a light on all this publicly available info about the disappearance of Kris and Lisanne and I tried to bring it all together here, free of charge for all of you to see and if needed I translated it from Dutch or panish into English. I also tried to broaden the narratives about what may have happened to these young women. In the hope that when more people know about this case, chances would increase that we'd ever find more facts and answers. So, with this blog series I wanted to gather all the publicly available and relevant information in this case comprehensively in one spot (call it a form of Open-source Intelligence), with source links provided whenever possible. Instead of having all these pieces of information scattered all over the internet, I brought them together here in a (long) overview story of my own, reflecting what is known about the case by now. This includes interviews, journalistic pieces, statements from people linked to this case, investigation results, possible theories, arguments pro and contra and more. In part 2, part 4 and part 5 especially of this blog series, I cover many different theories from other people. I also translated many videos and articles of interest from Dutch to English for you, in order to provide you with the most detailed archive of this case. - Over time the media in general has gotten a beating for supposedly not covering this case well enough. This mainly comes from officials or their representatives, who are not happy with criticism. I strongly disagree with this however. I based nearly my entire blog series on public (media) information and as more official case info has become available slowly but surely, I am surprised how good the media did, all in all. Over time I only had to make minor adjustments to the story as we have learnt it from public media sources. Overall they were spot on. The case officials themselves have also chosen not to inform the media about certain things, but blatantly leaked other details they díd want to come out. So there you go. Oh, and it took me many months to find all the sources, to translate Dutch material and compose the summarized, detailed story here below, based on what is known from publicly available information (including official police information, news articles and interviews) so far. Some people have used more than just a little of my work for their own publications, without as much as a source mentioning. Don't be such a douche and give a shout out or a source mentioning when you use info from these blogs or my videos for your own videos or sites or publications :)
I have nothing substantial to add, but wanted to thank you for your vigorous work in collecting and translating every relevant piece of news and evidence for this case. It was a great read that I enjoyed very much. The case itself is very unsettling and kept me up a few nights.
ReplyDeleteI do not personally think it is possible that either accident or crime theory can account for all of the evidence. Either they got lost first then ran into someone, or they ran into someone and fled then got lost and were eventually found by this third party.
Thanks again! I got weeks of reading material from your blog.
Thank you so much for your kind words and for reading about the case here. Like many others out there I am simply trying to do my part in an attempt to keep this case in the limelight and perhaps get it solved even, eventually. Although both the Panamanian and the Dutch prosecution and officials are 'dead set' on keeping the case closed. Yes I think you are right there, it is indeed a never fitting puzzle. None of the theories out there give a 100% fit and thus we keep changing around the puzzle pieces. But now that Juan published the never before seen night pictures and such, we have a few more facts to work with again. Glad to hear you also ultimately believe in an element of foul play.
DeleteBest wishes
Is that a face in this picture? this was found on the photo album you had linked in this blog
Hi, thanks. Do you mean the outline of a skulled face almost? It may just be a pareidolia?
DeleteHi, I wanted to add that on the picture where you see the hair it really looks like you can see 2 teeth in between the red hair. You can see it on the right just below the middle. I've zoomed in many times and am really sure it's 2 teeth.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this update! Seems another case where the authorities are quick to rule things an accident, and then close off the case. Where have we seen that before eh? :(
DeleteIn my opinion, the (little fact-based) argumentation of some people culminates when it comes to the 90 or so so-called night photos. Here, for example, you give a commentator who, precisely because of the absence of concrete objects in the photos, suspects a criminal mastermind behind these pictures. This is like arguing that the girls rarely used the mobile phone when they were in captivity, without realizing that captivity would likely have prevented them from using the mobile phone altogether. But the argument that the non-representational nature of the pictures was signaling a perpetrator as their author seems even more tendentious: This argumentation misses some of the rules of argumentative honesty, I guess. Particularly since it is based on a whole series of assumptions that are not mentioned in the context, such as that if Lisanne or Kris had taken the photos, concrete objects would be visible in the photos. But why actually? Because it must have been about capturing images?
ReplyDeleteI don't think it's fair to imply that. Obviously, it was about something else, because otherwise there would be more to see in the pictures than the night sky. You yourself give good clues that the purpose of the night shots could not have been to scare off animals or attackers either, because otherwise there would probably be animals or attackers in the pictures. It also seems impossible that the path should be illuminated because, as you were able to show very clearly, there was no change of location in the three hours during which the pictures were taken. Against this background, the interpretation must therefore be based on what is constant in the photographs, and that is simply the orientation of the camera and what was done with it, besides not taking pictures, namely triggering the flash. Therefore, the old, unexciting assumption that it was an attempt to send out light signals into the night sky is the most plausible one. Even if there may be doubts as to whether objectively the conditions were actually given for drawing attention to oneself in this way, this explanation is far more plausible than the more presuppositional thesis that someone else could have taken the photographs in order to create a false impression. A simple cost-benefit analysis illustrates this well: What value should it have had for the perpetrator or perpetrators to spend three hours (!), and thus a good part of the night, photographing the night sky several times a minute? And what use could it have had for the girls or one of them? Maybe even being in a state of half-consciousness. For whom, if not for Lisanne and Kris, could the flashing of light have been of such essential importance that they made producing flashes their main task for hours? While the subjective motives and the objective Benefits for alleged perpetrators remain completely in the dark and incromprehesible, it is obvious what the two young women, or one of them, might have wanted to achieve with the flashes. After all, search teams flew over the area the day before. Light signals couldn't be helpful at daytime, at night, that might have been her idea, they were.
It's difficult and I think some people make the mistake of zooming in too much to one or two aspects of this case. For instance on the night photos or the phone use. They can all be explained in whatever way you want. They could be rationally explained as the work of two girls delirious with hunger and first and exhaustion, or as photos made by someone else entirely, trying to create a fake trail of evidence. We just don't have enough facts to be certain about anything, when it comes to these photos and the use of their mobile phones. Yes thank you, there are soms things we can argumentate about them, for instance that it is less likely that whomever took thee photos did so to scare off an animal; because in the 90-something photos an animal hasn't been pictured once. Also, why would you keep making photos for 3 hours on end then? Also, there is zero evidence that helicopters were flying at night. All the info available indicates that helicopters only flew during a few days at the start of the search and always during daytime. There is zero evidence that helicopters would have flown in the dark of night, and as late as April 8th. I therefore dismiss (until new facts show up) that they were trying to flash an overflying helicopter. The same issue for search groups; we have no evidence whatsoever that search groups were walking out there in the dead of night. Yes same for the theory that they were lighting their way with the flash; all evidence points against this, due to the static nature of these photos. I agree that orientation is one of the most logical explanations around for now. Regarding light signals; that is possible, but I do wonder what triggered them to do that then, and why only on april 8th and not way sooner? They had been alone in the jungle for over a week (!) by then, and we have no evidence that troops were out between 01:00 -04:00 that night.
DeleteBut none of this disqualifies the alternative explanation of a 3rd person taking the photos. No, not at all. We have not a single photo identifying the photographer. Not even a hand or arm has been captured, enabling us to see if it was a he or a she. And you can personally think it is an illogical notion, there are no objective facts that disprove it, at the moment. I understand that you find it illogical that a 3rd party would make the effort to go out to take those photos. But I can think of a rational (I think at least..) explanation for that. IF a 3rd party was in fact involved then I don't personally believe that they would have done a hell of a lot of photoshopping or manipulation of the photos when they found the backpack and the camera. I think they went through them and only erased the photo 509, possibly because it contained something incriminating. The rest all told a perfect story, of kris and Lisanne walking alone in the wild there, unprepared, poorly dressed for the endeavor and going to the Pianista summit and beyond. Perfect stuff to allow the police to find. It just cements an alibi story on their behalf. People who say that criminals would just destroy a backpack like that, sometimes forget that there have been other missing people there including the missing British tourist Alex Humphrey, who has gone missing without a trace in the exact same area. You cannot continue to let people dissolve into nothing there, not with a mad circus of foreign press and searchers looking for these girls and demanding answers. If that backpack and those bone remains hadn't been found, the search would have gone on and on. The Dutch families had the financial means and the drive for it. Nobody living there wants that.. Indeed, a signal that the women were dead.
In light of this, it is not incomprehensible that a 3rd party would want to add more evidence to the camera, finishing the visual alibi of sorts. Now police and the families not only have photo evidence of the girls being physically on the Pianista Trail on day 1 and beyond the summit, but also an update from day 8, cementing the story (visually) that YES they got lost in the great unknown and yes they tried to survive for over a week. It really meant the evidence of an accident, for a lot of people, those night photos. Not all criminals are low IQ'ed brutes, some are highly pragmatic and logical.
DeleteAnd people must also not make the mistake of just zooming in on some aspects of this case, and then forgetting about the bigger picture. I like to look at all the details though and to zoom out. Everything must be incorporated into one theory or another, not just nitpicking about the psychological analytics of these photos. It seems a fact that Kris and Lisanne ventured out without taking the necessary precautions. They weren't properly dressed or equipped for such a trek into unknown wild terrain. They did not bring enough food and water or extra clothes, let alone a means to defend themselves or find their way back if needed. These two lovely girls made grave errors in judgment when they ventured out in unknown nature without the necessary precautions. That is something that stands above everything else.
But there are other reasons why an accident seems less likely to some people, me included. For instance:
-How come the entire skeletons were never found?
-How come the bodily remains of the two girls were find in the same vicinity, but one had her bones bleached clean and in a late stage of decomposition, while the other had remains in a very early stage of decomposition?
-How come 5 months after their disappearance, a rolled up ball of skin from lisanne was found (from her shin bone), in a very early stage of decomposition? Impossible for the skin to have been kept out in the jungle all that time, and still look like that. The forensic pathologist stated that either it was fresh or someone had stored it cool and dry for a period of time. How does that match with an accident scenario?
-How come their backpack was found dry and clean, 8 weeks into the disappearance when the jungle was wet and muddy? If they left it there themselves, why didn't they ask the help of the villagers living there?
-What happened to the completely missing photo 509, which couldn't have been so thoroughly erased if the girls just pressed the 'delete' button. They didn't delete any photos during their holiday so why was this one deleted if they just got lost at that point and had other things on their mind than selfies?
These are core questions and the accident believers always struggle to come up with a believable logic explanation for all the forensic facts, not just the ones they nitpick here and there.
it makes zero sense for an attacker to spend 4 hours taking night photos. To prove what? That the girls were lost? 1 or 2 photos during the day would do just the same. If I had killed those girls why would I hike my ass to a remote location and spend all night taking photos to convince the worlds that two girls assumed lost were lost? IT MAKES NO SENSE!!!
DeleteAt best I would take a few daytime pics and maybe of different locations.
Would the girls take the photos? I dont think anybody else had any reason to do it ... Why would they?
For all the reason that were already exlpained but here is another reason:
- whichever girl was still alive in the jungle exhausted and tired knew she would die. Maybe she was just scared of the dark night and just used to flash to have some light in her last hours. Maybe she was bored and dieing and just needed something to do. What is there to do in the jungle at night? Play with your camera, take some pics.
What makes no sense is that they did NOT take any note or any picture of themselves. That makes NO sense. And that they wanted to spare their parents how they looked? Fucking please. Give me a break.
To all the photoshop clowns. Give it a break. In case of murder to most likely would be a local or drug runner. Do you think those people have the skill and the time to generate dozens of photshopped pictures to prove some nonsense? Fuck no.
Nobody who raped and killed those girls then went to the Photoshop PC and masterly stitched pics together. That just didnt happen! Also these days you can easily analyze photos if they were edited. why doesnt anybody do that. And that Juan guy and his ramblings are only one thing: obsessed and crazy.
Sadly his ramblings are so drawn out and crazy that one can not bear watching his long videos with seconds of facts in regards to exif data.
Again, no sex killer would fuck around with exif data. that just makes no sense. They dont have the skills and no motive. If something bad was in a picture they would simply be deleted like some were.
IF the pics were edited and exif manipulated who did it? the only option is the police who would have the skills and the motive to support their claim the girls got lost and they didnt want to fuck around solving a crime making the area look like a death trap.
To the two SAME images of the SOS marker. No killer would have fucked around making little baloon sticks and SOS markers from pringles cans to divert attention from him. IT MAKES NO SENSE.
Obviously the girls made those markers. So to the same pics. It is 100% it is THE SAME pic. the clear one is the original and obviously the one with the blown out foreground is the edited one. it is clearly edited. someone took the time to make the rock on the right white WHILE all the other foreground to the left is painted with a white brush to blow out the details. This is 100% manually edited. Who and Why?
could have been the cops trying to obscure it or a journalist jut playing around and saving the pic and then leaking it with the others.
THE ONLY QUESTION IS: were those pics leaked as different pics with different names and exif? If so then whoever leaked it (cops or journalist) want to hide something.
it makes zero sense for an attacker to spend 4 hours taking night photos. To prove what? That the girls were lost? 1 or 2 photos during the day would do just the same. If I had killed those girls why would I hike my ass to a remote location and spend all night taking photos to convince the worlds that two girls assumed lost were lost? IT MAKES NO SENSE!!!
DeleteAt best I would take a few daytime pics and maybe of different locations.
Would the girls take the photos? I dont think anybody else had any reason to do it ... Why would they?
For all the reason that were already exlpained but here is another reason:
- whichever girl was still alive in the jungle exhausted and tired knew she would die. Maybe she was just scared of the dark night and just used to flash to have some light in her last hours. Maybe she was bored and dieing and just needed something to do. What is there to do in the jungle at night? Play with your camera, take some pics.
What makes no sense is that they did NOT take any note or any picture of themselves. That makes NO sense. And that they wanted to spare their parents how they looked? Fucking please. Give me a break.
To all the photoshop clowns. Give it a break. In case of murder to most likely would be a local or drug runner. Do you think those people have the skill and the time to generate dozens of photshopped pictures to prove some nonsense? Fuck no.
Nobody who raped and killed those girls then went to the Photoshop PC and masterly stitched pics together. That just didnt happen! Also these days you can easily analyze photos if they were edited. why doesnt anybody do that. And that Juan guy and his ramblings are only one thing: obsessed and crazy.
Sadly his ramblings are so drawn out and crazy that one can not bear watching his long videos with seconds of facts in regards to exif data.
Again, no sex killer would fuck around with exif data. that just makes no sense. They dont have the skills and no motive. If something bad was in a picture they would simply be deleted like some were.
IF the pics were edited and exif manipulated who did it? the only option is the police who would have the skills and the motive to support their claim the girls got lost and they didnt want to fuck around solving a crime making the area look like a death trap.
To the organ harvesters:
Deleteyou cant just kill someone somewhere, put their organs in a bag and take them somewhere else to be implanted. IT doesnt work that way. organs dont last long and the donor has to match. You dont just kill people and then advertise their kidneys. IT DOESNT WORK THAT WAY.
The only way that works is that you run bloodwork on your victims, to catalog them, then keep them alive until you find a matching recipient and then you kill them and harvest their organs.
You do this because whoever paid you $200000 for a kidney doesnt want HIV with it and wants it to match that is why you cant sell some kidneys you "just found in the jungle". Seriously, people need to fuck off with this shit.
The only things you can bulk harvest are generic things like skin, blood, eyes, other membranes, bones. But I dont know if thats worth the effort and if its done in the jungle and why you wouldnt just harvest the natives who nobody gives a fuck about and they are also less likely to mess up your shit with HIV and Hepatitis.
Otherwise, good blog and it weird that nothing makes sense. Especially that they left NO note and no pic, like :Hey mom and dad, we got lost, we are hurt and we are not well. If we dont make it, we love you"
ANYBODY would have done that .. so thats weird
Also take in mind that both options: Getting lost, murdered or abducted are not at all mutually exclusive! I think you mention that.
It is also possible that they went to some horny local for help and rather then helping them, he helped himself to their white pu***es.
the bones are obviously planted. It is highly unlikely they BOTH died in the water at the same time, unless one fell and the other died rescuing her, happens often enough. But then there would be more bones and entire torsos.
The backpack was obviously planted, whoever denies this must be braindead, but it could be that a local found or bought the backpack with contents and wanted to keep it (the electronics probably had the value of their annual income). BUT when the media shitstorm hit they got scared and just dumped the backpack. That is why it was like new.
They were already dead the at the time those night photos were taken, don't you understand up til now???!!! Imagined that you suffered from dehydration and hunger for 7 days in the middle of jungle, you wouldn't and woundn't have waited until 7 days to take these nonsense night pohots (wouldn't be able to actually as well), I mean not even a head-on photos, all dark surroundings and no videos, no messages, no talkings. I mean it doesn't make any sense. Then you check the weird phone calls, they are quite fixed and orderly done acutally, no damn lost hiker would do that for no reason, if I was lost or trapped in a rain forest, I would keep on calling for rescue anytime and anywhere, I wouldn't do it for once the shut my phone, and the 77 times of PIN entries are even bullshit and nonsense too, none of girls would do that if either of them is alive at that time, the first they should do is straight for the emergency call instead of PIN entry.
DeleteSo to sum it up, they were dead already before the weird phone calls and night photos, at least before the night photos, all these weird shit happened just because the perprtrator wants to mess around with the police, they are arrogant and even with psychological distortions for leaving the phone and camera safe and sound, maybe they are used to it. They planted the backpack intentionally after two months no result investigatoin just for the 30000$ reward. For those who still think it's an accident, I would say fuck your degraded braincells, you won't come up with this stuipd ass conclusion if you took a goddamn minute to think about the case.
ReplyDeleteRE the discoloured boot: I may have gotten this wrong, but I will ask anyway: Lisanne´s severed foot was found inside the brown boot, when one of the pictures (depicted as "unknown", see the magnification which you posted) seems to show her boots are blue. Unfortunately I find no other picture where one can see her boots...
The other, empty, boot which has been found has been attributed to Kris - but it is blue while the last pictures of Kris show her wearing brown boots.
Is it possible that the foul play can proven, or at least be made much more likely, because the perpetrators put Lisannes foot back into the wrong boot?
Or am I mixing things up?
Hi A.
Deletethanks for your thoughts. Yes I think you may be mixing things up, possibly?
I made you two collage pictures of the shoes of both girls. This is the brown set of shoes of Lisanne (the tall brown haired girl), notice that the shoes have a pink/fuchsia coloured inner lining:
And here are the shoes from Kris; they were brown normally; brown in the photo of her at the airport, brown on the day of their hike. But, the blue shoe which was found, matches hers. So it is Kris' shoe, you can see the seam on the outside matching hers, also the details of the laces match and the sole. Only the colour has suddenly changed. Just like her sunglasses turned up bleached lighter and her bones of course.
I wonder which photo you saw of Lisanne wearing a blue boot?
Best wishes Scarlet
Sun-bleached sunglasses? A bit like water-damaged umbrellas.
DeleteI am trying to wrap my head around Frank van de Goot's theory that the women fell 30-40 meters down a 60 degree slope and eventually died from their injuries. As you have previously mentioned, then all of these must be true:
ReplyDelete1. Each woman sustained injuries that kept either from going for help for the other.
2. The location of the twig/plastic bag is not at the 2nd cable crossing as believed by locals.
3. Both women willingly removed their bras despite cold temperatures at night.
4. Their bodies decomposed, were dismembered by the current and their remains traveled for many kilometers.
5. The contents of the backpack never became wet.
6. No text messages or recorded memos were attempted.
7. Kris' hair remained clean and dry for 11 days.
8. Lisanne's bones and boot naturally became bleached.
9. They were undiscovered despite being so close to the trail.
10. At least one of them survived for 11 days without food or shelter.
Hi Beach
Deletethanks for your analytical summary. Very good points. I think by the way that Frank van de Goot has turned back on that initial statement.. In Lost in the Wild he sounded very different and he may have realised by now that that statement lacks some basic common sense...
1. Yes. Or one was fit enough to do so but couldn't get out of this ravine. Problem there is that no such ravine is known of in that area. The only steep slopes in the area they were at, are around the summit of the Pianista Trail. And they were all searched many times, by tour guides, sniffer dogs and the lot. No traces of them there. So yeh, then they must both have been too badly injured. Which may coincide with Kris' broken pelvis (ouch) and Lisanne's shattered left foot.
2. Correct. People passed that spot, they weren't there. Tourists went there in late April, looking for K+L and there was nothing there. And if they were then they would have been so close to the way back and to civilization, because there are inhabited houses nearby, that it makes no sense why they stayed there for 8+ days without seeing anyone or finding help.
3. True. The sense in that decision evades me then.
4. That is what must have happened then. Never mind that the river at the 2nd cable bridge is not directly and freely floating to the location where their bone remains were found.
5. Not wet, not damaged, not muddy, not stained, nothing inside was touched by the many river rocks. And there must have been a massive flood to pick up that backpack and drop it off 14 walking hours up north. Through many bends and left and right turns through branching river mouths.
6. Correct. Despite having 8+ days of being stuck in that ravine, so over 200 hours
7. Yep. Not greasy, not muddy, not wet, not tangled from trying to climb out.
8. No it was the pelvic bone and the rib bone from Kris which turned up all clean and bleached after 10 weeks. Lisanne's foot was on the other hand found in a very early stage of decomposition, with meat and skin still attached and in early decomposition also. So wildly different rates of decomp. between the remains of both girls. Despite these bones being found in the same vicinity and at the same time.
9. There is no real evidence that they were close to the trail by the time they went missing.
10. Yes. Because on day 11 the iPhone was switched on for another hour (yeh... don't ask me about how that was possible for a phone with only 50% battery on the morning of their hike..).
Hi all,
ReplyDeleteI will post this in parts due to the character max limit.
I would like to make some points that don't seem to have been covered for what they are worth. I will be blunt and I make no apologies.
1. I think the photo shop ideas need to be let go. Yes it can be done but why? There is no reason to go to all that effort when you could simply delete the photos. Also if a criminal act did take place by a third person who wanted to hide evidence why not simply destroy the camera entirely. It makes absolutely no sense to go parading around the jungle in the dark taking photos of mysterious things.
2. The bones being bleached I think is irrelevant. From what I can see the term bleached was used incorrectly. The evidence says there were traces of phosphorous. Phosphorous can naturally occur in the human body and is also prevalent in some foods so it is not entirely improbable that this occurrence was simply natural.
3. The bands on Lisannes' arms caught my attention. If we are to believe the timestamps on the cameras and believe that the bracelets appeared later during the walk we could wonder, given their homemade look, that they were given to her at some point which would indicate that the two did come into contact with people, locals or villagers perhaps.
4. How much faith do we put in the timestamps on the photos. My experience with digital devices is that they are not always accurate (maybe this is just me) and also a few of the photos are said to be taken with an I Phone. I have always owned I phones and as far as my experience goes they really like to use GPS to ascertain the time and date and if they drop in and out of phone reception they become confused. Also as a side note regarding the incorrect PIN entries. I do have a theory on this which I haven't actually researched but if somebody was in possession of both phones and these phones had SIM cards in them it may be plausible that phone A (belonging to the owner) became inoperable (battery failure, whatever) and so that person swapped the SIM card to phone B (belonging to the other person) and the PIN misses were in fact the phone entry pin which is stored on that phone and not the SIM. Something perhaps that needs to be looked into further by somebody who knows more about phones.
5. Now something interesting I have found in photo 505 ( the one showing Kris looking back slightly bent over with seemingly her hands tied behind her back) I haven't found any mention of this anywhere on the net but too be honest I haven't looked that hard. If you look to the right of her there is some leafage and the trunk of a tree. At this point, circa shoulder height of Kris there is what appears to be a very definitive looking flesh colored shape, perfectly in proportion within this shot which is exactly what a persons arm would look like if they were sitting at the base of a tree with their hands either on or above their head. My first thoughts are that it looks like somebody sitting with their hands bound to the tree above their head. A thought I have not been able to get past. Now if this were indeed what it looks like this would point to a third person, the person that took the photo. Also what I see in Kris's body language is a look of "get away from me" or " I don't want you here" something along those lines.
That's an interesting comment about photo 505 so I had a second look at the photo. It's not the clearest of photos but you are right it does look like a bare raised arm.
Delete6. The next photos (the last ones dated April 1st) after the one mentioned above are also obviously around the time the "nice hike in the jungle" became something else. There is also another time stamp issue here which I wont get into my theories on. The body language of Kris suggests she is being followed, closely, and the person following her is not her friend. Although it also reflects what you would see in a person if they were looking back at a crime they had committed OR something they had been forced to do, that they didn't want to do, such as leaving an injured person behind. The only thing that we could confirm with this photo is that there is a definite look of concern but it does not appear to be, at this point, out and out fear.
ReplyDelete7. The location that the backpack was said to be found. This is a tricky one. The position was determined by the person who handed it over to authorities. And where you might say there is no reason to suggest that this person made up the location that they allegedly found it, you have to remember anything is possible. I have two theories, so far, on the backpack. They are both complicated and as I said are only possible theories. Either the backpack turned up and was found by this person and handed over or there are two variations of the second option. Either the girls made it at least this far and ditched the backpack or they had found themselves, for whatever reason, further than this point and turned back then ditched the backpack. You could also wonder the possibility that they could have been held captive somewhere further downstream for several days (which could explain, if the timestamps are to be believed, the 6 or 7 day gap between photos) escaped, headed up river following the logical path of the reverse of their original trek and at that point again ditched the backpack.I understand this does not explain the contents of the backpack entirely, in particular the bras, but (and I am not a female so if I get this wrong so be it) it could be possible that they removed their own bras during an exhaustive "escape' in a hot, humid environment due to some level of discomfort. I will also say at this point, the shorts that were found I cannot offer any reasonable explanation for and I will not attempt to.
The conclusions of any research are seemingly impossible to reach, hence the reason this remains a mystery. The obvious signs point to foul play of some sort but there is no clear motive or reasoning behind it. It also strikes me as odd that for two friends, such as Lisanne and Kris, who are on the adventure of a lifetime that are avid diary keepers and avid photo takers WHO often shared the camera to photograph one another and appeared in photos together did not write a single thing down and more importantly there are no photographs of Lisanne after they were at the summit of the path. In short the last photos, which show by way of body language that something is wrong, only contain Kris.
Hi, I think at the time when the photo you mentioned was taken the camera might be already in the hands of a third party, and if someone was following Kris, it might also be her friend. Which means things had gone wrong, but hadn't become a "disaster", following your scenario.
DeleteI wouldn't speculate further, since there have been plenty in Scarlets' whole series of articles.
One last mention which is probably nothing but based on my own personal experience and knowledge, referring to the "marker" (the red bags). What I can see is an absolute reason for documenting this with a photo simply by the aspect of the photo. The lens is obviously pointed at the object, which is centered in the photo (as any photographer will tell you the subject of a photo is always in the center of the frame when using photos for documenting REAL events) and so we can assume it is intentional. Now the depiction of the number 5 etched onto the rocks surface could be just light and shadow (my actual belief) but there is a possibility that it is deliberately placed there (a tactic used by very very experienced survivalists, not to say that these girls were not well trained in survival, were they? How will we ever know?) depicting this is the 5th way point and giving a direction of travel, possibly by using the extended branch at the base pointing off to the right of the frame. If this were the case one would have to assume there were, at least, 4 other markers placed which were sadly never documented.
ReplyDeleteSo for now, I will leave my comments for scrutiny and possible debunking. Myself and my team are planning a trip to this region in the near future to retrace the path and document the positions and times of these photos, hopefully, to create a more accurate timeline of events and positions of photos, but I will remain anonymous for now for obvious reasons but perhaps if we find anything interesting we will re visit this post with our findings.
Deletethanks for all your thoughts. Always good to hear from someone who believes in an entirely different scenario as to what may have happened. I recently read a series of blog posts and the comment sections of a local Boquete man named Lee Zeltzer. They were all removed from the net for some time already, but Juan found a way to trace them anyway in cache. Lee was one of the first in Boquete to go out and interview people living at the Il Pianista trail, trying to gather evidence.
The problem is that Lee Zeltzer was out there pretty much from April 3rd onward, immediately starting to question people on the trail informally once the news of this disappearance broke. So his interviews were right off the bat when people's memories were still fresh. Mostly all said they saw Kris and Lisanne around or shortly after 13:00 heading towards the trail, and then having returned from the trail, back at the trailhead, at or around 15:00/15:30 pm. It seems widely accepted now, also by all investigators on this case, that all those witnesses were off. The camera times are the Golden Standard now. But there wére also at least 12 different fingerprints and DNA traces found on those cameras and belongings. However, that does not deter the investigators in believing the technical date info from the cameras. But I don't understand why so many people lied, so early on? We also never heard an explanation for those 'off' witness statements.
I don't exclude the possibility that Kris and Lisanne did return down the mountain. Yes, they have have ran into other people, which seems the rule when you read other tourists blogs of this route; they always run into other people, even when it rains cats and dogs. Lisanne may have received an indigenous bracelet, who knows. They made it back to the road, asked Pedro for directions how to get back, then asked the owner of the small cigarette shop how to best get a taxi or bus. And then got a lift most likely. may even have gone for a swim (I do believe the swimming photo which Juan published to be legit). Then never made it back home because people took them.
The Pianista photos were real (I can't explain the summit photo appearing to be made around 13:00 if I am to believe the witnesses who saw them leave the language school and get a cap between 13:00-13:30..). The night photos were fake. The backpack was planted, the few bone remains also. Kris' body was treated with chemicals to remove any sign of cause of death, hence the 'bleached' look. Lisanne's left leg bones and foot were not treated and therefore had flesh and meat still on it..
Very good suggestion also on the SIM card. I also believe that the SIM card may have been taken out of the phones and placed in another device. "And the PIN misses were in fact the phone entry pin which is stored on that phone and not the SIM. Something perhaps that needs to be looked into further by somebody who knows more about phones." - very smart idea of you! Very good.
DeleteThe person who found the backpack, her husband works/worked at the time as an aide at the farm of tour guide F. This has not been mentioned in the press, but forum members found photos that confirm this. The woman first contacted tour guide F when she found the bag, then HE brought it to the police.... Very suspicious. I do not believe the girls ditched their backpack there. Reason; that spot where the bag was found is right near habitation. There are houses along the water there. They could have reached out to the locals there. Why wouldn't they? Why leave all your belongings in an inhabited area? No, the bag was planted there and the help of the tour guide was told where it was and where to 'find' it. I believe they were held captive far far away from this area altogether. The caldera region perhaps, instead. The perpetrators only came back in June to plant the bag and a few non-discriminating bones. making it look like Kris and Lisanne walked all that way up north. Complete set up.
Regarding photo 505, yes I did receive a few emails about this. What you also mention, the appearance of an arm, or someone sitting there leaning their head on their arm. There are other photos where people also see shaped of other people, or a man with a hat on. Unfortunately these photos do not have the highest resolution, so enlarging them or adjusting brightness etc can distort the pixels to some degree. Making it very hard to be sure about such shapes.... I wouldn't be surprised either however if they were not alone at this point. I also agree with your feeling of those last photos being off.. Kris not looking relaxed or natural. There is some tension sensible perhaps. Maybe they are accompanied by someone who is becoming friendly but pushy at this point (asking them to keep making photos?) and the girls do not feel comfortable.
But, in the end we just don't know... There are details and facts to go on, but a lot of contradicting info also.... Your guess is as good as mine! Very nice of you to think along here, thanks for all your thoughts. And if you and your team end up walking this route and area, I would love to hear about it somehow, if possible :) Yes for sure, stay anonymous and play the naive tourist. I wouldn't even mention the names of Kris and Lisanne when you go there. especially the tour guide hears everything and is extremely suspicious of anyone mentioning this disappearance and then wanting to go up on the mountain. He also called people housing such tourists to threaten them in the past. But when you do go up there, it would be so interesting to explore the timeline for yourself yes. Ideal would be if someone could find the location of the night photos, but this will be no small feat. Something else of interest: there is a 1st a 2nd and a 3rd cable bridge passing, when you go far enough beyond the Mirador. Some people still believe that the night photos were taken at the 2nd cable bridge passing. I don't think this is correct, but the distinctive rock from the photo with the red plastic on a stick, that rock is quite distinctive and should be able to identify.
DeleteAnyway, thanks for your thoughts and my best wishes
Hello! First of all I would like to congratulate you for your extensive work on this case, it's very well done.
ReplyDeleteI personally do tend to believe that there was a third party involved on this case, I also believe that it was probably a man. The thing is that I am Latin-American, so I think I can understand what the cultural differences between these girls and a potential third party may have meant and where they came from. From my experience, Latin-Americans do carry a sort of notion about Europeans and even Americans, as they represent the "oppressive" rich countries that explore third world countries. When with an European/American, that can result in behaviour that tries to "flip the table" in a way that the "oppressed becomes the opressor", so, like, rudeness, aggressiveness, distasteful jokes etc.. Of course that I'm not referring to most of the population, but I myself have seen natives put tourists in some uncomfortable situations. Personally, I live in a massive metropolis, so things work a bit different where I'm from when it comes to that, but in a region such as Boquete I can picture a situation like that happen with the girls, not only because they seemed like "an easy target" but also because of what they may represent, even if it's something of the unconscious.
Thank you for your kind words! Yes I agree with you. There is just too much that doesn't add up in regards to a Lost scenario, in my opinion also. Ok that is very interesting information. I remember getting the impression when watching Lost in the Wild about this disappearance, that the locals in that hamlet of Alto Romero were also quite hostile and a bit condescending.'Yeh sorry about your loss, but what about the money?!' Death may be a more common thing in latin America too? I'm not sure of course, but seeing documentaries on countries like Mexico, Honduras and Guatamala, the impression I got was that crime was widespread, brutal and that especially women and cartel members died frequently from violence.. And add to that the western tourists who on the one hand help tourism and help the country, but on the other hand I can understand what you write about them still representing colonial oppressors and spoiled 1st world countries. It must be profitable also for the sex trade to have white girls/slaves on offer.. :( When I saw the swimming photo, I did believe right away it were Kris and Lisanne, with those local boys (who died soon after both). They belonged to a local gang. Do you think it would be a plausible scenario that Kris and Lisanne first willingly interacted with them, to raise their spirits. But that once they refused to kiss them or more, that these young men switched and started to force them? Maybe it is also a bit of a macho culture thing? They may have felt rejected and that triggered their controlling evil side? The girls were strangers and they are the king of their kingdom over there. They may have felt that they could do what the heck they wanted over there with those gringa's?
DeleteI believe that smaller rural communities like Boquete are definitely more used to death, specially one that deals with gangs. I'm not so familiar with that scenario, but it reminds me of a Brazilian movie called "Bacurau", that has the sort of vibe that I imagine when I think of this situation specifically. It's about a tiny isolated community in one of the poorer regions of the country that gets targeted by americans and europeans who want to kill people and not be prosecuted for it. The point of view of the movie is clearly latino, however, it is about that relationship that the third and first world have with one another. It is a violent place, but also quite complex, things work in a sort of web of relationships and power dynamics. One thing that I believe for sure is that it must exist some type of unspoken truth in Boquete when it comes to this case and other similar ones, but no one says anything because the true power is the hands of the illegal activity there. Not only that but at lot of times the population of those small communities depend on said activity and the people who participate on it to survive and help them with their basic needs.
DeleteAbout the gang members in the picture, I think it might be possible that they did turn against the girls after they got uncomfortable. It sure plays into the "macho" cultural aspect of not accepting no as an answer. And, when done by a white girl, might even encourage them to do those things because of the whole "overpowering a symbol of oppression" thing. The girls, like many Americans and europeans who go to third world countries, are not used to such situations and the fact that they must be alert at all times. In the place that they rule, they wouldn’t take no as an answer from “entitled europeans”. A native girl probably wouldn’t even have talked to those guys knowing who they might be or are.
I can’t speak for the entirety of Latin America on this issue, since in from Brazil and we’re talking about Panama. The cultures are not as similar as they may seem to an outsider, but of course that there is a lot in common. The structure of society and power dynamics don’t really change when it comes to the “third world”, where some communities have to fend for themselves. The secrecy and protection of one’s family is engrained in Christian beliefs and culture, something that rules over the entire continent. It’s family first and society second.
its looks like" well done " job of organized crime and no one will gonna be punished sad. only what i know for sure its i'm not gonna Travel to the panama or some latin america because it's not safe, and not worth it that's it.
ReplyDeleteThere have always been events like this in the years back, as gang-activity is increasing in all Centro Americas, so things are getting tougher.
ReplyDeletePanama, Costa Rica and even Nicaragua and Guatemala were great countries to travel to back in the time between 1995 and 2005. After that, first tourism grew massively (hipster-kids traveling all over the world on cheap airfares and hostels), and then gang-activities startet, initially by spreading out of the USA, when convicted youngsters went back home (El Salvador and Honduras were the first hot spots).
In Costa Rica problems like this were not evident till around 2004 - it used to be quite a peaceful place then, with only petty theft and small crimes to be alerted to. Today they've got the "Los Morecos" and other gangs.
Panama had always been neighbour of Colombia, with the Darien Gap as a drug-smuggling route (land and sea). Today they also send refugees through this dangerous wilderness.
So yes, these countries used to be good travelling destinations back then. The gap was open as long as a new middle class was emerging – with overall wealth and infrastrucre growing - and severe crime not on the rise.
The global economic crisis of 2007 hit those countries as well by stopping the growth of the middle class and cutting opportinities/chances, letting especially young males down and disenchanted from their dreams. So now they live in shanty quartes and see some posing rapper's and other first world shit on TV or on their smart phones - and they want to be “on the party” as well. And as we know from all the classic mob-movies, the money lies “on the streets”.
As a result I go conform with other comments here, that those countries are no playgrounds for naive first world kids- especially those, who were raised by "curling- or helicopter-parents" , smoothing the their kids way in all aspects of life. Especially female travellers without male company are an easy target (who would have thought that).
Those counties are still good places for “real” travellers, who have already a certain life- and social experience/skills, can speak at least some basic Spanish and have common sense and sharp senses, when it comes to assessing and avoiding potentially dangerous actions/situations.
As for the case of Kris and Lisanne, the guys who pulled all this are lucky, that the parents did not send in a bunch of steel-balled ex Delta-Force or ex Légion étrangère guys. On the other hand - if you "chop one head off", three news will regrow...., that's the problem with gangs and organised crime. The next kid from a shanty town is already standing in line for receiving a gun…
So spoilt kids and “snowflakes”of the genY and Z – better stay home and travel your own places or visit Greta Thunbergs home town in Sweden!
And by the way - airfares might rise anyway after a short hype after rebooting the airline industry. So I think, the hipsters and older genY-dudes and dudettes were the last generation for a longer time, who were able to travel the whole world affordably and with nearly no restrictions. We gotta swallow that pill…
And as already mentioned - for those, who are realistic, fit, who can adapt and have common sense, Central America will still offer great experiences in the future. But…eerh…well….if you go there to make selfies with giant butterflies in front of a waterfall, in hot pants and a tank top, you better stay in your hip urban hood a buy a super-deluxe frappochino with ice and cinnanmon…
That might sound cynical, but we can learn from this case: the world is a tough place an it’s likely, that it’s becoming even tougher…
so long
A good summing up of what these extremely naive girls got into. The ‘elephant in the room’ is what the hell were they thinking.
DeleteGrowing up in a country where all the thinking is done for you, entitled youth in Europe deciding to go to Panama...then wander around like they were strolling around the canals. What a terrible price to pay for such stupidity.
As you mention - the crime situation will be worst now after the economic fallout from the virus.
I agree. But these girls were 21 and 22 years old and the parents of one of them were very worried, but they felt they couldn't stop their daughter. Unfortunately it has become some sort of rite of passage for well to do western youngsters to make some big exotic trip nowadays. Often without seriously weighing the risks. If they had stayed in Bocas with other young tourists, everything may have ended well. But Boquete is not the same and they made the mistake to go into that jungle without a guide or any protection :(
DeleteAnonymous (poster of the long message), I agree. And thank you for pointing out that the situation in those countries was a lot safer before, let's say, roughly 2004. I just did a blog post about a German teenager who died under suspicious circumstances in Malta, but reading up on the matter, Malta did not seem or feel even a fraction as dangerous as a country like Panama. And as such, mostly all Latin American countries, from Nicaragua to Colombia. I blame young western hikers disease on the large amount of backpackers and Millennials basically, happily streaming into the Central American countries, expecting to find perfect paradise instagram photo opportunities... Indeed, the vast middle classes we now have in the western world, with the means to travel and the incentive. There is also a big travel industry, who sponsor these wanderlust influencer types, it is a business model. But it makes many normal youngsters want to go to such destinations themselves, most of them unaware of the history of such countries, the political landscape and the crime numbers.
DeleteEven Kris and Lisanne, who were well educated, levelheaded girls, may have underestimated the risks. I believe the swimming photo to be legit and if they truly decided to go skinny dipping with mere strangers in Boquete, they took huge risks in my opinion. That's easy said in retrospect, but really, that was something they should have felt squeezy about themselves too. It is very well possible still that these girls wanted to have a good time with the locals, but then the atmosphere changed as soon as they declined sexual approaches. Then the local kids, macho's perhaps, maybe looking down on gringo's with money coming to their quarters for meaningless good times, wanted to show them a lesson...
And like you said, there is indeed also the MTV effect, as I'd call it; youngsters from poor backgrounds see the 'gangsta' lifestyle played out in video clips and reality tv shows, and they want a piece of the pie; a part in the fun. This increases crime because when there are no jobs available for them or they don't have the means to get a good education, crime is what looms. Which many modern day tourist is confronted with, there are new stories every year of missing backpackers, murdered tourists and that doesn't even include the plethora of robbings and rapes.
And you are right on the money with your comments, it is true, these Millennials are raised by their 'best friends' (parents), often in a PC bubble of love all cultures. They get mostly everything they want and participation prizes too for joining a competition. No is not a word they like to hear. And their mothers are often (semi-)feminists, instilling the confidence in their daughters that girls can do anything a boy can. Or better. Including traveling....
DeleteIn the Kris and Lisanne case, Lisanne's parents were very worried about their daughters travel plans. They did not like the sound of Costa Rica or Panama one bit. But they didn't say no to their (by now adult) daughter. There is this now famous horrible case of a Danish and Norwegian girl who went climbing a mountain in Morocco in December of 2018. They were vocal online about immigrant support and the intrinsic goodness of all different cultures. Only one parent has stated later in the media that she was a little bit worried about the Muslim country her daughter went to. Two very young, blonde, Scandinavian girls, alone in a tent. They were stalked, raped and decapitated on camera and the monsters then sent the footage to all the girls' online friends and family. Just because the world should be everyone's oyster, does not mean that it actually IS, in reality.
True, whomever is behind their death has been lucky that the feeble Dutch brown nosers and the corrupt slack Panamanians were on the case and not commando's, or the Mossad, or any true investigative elite team. Most if not all evidence is gone by now.
And indeed, those who are well prepared, fit, aware of the risks and willing to stick to the 'rules' will probably be fine, although anyone can be hit by a truck, anywhere. But younger women traveling alone in some parts of the world, I think they need a reality check.
It often mentioned that they were ‘smart’ ‘level headed’ and other accolades etc but were they really? Is this another assumption made from media,parents etc.
DeleteThe fiasco regarding the so called school they were going to help out in smacks of very poor planning and something obviously wasn’t quite right there.
Were they that ‘bright’ ? - yes they had degrees but they are participation certificates these days and the fact that they went into the jungle with hardly any water and skimpy clothing does not suggest situational awareness or common sense. They obviously didn’t know that the temperature decreases with altitude and it rained there. Really two immature adults who met a tragic end and it’s hoped that others will take heed.
Quote :And you are right on the money with your comments, it is true, these Millennials are raised by their 'best friends' (parents), often in a PC bubble of love all cultures. They get mostly everything they want and participation prizes too for joining a competition. No is not a word they like to hear. And their mothers are often (semi-)feminists, instilling the confidence in their daughters that girls can do anything a boy can. Or better. Including traveling....
DeleteBrilliant summing up !
Eu percebi que a partir de um momento só tem fotos da Kris e tiradas de longe, algumas ela está de costas, e nas fotos que ela está d e frente o rosto está com semblante fechado, pode ser que nesse momento elas já tenham sido "capturadas" e a Lisanne não esteja mais junto dela, tenha sido levada por outra pessoa para longe da Kris e a câmera tenha ficado com a pessoa que levou a Kris, por isso as fotos só dela. Acredito que tenham sido assassinadas e todas as evidências implantadas nas cenas de maneira que pudesse parecer qualquer coisa. A pessoa ou pessoas que cometeram o assassinato não estavam preocupadas em ocultar provas e evidências, pois parece que sabia que não ia ser investigado a fundo.
ReplyDeleteObrigado. Sim, as últimas fotos, 507 e 508, também foram tiradas do alto. Ou por Lisanne, de pé em uma pedra, ou por outra pessoa. Não sabemos porque Lisanne não é mais retratada depois da cúpula. Eu concordo, eles se conheceram em jogo sujo. A foto 509 mostrou evidências disso e foi removida.
DeleteSomething I feel wasn't touched on is -why- her wristbands would have disappeared. She clearly used them as her hairbands to put her hair up, and put them back on her wrists when letting her hair down. Not especially helpful, but out of all the speculation I read between the 3 blog posts, I didn't see that exact detail covered.
ReplyDeleteHi, thanks, yes the hairband was sometimes around her wrist, when she had her hair down, or it was gone from Lisanne's wrist, when she had her hair up. It seems to have been the hair elastic all along, and nothing else mysterious.. Thanks for pointing this out, I have added this detail to the blog now.
DeleteThanks, yes the has been mentioned also in youtube comments. Very good, logical explanation! I think that is the right explanation indeed.
ReplyDeleteFor some ease of understanding I simplified the information on the known timings of the photographs of April 8th, now please note there are several photographs not counted here below as they have never been released and there is therefore limited information as to when exactly they were taken. But as a rough guide the photography looks like this:
ReplyDeleteApril 8th - 1 photo at 1.37am
4 photo's at 1.38am
5 photo's at 1.39am
3 photo's at 1.40am
2 photo's at 1.41am
2 photo's at 1.42am
1 photo at 1.43am
1 photo at 1.44am
4 photo's at 1.45am
2 photo's at 1.46am
1 photo at 1.48am
1 photo at 1.49am
2 photo's at 1.50am
1 photo at 1.51am
1 photo at 1.52am
2 photo's at 1.53am
2 photo's at 1.55am
1 photo at 1.57am
2 photo's at 1.58am
1 photo at 2.00am
1 photo at 2.05am
1 photo at 2.12am
1 photo at 2.15am
1 photo at 2.29am
1 photo at 2.31am
1 photo at 2.37am
1 photo at 2.46am
1 photo at 3.09am
1 photo at 3.22am
1 photo at 4.22am
Photo #550 - April 8th 01:39:54 AM
Photo #553 - April 8th 01:40:32 AM - So between 1.39 & 1.40 eight photo's are taken and accounted for, but according to this numbering here two photo's are missing/unreleased. Looking at the timings here, these two are taken in just 30 seconds, which fits the frequency in general in these early shots as the photographs average being 10 seconds apart. But, 10 photographs taken in 1 minute therefore?!!!! Surely not...?
This is not the only such gap in the photo ordering, and a similarly hard to believe number of photographs being taken within just a minute, so is there an automatic photoburst function in operation here, or are the camera dates suspect? If the frequency is correct then it is little wonder the flash function occasionally failed, I have never tried to take ten photographs within 1 minute, but if there isn't an automated 'photoburst' function responsible and it is all manual it is saying something about the extreme emotional and mental state of whoever is taking these pictures...
You do talk about al of this in your page up above Scarlet, so I am making no claim here to have made any dramatic new discovery or insight. But refining the timings and run order of the photographs taken and listed above makes for a very informative way to view and understand how the Photographer was behaving that night, and in what order the shots came in. If you take the list below and put it in notepad, then use it against the actual Photographs posted up above on this page, it really puts you there on the night almost. At just ten seconds apart this is proof that everything in those photographs is presumably what is sat around as the camera is moved up, left, then right, and... for the shot of Kris' hair?
DeletePhoto #510 - April 8th 01:29 AM
Photo #511 - April 8th 01:30
Photo #512-540 (18 taken within just six minutes, all Unknown/Unreleased)
Photo #541 - April 8th 01:37 AM
Photo #542 - April 8th 01:38:12 AM
Photo #543 - April 8th 01:38:28 AM
Photo #544 - April 8th 01:38:48 AM
Photo #545 - April 8th 01:38:57 AM
Photo #546 - April 8th 01:39:12 AM
Photo #547 - April 8th 01:39:21 AM
Photo #548 - April 8th 01:39:32 AM
Photo #549 - April 8th 01:39:42 AM
Photo #550 - April 8th 01:39:54 AM [Boulder & marker]
Photo #551 - (Unknown/Unreleased)
Photo #552 - (Unknown/Unreleased)
Photo #553 - April 8th 01:40:32 AM
Photo #554 - April 8th 01:40:48 AM
Photo #555 - April 8th 01:40:59 AM
Photo #556 - April 8th 01:41 AM
Photo #557 - (Unknown/Unreleased)
Photo #558 - (Unknown/Unreleased)
Photo #559 - April 8th 01:41 AM
Photo #560 - (Unknown/Unreleased)
Photo #561 - April 8th 01:42 AM
Photo #562 - April 8th 01:42,25 AM
Photo #563 - (Unknown/Unreleased)
Photo #564 - (Unknown/Unreleased)
Photo #565 - April 8th 01:43,28 AM
Photo #566 - (Unknown/Unreleased)
Photo #567 - April 8th 01:44,12 AM
Photo #568 - (Unknown/Unreleased)
Photo #569 - April 8th 01:45,01 AM
Photo #570 - April 8th 01:45,14 AM
Photo #571 - (Unknown/Unreleased)
Photo #572 - April 8th 01:45 AM
Photo #573 - April 8th 01:45 AM
Photo #574 - (Unknown/Unreleased)
Photo #575 - (Unknown/Unreleased)
Photo #576 - April 8th 01:46 AM [SoS Display]
Photo #577 - April 8th 01:46 AM
Photo #578 - (Unknown/Unreleased)
Photo #579 - April 8th 01:48 AM
Photo #580 - April 8th 01:49,47 AM [Kris Kremers Hair]
Photo #581 - (Unknown/Unreleased)
Photo #582 - April 8th 01:50,05 AM
Photo #583 - April 8th 01:50,26 AM
Photo #584 - April 8th 01:51,56 AM
Photo #585 - April 8th 01:52,28 AM
Photo #586 - April 8th 01:53,02 AM
Photo #587 - April 8th 01:53,13 AM
Photo #588 - (Unknown/Unreleased)
Photo #589 - (Unknown/Unreleased)
Photo #590 - April 8th 01:55,01 AM
Photo #591 - April 8th 01:55,36 AM
Photo #592 - April 8th 01:57,03 AM
Photo #593 - April 8th 01:58,26 AM
Photo #594 - April 8th 01:58,35 AM
Photo #595 - April 8th 02:00,37 AM
Photo #596 - (Unknown/Unreleased)
Photo #597 - April 8th 02:05 AM
Photo #598 - (Unknown/Unreleased)
Photo #599 - April 8th 02:12 AM
Photo #600 - April 8th 02:15,25 AM
Photo #602 - April 8th 02:29 AM
Photo #603 - April 8th 02:31,25 AM
Photo #604 - April 8th 02:37,11 AM
Photo #605 - April 8th 02:46,16 AM
Photo #607 - April 8th 03:09 AM
Photo #608 - April 8th 03:22,47 AM
Photo #609 - April 8th 04:10,59 AM
(cont...)In all, between the start of photography at 1.29am and up until 2am, there are an astonishing 85 photographs taken in that half an hour, at an average rate of ten seconds apart and a very noticable 5 photographs per minute.
DeleteFrom 2pm till the final photograph at 4.10am (just over two hours) there are then just 12 photographs taken. So within the span of the first half hour is the period of greatest energy and intensive shooting. Whether that marked drop-off after exactly half an hour is at all significant beyond the possibility of fatigue finally having taken hold on the photographer is an open question... but the most intense period IS lasting exactly half an hour, between 1.29 & 2am.
More or less the first photograph taken (#511) shows the rain falling from what we assume is above, the droplets appear close to the photographer but interestingly there is no splashing on the camera lens despite what we assume is an upwards shot. The next available shot is about eight minutes later and a strange ultra-close and over-exposed shot of what many think is the edge of Lisanne Froon's face, there is no obvious sign of rain or droplets or moisture here, and the next shot taken, of a portion of rockface, also shows no obvious sign of rain falling, however the next handful of shots DO show the rain IS still falling.
Given the tight timeframe here is spanning between mere seconds and minutes, and the shot of what appears to be Kris Kremers' (apparently dry) hair comes a full nineteen minutes in, with nothing to suggest the rain has paused in all this time, it seems that along with the seemingly dry 'SoS' display there is a very definite shelter here to some degree, perhaps a very generous overhang above is shielding them. Or... is the Photographer in fact not pointing upwards, but downwards?! It's a possibility. But either way there HAS to be some form of shelter at work here. The rain appears continuous through the early hours here, and look to the photography of Photo's #602 onwards and the sheer intensity, and closeness, of the downpour by this point should be making photographs impossible otherwise.
By the time of the photography here on April 8th, at 1.29am, it would have been dark for six-to-seven hours. The SoS Display and proboble Branch Marker waiting to be picked up suggest a rational person is responsible, as some ingenuity, thought, and effort has been put into these - it also shows that this is a camp and that they have presumably been here for a couple of days or more. What prompted someone to pull out the Camera, in the early hours and the dark? I personally would speculate that it may be the rain that triggered it. Evidently there were some considerable downpours this night, and while the photographer seems to have some degree of shelter it probobly was not complete, sleep may have been impossible under these conditions. And it seems reasonable to think that during the day it would have been difficult too. So is sheer exhaustion also a factor perhaps? Despair and frustration combining with the conditions to deliver this response? It seems likely, but consider - ten seconds between shots may seem dramatic, but in fact ten seconds is quite a controlled and lengthy time, it doesn't suggest someone is raging, or in the grip of a mental breakdown, rather I would argue that it suggests there is still a degree of control in evidence. Despair may well be there, but it is still someone in control of themselves.
But it says something too that whoever this is they have no interest in using the camera other than on this rainy night in the early hours, this despite their presumably having nothing at all but time while sitting there, day and night just sat in a huddle, waiting...
Thank you Dave! Good work. True, when you see the times ordered like that, it does seem most likely that someone was turning that camera around and was systematically and purposefully clicking, picturing the direct surroundings.
DeleteDavid, if you look, starting at photo 547, there does indeed appear to be what looks like a tiny droplet on the lens, in the lower left hand corner. It's also there, in the same place, in 556, 559, 561, 562, 565, and 567. And if you rotate 569 and 570, this spot is in the exact same place. It pops up again in 573 and 579. It's there in 584 and makes a last appearance in 597.
DeleteWhat's interesting is that this spot is NOT in 594, nor does it appear in 580, 576 and various other photos where it should be if the photos are in order. It cannot be because the lens was wiped because it shows up in the exact same place in the pictures that it's in.
Just another very weird thing.
True, I noticed the drop on the lens as well in some photos. Strange how it is there and then not there. Still keeping the option open that all of those photos have been shuffled in order. Same for the daytime photos.
Delete@Scarlett, yes, it would seem so. Along with the strangeness involving the timestamps.
DeleteBut this also is a possible explanation for the missing 509. We wonder where it went, if you delete by a computer, it is still there until it is rewritten. You would have to zero-out the drive to get rid of it. The person either did that, or they copied all files but that one to another SDcard.
Or... a much simpler explanation. 509 was not deleted at all. It was just renamed. When they were shuffling around the filenames to reorder the pics, they missed one.
I had never noticed that drop, and never would have! A case of being hidden in plain sight - you are so busy looking at the background you don't ever see the foreground...
DeleteIt's an idea you have concerning photo #509, but I don't think it works that way, you can rename a photo but that renamed photo would still be there (in one form or another) at position #509 as far as I understand it.
What a messy affair these night photo's are. A look at photo#541 might suggest this as a failed 'selfie' from Lisanne Froon, but then why would she hold a camera at herself at very close range like this and take the flash full-on, and why not adapt to try again from a different line or angle?
Of course, the reality is there is nothing to suggest that IS Lisanne. And because of that this is an image that can be used to sum up this entire story of the two after April 1st - Photo#541 hints at being perhaps a glimpse of Lisanne Froon, but then again perhaps not, it could any number of things. Photo#580 hints at being a glimpse of Kris Kremers, but all there is is a formless mass of red hair, a mass that makes no sense at all and in reality shows nothing at all of Kris Kremers that night. There is a pair of her shorts found later, abandoned. There is an inner sole of what may or may not be from Lisanne's boot found in forest not too far from the Pianista starting point. A glimpse of Lisanne and Kris perhaps? There are conflicting times for their actual start on April 1st, another confusing glimpse, of what have effectively become a pair of ghosts by the time they set foot on the trail... we chase after them, but they are always consistently just out of sight. And when taken as a whole you do start to seriously question the whole idea that they were ever there at all. It's all smoke and mirrors.
@Dave I'm not sure how the 100% certain how the rename process works. It is indeed a 'delete' action but it doesn't work in quite the same way as actually deleting. It doesn't delete the old file, then make a new one with a new name, at least as far as I've read. That is why, if your disk is full, you can still go through and rename large files. The old filename might still be there, but not the actual data. It's now under a new name. But it is just a theory, one someone with more knowledge of Windows systems can debunk.
DeleteI think the photo is of Kris. And there are probably pictures of Lisanne as well. I base that on comments from the parents, stating that some were of the girls (plural) looking rough. This says to me they are both present an alive.
My theory is, sadly, they probably heard someone that night and spent 3 hours trying to get their attention. And they did, only their saviors turned out to be demons. So much of the case turned into each side, losties vs foulies, trying to wholly debunk the other. But if you look at it, both probably occurred.
Hi Thegw,
Deletethat comment about the girls appearing in a rough state in some of the photos, it was never verified! It came from one person who wrote about this case in a blog, but there was no footnote, no source mentioning and the parents never said this themselves. I never heard that same statement again, anywhere in this case coverage.
Regarding the missing photo 509, what the Lost in the Wild crew stated is that the overwriting of photo 509 is not so straight forward, indeed.. They used the exact same Canon camera as the girls to show that when you manually delete a specific photo, and then take new photos, that the next new photo automatically gets the file numbering of the previously deleted photo. In other words: if Kris and Lisanne truly had deleted the original photo 509 themselves and then continued to make the nighttime photos on April 8th themselves with this same camera, then we would have never even known that there ever was another photo 509; the first nighttime photo would then have received the number 509. The fact that it didn't, tells us that photo 509 was deleted AFTER the nighttime photos were made.
Juan said about photo 509 that specialist software should and would have found this missing file if it had been deleted manually from the camera. Recovery software would have retrieved it as a file with the name IMG 102-509 or video 509, listed as stored, once, but 100% irretrievable. Juan even tested this, and could find back deleted pictures from years ago. And there was never any attention for the memory card or the photos in the press he said, because if you don't know anything about it, you think everything is possible.
And someone else wrote about the matter: "If you remove the SD card from camera and take it to PC then through file manager you "cut" the file 509 jpeg, it won't be a copy remaining on SD. There was some discussion that the card was put in PC and either reformatted; or 509 deleted but you'd be able to still recover as you correctly point out from file allocation table. Reformat would destroy all photos so that wasn't done. So I believe one possibility is 509.jpeg was cut and paste on PC and SD reinserted back to camera."
@Scarlet, ugh! That is such the problem with this case. What is true? What isn't?
DeleteI agree about the file. The only way to 'delete' it permanently is to delete and zero the drive or card. They'd have had to copy the whole card to a PC, format or zero the SDcard, then copy it back without 509 OR just copy the whole thing to a new SD card without 509. That is the only way to do it. Besides, it makes no sense for the girls to delete it. They had bigger things to worry about than how they looked in a selfie.
My only goal with the comment was to point out that, in conjunction with the other night photos, a renaming could have taken place--obviously this must have been done on a PC as well. We certainly see evidence from the moisture appearing and disappearing on the lens that the photos have been reordered and thus renamed. I do not know if Canon issues a hash marker on the photos for validation, which would mean the original filenames would be in the original metadata. The thing that makes me hold on it is the fact that the filename is apparently still there on the card. Were the drive zeroed, there wouldn't even be the filename. All you'd have to know it existed is the numbering gap between 508 and 510. But perhaps that IS all that is there is the gap and that is what the authorities are talking about. Back to the first paragraph, what is true and is speculation or mistranlation or misspeaking?
It's true Thegw, there seems not a single piece of certain fact in this case, unfortunately. There are even people challenging the positive DNA match for the bones, because the Dutch did not do a second opinion.... Photo wise, I always assumed that a 3rd party or the Panamanian prosecution put the memory card in a computer, looked through the photos, altered some (exif data seems to indicate that) and cut one photo off the card entirely and pasted it on a computer. That way it's completely gone from the card, minus the empty file with its number.
DeleteBut indeed it is just as possible that everything was taken off the original card and copied onto a new card. Or put it back on the by then formatted original card. The girls did not delete it, it indeed made no sense and it would also have allowed investigators to find more percentage of the original file back.
It's a great point you make about the order being shuffled, going by the appearing and disappearing and then appearing again drop on a very specific place on the lens. The night photos as we have them now were leaked by a Panama source and to be honest, the numbering and time data of them may have been completely false and fabricated by whomever dumped these photos. No official has confirmed their authenticity. But because some of these photos match the few (5) photos that wére published by officials or the families, we can be certain about at least some of these new night photos being the real deal.
Yeh the file names seem to have still been present . But we do not know what the files between 511 and 541 look like either.
@Scarlet, I am someone who isn't entirely convinced on the authenticity of Kris's bones. I think at that point they wanted it over and it's possible they attributed someone else's remains to Kris. Just like that shoe. That doesn't look like Kris's. It would certainly explain why Kris's bones were so far advanced in decomp. I just don't trust the Panamanian police, not after they botched the thing every step of the way.
DeleteI think it was the authorities who did the shuffling. It makes no sense for a third party to mess with the card or photoshop this or that. For a third party, it would much more convenient and a lot more final to just throw the camera and card into the river. Smash the phones. Everything. It didn't need to be in the bag. The bag led to the bones and the bones finished the case.
The authorities on the other hand don't have that luxury. The finding was international news. They couldn't fudge it away like the tape of Elvis finding the bag and the conveniently lost testing results. They couldn't shrug and call it an accident like they did when surveillance tapes were overwritten. They were stuck with it existing.
I think the photos are authentic. They all fit together. The only one that sticks out is 550. I saw a youtube vid by victor hugo trying to add it to the collage composition, but I don't know, the rocks don't match, IMO.
If you think on it, even now Six years after their disappearance, somewhere out there in the wilds of Panama and Alto Romero those very distinctive tops the two girls wore are very likely still in existence.
DeleteYou can dig your garden or anywhere else and pull out long discarded or buried fabrics. And whether the green and Red/white tops the two wore were washed for kilometres down a river with no one to see them pass by, or they lay abandoned in the forest covered with leaves and twigs etc, or are in fact buried beneath earth, the odds are quite good that they DO still exist out there, even now as we sit here and talk about the two friends and what might have actually happened to them.
Nothing just disappears after all in these kind of places, not truly. So where are those two tops...?
Hi Thegw, I have not read about a Dutch autopsy report and a second opinion of the bone DNA testing. Considering the fact that during the searches, the bones of other people were also found, including a small child and an elderly native person, it does surprise me also that those bones weren't double checked by both countries. This seems standard procedure when a national dies abroad. Now there is always room for those few percentages of doubt. It was pretty suss that it took so long for everything to suddenly start showing up, over 2 months in. It coincides in my view with the realisation there that the parents aren't going to let go of the case or stop coming back again and again, without evidence of their daughters fate. Hence why suddenly the backpack was found in an inhabited area, as well as these few bones...
DeleteYeh the shoe, Pitti just refused to send it to the waiting pathologists for DNA testing. Adelita Coriat wrote about it, they were stunned that Pitti refused to send the shoes, on request of the pathologist. Anyone who still trusts the officials in this case and doesn't expect a cover up is.... very sweet I'd say.
Authorities were covering something up and they for a fact looked at the digital camera footage first, before sending it to the Dutch. All the opportunity in the world to mess around. EXIF data confirm this. On that date, the files were altered. Although a smart killer could also benefit from the camera being found... I believe the night photos were shot by a 3rd party and the phone calls after day 1 were also staged to create the missing girls (all alone in the forest) narrative. Don't forget that Boquete already had Alex Humphrey some years ago, who did vanish without a trace. Nothing has been found of him. To have suddenly three instead of one of such missing persons would not be in anyone's interest and not in Panama's either. Much better for tourism to make it out like the girls just walked too far and got lost.
True Dave, I sometimes think about those very bright and easy to recognize tops also.. Where are they now? How come nobody found them, but they did find a shoe 'buried almost under a tree'?
DeleteAlthough fanatic Losters will most certainly tell you that those t-shirts have long gone 'dissolved' in that hot wet jungle (even though it is a cool cloud forest in reality, with many farms, houses and open cattle spaces..)
HI Scarlet! This is the first time I have taken a serious hard look at the 'jungle' in these photographs, you did all the work several months ago! There's nothing much in the way of any new clues or evidence to be found in them but while I remain suspicious on some it is remarkable that once you realise most of them are at the wrong angle and need rotated they nearly all do make some sense, as the majority are in fact all showing one side of wherever this location is. The Photographer appears to be wedged into a tight space between the boulder and directly beneath the rockface. They are therefore limited in view to the face itself and the growth and treeline above it, and this is what most of the photographs are in fact showing us. What lies over the Boulder however is unclear as it doesn't appear the photographer ever rises. A detail that interests me is the number of photographs with flared light, something, a finger perhaps, caught in the flash and over the lens. A couple of these may well be the rain interacting with the flash to create this blinding effect, but it is clear most are actually a solid object. If you bear in mind the Camera has a telescopic lens that rises some way out this gets rather interesting, as the 'flared' photos once you rotate them correctly are all marked out by being Portrait format, with the camera being held vertically, and if you think on the way the camera would be held, with the firing button faced upwards, and the Flash on the right-hand side, the telescopic lens jutting out, and the resulting pictures all showing the obstruction is coming on the LEFT hand side, I have to ask HOW is this camera actually being held as the picture is taken? For a finger or hand to be obstructing both flash and lens seems very careless, odd. Lisanne and Kris had taken enough photographs with it to be very familiar with its basics, and while the conditions were not ideal it does intrigue me as to how and why so many of these photo's are semi-obstructed like this - Has Juan ever experimented on this do you know?
ReplyDeleteYeh it is very strange. I never have seen a finger-like object obstructing the lens in any way in their other photos. Juan did try to recreate it and when he used the exact same camera, at night, I believe even when it drizzled a bit outside, and held his finger slightly over the top corner of the lens, he came up with a similar result. Which does not entirely prove that it is in fact a finger we see in some photos. But it certainly could be. To me that points once again to a different photographer than Kris or Lisanne.
DeleteOne of the night shots shows Kris' hair, another the outline of Lisanne's jaw and profile. So who is taking these photos of them and the surroundings?
As for the exact composition of all the night shots, it does not completely interest me tbh. Because I think all the night shots are red herrings. Months of focusing on them has not brought us any closer to either the location where they were taken, nor the meaning behind them. A 3rd party made it look like Kris and Lisanne were out in the jungle alone, lost. When in fact, I believe they were taken, held and killed..
Crime or Misadventure...? Something that has affected the way I read what may have happened to the two friends is discovering the excellent Sattelite.Pro site, which offers astonishingly detailed and powerful arial views of the Pianista wilderness and the ability to zoom in in a way that leaves Google.maps far behind in terms of quality.
DeleteUsing it, studying the area and potential routes, really opened up my mind to the reality that this is a story that can be divided into two halves. The first act is the initial dissapearance on April 1st, and when I say disappearance that is exactly what happened to the two friends, although the Elvis Gonzales camp suggests their presence it remains unconfirmed, and so the two have literally dropped off the face of the earth, not got 'Lost'. But vanished.
So anything anyone can think of here is largey meanigless as there is almost nothing to go on after the final Photo of the day. Act Two however begins with the finding of the backpack, and here is really where the attention should be as by its discovery (planting) comes virtually everything we know - the remains, the phones, the camera, etc. It all springs from the finding of that backpack. And that point has long fascinated me as this part of the story is where it is all at: the backpack leads to the ramins discovery, Kris Kremers' shorts which have miraculously stayed in place in some eddy beside the river not far from the cable bridge, meanwhile we are to assume 97% of their remains have been washed away into oblivion... which when you study the route of the river on is a near absurdity really. A winding rubble strewm river would catch much of the remains along its channel, any flood powerful anough to wash away all of two bodies would certainly take a pair of shorts with it, and genographically if this had all washed down the river it should collect some remains at certain points. This is what happens on mountains and river channels - debris tends to funnel to certain points thanks to gravity and the geography, but all along the river and past Alto Romero no one notices all this human debris washing by, over at least several days...? I find this hard to believe to say the least. Something that also occured to me was that given the searchers found numous small fragments of bone, which turned out to belong to bodies from possible washed out graves of locals, it demonstrates that the search was reasonable thorough. If they found such small fragments like this, many years old, where is the rest of Kris and Lisanne...?
Act 1 is the disappearance, there is not all that much at all to say as there is virtually no hard evidence to be had, it is anyone's guess what happens after the final photo. Act 2 though is the discovery, and what we gain from it all is very reasonable grounds for suspicion.
Thank you Dave, that is indeed an excellent site and I already made some great screenshots from it in the past, of the places where Kris and Lisanne's remains were found along the river. I agree with you, the river is littered with rocks and it winds all over the place. It is unbelievable that entire bodies would be dragged away, never to be seen again, in such a winding bendy obstructed small river. The professionals agreed on this. They would in that case have found bodies or -parts stuck in bends.... Professionals stated the same, they found bodies in river bends who had been there for over a year. Intact bodies, despite of course being altered in appearance by decomposition. But it is unbelievable that those tiny rivers who go all over the place and have rocks everywhere, stunting flow of objects, could have made the bodies for 98% disappear the way they did. People also live alongside these small rivers, there are houses and farms nearby. The backpack was found by people working in the rice paddy next to the river, supposedly. So entire bodies floating by... exactly. Bodies with a 30.000 dollar reward, no less.
DeleteHere are some photos showing just how teeny tiny those rivers are. They also show just how much open terrain there was in this area. Just how many places where Kris and Lisanne - had they truly been lost by themselves - could have stood, waving their coloured shirts, signalling the helicopters which flew over this area many, many times. But the helicopter pilots saw nothing, no sign of the girls. These are the locations where the (few) bones were found close by:
Thanks for those images Scarlet! I have only a rough idea where the remains were found, and they may not be entirely accurate as the searchers were not going about their recovery efforts by satellite tracking or map references, but with a distance of around three kilometres from the bridge to Alto Romero there would need to be considerable flash-floods occurring to flush the complete remains so far downstream and out of all human sight. It doesn't really add up for me when looked at this closely.
DeleteQuite what the answer is here, whether there was foul play or someone scavenged the backpack from the remains, I can't even guess. But something is not right with the situation.
Even musing over the night-time Photographs again raises more doubts. I am able to assume '541 is a perhaps failed 'selfie' yes, in the dark and fumbling with the camera. But on the other hand even though it was raining and almost certainly pitch black she had already shown us in the days before that she was able to take perfect Selfie's and do so on a regular basis. Even on that night, in dark, pointing the camera towards herself, the shot should have been more direct and accurate than that odd misfire (and why not try again?). I do wonder looking at it whether the simpler fact is it isn't her face at all, but the same object (finger) that was creating the other similar obstructions and flares a few shots later... it's just logical in a way that it must be so. Because when you look to the only other shot of something human, Kris' hair, you see only another inconclusive image that actually doesn't show anything at all. There is nothing to suggest there is a head beneath that mass of chaotic hair. And as such I do join the doubters in holding this skepticism of those night-time photographs.
Родителям девочек смогу сказать Что же случилось с их Крис и Лисанн....
ReplyDeleteМожете ли вы также рассказать нам, что случилось?
DeleteРодителям Крис и Лисанн смогу сказать Что же случилось с их девочками на самом деле ....
ReplyDeleteHi Scarlet. Lots of things. Picture 77 lady has hands in pocket at start of trail head. Why ? It is all body language. At this point they are back fom il pianista and have met their captures only to be forced back again. Picture 340 all 6 rocks match exactly you are in the right place even though you think you were not.
ReplyDeleteNight photos: could it be possible that they are made by accidentally
ReplyDeletepushing on the button?
And about the bra's in the backpack: a lot of girls when going on a day trip wear bikinis and bring a bra for changing after swimming. The bottom will dry more quickly then a padded bra. And sometimes you change and sometimes you don't need it. Just in case.
What's more important: why didn't they make a tax message on the second day or later. The first day I can imagine that you don't want to worry your family unnecessary. But at the second day it's serious a problem. At least you do send some messages to inform people and ask for help.
That gives the impression that they could not use their phones by themself since Day 2
About the look/expressions on their face: I think not every photo is a perfect Instagram photo. Sometimes you smile too late or too early. I does not say anything about if somebody is worried, angry or sad.
When we first hear this in Holland, I was sure that they walk into the wrong people.
Interesting blog. Greetings Lily
Hi Lily
DeleteI don't think the night photos could have been taken by accident. There is no lens cap on the camera, you need to activate it to be able to take photos. And none of the photos seems taken in motion, or shows distorted vague photos. They all seem to be aimed at something in particular, and taken in the time frame of over three hours, often lifting the camera up towards the sky. Not something that is done by accident.
Very interesting point; I never heard the family of the girls or the host family mention their bikini's. I suspect that the parents received them back, together with the other clothes and belongings. But you are right, it would be good info to know. Did the parents get their bikini's, yes or no? The bra straps that were visible in the photos are most likely of bra's and not of bikini's. Same for the bra's which were seen in the police photo of the girls' backpack and belongings. They are the same as which they wore on the day of their hike, you can see the straps matching. But we do not know if they also brought bikini's along in their bag that day, which should then have gone missing in the meantime... If so then that would also point towards a possible swim that day, and towards things going wrong afterwards..
I agree, it is extremely strange and a break of her habits for Lisanne especially not to text her parents. To me it is one of the strong things pointing to crime. Same for the absence of any photos or videos for over a week, after disappearing. Lisanne would have had the wits to document the places they were along the way, if they really had gone lost. And most definitely left some clues for her parents as to what was happening. The fact that she didn't is the evidence in my opinion that the girls weren't free to do so. I agree, after day 1 I think someone else had the girls' phones and camera in his/her/their possession.
Ah, you are Dutch too? Me too. I honestly heard about the case on the NOS news, like mostly everyone else in the country, and I assumed that they got lost and kept walking in the wrong direction and perished from lack of food and water.. Then it took me a few years actually to hear about the new evidence from their camera and phone use and that information changed everything
best wishes Scarlet
I think tge wristband that was missing because Lissane used it for her hair. It's common to put the hairbands around our wrists. If you note her hair is loose while the the vand is around her wrist then her hair is tied when the band was gone around her wrist
DeleteWhy assuming that the girls only called 911? Maybe they sentva text to F.or the landlord/host since they don't know so many people. The school? I suspect them all. They all know something. Why tge host let people get into the girls' room? that alone put a red flag on her head to me. She should have called the police right away
ReplyDeleteDutch specialists looked through the phones and could determine which phone activity had taken place. All that was done with the phones, was try to call 911 and 112. Switch the phones on, then off again. There were no draft text messages written, no text messages attempted to be sent. No voice messages left behind. I mean, they could have changed their own voice message, informing anyone who tried to call them what had happened, but it seems they didn't come up with that idea unfortunately. Indeed, very strange that not once did they try to call their host family nearby. Not the school, not their parents. Nobody. And it's very well true that they all know something more, but are afraid to talk. Not even a 30.000 dollar reward made people talk.
DeletePlease consider translating your blig to Spanish. I have a feeling that you will get information from people who know things but can't talk
ReplyDeleteI don't think that they got lost and couldn't be found looking at the surrounding area as it is not particularly remote and there are inhabitants in these areas that they were visiting. If they follow close to the river there's a big chance in encounter of huts and villagers since they farm nearby rivers.
I don't believe they were at the monkey bridge.
The night photos seem close to the waterfall and would be the third party taking the picture as the hands look stable enough with the still photos.If it were the girls taking it, with the state of mind at that time it must have been shaking.
The whole scenarios definitely a foul play.
I felt uncomfortable looking at Kris expression after the happy pictures on the summit as it is 360 degree different vibe you can certainly feel looking at it.
Somehow she was force into taking that photo shoots by someone and it might not be Lisanne that is taking the photo shoot after the happy photos of them.
The first time I looked at the photo where Kris is crossing the small stream which she is not facing the camera, the mud on her calf attracted my attention. It has been dry weather for some time there so when possibly that she can slip on her bottom to have that stain unless theoretically before that they have been trying to runaway or put some distance from someone in fear.
I think Kris would have been very careful with her steps if she is not being spook.
After the happy pictures, I wondered why there is no photo of Lisanne because it is Lisanne camera's and usually they will switch places to take solo pictures in beautiful scenery spot. Because Kris does not seem to have the moods of posing for pictures, she can actually took Lisanne photo instead. I don't think Lisanne would have coax Kris to take those photos when obviously Kris is not looking like she is in the mood to do so based on Lissane mannerism.
Also, why as many questions, why didn't the girls took more pictures along the way when there are so many nice view spots along the way if they move further on.
The third party must have force them to move on and took pictures of Kris to mislead investigators later on for the girls got lost scenarios.
The location findings of their backpack, jeans and bones are very bizzare indicates someone has planted it there.
The backpack and jeans look too clean for it to carry by someone lost in the jungle for even several days. Who washes a backpack first before giving it to the authorities? When the first thing to do is just pass it straight away to the police when all villagers is surely aware about the missing girls.
I don't buy the wild animals theory, the cats are usually shy being and hide themselves. They have many foods there when they are cattles grazing without any much problems by the villagers living close by. Especially no one blog about wild life encounter in that area so the possibility is quite low. Not even monkey pictures available caught by explorer in that area that many.
It did came into my mind if there's possibility that Kris was forced to give her PIN code number, did Osman the one who knew the PIN and later when his so called drowning accident death, the other members don't know the correct PIN.
If they went swimming with the boys, something piqued my curiosity with the photo with the boys. The water is not shallow as the boys are standing with only waist deep. Also the girls are very tall but the girls were instead crouching in the water and you can only see their neck above. Does this have any relations with the neatly folded bras found in the backpack?
See pictures 507 and 508, Kris has mud on her legs, arm, and shorts. it looks like she has fallen down or struggled. She looks very upset.
ReplyDelete13:37, thats how hackers say that it was hacked. 1337 means leet.
There may be significance/clues in many of the numbers as well. Is this what you mean? LEET (1337) is a written language or cipher used in online gaming, e-mails, text messaging, tweeting, and other electronic communication. The root of the term "leet" is the word "elite"--translated as 31337--and 1337 was initially developed as an exclusionary language: a way to encode text so that messages could only be read by the initiated.
Delete- Who took the night photos?
ReplyDeleteThe girls, this is the only explanation. It makes no sense at all for
anybody else to spend 4 hours at night clicking away to somehow proof an
accident. 2 photos or no photos would have been just as good. Lets not
forget they were abducted by a jungle dweller and not by some
sophisticated western serial killer.
- Why did they take the photos?
The photos show UP, you can see the UNDERSIDE of leaves and trees. So
the photos point UP a steep rock wall. They also show a pretty elaborate
SOS setup (respect to the pringles can mirror, i would not have had that
Why would they make this setup? It makes little sense to do this if you
are trying to walk to safety. So why not walk to safety after having
tried this for several days?
They COULD NOT. Which brings us to the reason for those pics. They slid
down that rock wall and could not climb back up! They were probably
trapped on a ledge or between the river and the rock wall. So they
could NOT leave there. The toilet paper markers would not last long in
wind and rain and they were probably made not long before the pics were
The pics show the way they came/slid down. For reasons for them to see
or document it. By the way it makes even less sense for a murderer to
set up that SOS setup and signal twig. Especially not since we are
talking about some uneducated local guys. Another reason they took those
pics is if they were taken JUST after they slid down, because the flash
would have been the only way to illuminate their surroundings and the
camera screen could not do that. That is why lighting up a path with a
flash makes no sense but lighting up a high wall makes sense. Another
reason to take those pics is that if they were stuck there, one dead and
the other panicked it was just a nervous thing to do to distract from
the situation.
re: the night photos
DeleteThere's a good reason for the use of the camera at night -- they needed a light. Using the flash on the camera would save the battery in the phone. The light from the flash only lasted for an instant, so they had to shoot in rapid succession to get as much light as possible. Maybe it was to light the way forward in the dark, so she'd take one photo to light the way for a few feet, take a few steps forward, then take another photo to guide the next few steps. To see an example of people doing this, check out the movie 'Blair Witch Project'. You can see all the many ways they use the flashbulb from the camera to search for things in the dark, or light their way forward in the dense brush at night.
But besides lighting, there are other reasons they might've needed a light at night. Maybe to scare off a wild animal, or maybe to alert a plane or vehicle they might've heard in the distance, hoping the plane might see the quick flash from the sky. Another possibility is they dropped the phone, then in a panic raced around in the dark using the light from the flash of the camer to try to find it before it got soaked.
The girls being on a ledge between a rockwall and the river explains
ReplyDeleteanother issue: Bones in the water at the same spot which is only likely
if they ended up in the water at similar time. So maybe they fell off
that ledge when trying to get away through the river or when they died
and the bodies fell down.
The photo of Kris head is shown because she hit her head when she fell.
The fall from the ledge also explains the broken pelvis. So maybe Kris
got hurt badly with a head and hip injury. This may also be the reason
why they stayed even if they could have gotten off the ledge. There are
also pics we dont have that the family doesnt release. Why dont they?
Because they show the girls either naked or gored. They would have no
issue releasing a few more night shots but wont any with the girls or
parts thereof. The missing pictures also dont show that it was murder
but just show girls or injuries because otherwise the families would not
have OPPOSITE opinions of the cause of death. So lets say there is
another pic of Kris with a head wound or broken face or open leg injury,
it doesnt proof murder but they wont release that kind of gore.
I dont know how easy pelvis bones break but I think a fall from that
rock wall on a rock would do. It is not likely that a 3rd party would
have broken the pelvis. If murdered they would have gotten dismembered
but you usually just remove head and limbs, maybe split the spine but
dont bother breaking pelvis bones. also no animal did this so I think
the pelvis injury is a true fall.
Do I think this was all an accident / getting lost? No this makes no
sense! BUT it was a combination of both! They ran or were abducted from
someone, were hurt/injured and then got away and THEN got lost in the
jungle. They may have been taken to a place further in the jungle where
they could not find their way back.
The photos on the peak with the thumbs up are very untypical and
ReplyDeleteindicate they were with that one guide who does the thumbs up.
Why did the cops not admit it was murder/fishy? They dont care and didnt
want an issue with the dutch and also not with tourism so the cops
manipulated a lot of that exif data and might have deleted the image or
the people who dropped the backpack deleted the image. The cops or
abductors would also have deleted ALL images that showed the girls,
maybe with injuries. This explains why there arent pictures of them or
injuries. There is one image of Kris maybe with injury. If you have
4h you would have taken more, just they got deleted. By the way just
because the cops didnt arrest anybody or didnt admit murder doesnt mean
they didnt fuck up some of the perpetrators. The cops might have just
gone and killed some of the perps (well some ended up dead, although it
doesnt have cop hand writing on it)
The fact that the cops DID COVER UP is proof that there was murder,
otherwise they would have released whatever they had as clear evidence
of an accident and moved on.
So the backpack was taken from the girls when they were captured or when
they were found dead or near dead after their escape. Obviously this
backpack didnt sit in a river for months.
Another comment I like to make unrelated to this is that it was most
likely Kris who dragged the shy Lisanne to panama to her death. It was
Kris who wanted to be in south america, I dont think Lisanne had any
plan to go there.
Lastly, how smart were they really? The fact that they took one water
bottle for two on a hike in the jungle is gross negligent. And the fact
that they never even did so much as zoom with their camera also is
questionable about their awareness.
Hi Matt
Deletethanks for your thoughts. Interesting to read.
Yes I keep that option open as well. The murder scenario with the detail that Kris and Lisanne managed to escape their captors for a short time, which is when they made the night photos. Maybe to see better in the dark because they were afraid, maybe in the hope of flashing someone's attention, of there were people looking for them by chance at that time at night.
But then they must have been caught again by a 3rd party. It cannot be that by natural processes their bodies ended up the way they did. Because the forensic evidence points against it. So if a fall in a ravine is claimed, then the shoes, clothing, the backpack and its delicate content for instance are supposed to show some signs of this. Which is not the case. Shoes looked brand new when found, the jeans shorts had no damage or slip marks and the backpack was intact, dry, clean and everything inside was intact, incl delicate items like sunglasses and mobile phones.
The bodies were not found in a ravine, also. These few bones were found in inhabited terrain 14 walking hours up north. In an area with houses and where people live. Yet, they never asked anyone for help there supposedly. Just dropped their backpack and...?There are no ravines there and the bones were found on flat terrain, some bones behind or almost under trees. If Kris broke her pelvic in two during the escape, she could never have walked all that way, and neither could Lisanne with the kind of terrible foot fracture her left foot was found with. If they were trapped somewhere then that is where their remains should have been found.
Plus; those few bones were found in such a state, and with so little of them being found. Only the bones of Lisanne's left leg were found; only half a pelvic bone and a rib bone from Kris. They were scattered together over a larger area. It was not so that one body's bones were found further away than the other. No, they were found scattered around together. With Lisanne's remains in an early stage of decomposition and those of Kris in a late stage of decomposition. No animal markings, claws, teeth.This all contradicts a natural cause of death. If the river had transported their bodies, the bag would have shown signs of this and the bodies would have been found in one of the many river bends. Besies, the coroner clearly and officially stated that the bone marrow in the bones was all dry. Those bones could not have been in water for long, therefore.
There is also no natural explanation for the phosphates on Kris' bones. Nor of the finding of a rolled up ball of skin from Lisanne's leg, 5 months (!) after they disappeared. Again, in a very early stage of decomposition, virtually intact still. The pathologist was very clear; it was stored somewhere cool, NOT in the jungle all that time. It points all to human intervention unfortunately..
And despite guides and locals talking about possible positive identifications of the night photo spot, nobody, ever, delivered any evidence. Nobody came forward, online, with photos of such a spot, matching the pretty distinct rocks and V-shaped tree there. Unless people back up their words with visual evidence, it is pretty useless hear say, unfortunately.
Thanks for your thoughts!Best wishes Scarlet
to be honest I dont know how much I trust the autopsy findings but talking about phosphates does not support the lost hikers theory so for them to admit to phosphates, it must be true. Phosphates probably come from fertilizer (didnt F have a coffee farm?)
ReplyDeleteThe sequence of events would be:
Hike - Capture - Escape - Death or re capture - Death
If they escaped it would be easy for the captors to find them. It does not explain how they took their camera on other items they had on the escape, assuming it was rushed. Unless they were able to just grab their backpack and run.
The capture theory also explains the gap of pictures (besides captures or cops deleting them, they stopped taking pics when they were captured and only restarted when they escaped and ended up on the rock ledge. At this point they died or were re captured and then died. Otherwise they would have taken more pics.
The captured and death theory also answers one other huge issue with the lost theory: Why there arent any messages to the family.
They were either captured and therefore couldnt take messages and when they escaped they had no time before they died or were re captured.
Once re captured and killed or died and found by captors the captors would have to get rid of the bodies... So buried in in fertilized soil or dissolved with lye makes sense.
One reason for the different stages of decomposition is that Kris probably died earlier or was killed earlier and buried earlier.
It is possible that Kris died after the night pics were taken and then Lisanne was captured and kept alive for a few weeks and then killed.
I see an issue with the foot in the shoe though. If she was captured it makes no sense she was killed with shoes on. Lets face it ... the reason to capture 2 young women is to rape them... you would not leave their shoes on and eventually kill them....
Unless they stumbled on a drug operation and were "just killed" for that.
There are so many unanswered questions and nothing really makes sense.
Yes I agree, it is a good theory.
DeleteAlthough I think the girls went swimming after their hike and then were pictured with the local youth and the group they were with there kidnapped them when they promised to take them home. But either way, they were taken at some point in time and indeed, a week long hostage situation (nobody asked for money for their release, so I think the motive was sexual) and then in the night of April 8th they may have escaped. And that would explain the odd night photos and the week long absence of any photo taking.
Things that don't quite add up yet then are:
-how come there were so many, daily attempts to call emergency services, or checks for a signal? Did the captors allow them to keep their phones? In this day and age, and also back in 2014, nobody forgets that young western women carry cellphones. Were the girls making those call attempts, or a 3rd party, staging them as if the girls were out there in the wild?
-Why did the night photos contain no messages, no videos with messages, no selfies? Or maybe they were there but investigators or the 3rd party went through the photos and took away anything that contradicted or that disproved a lost in the wild scenario But during those hours when they escaped, supposedly, they could have written a draft message, or recorded or wrote down something in their phones, or recorded something in their camera, something hidden which couldn't be easily found by others...
Kris may have died earlier yes, but on Lisanne's bones no fertilizer was found. You would still assume that after (a later) death, they would have treated her body the same as Kris? The foot in the boot was also broken in many places. It may have been hard to take the shoe off after that...
I agree the motive was most likely sexual and to a smaller probability elimination of witnesses.
DeleteI dont think anybody besides the girls called 911, although that doesnt fit with the capture theory (I think the timing doesnt align). It makes no sense for the captors to stage 911 calls, I dont see a point, especially not so many. Also consider the captors were likely locals and not educated serial killers.... It is possible that the captors were so dumb that they left the phones in the girls reach. Either because they are dumb or knew there is no reception, but even the dumbest captor wouldnt take that risk. It is possible the girls had access to the phones and made these calls when their captor went back to work (I think the calls all align to before or after noon).
The night photos did not contain selfies because:
- they were deleted (in this case they must have been very revealing)
- the girls didnt have time to take any before they were captured again or fell
If they escaped from their captors they would have run until they were in safety and sure they lost their captors, then after hours or a day they might have recorded messages. They either died or were captured before that happened :(
To be honest I dont see the point for dissolving the bodies with fertilizer. Its not like anybody would find them if dumped in the jungle or buried. Also possible the phosphate was just by chance because she was buried in heavily fertilized soil. OR different people buried them. One guy might have been a pro and dissolved the body while the other was an amateur.
I have heard about this case over a youtube video today. I am utterly sorry for what happened to those two poor young ladies. I however find something quite weird; there may have been some discussion on this which I could have well missed, but I wonder what others think as to the fact that there is no video/footage in the camera? Isn't that quite strange? Someone who has injured but able to take night time photos with that injury could have as well shot a video ? Or a self photo? any thoughts?
ReplyDeleteHi, thanks for reading here. Yes I and many people (but not everyone) agree that it is very strange that the girls suddenly stopped using their digital camera for a whole week.. They took so many photos before, every single day. Maybe they were taken hostage and couldn't take photos. Also, we don't know for a fact that they didn't because technically, the photo card may have been worked on and vital photos or even videos may - technically - have been removed by a 3rd party. Same for the phones; it is possible that there were in fact draft messages stored in there which could then have been removed by whomever found the bag or first worked with the phones and camera. And it wasn't the Dutch prosecution, but the Panamanians who first looked into everything.
DeleteI wrote a lot about this here also:
Hi, Scarlet! I have been infected with coronavirus for 30 days today. And the only thing making me survive is reading this mysterious event on your blog. Thank you so much for all the research.
DeleteI dunno why but I am interested in some rumors that Kris was seen alive by several people. This one should certainly be investigated further in my mind.
Just couple of things I have...
-Who really needs to stage night photos? It would be much easier and better to get rid of all the facts.
May be, they were eaten by kind of cannibal clans? I don't know those places in Panama, so I am not sure whether there are cannibals or not.
But, cannibalism theory somehow explains why just a pelvis bone left only...
Wonder if they had a tiff and one of them went off by herself and the other followed later and both got lost separately but in more or less the same area. Kris is definitely not happy and I wonder if these shots were taken when she decided to stomp off for some reason. In the photos she could be looking back at Lisanne who is try to remonstrate with her. Lisanne may have had a ‘turn’ ( sounds like she was a little unstable at times) or maybe they were more than ‘friends’ and had an ‘lovers’ quarrel. It seems that more is know about all the other contenders than the main participants.
ReplyDeleteVery sad story. All i can say, that it can happen, that you get lost. Faster than you'd like. A few weeks ago, i got lost myself with my son in the german "Schwarzwald" forest. I never thought, that this could happen to myself. At the beginning of the hike, we followed the marked hiking trail. Nevertheless, I later lost my way! There later where no marks anymore to fallow. And gues what: i had no signal on my cellphone.. But i was still convinced, i was walking in the right direction, what later turned out to be a big mistake! Fortunately, I found a way out of the forest after hours. At the end we were about 8 miles away from the initially intended destination.
ReplyDeleteSo when I think about those two young girls, that whent out there, in the unknown Panama jungle like area, I can imagine very well, that they could have gotten lost. It's also quite possible, that later someone found the backpack and took it home. Then, after "they" heard about the disappearing case, brougth it back near the bridge.
The simplest explanation is often the correct one. These two adults went on a hike/trek/afternoon walk totally unprepared - no water, inadequate clothing, and basically no idea of the risks involved.
DeletePosters here have said ‘it’s not a real jungle /there are tracks/impossible to get lost etc etc...Just look on google earth and see how much jungle there is. As you found out it is very easy to get lost in any kind of jungle/bush and people even get lost where there are clearly delineated paths. Once you wander off the ‘beaten track’ it is just a matter of time before you can become disorientated and unsure of your position. Panic would set in and when the sun sets, the biting insects come out , it gets colder ( even more so if it’s raining) and darkness can bring out all sorts of creatures. All they had on were tank tops and hot pants - not exactly appropriate.
Not a great situation for these two especially as they had no experience in this at all. Darkness also brings out primeval fears and every tiny sound is amplified.
The pack could have been found at a later date and as you say the contents placed in a prominent location where it was found.
Hi Daniel, thanks for sharing your experience here. It's true, accidents can happen to anyone, we can all get lost and panic and be in trouble. In this Kris and Lisanne case however, the problem is how they stayed lost for as long as they did. The girls would have been found normally during those 2+ months (!) of searching. We're talking about a relatively small, inhabited area here, with open fields, cattle, farms and a well traveled hike trail. Even if you'd want to, you would be hard-pressed to walk that route to Bocas and not meet a single soul along the way. So I think it is an easy cop out for the official in panama to just blame the girls themselves for being ill prepared, for not responding to helicopters flying over (and with all those open areas and open river beds, these girls WOULD definitely have waved with their brightly coloured t-shirts if they really were there waiting for help). This jungle in Boquete is not the same as the vast jungles of the Amazon for instance. I added many maps and satellite images, the area is really small in comparison and has villages, cattle fields, farms and the likes. Of course there is jungle, but you need to ask yourself; is this the sort of terrain where you can stay 'lost' for 8 whole weeks? The ravine theory is debunked, their remains weren't found in or even near a ravine. No, they were found as good as next to a village.. Just like the bag. That in itself should raise some serious doubts about this whole lost/accident scenario.
DeleteEsm war kein Unfall, es war Mord!! Ein grauenhafter, skrupelloser Mord. Und bis sie letztendlich starben, haben sie Hollenqualen erlitten. Und das von den Scherpen von Ingrid! Sie hat alles geplant und ins rollen gebracht. Nicht zum ersten mal! Schade um so zwei junge Leben, die noch alles vor sich hatten!
DeleteVielen Dank für Ihren Kommentar. Leider muss ich zustimmen. Dieser Fall stinkt und die offizielle Geschichte zittert auf allen Seiten vor Unlogik. Wir haben noch keine offizielle Erklärung von Ingrid gehört, warum die Mädchen vom Personal der Kinderschule weggeschickt wurden. Wie kommt es, dass Ingrid und ihre Mitarbeiter ihren Job nicht gemacht haben? Wie kommt es, dass sie nach monatelangen Vorbereitungen nicht einmal einen einfachen Termin für die Freiwilligenarbeit bekommen konnten? Wer war am Ende schuld daran? Ingrids oder waren die Mitarbeiter der Kinderschule nicht vertrauenswürdig? Keine Erklärungen. Aber genau das hat Kris und Lisanne auf die Spur des Todes gebracht. Sie hätten an diesem Dienstag, dem 1. April, mit kleinen Kindern spielen und nicht in den Dschungel gehen sollen, um eine Wanderung zu unternehmen.
Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately I have to agree. This case stinks and the official story shakes with illogicality on every side. We have not heard an official explanation yet from Ingrid, why the girls were sent away by the staff of the children's school. How come Ingrid and her staff didn't do their job? How come after months of preparations, they couldn't even get a simple appointment for volunteer work sorted? Who's fault was this, in the end? Ingrids or were the staff at the children's school untrustworthy? No explanations. But this is what set Kris and Lisanne on the trail to death. They should have been playing with small children that Tuesday April 1st, not head into the jungle for a sightseeing hike.
Lots of choices of who may have guilt or participation in this and Ingrid is at the top of the list along with the various creepy men.
DeleteI have read your blogs with great interest. Lost a bit of sleep actually and felt scared at night too.
ReplyDeleteI do believe they got lost , were found by someone with ill intent, and then killed.
I am confused by the swimming photo. I can't say I can recognize the girls from that photo.
I believe they got up to the summit rather late in the afternoon, according to witnesses from the school, the taxidriver etc. They went too far, dark fell and they got lost.
Maybe someone found them that first night,and took their phones. Or for some reason the kept walking in the wrong direction, and walked out of the search area within a day or two.
I just had a thought regarding the night photos.
What if the girls (or girl if one was dead), saw lights from a house in the distance, and tried to signal for help? Or heard people nearby. They would have had to have been on higher ground than a possible house. No point flashing if noone can see you.. But what if they saw a house?
And what if someone saw them,but had no intention of saving them?
Thanks for your comment Anja. Yes I fully understand, I had that same problem initially.. I was afraid at night in the dark suddenly, and kept trying to imagine what the girls would have felt like during their days and hours of distress. I'm afraid I have to agree with you. I do think they ran into the wrong people and were kept against their will, then killed :(
DeleteThe swimming photo came with the leaked night photos. The parents themselves only released 3 night photos, then Lisanne's brother released another and Jeremy Kryt a 5th. But that was it. Until someone from Boquete anonymously leaked a whole batch of the night photos and this swimming photo was also among them. Named as the Sabroson photo, who was already a person of interest in this case. I think they are all legit. But I understand that some people think it is too grainy and vague to be certain about it being Kris and Lisanne. I myself am 99,9% certain it are them, their physical characteristics just match too well.
Problem with the times of the hike, is that on the one hand we have the time settings of the camera and the analysis of the shade/sun angle and they both say the girls left for their hike around 11:00 am and were at the summit at 13:00. But then you have the contrasting witness statements from the taxi driver and from other people who saw the girls much later on that mountain. It's a big mess, this whole investigation.
Yeh that is a possibility. They would have to signal for over 3 hours though and very very often and systematically. I am not sure anyone who was weak and distressed would keep the flashing up for that long, if it was just to notify someone, but it is possible I guess. If someone saw them, it was not a help and rescue group, they weren't out in the dead of night ...
No way these girls, who were obviously addicted to selfies/texting/writing down and very attached to their parents, hadn't used their phones or camera except for few attempting 911 calls and 90 batshit crazy night photos after ONE WEEK wandering into the wild. Whatever happened to them, even in a lost scenario (hardly to believe at this point) happened real quick, on day 1 or 2 they were incapacitated, dead, or taken by a 3rd party. The interaction with phones and camera after those days is not made by the girls.
ReplyDeleteThanks, I agree. No photos for a whole week, no attempts to call their parents, not once was the boyfriend texted or called. Either they died very quick indeed, or they were held and kept from using their phones and camera
Delete-When looking at the written times for the night time pictures, I noticed a pattern, 3 would be taken approx 20 seconds apart, then 3 would be taken approx 10 seconds apart, etc. (Roughly) together with the fact the pictures dont make sense and are in the same place, it looks like an attempted but shaky SOS signal?
ReplyDelete- in the picture of Kris with her hand on her hip, the image with altered brightness, look above her in the trees over her right shoulder, JUST within the red circle. Am I seeing things? I dont know. Looks like a person crouched or hanging in the trees with their hand out to the left. This is hardly visible at all without the image being edited.
- I always wonder why there are no photos of lisanne after the summit but a more worried looking Kris appears 3 or 4 times then the photos stop.. I do believe they met with someone for sure but I dont know where. Maybe on the way back down? Perhaps they felt they were being followed or knew they were and lisanne turned and took some weird zoomed out pictures, kris pretending to pose and act normal but trying to document or show something without drawing attention.
- I know that I would have recorded numerous texts, videos, notes and letters in my phone and taken photos of myself and any injuries if I was stuck, alone with my friend in the jungle. I would have had numerous points where I became desperate and tried calling emergency every 6 seconds and texting my parents and writing on my email account, etc. I find it a really strange and significant fact that no trace of this was on any of the devices. I think perhaps some of the first distress calls were them, and their phones were taken at some point and someone else was doing it to set up a scene of them being lost.
- Did Lisanne escape after a week of captivity somewhere with Kris' phone (since it was the only one with battery), taking the camera or even the whole bag and trying to run away with her foot crushed? Or was this escape when she actually injured her foot? Running through the jungle at night.
Was Kris already dead at this point or did they escape together but she fell and broke her pelvis? Lisanne could have made it 2 days running away, trying to phone emergency, and lastly she tried to signal an SOS with the camera flash when she couldn't go any longer and got herself caught again by whoever took her. Did they cut her foot off so she would not be able to get away away again? That would explain why it was found relatively fresh.
This case so horrifying.
Deleteyeh those photo times of the night photos are quite something special. Very unusual. I personally think all figures looming in the distance in these photos are figments of our imagination. I do see what people mean sometimes, with sitting male figures, crouching figures, dog contours and such. But because these photos aren't super HD quality, the pixels do tend to blow up and distort a bit when you zoom in too much. It brings the risk of pareidolia..
Yeh I agree with your analysis. It is indeed odd that no more photos of Lisanne were taken after the summit and I also feel they were either followed already at this point, or were with someone who led them along. Or that they returned soon after and went swimming (= swimming photo) with people who then proved to be their downfall. It is incredibly unbelievable to me also that for all those days, over a week in fact, neither of the girls stored any draft message, any explanation in some way or form in their phones or digital camera for their loved ones. Lisanne was crying for her parents just a few days before she went missing. She really missed them and wanted to be home again with them. I do not believe, full stop, that she would not leave some message for them if she had the ability to. The reason she nor Kris left something behind has to lay in the fact that they weren't free to do so. All the excuses Accident believers come up with sound ultra lame to me. Like; they didn't want to worry their parents. Or: they had more pressing matters to deal with. No no and no, when you are out there for 11 days and you are petrified enough to keep calling emergency services, you will at some point try to call your parents. Especially girls at that age
Just a thought..
ReplyDeleteFor the night pics,
1.Could it be the girls had lost ownership of their personal items only from 3Apr onward (since it was then the dialing of emergency no. on their handphones stopped)..
2. The perpetrator(s)found the camera with critical information (eg they were in the pics or it showed where they went) and sought to delete the pics (from 508 onward)
3.They did so by using computer (?) to delete pics from 508 onward, but as it could still be retrievable, they had to overwrite the card --> by taking lots of pics (from wherever they are, with the 2 girls still held captive)??
Side note:
The 2 photos IMG_102-0550, IMG_0599-89 from juan's album ( can be collaged together.
IMG_0599-89 have to be rotated cw 90deg, and its bottom will match to the top part of IMG_102-0550.
Hi Bean
Deleteyeh I think that could be a good explanation indeed. I do believe they had no full ownership over their phones and camera from roughly day 2 onwards. If they did, they likely would have tried calling their parents at some point, instead of continuing to call a Dutch emergency number. There were many fingerprints and DNA traces found on their belongings including those phones, who knows who handled them at some point. Photo 509 must have captured something or someone who did not want to be identified. The file is placed in a critical place in the overall photo sequence. It is no accident or coincidence that exactly this file is missing, without as much as a trace. Yeh maybe they copied the original content of the card onto another one but left photo 509 out. Or they formatted the memory card while storing its content elsewhere, and left file 509 out when they put the photos back on the now formatted memory card? Even taking a lot of photos would not have overwritten that file I believe. The memory card wasn't full, it had space left.
Thank you for the additional info on the collage!
Fascinating and I admire Scarlet and others who've done all this work. What made me comment was the following news item regarding monkeys in Malaysia that found a lost phone and accidentally took photos with it. I don't mean to be funny about the sad loss of the girls but I wonder if the tree canopy photos are the result of monkey business:
DeleteI hope and pray that this case be solved someday. Kris and Lisanne deserves justice. I feel so bad on how for the poor ladies might have suffered out there alone all by themselves
ReplyDeleteI would like to say this. I do not think that the cartel or big gang members like that would waste their time and change the pictures The Times actually change the look of the picture, Erasing the video that proves that they are at a cafe at a certain time period. Cleaning off bones. Folding shorts. Making everything look nice when the cops take it. I mean you might as well put a fucken bow on it. Everything else they did shows that they don't want to be caught and they will do what it takes. People like the cartel don't waste their time by trying to do that, THINK About it. They just kill the person clean up the body and move on. I think this was local a local gang. Whoever did this to those girls were very elaborate and thought out. of course they had months with their bodies. Still having access to a body after that period of time and it actually shows that it was fresh decomposition, Tells me that the girls were most likely alive for awhile. Also, maybe nobody heard anything because they were either by a waterfall which would muffle your screams or maybe they were inside of a car they couldn't go in you or they could do whatever they wanted but they were being held in confined. They're easier to manage in a car rather than a huge space where they could run around. And when you're in a car there's nothing you can do but wait while the driver takes you wherever he wants. Lastly, the pic of Kris's hair, i have to say, it looks like her hair is laying over something. In that section her hair looks like she's got way more volume which tells me there's something probably underneath her hair lifting it up. I won't even comment on the face that I can see underneath the hair that I am sure as either a picture that's been faded into the hair (more computer manipulation) or it's an actual face underneath her hair and that's how they fell? Ok, i am done. Good day.
ReplyDeleteTrue Zelda. It was mainly because the actual pathologist coroner in this case keeps stating that he believes the girls were victims or organ trafficking, that I even contemplate professional cartels. But I agree with you, these well oiled machines don't fuss about with cat and mouse games with the police. For such people a few murders more or less is no big deal and they have more pressing matters to deal with than hanging around a jungle at night, faking night photos. I think so too. I much more suspect a couple of local players. Not professionals. A local gang indeed, who had personal things at stake with this whole investigation and international media attention. The tour guide(s) know what happened and who were behind all this, some are covering up for them I believe.
DeleteThey may have been helped by someone intelligent enough to throw investigators off track. Although I believe Betzaida Pitti had no intention whatsoever to put them to the test or to even properly investigate and do the research by the book. So it was a home game really, easy peasy.
Those remains had to be found, just as the backpack, to make it clear to the parents that the girls were dead. To ensure that their ongoing search operations, months after the girls went missing, would stop. It doesn't take an Einstein to plant a backpack and a few bones which don't provide a cause of death to a coroner. It was no Einstein who did this anyway, because the bag and its content was covered in different fingerprints and DNA. they were lucky that Betzaida was put onto the case, as she just didn't put them through a database. She also helped them by not looking for hairs or dna from the girls in the houses and finca's of these guides or people of interest. No interrogations of people either, aside from a short interview with the kids from the local gang. But they were released again. So it was no perfect crime at all, they would have been caught early on by the FBI if they had been put on this case. In fact, the FBI DID in fact write at some point that they found a connection between the killing of Catherine Johannet, a mere 35 kilometers up north, and the disappearance of Kris and Lisanne. But once they solved their case, they let go of our dead girls, unfortunately.
Exactly, the fact there was afresh ball of skin from Lianne found 5 months after she went missing says enough. Just like her foot, hardly decomposed, found 6 weeks later, while Kris' remains were so far decomposed that the bones looked bleached. Anyone who does not see this as suspicious needs their brains checked imo. These remains were found in the same rough area, not in water, lying in the same jungle with the same weather conditions, humidity and such. Humans interfered and planted those remains, it's as simple as that I believe.
Yeh the water mist in the night photos may have been mist from a waterfall yes, that is possible and like you say, the sound would muffle their cries. But those waterfalls are tourist attractions and with the good weather at the time, I don't believe they could have been there longer than one night. Or people would have found them there. I think they were held somewhere away from the Pianista area and maybe one escaped at some point. But flashing the camera for hours on end is a secure way for your hunters to find you again....
Yes I see what you mean, I am undecided myself over that night hair photo. You do see things underneath it. A face? Another person? I just am not sure... It may theoretically even be her decapitated head (ughhh) with her hair flipped over it :(
Hi, I have a theory - and it is just a theory - that two gangs might be involved: i) a bunch of young, wannabe gangsters including at least one very violent psychopath and, ii) some professional cartel of people- and organ traffickers. One of the wannabees may well have a connection (like a friend or family member) that is in the big league. The idea is that the girls may have already met the younger lads either in Bocas or in Boquete and, after hiking, gladly accepted a lift from them near Casa Pedro or Il Pianista Restaurant and then went with them in thier red pick-up to Caldera Hot Springs (as Juan suggests). They were all having a good time when their psychopathic friend turned up. He decides to take them captive and rape them. They are then held in a cabin somewhere or a cave. One of the young gang members, high on drugs, takes all those night pictures and the one of Kris's hair. The girls are then handed over to a cartel. After that .... who knows! The other theory is that there is no Cartel involved at all, just the wannabe gang.
DeleteThe question of the decomposition could have several explanations: that they were kept alive for a long time after the initial kidnap or that, if dead, their bodies were kept in cold storage somewhere (possibly even to fulfil someone's sick fantasy). The backpack and contents were also carefully kept somewhere - maybe as a trophy by some psychopath? Just an idea.
The other thing is that the boys in the photo at Caldera Hot Springs (as presented in Juan's photo album) both died in mysterious circumstances (and no one knows who the third one who took the photo was) another one of their friends, Edwin, has also disappeared without a trace. The taxi driver who gave Kris and Lisanne a ride up on their last day also died very strangely. An American expat blogger about the case also died. Recently, Boquete (and the whole Chiriquí area) has become a very high-crime area with numerous rapes, murders and disappearances including women, children and even an ex-policeman!
Furthermore, just to the south of Boquete, in David, there is a car dealership that has links to prostitution and organ trafficking.
Personally, I think unless someone confesses to the crime, slips up in a future crime .... or if a disgruntled ex-partner spills the beans, we shall never know what happened on that day 7 years ago because one by one all the witnesses died off!
Hi Scarlet, thanks for being so dedicated to this case of Lisanne and Kris. As much as I understand and respect the privacy of the parents to help them move on, I feel that it is very important that individuals like you strive for the truth without taking advantage of the deceased in any way. I admire that quality.
ReplyDeleteI also think along with some posters on here, that the big cartels don't waste time on this petty stuff and make you disappear when needed. The only times I've seen them do otherwise is when they need to send a strict message to someone and they are very graphic and blatant in that respect, but that is the type of world and business they are in. They certainly would not use Feliciano as their spokesperson either. He talked too much.
As for the police they did a poor job and most likely the higher ups just wanted to protect the bigger picture of the tourism industry and its impact on their economy. Other countries might also do the same when it comes down to money.
With respect to Lisanne and Kris, I think they were lured somewhere where they could not be heard, maybe by young people who might be slick at getting people to trust them. The girls were not as street smart in a place like Panama.
Upon realizing that the game was up they tried to get away or maybe just something dreadful happened there and needed to move quickly. Maybe that vague photo in the pool of water I forget, Caldera was it?
If I have to question anyone my first suspect would be Feliciano the guide for simply entering the girls' room without their permission, and then see where that leads me. It's amazing how casual the police took this then.
So I think either he or someone who is very knowledgeable in the trails is hiding something someone did or that he did himself. From all the reviews online about Feliciano and interviews, etc I have read he probably even knows shortcuts or secret routes. He has a coffee farm some minutes away from the trail maybe and I wonder if that was a place to search so every stone was turned so to speak.
Since Lisanne's remains were not fully decomposed, while Kris's was bleached it leaves me thinking in terms of whether or not someone didn't get enough time to dissolve the bodies properly or in time. It wasn't natural decomposition or bleaching as I think it takes much longer in the sun and needs higher temperatures especially if the bodies were destroyed in the water.
So back to Feliciano, he would have to also manage his time in front of the media, with the search party, etc. Very busy guy during those initial weeks and months since the poor girls disappeared. Do maybe he didn't have enough time to dispose of the bodies. The reward money was almost too much to pass up? When was it offered?
In any case I think Feliciano talked himself into this case, as well as by his actions. So he remains for me the prime suspect now in hindsight and after all the information that has come out.
I wonder Kris's father who hiked with Feliciano didn't have in the back of his mind the thought of seeing if this guy was telling the truth, since Mr. Kremers must have known he was the first to enter his daughter's room with Feliciano saying he was booked for a tour with them. Sometimes parents can have their own intuition about things and people.
As for the mysterious photos, the timing or sequence is the only thing I question as I don't have all the originals with me to fully scrutinize. But re the ones taken at night, I wonder if that is dust particles which look like white orbs?
Lastly the diary of Lisanne shows she had a bad feeling about something to want to be with her family again.
Could it be that she encountered Feliciano while lying on the hammock? I wonder what he said to her and Kris then if this was the case?
I'll try to follow up with this case on your blog Scarlet. Hope you and your family are doing well and are safe during this pandemic.
- Neil
Thank you Neil! That is very nice to read.
DeleteAs I just replied to Zelda in the comment above yours: It was mainly because the actual pathologist coroner in this case keeps stating that he believes the girls were victims or organ trafficking, that I even contemplate professional cartels. But I agree with you, these well oiled machines don't fuss about with cat and mouse games with the police. For such people a few murders more or less is no big deal and they have more pressing matters to deal with than hanging around a jungle at night, faking night photos. I much more suspect a couple of local players, a local gang, linked to a tour guide, who had personal things at stake with this whole investigation and international media attention. The tour guide(s) know what happened and who were behind all this, some are covering up for them I believe. They may have been helped by someone intelligent enough to throw investigators off track. Although I believe Betzaida Pitti had no intention whatsoever to put them to the test or to even properly investigate and do the research by the book. So it was a home game really, easy peasy.
For sure, if actual cartels want to get a message across, they hang dead opponents dangling on ropes on public bridges or send their heads around, that sort of stuff. But they can make bodies disappear with chemicals very easily and you will never find a trace of them.
But here we are left with half a pelvis, a foot, a rib, a tibia and femur leg, a ball of skin.. I think that they were planted on purpose. Just as the backpack, to make it clear to the parents that the girls were dead. To ensure that their ongoing search operations, months after the girls went missing, would stop. It doesn't take an Einstein to plant a backpack and a few bones which don't provide a cause of death to a coroner. It was no Einstein who did this anyway, because the bag and its content was covered in different fingerprints and DNA. they were lucky that Betzaida was put onto the case, as she just didn't put them through a database. She also helped them by not looking for hairs or dna from the girls in the houses and finca's of these guides or people of interest. No interrogations of people either, aside from a short interview with the kids from the local gang. But they were released again. So it was no perfect crime at all, they would have been caught early on by the FBI if they had been put on this case. In fact, the FBI DID in fact write at some point that they found a connection between the killing of Catherine Johannet, a mere 35 kilometers up north, and the disappearance of Kris and Lisanne. But once they solved their case, they let go of our dead girls, unfortunately.
The fact there was afresh ball of skin from Lianne found 5 months after she went missing says enough. Just like her foot, hardly decomposed, found 6 weeks later, while Kris' remains were so far decomposed that the bones looked bleached. Anyone who does not see this as suspicious needs their brains checked imo. These remains were found in the same rough area, not in water, lying in the same jungle with the same weather conditions, humidity and such. Humans interfered and planted those remains, it's as simple as that I believe.
Hi Scarlet,
Deleteit's a pleasure to get a response from a celebrity sleuth! ;) You are revered by the people who read your blog and post your content from time to time regarding the case of Lisanne and Kris. So I'm elated!
Regarding the information and your thoughts on the case in your response, that's really creepy that Plinio passed them on that trail. You know come to think of it, those two photos of the girls showing the thumbs up, do you think that was the moment? Wow if it is then that is really creepy indeed.
I really don't like the feeling I get when I think of Feliciano. Was he who helped discover the skin, bones of Lisanne? Were the forensic team with him or the search party that found Lisanne's remains?
Was the backpack handled by forensic team too? If not then common sense would raise alarms in the forensic team to warm everyone not to handle evidence, from that point onwards, and to call them or have them there to handle it before sending it to the lab. There are many protocols I would imagine to follow like details about each piece of evidence, who found it, who touched it, how it was found, photographing the evidence in the state it was found, and the surrounding, etc.
The same goes to the way the girls' room should have been handled. I saw the press photos? of the girls' bed and on it was a device, a wallet or bag I could not tell, a lock, some clothes and Feliciano Tourist business card?
Did they ever release the report of the fingerprinting done on all these items? Did they even do the fingerprinting of the diaries? If we suspect F., then Eileen would have been asked to check the diaries to see if any reference was made, etc.
I wonder if they would find any of the girls' fingerprints which is what I would expect on the business card if they had booked a tour with F, and F had given the card to one of them or both. Also the business card looks perfect, no creases as would appear if the girls placed it in their pocket, and the business card appears to be positioned in a way to allow the viewer to read it. Very peculiar.
As for cartel and all that dark stuff, I also agree they would not do a sloppy job like this because that industry from what I read is a very big business. I know a little because my younger brother needed a kidney transplant and he told me all kinds of stories when he was desperate to find one and researched the darker issues surrounding the organ donation world.
Yeah, definitely foul play in my books, and committed by a group of amateurs or wannabes, but had some help either by luck due to incompetent people or by people in on the take. There's always money to be made.
Btw, what do you make of the phone calls, like the first two calls that were made from Kris and Lisanne's phone and then the call that connected to the GSM on the next day?
Anyways Scarlet, thank you for taking the time to respond and write to me. Good to know you are doing well.
Take care
- Neil
I apologise if I've posted this twice.
ReplyDeleteI would like to make a comment on the usage of the 112 emergency services number. I've seen a number of comments on this (not nessesarily on this blog), why did the girls dial the Dutch/European emergency number.
112 is the standard international emergency number that can be dialled in any country, provided there is reception, and will redirect you to local emergency services. This should be common knowledge amongst travellers but noone has mentioned this as yet. I'm actually quite shocked that a country has their emergency number the same as the international.
In my home country I dial 000. Overseas I dial 112.
This blog is really good by the way.
Thank you! As far as I know it is a number that is mainly used in Europe, but it's true, it is used in some other countries outside of the EU too, and also allows you to be switched through if needed to the number of the country you are in.
The finding of the backpack and the photos and call logs is what has put chills down my spine. Normally, with disappearances, I feel sad about it, but quickly move on because we don't see their suffering; we only see the last few photos in the lead up.
DeleteWith Kris and Lisanne the night photos and call logs after their disappearance almost puts us in the jungle with them.
I was in backpack/working holiday mode during 2014 and 2015; I was in Thailand in Feb 2014 then was living in Canada all of 2015. Many people I worked with visited Central and South America during that time. My cousin, being one of them, traveled Central America and visited Boquete. She wasn't aware of Kris and Lisanne until I told her yesterday when we had a chat. She said their were parts of her Central American travels that were a bit sketchy, especially the border crossings.
This can happen to anyone.
Just read through all the content you posted, great detective work and a very interesting read. My personal feeling here is you already solved the case. I agree with your sentiment, but a few pieces of info may be helpful. I believe girls were set up, and that both select people from the local village, and drug cartel were involved while local authorities also being complicit.
ReplyDeleteThe girls were likely set up before or shortly after arriving in the region. In specific regions such as this the cartel has many informants in many places. People like taxi drivers, hostel workers, just ordinary people, who need even a small amount of extra income to survive. These many informants act to support their operations for example locals warning before a raid happens, or passing along information that may be valuable such as persons who may be of interest. This is how the cartel keeps one step ahead.
My feeling is the hostel passed along information about these girls and a command came down from somebody in power to stalk and capture these girls if an opportunity arose. This is why the specific Taxi driver came that day, and it was said two men where in the car with them. Once they entered the trail these ill intentioned men waited at the restaurant for some time and went up the trail knowing this was their chance. My guess is the guide met the girls somewhere near the summit which explains the thumbs up photos, and also why the demeanor changes afterwards. The guide offered them a ride back or free guide back convincing them they would get lost, or by other means, but instead took them to the swimming location, which is why a red truck was seen coming down the mountain and also photos the guide posted on April 5th 2014 of being at the summit.
The lake photo with the two men were part of the local village gang, and were with the guide or met up with him. and after swimming the girls were drugged and drove to another location perhaps without cell phone service. The cartel likely passed information to them they were tasked capture the girls alive. The local gang captured these girls and likely sexually assaulted them over many days, while the search operation was looking in the wrong direction deeper into the trail, with the people who actually saw them last providing misleading information.
If you think about power structures here its Cartel -> Government -> Village. Which is why even people who did the investigation botched it. In these regions if the cartel says you have to do something there is no choice, either you do it or they will kill you. Which is why people in the local village who may of participated would go along with it. The value of life is low, and they routinely make examples out of people. For turf wars yes they do things like display bodies, but for a smaller region simply somebody turning up dead under suspicious circumstances sends the message.
After the girls were held captive for some time, once somebody from the cartel arrived, they were likely killed and used for organ collection. I believe somebody from the local gang may have mentioned the taxi driver as a potential liability and may of been murdered to cover up any info he possessed. Additionally the murders that occurred next year were a part of the clean up. I do not think the local gang would kill several of their own for a cover up, this kind of brutality only happens with a large lucrative organization like a cartel.
I see arguments here saying the cartel would do a much more professional job, and can easily make people disappear. However I think it was as simple as somebody up top tasking several of the villagers to carry out this task on their behalf which is why the job overall seems sloppy and random. ( deliver the girls, and keep them there until we send somebody, while misleading authorities ). For the local gang they were able to get sexual favors and abuse them but for the cartel it came down to money & power.
Fantastic write-up, thank you. I entirely agree with you, this is exactly what I also believe to have happened. The taxi driver was 'on the phone' for most of the ride he claimed. The two local men in the back of the cab, getting out just before the girls. I think the cab driver instructed others indeed about girls and their destination, cartel members or people linked to the local gang. Guide P. admitted as much as passing the girls on the trail; I do suspect also that he was with them on the summit and was the one who drove them in the red truck to a swimming location. Another person who I heard may have been linked to all this, is the owner of the Spanish language school. This is prett far-fetched stuff, but at the end of the day we have no explanation whatsoever why the girls were sent away by the children's school, Aura. Lommers was supposed to have arranged the volunteer work for them, but we have no idea why it all went pearshaped. Did she lure the girls to Boquete under the pretext of volunteer work, and was it all a big scam?
DeleteAnother thing pointing towards cartel-type of crime: the journalist Adelita Coriat, who did a lot of investigative journalism in this case, stopped writing and from what we heard she was threatened. Some people clearly have a lot of power and influence in this region, and it is not the police. cartel members or even wealthy and powerful hotel and restaurant owners could have steered the investigation away from their relatives. Kris and Lisanne are not the only missing people in the region,many people went missing, especially young women. We could see the suspicion and hesitation in the villagers of Alto Romero on camera, when asked to simply tell what they know. They needed a village meeting to decide if the couple who found the backpack were allowed to speak to the American tv makers (and what to say, no doubt).
Yes your write-up ties a lot of loose ends together neatly, including the reason for the early deaths of the taxi driver and the gang youth pictured in the swimming photo. Especially Osman's death on April 4th already is evidence for me personally (as well as the swimming photo) that anybody who could be a liability was rid of. Osmans mother told in the press that osman was acting very strange the days prior, a clear indication that he was stressed out and anxious. He knew something. He may have deemed prone to breaking psychologically and considered a liability. People in their early 20s don't just drop dead like flies and we had a lot of young people dying in quick succession in this case....
Yeh I think the very late discovery of the bones and bag, at places which were searched before (!), point towards planting. Reason seems to me that the parents were relentless and kept bugging the locals with their professional search operations. They had enough funds to go on and on. Something had to be done to make them go away. And only evidence of their daughters deaths did that job successfully. The photos (especially the suspicious night photos) provided a narrative of the girls just getting lost and dying. They needed to push that narrative, because that was the only way for the parents to back off, leave the area alone and go back home. Drug trails are not the sort of terrain you want nosy international search operations in for months or years.
Thanks for your reply Scarlet! Also one more thing to mention that I do not believe has been mentioned here previously. If you look at the body language of the girls in the lake photo they are clearly afraid. They are holding or grasping each other close, and likely mimicking the body language of the men they are with out of fear ( just like the thumbs up photo ). The body language of the men in the photo have their hands raised high wide and open this is a sign of domination, almost like "We got them".
DeleteAlso this is more of a guess and I may not have the correct timeline but the girls may of had access to their phones but were unable to talk. Which is why they called emergency services. From what I see the girls began their hike at around 11 and the first emergency call was placed at 16. Which would explain a 2 hour hike up, then begin brought down and going to the next location where sometime after they might of began to realize the potential danger they were in. The cell phone calls placed after may have been placed out of desperation in hopes that the location of their phones would be tracked and authorities would come discover them.
Yeh.. I read many people's views on that photo. Some don't even believe it are Kris and Lisanne pictured in it (I disagree). Yeh they crouch under water but we can see from the guys next to them, standing straight, that the water is not very deep there. So they may crouch under the water in fact. Because they feel vulnerable? Too naked? Uncomfortable? Lisanne makes a V-sign, they seem to huddle together for comfort. I did think all was good still at the moment when this photo was taken, they still seem to enjoy their swim. But perhaps they already started to feel unsettled by then? Good suggestion, that they may just have inconspicuously called 112 at the time to allow police to find their location. But the calls did not make it through and the Caldera hot springs area does have network, although I read it can be shoddy at times... Indeed, the lads are seemingly not having a care in the world and are showing their maleness.
DeleteYeh it is hard to tell from the sunlight at what time this picture was taken. Considering the sun set before 19:00 om back then, it may have been maybe 16:00 or 16:30 by then, or maybe later. Perhaps they sneakily called emergency services because they felt uncomfortable and unsafe? They started their hike around 11, were at the summit around 13:00, then at a next stream at around 14:00, but going back would go faster bc downhill, so it would not have been a problem with their level of fitness and the good weather conditions to be back at the trail head around 15:30-16:00 pm. Unless they were transported down in the red truck that was seen coming down by some witnesses, then they could have been away from that mountain even earlier.
But people overall have very different interpretations of these photos. The interpretations vary wildly. For instance: some people also see absolutely no change from the smiling photos on top of the Mirador. Others - me included - do see a change of facial expressions and think they can pick up on some grumpiness or distance or confusion or fear even. But such photos are just a click in time, a momentary impression. Perhaps Kris looked smiling again a fraction of a second later, we just don't know.. But she and Lisanne had developed some distance between one another.
With regards to the nightime hair photo, read this link look at thge pics.
Iwould say the pic is not real. interesting as it would put forward the possibilty that they were seperated at that point.
After looking more closely it is clearly a fake. I should have looked closer before posting link. My appologies.
ReplyDeleteRE: Photo #509
ReplyDeleteIs it possible that the camera/memory card malfunctioned due to heat and/or humidity on April 1st during the taking of photo #509?...this created a file with no data, and caused the camera to "overheat" for a period of time. Then when powered back on and used again, the camera starts numbering at #510.
Was the temp/humidity high enough to cause this issue?
Great job, fascinating case!
In theory it might be possible for a photograph entry on the card to be corrupted, but what would happen is that the 'data' that is the image would still be present on the card, it's just that the camera (or a computer) would be unable to read that corrupted data. In effect it is 'locked' data.
DeleteWith what was found on the card though there IS no data, it has been completely erased. The only record it was there comes in a file index on the card, which tells experts that it has indeed been erased by some extraordinary means. External means...
The thinking is that this lost picture is likely from April 1st, the last photograph of that day, and possibly a key image that suggests what happened next for them. But we will never know for certain.
Hi, thanks! A camera glitch is always a possibility I guess, but there is no indication for it here.. The camera had no glitch issue before file 509 went missing and it didn't have it afterwards either, going by the information we now have. For such a one off, that is a very small statistical chance. If the heat caused this, why only file 509? Why not also 508 and 507? Or any of the many photos taken in Bocas in the weeks prior, where it was a lot hotter than in Boquete? Boquete and the trail especially lies at a higher altitude, in a cloud forest where it is often a good 8 degrees cooler than in Bocas.
DeleteThe exif data of the photos tell us what the temperature of the camera was and it never really exceeded 25 degrees Celsius and usually was around 22 degrees Celsius, which is a normal temperature for a camera that is being used.
Thanks Scarlet for sharing your blog. For a theory to be valid, all evidence and testimony must be contained and fully fit. Here I present a synthesis of the case: Two young Dutch women arrive on March 29 at a Spanish school in Boquete, Panama.
ReplyDeleteOn Tuesday, April 1, they take a taxi that came with the driver and two other men, as confirmed by the taxi driver who took them, to the El Pianista restaurant, located 100 meters from the entrance to the El Pianista trail. The taxi driver died a year later, in the waters of the Caldera River, which passes through Boquete. Four locals later saw them pass by on the El Pianista trail. There is a witness who claims to have seen a red four-wheel-drive vehicle, such as Toyota or Mitsubishi, pass along the El Pianista trail on the afternoon of April 1.
On Wednesday April 2, a guide who said he had made an appointment with the young women that morning, came to the shelter and found out that the young women had not gone to sleep. He requested the keys to the girls' residence from the owner of the shelter, and together with the school secretary, they entered the girls' room and at dusk reported the girls' disappearance to the Boquete police. A week later, the secretary moved to another city. A French couple who were walking along the El Pianista trail on April 2 say that a local warned them that it would be dangerous to continue towards the Mirador because the night before he had heard a woman screaming and had felt or seen 3 men run, which is why which the French turned back.
There was great activity from the search bodies from April 3 to June 4.
On April 3, volunteers looked for on the El Pianista trail. On April 5, the police and volunteers searched the surroundings of Boquete. On April 7, 40 rescuers from Sinaproc and 35 agents of the national police began the search on the Sendero El Pianista. On April 14, they end the search, finding no leads from Kris and Lisanne. On April 30, Lisanne and Kris's parents, while in Boquete, offer a reward of $ 30,000 dollars to anyone who contributes information to help them find them.
On May 27, 19 Dutch rescuers and 12 trained dogs join the search. On May 30, mountain rescuers and specialists from the Costa Rican Red Cross join the search. On June 3, Costa Rican rescuers abandon the search, and on June 4, Dutch rescuers do the same.
On June 14, 2014, they found the girls' backpack and on June 19, some of their skeletal remains.
The young women took several photos of their journey. The most disturbing photo is photo 505 (photo 506 has not been developed and 509 does not appear on the camera, so it is presumed that it was deleted on the computer). She divides the story in two: the photos before the 505 are of joy. In photo 505, Kris has a strange body position and puzzled facial expression and in photo 508, Kris is worried. The next is panic and worry. Kris in photo 505 has her hands behind her, which could be tied or handcuffed. In the background of photo 505, attached to Kris's thigh, leg and left foot, a silhouette of a young man, wearing a high top beige hat and wide brim (in the style of sheriffs or North American jeans) can be seen ), with a beige blanket over his shoulders, trunk and arms and a rifle or shotgun in a horizontal position on his arms. The site in photo 505 could be located 2,041 meters from the Mirador El Pianista, to the northeast, along the path parallel to or that leads to the Pianista River, shown as a flickering area or pulsating signal, on one of the Google Earth maps. There was a circumstance or lure that attracted or removed one of the young women, or both, from the El Pianista trail. Another indication of the existence of a criminal group was the death of Osma Valenzuela, a friend of Kris and Lisanne, on April 4, 2014, on the Caldera River, while he was with his family, when he left to do some physiological need.
I feel like the overexposed pics could be eiy eiy eiy guy with a headlamp using the but of his knife on krisses head? Img 591 I can kinda see someone with a headlamp. Hard to say anything really though
ReplyDeleteHi Scarlet/All,
ReplyDeleteJust a short intro, my name is Chris ( and I'm a fraud investigator in a local bank here in the Philippines. I like reading blogs regarding dead/missing people with suspicious backstory. (i.e Dyatlov Pass, Khamar Daban, Yuba County 5, Tamam Shud).
Anyhow, these are the 'facts' w/ my opinions/points (kindly correct me if any of these are wrong as I don't have a computer/laptop to note down everything that I've read from the other blogs as well):
1. The taxi driver who accompanied Kris and Lisa was also reported dead (suspiciously) a year after this incident.
[if Kris and Lisa encountered a local/syndicate during their entry in Panama without their knowedge, possible that the taxi driver is involved somehow]
2. Kris and Lisa met and spoke with other foreigners (2 males) during their stay in Panama. Then, I encountered a Reddit entry ( stating that these foreigners were already dead (suspiciously) as well.
[if this is true, same sentiment with item #1 re: 'taxi driver']
3. The bag (1 'dry' medium size bag, even though 2 persons hiked - Kris and Lisa) that contained 1 plastic water bottle, 2 bras, 2 sunglasses, 2 mobile phones, and 1 camera was found weeks after the 2 disappeared without any damage/scratches.
[the mobile phones and camera were still used by Kris and Lisa 'when' they're in danger, yet, one (or they) of them still able to put the gadgets inside the bag and just 'left' it? that's suspicious]
4. Multiple incorrect PINs were entered on one of the mobile phones.
[clearly that the person using the phone is not the owner; if it's the owner, it is 'slightly possible' that she forgot the PIN due to a mild concussion; swapping the simcards of the 2 phones (just like what was mentioned by someone here) is only 'slightly possible' as it's hard to eject the simcard from an iPhone, unless you have a smal pin to use]
5. Multiple night shots were taken (some in blast mode, others in non-consecutive presses) and clear shots shows a twig (w/ small red plastic pieces attached) and head with blonde hair (can't remember if it's Kris' or Lisa's).
[I am somewhat sure that neither Kris or Lisa was the one using the camera because if it's them, they could've record theirselves stating their situation in hopes that someone may obtain it in the future; in addition, the head 'feels' like a head of a dead/unconcious person]
6. Bone fragments of Kris and Lisa were found scattered 10kms+ away from the location of their last photos together. However, Lisa's (correct me if the person is correct) pelvic bone (dried, incomplete) and one of her shoes with her foot still inside (decaying, intact) were found.
[this is very dubious as if her body was cut into several parts, and some of it (the foot with a shoe) was kept in a cool dry place to preserve and prevent moisture]
My conclusion is either they've encountered a local/syndicate that were looking for fresh female bodies to use/sell (they've left the bag to mislead the authority or anyone), or a cannibal tribe that were looking for something to eat (but the preservation of the foot will be too impossible accomplish if this is the case).
Hi Chris
Deletethanks for sharing your thoughts on this case here. Good write up.
1. Correct, Leonardo was waiting for his clients of the day at a local swimming location and he was later found faced down in shallow water, in the middle of the day by people. Drowned. He was in his early thirties. This taxi driver was interrogated by police about his transporting of Kris and Lisanne on April 1st.
2. This is a rumour. There have been several witnesses who came forward and said they had seen the girls having breakfast or brunch or lunch (variations of the story differ) on the day of their disappearance as well as on the day before their disappearance. Some say it were Dutch guys, and this was investigated and said to be untrue because the Dutch guys they met in Bocas were actually not in Boquete at the time. Then there are stories about them having met up with local young men or Tico's, guys from neighbouring Costa Rica. These lads were never identified.
Then there is a swimming photo, I posted in on part 2 of my blog series here. I believe it shows Kris and Lisanne with two identified youths from Bocas. The photo was leaked by a source close to the investigations. The boys were also dead within a year both.
3. Yeh the backpack was found about 10 weeks later.
4. Correct. Dutch investigators believed that someone else handled the phone once the wrong PIN codes were entered. But some sleuths think Lisanne may just not have memorized Kris' PIN codes, or was hallucinating or something like that.
5. I have all the night photos that were either made public or leaked recently up in my part 3 of the blog series. Yes, about 90 such night photos were taken, most showing the same trees and sky.
Regarding those night photos, people think very differently about them. I think that if they wanted to see their surroundings for instance, at night, isn't over 3 hours straight of taking the same photos over and over again a bit.. excessive? Why would they take the same sort of photos again and again of those exact same trees if they just wanted to see around them? And 2 hours after the last photo was shot, it became light, but they never took a photo during daylight to document their surroundings. Or if something was stalking them for instance, say, a wild animal; wouldn't we have seen at least a set of ears on one of the photos at some point? Some wild animal eyes lighting up in the distance? None of that.. And if a human was stalking them, then the flash use would give away exactly where Kris and Lisanne were...
But indeed, no messages, no draft messages in Dutch or created with rocks or sticks, no attempts to call their parents, no recordings by video or photo of what they had been going through those 7 days prior. Nothing. Just wildly abstract photos of the same surroundings, never identifying who took those photos.
6. Yeh a handful of their bones were found, spread out over several kilometers, but some of their respective bones clustered together. They were found near Alto Romero, at least 8 walking hours away from their last known location on the Pianista trail. Some bones found upstream, some downstream from the location where their backpack was found. The pelvic bone was from Kris and a rib bone was also found of her; both were dried, bleached looking, without any tissue on it anymore. Whereas the left leg bones and foot of Lisanne were found with skin and meat and all still attached to it. Kris' bones also contained phosphates, and Lisanne's didn't. Lisanne's foot was cut off at the ankle bone and her whole foot was still inside the boot. A clean cut, no signs of any cause for the breaking off of the foot and no animal claws or teeth marks were found on any of the bones.
Yeh I agree with your conclusion but I would not rule out that they met foul play in the hands of local people either. Locals who weren't sicario's nor tribes people.
Hi Scarlet, excellent blog! I want to add my thought on the night photos. I think the girls may have had this idea- since sleeping at night in the jungle is probably a terrifying experience, perhaps they decided to program the phone to take photos for 3 hours while they slept... This might bring them a more peaceful sleep while allowing the flash to keep them safe as well as let authorities find them. In other words, NO ONE was taking the photos, it was the camera programed to do this while they slept. What are your thoughts on that?
DeleteHi Scarlet,
ReplyDeleteWhen I looked at the photos that had been taken in 1st of April, the photos after the Pianista summit give me creepy feelings. Since there were discussions about photoshopping and metadata manipulation, I have also spent some time to see whether, there were possible traces of photoshopping. I have made a small PDF file, which includes reviews for images 505,507 and 508 with a possible theory regarding missing photo 509. I emailed it month ago and don't know whether you received it or had the time to go through it. After these results and the scenario I had commented in part 5, my conclusion is that the girls were kidnapped and taken to some other place (remote area) shortly after their hike or after that swimming photo. If the girls returned after the photo 508 at 2 P.M, they would probably be at the starting point of the trail between 3.45 P.M - 4 P.M. (The descent was fast due to the perfect hiking conditions at that time). It is possible to reach Caldera Hot Springs within 30 min or so from the Pianista. In fact, witness claimed that they were picked up by a truck. Given the fact that first distress calls were made at 4.39 P.M, something terrible had happened to them within the next 20min or so. If K&L were the two girls in that swimming photo, it might explain why the two bras were found neatly folded in their backpack.
Best Regards,
Hi Tharindu
Deletethanks for your comment. Yeh I understand that. The photos all give me the creeps as well tbh. I don't recall seeing your PDF. Can you send it to me once more, to ?
I agree with your conclusion... unfortunately. I also think they met foul play.
Yes indeed, They started their hike around 11 am, were at the summit around 13:00 pm, then at a next stream at around 14:00, but going back would go faster bc downhill, so it would not have been a problem with their level of fitness and the good weather conditions to be back at the trail head around 15:30-16:00 pm. Unless they were transported down in the red truck that was seen coming down by some witnesses, then they could have been away from that mountain even earlier. A local shop owner has declared that he saw Kris and Lisanne around 15:00 pm, looking for a taxi to go back to Boquete. Maybe he was correct but a bit off with the time. Maybe they were given a lift to the swimming location. The calls may have been staged entirely. It is possible to change the time and date settings on a phone, call, change the time again, call again and leave a fake trail that way, I have been told by several people who are into the technicalities of mobile phones. Yes the neatly folded up bra's have been an interesting detail always and the swimming photo would explain them. Notice how the girls are crouching down in the water, while we can see from the straight standing young guys next to them (both were also dead within the year) that the water was not that deep there. They may have taken off their bra's and put them in their backpack before the swim voluntarily. And after that things went wrong..
DeleteThank you for your response. Sure, I will send it to now. By the way, I have done few modifications and shared few additional observations, which might be useful.
In the enhanced photo with the twigs I looked at the original and the light on the right looks like the moon-I wonder if the moon phase matches up with the night those photos were to be taken it might help reinforce that the photos were tampered with.
ReplyDeleteI don't think so. On April 1st of 2014 it was a new moon and moonless therefore. On April 8th the moon will have been visible, but far from full?
DeleteHi Scarlet,
ReplyDeletethank you for this very interesting and complete blog.
It is in fact a fascinating case, which bothers me for days now.
A small detail, which I picked up and I want to share is:
I want to compare picture
#496 (I call it "K+L up")
#499 ("L up")
#500 ("L down")
iPhone 4 picture ("K up")
#unknown ("K down")
with picture #508 ("K river")
My point is, that when you take a picture during a hike your body direction is most likely the same as your last movement direction, as seen in picture "K river", where you assume that Kris HAS crossed the river. One person is hiking in front of the other one and when there is an opportunity for a picture the photographer turns to the other person. When we look at "L up" we can see that she is standing on the right side of the picture and her body is facing to the left where the path goes further, same goes for the iPhone picture "K up". I find the two picture natural looking. Same for #496: L standing right and K is joining her to the left - the general camera direction is the same.
Now looking at the two other pictures "L down" and "K down" (despite the different sky and light conditions), both are standing on the left side and there body direction is to the right - down to the start of the trail. So I assume that these pictures are taken while the girls where returning to Boquete.
Of course this is only a wild guess, but from my feeling these pictures feel wrong from a composition point of view, because the background of "K down" and "L down" isn't spectacular more interesting than #498 to explain the need of another photo. Except if both were returning to Boquete and wanted to show that they completed the hike - a typical behavior to take another picture at a special spot.
So to say, I share your opinion that the girls returned to Boquete and "get lost" while swimming with strange people. For me it is very clear that both girls were at least post mortem found and for some reason this person decided or had to get rid of their bodies - a strong indicator for a crime. For the pictures: I don't trust the data on them. It's very easy to change the names of the files and delete pictures (insecurely). Could be easily done by their killer. The next harder thing would be to change the EXIF data: Requires you to google and to download an extra program. Also possible for the killer. Maybe at their google search they found also a program to erase files securely? That would be equally hard and could be also done by the killer or the police.
This alone (needed time: 1,5h) would be enough to create this mess we can see now, which leads to the "lost in the jungle" scenario. But I really dont believe that someone photoshopped any picture on the SD card, because it's really hard to do so perfectly. Would be much easier to simply delete such a photo.
However, thank you again for your hard work and "keep at the ball" as we would say in Germany!
"Of course this is only a wild guess, but from my feeling these pictures feel wrong from a composition point of view, because the background of "K down" and "L down" isn't spectacular more interesting than #498 to explain the need of another photo. Except if both were returning to Boquete and wanted to show that they completed the hike - a typical behavior to take another picture at a special spot."
I have never really seen any hard evidence that these photographs taken at the summit indicate the two friends were there on two seperate occasions - that they returned here on their way back to Boquete.
What I would like to point out though is the detail of the Cloud cover in the background of #495 does interest me. Because I was looking at these photographs recently and it struck me how different the cloud cover is to that seen in #499 and the 'I-Phone' picture of Kris kremers. Those two photographs appear to have been taken within a few moments of each other judging by how little the cloud changes, #495 on the other hand (apparently taken as they arrived) shows the clouds so different to #499, and Lisanne stood with hair down, that it stopped me.
It is possible these two photographs are showing the same clouds, maybe, but the drift and change between these images is so great that it is clear that they are taken minutes apart, quite possible a LOT of minutes - it depends on how quickly the clouds were moving, and that is very difficult to guess. But there is little wind on the Summit as they pose and snap Photo's so it seems reasonable to think the clouds were slow moving that day.
But when you look at the difference in those clouds on #494 and compare to the 'I'Phone' photo of Kris and #499, it may lend some weight to the idea they were indeed at the Summit twice. Because clearly these photographs were taken quite some time apart.
Initially, I also thought the thumbs up photos (500 and #unknown) of Kris and Lisanne were taken later in the day on their way back to Boquete, because of diffused sunlight and thick cloud cover. However, If you closely look at the photos of Lisanne at the open area (beginning of the trail), the thick cloud cover can be seen behind the mountain range. Those photos were nearly taken 2 hours before their Pianista summit photos. So, I kind of agree with you that the clouds were moving slow that day. I notice kind of small side winds in photos 499 and #Iphone 4 towards the left side. That could explain why the sky at Boquete side was clear that day. I also believe these photographs were taken some time apart except for the photos that have been taken as they arrived (495-497). More likely other photos are out of order.
DeleteThey took 8 photos (495-502) within a quick succession.(within 2 minutes) There is a 4 minutes time gap between 502 and 503. Two possibilities during that time:
1) They were voluntarily decided to explore the other side of the trail.
2) They were interrupted by a 3rd party.
There is a higher probability that photos 503 and 504 were also taken at Pianista summit because there is a 14 mintutes time gap between photos 504 and 505. In fact those crevice passages found in 505 are located just 15 minutes descent into the other side (As mentioned in the video made by Kris's parents). If the photo numbers and timings were manipulated, the actual photos 503 and 504 might be 2 photos available to us. My guesses are the thumbs up photos of Kris and Lisanne because of the diffused sunlight compared to other photos. Did you see that photo (possibly #498) is a zoomed one? Boquete town is clearly visible in 498. I have commented about 498 in part 5.
Although this not an important fact, it seems like during their ascent to the summit and descent along the other side Kris was leading the way. (photos 491, 505, 507 and 508). Some people doubted why such a distance in this kind of terrain. Did you notice how many times they switched their backpack? 4 times I guess. One instance is after photo 491, the backpack was handed over to Kris before the summit. We see the backpack was with Kris, as they reached Pianista summit.
Photos 505 and 508 are really weird to me. Not only Kris's facial expressions but also around her body. For example, look at Kris's left arm in 508 and surrounding vegetation behind Kris. Compare the quality and details with 507. bizarre!!!. 507 seems to be a genuine photo. I find it hard to understand, why so many strange things in 505 and 508 while other photos look fine. I thought, it may be because of poor file size and resolution. Looks like it is not the case.
Great observation, anonymous. Thanks so much for sharing this. Interesting point you make about body direction in relation to movement. Both David and I have discussed in the past the possibility of Kris and Lisanne having returned after photo 508 was taken. I am in favour of this theory because although the area is known for pretty dramatic clouds drifting in and contrasting with otherwise blue skies, to me the background and cloud state between the different summit photos of the girls is a very stark one. Lisanne also has her hair loose in some photos and tied back in others. Of course, girls do that now and then for esthetic reasons, but here the different hair styles took place between photos taken within mere seconds of one another. It is a very strange picture, when you try to imagine the movements they made all over that summit, going by the photo times of the exif data. They must have rushed tremendously. Or.....
DeleteOr they simply returned after taking photo 508 and just made it back to the summit, took some more photos but now while on the move in the opposite direction; something you have described. And someone has mixed the order of these photos around, in order to make it look like these girls never made it back down. Never came back off that mountain...
A similar narrative has been tried to create with regards to the story about Blue the dog. His owners declared to Lee Zeltzer and others that the girls talked to the owner of the local restaurant at the start of the trail. And that their free roaming beautiful dog Blue went up with the. But that Blue came back down alone later in the day, without the girls. This creates the impression, again, that Kris and Lisanne never returned. And got lost and perished out there. But there is no evidence at all that Blue truly was with Kris and Lisanne. In all the dozens of photos taken that day, Blue is not pictured once...
Indeed, if the Caldera swimming photo is legit, and I do believe so, then the girls did come down and perhaps some people involved, corrupt people, have tried to change the whole narrative with the help of the photos that were found after the camera and the backpack were planted, 10 weeks afterwards.
"Did you see that photo (possibly #498) is a zoomed one? Boquete town is clearly visible in 498."
ReplyDeleteNo, it's definitely not a zoomed in or cropped picture. If you look at the 'I-Phone' picture you see Kris Kremers gesturing to the view behind her, the town is just out of view behind a bush though and it appears that the close-up of Boquete in #498(?) is possibly a result of them checking the shot on the camera's viewfinder, seeing the town is not being shown, and therefore having to step right into those bushes and the uneven ground to deliberately get that shot of the town - Boquete.
When you think on that the idea that all these first shots were taken within just two minutes is too hard to believe. The time-stamps shown surely can't be legitimate.
"Did you notice how many times they switched their backpack? 4 times I guess. One instance is after photo 491, the backpack was handed over to Kris before the summit."
That Backpack is very interesting - you do see in the very first photo's of the day that Lisanne is carrying it in every shot as they approach the main trail, except one. These are poor shots, but in one of these you do see that suddenly Kris is wearing it: I cannot quite understand this...
But #491 is an interesting image as while it might suggest Kris is walking well ahead even at this early stage the difference here to the shots of her racing down the other side later is that we can be sure that #491 is an isolated photograph and she didn't stay ahead of Lisanne as she apparently reached the summit wearing the backpack, suggesting they reached there together.
What happens next, with the photo's of Kris racing down the other side for a good 40 or more minutes and never sharing the backpack or camera is worth thinking on, as clearly something is driving Kris on like that. These are strange shots because of that, and while there is no hard proof of a third party being there I do believe it would explain why it is they decided to go down there at all, and why it is Kris is always way ahead - the path isn't wide enough for three after all.
"Photos 505 and 508 are really weird to me. Not only Kris's facial expressions but also around her body."
Photo #505 is showing Kris crouching while shielding her eyes from the sun coming through above. You can see this quite clearly when you know what you are looking at, what is very odd is the huge grin on her face as she is doing this. Again, there is no hard evidence there is a third party with them here, but it would perhaps explain the image seen here.
Photo 507 and 508 are two images that have gained a fascination due to them being the last of the day and all the implications that come with that. But when you look at all the Photo's taken on that day and look to the very first one of Kris on the steel bridge as they set off, then compare to #491, and put these alongside #508, there IS continuity here. Kris stood for a shot, not smiling, poor quality image, and As a whole when you look at that camera's quality the photo's that are either selfie's or close-ups tend to be excellent quality, while anything take at a distance is poor. I was talking about all this elsewhere. When you look at their work with the camera on the days before they reach Boquete, and afterwards, they are capturing EVERYTHING. The people they meet, their accomodation, the sunsets, the rainfall, the beaches, the starfish, the card games, the nights out, the parties - everything. So when you think on that the fact that the photography stops where it does on April 1st and there are no shots of the second stream or the grand views of the meadow 20-30 minutes on from the first stream.... it says something.
I have to conclude that Something, or some one, happened to make the photographing stop.
Great analysis as ever David, thank you for sharing it here. As for the sudden poor photo quality, I would love to know if all the original photos were this poor in quality too when it came to the ones taken on April 1st. We can see in the leaked photos taken in Bocas that even the far distance one are of great quality most of the time.
Deletenoticed that the photo's date is April 2013???
ReplyDeleteConsidering you post this under part 3 of this blog series, I had hoped you had read this info in part 1 already ;) " If the time set on their digital camera was correct, then this has also implications for the rest of the time table of that day. But note that it didn't even have the year (2014) set correctly; it was set to 01-04-2013. This is the default year and fabric setting, reflecting the release date of this specific camera."
DeleteSo yeh you are right, it is set to 2013, one year off. But the rest of the set times have to be taken as religion, according to the investigators..
Something very odd that I noticed with one photo...I'm not sure anyone has noticed or even given it thought before. It's quite a discrepancy. The Canon SX270 HS has the flash located ( it pops up out of the camera ) on the left of the camera, above and to the left of the lens, looking at the camera from the back. This means that in the photo with the red plastic bag and twigs...the shadows of the twigs OUGHT to be to the right of the twigs because the light is coming from to the left of the lens. And yet, every single shadow of every single twig is to the left of the respective twig, and markedly so ! How can this be ?
ReplyDeleteFurther to my comment above about photo #550 ( the branch and red bags on the rock ), I did numerous experiments using a torch and a piece of wire. And I found that there are absolutely NO orientations whatever in which a torch held to the left of my eyes ( i.e my eyes corresponding to the lens of the camera and the torch to the flash ) produces shadows to the left of the wire.
ReplyDeleteHere is the crucial geometry of this...very easy indeed for anyone to replicate :-
Hold a wire horizontally ( left to right ) an inch or two above a white surface and shine a torch on it. You will see that if the torch is held above the level of your eyes, the shadow of the wire appears below the wire. If the torch is held below the level of your eyes, the shadow appears above the wire. Basic geometry. The shadow always has to be geometrically opposite the light source.
Now rotate the wire around gradually so it is pointing away from you. You will see that the shadow changes so that it now reflects whether the torch is to the left or the right of your eyes. When the wire is facing more or less away from you ( as many of the branches in photo #550 are pointing away from the camera ) there is NO WAY you can get a shadow to the left of the wire with the torch to the left of your eyes. It is simply not possible....and it does not matter if one end of the wire is higher up than the other or the surface the shadow is cast on is not level.
In other words, a simple experiment that anyone can do with a wire PROVES that the light source in photo #550 cannot be the camera flash ( which is to the left of the lens )...because there is not simply one branch with a shadow to the left, but every single branch has a shadow to the left regardless of its orientation. This is physically impossible with a light source ( i.e flash ) also to the left of the line of sight.
Rather than provide experiment photos etc....this is such a simple exercise that I would urge anyone to do it themselves as you really have to see it yourself. And you will come to the same conclusion as me, that the light source for photo #550 has to be several feet to the right of the camera. Further absolute proof of that comes from looking at the photo itself. Look at where any shadows on the rock end on the rock, and draw a line that connects the end of the shadow with the end of the respective branch. In every single case ( there are at least 6 such examples in the photo ) you get a line pointing up TO THE RIGHT at an angle of 45 degrees. That is pointing towards the light source...a light source to the right...basic optical geometry says it has to be. This is, again, physically impossible with a camera flash that is to the left of the lens.
Put simply, the shadows in photo #550 are such that they physically CANNOT have been produced by the camera flash. They have to have been produced by another source that was several feet to the right of the camera. This photo is in my view the smoking gun proof of third party involvement.
Thanks Peter, we discussed this a bit already below one of my youtube videos. I'd love to see the results of your experiments with the light source and flash of this camera in similar still life set ups as what we see in the night photos :) me it would be like doing an experiment to show that 2 + 2 is not 5. You physically cannot get a shadow to the left if your light source is also to the left. It's impossible. That's not personal opinion...or something that even needs to be argued or 'demonstrated'...its the laws of geometry and optics. I would argue my case is already proven. There is no way photo #550 could have been taken with a camera that has a flash to the left of the lens. A flash to the left of the lens would be shining light on any shadow to the left of the object photographed....and thus there would not BE a shadow ! It really is as simple as that.
DeleteAs has been pointed out to me on another forum, I left out the effect of parallax, which strengthens my case even further and makes the orientation of the flash irrelevant.
DeleteParallax :- The flash is an inch or so from the lens. But...the distance to the branches is around 8 feet or so...lets call it 100 inches. Now if the rock the shadows are cast on were the same distance the other side of the branches then you'd get a shadow an inch from the branches....but on the opposite side to the flash. Perfect geometry. BUT....the rock is actually only an inch or so behind the branches....which is 1/100th of the distance from camera to branch...which in turns means the shadow CANNOT stick out from behind the branch more than 1/100th of an inch ( i.e parallax scale is 1/100th on the other side of the branches ).
In other words, most of the shadow should be behind the branches with barely 1/100th of an inch of shadow sticking out at the side. And that is regardless of the orientation of the camera or where the flash is.
But what one actually sees is shadows entirely separate from branches, by quite some distance. This means there is simply no way the light source was the camera....however the camera is held or whatever the orientation of the flash.
I would argue this is a huge clue that investigators ought to be looking into.
In a cut out of the camera the flash is located to the right of the lens. You can scroll it up on this very page
DeleteThe photo of the camera itself on this page is taken from the front. From the BACK of the camera, which is what matters and is how the photographer views the scene, the flash is to the left of the lens. Thus it ought to create shadows a little to the right of objects due to parallax. And yet we see the complete reverse. How can this be ? It is a major discrepancy that just gets completely overlooked. It's a huge clue waiting for someone to pay attention to.
DeleteI can’t be certain, obviously, but could the anomalies of IMG_580 be explained if it were taken underwater? The blobs of red surrounding the hair in IMG_580 are not recreated in manufactured examples I've seen, but exist in the original (the halo of red around the hair itself). It was raining at the time, so some or most of the dirt would have been washed out, but it should have looked wet with droplets. It didn't, but if the picture were being taken underwater, it would prevent the hair from looking dirty or wet; the dirt would wash out, and there would be too much water present to appear wet.
ReplyDeleteA side note! If the photos are in their correct order, why do the girls put their hair up and take it down so much? Especially if the images are only minutes apart.
I'm not sure but I doubt that tbh... The camera was also not made to take photos under water. And throughout the night photo series you see these 'orbs' in the sky. It may be lit up water drops from rain or from a nearby waterfall perhaps. Or some think it are dust particles.. In the background you mostly always see trees or rock. But fairly said, the rock on the bottom never looks very wet, for as far that can be told from these photos. Just like the 'SOS' photo and the paper never look particularly wet. The hair is not photographed under water, I am certain of that. It would float and here it just falls down as normal hair does under the pull of gravity...
DeleteYes good point. I find that peculiar also. We discussed it a couple of comments up from yours here. Lisanne indeed has her hair loose in some photos of April 1st and then has it tied back in others. Of course, girls do that now and then for esthetic reasons, but here the different hair styles took place between photos taken within mere seconds of one another. It is a very strange picture, when you try to imagine the movements they made all over that summit, going by the photo times of the exif data. They must have rushed tremendously. Or.....
One alternative explanation for this I'd think about, is that they simply returned after taking photo 508 and just made it back to the summit, took some more photos but now while on the move in the opposite direction. And someone has mixed the order of these photos around, in order to make it look like these girls never made it back down. Never came back off that mountain...
A similar narrative has been tried to create with regards to the story about Blue the dog. His owners declared to Lee Zeltzer and others that the girls talked to the owner of the local restaurant at the start of the trail. And that their free roaming beautiful dog Blue went up with the. But that Blue came back down alone later in the day, without the girls. This creates the impression, again, that Kris and Lisanne never returned. And got lost and perished out there. But there is no evidence at all that Blue truly was with Kris and Lisanne. In all the dozens of photos taken that day, Blue is not pictured once...
If the Caldera swimming photo is legit, and I do believe so, then the girls did come down and perhaps some people involved, corrupt people, have tried to change the whole narrative with the help of the photos that were found after the camera and the backpack were planted, 10 weeks afterwards.
I have to say I just spent the last couple days reading most of the content of your blog and you have done an amazing job.
ReplyDeleteI find myself fascinated by this mystery, looking over and over again at the pictures hoping to see something everyone else might have missed. I know it's a long shot but damn... I wanna know what happened!
One thing that I can't stop but think when I look at the night photos is that I don't think they were using the flash on purpose. All pictures seem to have the camera pointed at the sky, but at nothing in particular. All at a single location. If they were trying to signal their presence, why only use the flash every few minutes? As you said yourself, if they were trying to scare someone or something away, why point at the sky?
I think they were using the lcd screen of the camera as a light and taking pictures by mistake from time to time. This explains the orientation of the camera. The lense is pointed towards the sky so the screen is pointed towards the ground that they are trying to see. Maybe Kris was in a bad shape, and Lisanne was using the camera to see her in a desperate attempt to save her, which might explain the picture of her hair.
Anyway, it still does not explain everything, but that's my little contribution.
Thanks so much for your kind words Manny. It is a mind boggling and enthralling mystery, I agree... There is always the feeling that 'the answer' is staring us in the face somehow, if only we can decipher the clues. A lot of people also seem to identify with Kris and Lisanne; one bubbly and outgoing, the other sensitive and more shy.
DeleteOk thanks. Yes most night photos indeed seem pointed at the sky and at the trees and the darkness above them. It makes little sense. I know that a lot of people want to believe there were helicopters flying overnight, but unfortunately this is nowhere confirmed at this point and stage. Perhaps we will gather more certainty about this soon, as more information is slowly been made public. I know, indeed, scaring something or someone away seems illogical with these high aimed photos. And for such a long time as well, nearly 3 hours. Ok interesting, you think the light coming from the screen helped them better with looking at their surroundings than the light of the flash? Perhaps so yes. But I struggle to understand why these photos were all taken in the same spot and why they would want to keep seeing their surroundings for nearly 3 hours then? While not moving much?
Kris being in a bad shape, perhaps. We have no photo evidence of this however. The hair photo of Kris fails to show a clear head wound or something along those lines? But that is a good suggestion, thank you for sharing it here!
Hey, Scarlet. I will write down my thoughts here, you never know, maybe someone will be interested, or this is an obvious thing.
ReplyDeleteAt 16:39 on April 1, which shows the details of calls until April 11. By that time, they were seized by a group of people, such work alone is, in principle, impossible. In the following days, connection with these phones was still lost. They could have been kept in the jungle. In another case, their phones could be deliberately included in areas where there is no connection with a cellular operator (no signal, I mean). If they were in the city or to take the signal they would have been accurately spotted. If they were in the city or to take the signal they would definitely be caught. They needed data from phones, and turned on, they hoped that the device will boot without a password or pattern (naive).
Certainly these photos are falsified and fake. Starting with their hike on the El Pianista trail. Criminals could let these go on the wrong track, making the illusion that they went far into the jungle. If this is not the case, then why would they fake photos, maybe someone else was with them? I don’t understand why they would fake a photo if they walked along the path of El Pianista, were on Mirador, left the trail and went deep into the jungle. In the photo where the hair (back of the head) is shown, you can see a small gold chain, you can see how it fits around the neck.
Photo where we see the international sign SOS, jar of pringles crisps visible (with the taste of cheese and onions or sour cream and onions). Nothing important. The only thing, they used the things that the girls had taken on the hike.
Most of the photos don't make any sense. Obviously, those involved in the attack took pictures with the camera pointed at the sky, thereby showing that at the time of the shooting the girls were alive.
What is known about the state of the flash card and the camera itself. Was there a hint of manipulation, I think that before the tragic events of April 1, in any case, some files were still deleted or moved by the owner of this camera. These files should be visible in the file locations table, example, the software that Juan used. I still want to know, there was only a problem with file number 509?
In conclusion, I will say that delitants worked here, it is unlikely that a professional would have made such a mistake with a mistake (photo IMG_499.jpg).
Thanks for attention.
Hi, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts here. Good ideas. Yes with no clear undeniable evidence that Kris and Lisanne freely handled their phones (such as Dutch written messages, Dutch spoken audio recordings, selfies or a video), it is technically all still possible. Someone else may have handled those phones from April 2nd onward. Or these girls may have been kept somewhere else entirely. They could have even staged the signal-less jungle surroundings in a basement. or removed the sim card and faked the calls. Or changed the time and date settings, then called in a place without reception, and staged the entire phone log string after April 1st...
DeleteIndeed, after April 5th it seems odd that the iPhone was no longer activated with the proper pin codes. Was someone else trying to get access to the content of the phone, without knowing the codes? Or was it Lisanne, desperately trying to get access of her friends phone? We just don't know :(
I don't believe that Kris and Lisanne were free and out there and taking those night photos themselves either. They make no sense at all from their perspective. Deliberately vague, deliberately taken before sunset it seems, deliberately showing the same unidentifiable treeline at the skin again and again and again. The only idea one gets from them is that someone is, indeed, lost in the jungle. So it could be a set up, for sure. Indeed, they used things the girls had brought on their hike, including a map of Boquete, which they were already pictured with while having lunch in town before they went missing.
I do not know all the details about the camera and memory card. Other than that there are question marks right now about the missing photo 509. Which would have been retrievable in part at least if it truly had been deleted manually. Seems not the case though. Apparently no photos taken before April 1st were deleted by Kris and Lisanne. Although it may still be possible that they did right after taking a photo and that the next one overtook the file number and so we will never know about those deleted photos. Thanks, yes I agree with you. To me it also seems a crime and committed by people who are not professionals at it...
ReplyDeleteIn the picture of the back of Kris' head, i see a gold earring on the right and I see her eye on the left side. I am surprised no one mentioned the eye. Or do you see that as aomething else?
Lissane's left leg has been found but until vital bones are found, I will feel it is possible she is atill alive. It creeps me out that her bones were not water logged. And, that her rolled up flesh was found (torture?).
I wish their parents would release all original pictures.
Thank you for your work on this!
"I wish their parents would release all original pictures"
DeleteGood day I have just come across this website and read the some of the main points.
I agree with you on the expressing hope regarding the release of all the original pictures.
Unfortunately there seems to be a significant level of victim-blaming especially due to Kris & Lisanne's gender. This can be mentally stressful to the parents and they may not want to reveal too many details.
The Caldera swimming photo was perhaps one good example (although the photo did not come from the Kris-Lisanne camera). If the genders were reversed, it could have been much easier for the parents.
If Kris & Lisanne allegedly went to the extent of taking off their bras and swam topless because presumably they did not want their sleeveless vests and bras to be wet, this might ( I repeat "might") have also meant they did not want their shorts to be wet.
It might have also explained meant why there were no available photos taken by the camera (alleged tampering of the photos was a separate issue).
The way they posed in the swimming photo with only their shoulders above the waterline more or less proved the ladies would probably not have taken photos of themselves in their existing state.
The absence of other clothing in the backpack suggested the ladies did manage to put their clothes back on after the swim but probably did not put on their bras back because they felt more comfortable that way.
Thanks for your thoughts, both of you. Yeh it looks like people like Matt from ImperfectPlan have been able to get access to all the photos through the official police files. I think that a lot of people who have been reading about this case have questions regarding those photos. Simple things like: was Blue the dog visible in any of them, or not? (No). What sort of normal photo taking habit did these girls have before the sudden stop after 14:00 April 1st? Are there any clues as to what could have happened hidden in the photos which the public has not yet seen?
DeleteWith regards to victim shaming, I do understand that bit, but don't think that pc censorship of sorts is going to help with anything, in the end. Unfortunately this is a world 9and always has been a world) where many of us women run certain risks. Walking home alone at night, getting very drunk on a night out, simple things can already turn into disaster for those of us who are unlucky enough to run into a disturbed individual. But ignoring these factual and actual risks because doing so could be victim shaming, is like wanting to believe in a fairytale. You would probably have to search long and hard to find someone in this day and age who believes that wearing shorts means a woman is asking for trouble. Skinny dipping or swimming topless... I don't know, I guess many of us have done so in our teens on a first holiday abroad, I have been not much better in that respect. It isn't asking for trouble, but realistically speaking it is increasing the risks of harm befalling you, unfair and unjust as this is in itself. Of course, we do not know if that swimming photo is real and if so, if Kris and Lisanne were just crouching under water for no specific reasons or if they swam topless. Just like I think it was a bad idea for me to do so on a holiday with a friend alone in Italy at around that age, I would say that doing this in Panama alone would probably have been a bad idea. But there is a good chance that none of that actually happened here.
I agree, it could explain though why the bra's were in the backpack and why the jeans shorts were found (and not worn in the end). If photo 509, perhaps, showed them swimming or at the Caldera, it also makes sense why a 3rd part or even the authorities did not want this photo to survive. It would place these girls firmly away from the Pianista trail in their last taken photo and would have turned the notion that they were lost behind the mountain on its head. I fear and suspect this is what happened though.
I do see the eye too, I'm surprised too that there is no speculation with that.
DeleteOr is My brain seriously playing tricks, i see the eye very clear. And The gaze doesn't seem lively..
I found this case intresting because I had similar case. When I was in army I actually got lost in forest. We had different squads that were sleeping in their own tents in forest middle of night. Then I had to wake up and change shift with another person to guard tent of commanders. (he came to woke me up). Problem is that this tent wasnt near and I lost path how to get there.
ReplyDelete..Now suddenly I didnt see any tents. So long story short it took me 5 hours to walk around forest all by myself until I finally got out of forest and found road out of just pure luck. I noticed there was some other army guys other there who lead me to right path early in morning. I think I was 6 miles away from my location. I am from Finland, land of forests.
I think my situation was harder because I couldnt recognize path. It was dark night (winter) and dense forest disadvantage and my flashlight was crappy.
But I believe because they walked such long distance they could got easily lost. Photo #505 and #508 they got into dense area of forest. We have short time memory and cant always memorize or trust patterns especially if they look same, in this case forest.
If I understand this correctly #508 was last picture of this day and they called 911: at times 16:39 and 16:51. So it seems like they went from this water fountain to somewhere and got lost. I do not believe there was anykind third party involvement based on phone call activity.
First day proves to me that they are lost and they both could freely use their phones to call 911. Then this same pattern of calling 911 is repeated next days 2nd, 3rd.
They got lost by pure accident. Like for me I had objective to find tent and I knew where it was. And I still managed to get lost from path. Then I tryed to retrace my way to get to this original path and I still couldnt find it and I was probably walking in circles. So my next step was to walk out of forest to find road. I did scream too btw, no luck.
I do believe they got lost based on 911 calls. If both are harmed, kidnapped or murdered it is very unlikely that they can freely call 911 from 20 min of each other. Also just from my experience it is very easy to get lost in forest.
But what happened after day 8 I cant say anything. What bothers me is that human can survive long time without food and they had plenty of water source there. Did sleep deprivation or somekind accident happened or did they meet someone who lives there and caused them harm. And why wouldnt person want to take away their phones away if that did happen.
My guess is that they didnt had any energy left to walk further especially being young girls and everything. They hiked probably long time and in circles. And if you sit long time from exhaustion or from sleep depravation in one place then maybe you dont have energy to resupply water then your body will just stop working.
Anyway just my few thoughts
Good point about getting lost in the forest. Guides and hikers have said it is very hard to be lost at Pianista Trail. While they concede this applies mainly for the main trekking trail, they still feel the other side of the summit is not that difficult.
DeleteProblem is that the 2 girls are inexperienced and not well prepared. From the known footage and pictures, the grassland after photo 508 does not seem to have a very clear trail.
One wrong move and suddenly the surroundings look different with no clear direction. If there is foul play, it is likely they have met with some hostile party which as caused them to run.
After they recover, it becomes very hard to get back on track. I agree that much energy will have been wasted walking round in circles. eventually, down trekking along Rio Changuinola seems the only option but the terrain is much more dangerous.
For the moment, I tend to believe the reason for their light attire for the Pianista trek on 1 Apr is due to them having swam at a much human-friendlier Rio Chiriqui Nuevo 2 days earlier.
As some commenters have wrote, the light attire seems more suitable for the beach.
Thanks for sharing your experience with getting lost. Interesting also that it happened when you were in the army. Are droppings normal within the armed forces? I have seen programs about the special forces and over here they are often dropped in disorientating terrain such as uniform forests, with minimal maps and then tested on their ability to make it to a point X within a certain timeframe. I do hope that your mates would have found and saved you, had you not found the way yourself ;)
DeleteI think overall, the discussion within this case should not be about whether or not one cán get lost (everyone can), but if they díd get lost. Unfortunately we don't know for sure. But Sinaproc said it on camera at the time; they combed through the entire region, including the area where the remains were found much later, and Kris and Lisanne were not there... They also simply could not have been anywhere near those main rivers; those areas were searched and nothing was found of them, not even candy wrappers or anything they could have left behind along the trail. No dogs found their scent either. Those rivers are frequently visited and passed by people. I think the problem here is that we have no signs of them having gotten lost. Here we all know the hansel and Gretel fairytale and on the night of the 8th (so a week in) Kris and Lisanne apparently used a bunch of paper and plastic wraps to mark things on a rock. But that should raise the question why none of this was done along the way? If you get lost, panic does grip you early on. It makes little sense to me that no trail was created by these intelligent, planning-prone young women. It could even have been done with branches, rocks, anything really. Strips of their clothing. Why leave an entire jeans shorts on a rock (supposedly..)
when it could have been cut and torn and used to mark the trail they walked? It would have been firm evidence that they did get lost and a handy aide for search troops ánd themselves if they wanted to backtrack. But like I said, there is zero indication that they got lost. Neither that they were behind the Pianista area after April 1st.
People who believe they got lost almost always point to the night photos as lost evidence. But I do lean towards those night photos having been staged by a 3rd party. Exactly because they show nothing. Not the girls themselves (aside from the back of a head), not their clear location, not their backpack, they are as vague as one could possible achieve, if given that brief on the outset. The only thing they achieve is to give off the impression that these young women were 'lost' in the 'wild'. The entire accident theory was built on these photos and the minimal and odd phone log info.
First of all, sorry for my bad english, not my best.
ReplyDeleteAs a dutchman i heard of this case and in thoughts it never let me go...watched all the video's, blogs, everything what i could find on internet.
What i found strange and i don't know or can't remember it's mentioned before, but in the story are rumours about a red pickup truck. In one of the photo's where Kris an Lisanne are brunching on a balcony just arrived in Boquete, where Lisanne is holding a map or overview of activity's, you can see on the right, a red truck, im sure that is a pickup truck. You can see a man sitting inside. They parked the truck in a strange way and exactly that way to have an overview on the balcony and can see what K & L are doing. Payed my attention and very vreepy....they were followed from the first day in Boquete.
Yes, this is true. You can see the red truck here:
DeleteIt looks very much like the red pickup truck which belongs to guide P.:
Photo 1:
Photo 2:
I don't think it's the same truck.
Delete1. In the first truck - you can see it has a distinctive black grille guard. This grille is not in the other pictures of guide P's truck. Are those pictures from similar timeframes?
2. In the pictures of guide P's truck, you can see black side mirrors. However, in the first picture, the left side mirror (the other mirror is out of frame) looks to be hidden or washed out due to brightness - but AFAIK something black should be *more* visible than the red paint of the car its next to.
Good day, regarding the brunching, a reader has provided what appears to be a copy of the map that has been read by Lisanne.
Map does not show Caldera Hot Springs.
On that day, did they interacted with someone who told them about it?
Hi, it looks like a similar map yes, although Lisanne to me seems to read a slightly different map, here is a close up:
DeleteBut these are the touristic maps that can be found everywhere there and they are all more or less the same, or similar, with only small differentiations in the details. Notice for instance how the map which Lisanne holds in her hands in the Boquete Bistro photo has a thin light green line around it, while the map you linked to has a slightly different looking 'framework'. But those are tiny details.
Yes that is very well possible. Guide P. used to hang around this particular Bistro a lot and is of course very knowledgeable about the area. These girls were also seen with local guys by several witnesses, one claiming they were overheard making an appointment with them 'to go see the waterfalls'. But because no witnesses were properly vetted or even identified and most witness statements were cast aside by police and investigators as 'unreliable', we simply don't know...
You can see in Jean-Claude Latombe's photos from his trek up to the Mirador and down into the Serpent trail that he walks the exact same path as the Dutch Girls up to their last photo, He even has a photo posted of the same place where Kris has her hands behind her back and of the Monkey bridge from the daily beast pics, it is the same monkey bridge.
ReplyDeleteJean-Claude Latombe states they hiked for almost 9 hours yet they crossed 3 rope bridges, This means if they started at 5am they stopped to rest and or eat for 45 mins to 1 hour at some point and made to pin 14 by 3pm, Sunset is around 6:30 so still over 2 hours of daylight.
The first rope bridge pictured is the same bridge from the Lost in The Wild episode, yet Kinga and J.J claim the girls could not have possibly made it to the first bridge.
There is almost 100% no doubt they made it the 2nd bridge, possibly the 3rd and if anyone ever bothers to go there they will find the area of the night photos only takes 9 hours to hike there.
Hi thanks. kris and Lisanne started at 11:00 am and were at the summit around 13:00. They could have been at the meadow (paddock) around 15:30, but there is zero evidence for this as the last photo 508 shows them only 45 minutes from the Mirador. If it took Jean-Claude 9 hours then we have to add another 5 hours to the time of Kris and Lisanne, meaning it would have been at the least 20:30 in the evening for them to be able to reach a monkey bridge. This seems unlikely to most people. These girls were not professional hikers, they did not have the same condition as JC. They were not prepared for such a hike and by all accounts had no intentions either to go that far. It got dark'ish around 18:00 already there. We need to take into account also that it was very warm that 1st of April and that these girls had already walked for a good few hours by the time they went off the radar, so to speak. I think there is as much chance that they turned around back to the start of the trail, as there is for them to simply keep walking deeper into that jungle. I completely disagree with you about there almost being 100% certainty that they made it to the 2nd cable bridge. The only 'evidence' for this is a jeans shorts from Kris and some bone remains found much further up north. I think that proves nothing, as these items were planted there months later imo. There is no hard evidence, in any case, no matter wheteher you believe this or that happened. Hard evidence would have looked like photos taken by these girls of the river and them identifiable in the photo themselves.
DeleteI live 35-40 mins from the Mexican border and haven't been in Mexico for over 25 years. Paying me money wouldn't get me to go to South America. It's too dangerous. Esp. for young white women. I believe European travel agencies need to triple warn these very innocent, naive young women not to travel to dangerous places by themselves. It is suicide. I have many Mexican and south American friends who would give me strict instructions where to go, what to do & what not to do & even where to drive and not drive. What was safe to eat and what to avoid when visiting south. This was when we used to go quite often to Estero Beach in Ensenada. My gut feeling is these young ladies were abducted. Either on the mountain or shortly after arriving back down. They were taken to a place where they could not escape and were terrified to use their phones in case they were heard talking. One of them died long before the other. When the heat was on the local authorities to find these girls, the abductors put together what was left of them & dumped it where it could be easily found. Maybe at one point one or both of them escaped which might explain the night images which only occurred on one occasion. Whomever was after them found them & dragged them back. Please, please, please get the word out that young women should not be traveling alone in a foreign country. North & South America are both dangerous. Not Canada. It is not safe like it is in Europe. People look at you very differently. A young tourist thinks "oh isn't this exciting, a new completely different place to visit" while the ones watching you might be stalking their prey. I was in Mexico once when a local man called me a rich white Gringo bitch. At the time I was a student and my husband & I were broke but that's not how they saw me. Most Mexicans are lovely, kind, hard working honest people like my friends. But they also know there is a line even they can't cross. A couple of years ago a caravan of white American men, women & children in several different vehicles were ambushed on a road in Mexico. Even the children were executed. Very suspicious because gangs don't usually attack children. It was a message.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing this here, anonymous. I noticed over time that certain people will try to stop others from stating the obvious statistics and risks of certain trips. Because it would come down to 'victim shaming'. Which is silly. I think it is good to bring awareness of risks (not self invented ones, but risks based on the actual numbers and case examples). Because we live in a world now with flashy glossy social media accounts and 'influencers' only showing the paradise side of world locations. Indeed, people need to look past the sales brochures of travel agencies (who would even sell a trip to Islamic State in Syria if they could make money with it without insurance risks). Travel agencies have no monetary interest in warning their clients about going to this or that place. The good ones will advice against certain places, but I doubt anyone here will utter warnings about Panama. It may come down to individuals to do some online searching (but where to start?). Yes Mexico has many horrible cases of tourists being killed, same for women in general and tourists and men too actually. It is an allround violent country with out of control cartel wars. Good that you have friends who can advice you on where to go and where not to go, when going south. It is all about risk management in the end; as some will say: you can also walk under a bus in Amsterdam. Sure, but there is statistically less chance of being burned in your camper van on the side of a highway in the Netherlands by patrolling cartels. (Adam Coleman and Dean Lucas case). Yes I read about that absolutely gruesome execution of those American religious families in northern Mexico.
DeleteI agree with you on the kidnapping/crime factor. Yes I agree, it is worth it to bring awareness to tourists of the importance of adjusting to local culture and being aware of local politics/crime and such when traveling the world. It is incredibly sad that people have to learn based on utter tragedies, such as the death of Kris and Lisanne, and more recently the absolutely gruesome murder of two Scandinavian women in Morocco. By all means, travel, but limit your risks by being aware of potential dangers and especially when you travel alone as a woman/women, anticipate on potentially dangerous situations. Out alone in a foreign jungle for instance, in a 'macho' culture.
Is it possible the dark pictures were taken through that mirror that’s laying there? So, not droplets in the air but specks of dust or defects on the mirror? Someone said the shadow from the flash of the camera was on the wrong side for that model. It could explain that, too.
ReplyDeleteI'm new to this sad story and tried to go through your excellent research. Concerning the night photos, I know there is a technique often used in astrophotography which is called stacking. It combines the digital information of several photos to enhance very subtle details in what seems to be otherwise areas with no information. I myself cannot do this as it requires quite some experience but this might be interesting to try...
ReplyDeleteHI Scarlet & all
ReplyDeleteCongrats all for the detailed analysis.
One item on the photo Doesn’t seem to be taken into account is the items they carry outside of the bag. First given the fact they were wearing mini short they do no have their smartphone with them and both are in the bag. This imply in case of emergency they would likely be calling the 112 at the same time unless they disagree on the importance of the emergency but that would be unlikely. This also imply that in case of foul play the girl not carrying the bag would not be able to run away and call the police.
Another point that surprisingly nobody pointed out is that Kris on photo 491 seem to hold the small bottle of water in her hand and on photo 505 and 508 she has the bottle in the pocket of her short. Having climbed during two hours under the sun with only a half a liter bottle of water for two the girls must have been very thirsty. Before seeing this I was really curious why they have been continuing their track after the summit. One of the reasons may simply have been they were super thirsty and knew there was some drinkable water not so far. Kris would had been going to the river not for the sightseeing but simply to fill the bottle with water. Then the question would be: did they knew there was some drinkable water before doing the hike or did a third party made them aware of it when they were on the summit.
On the other side we could question the fact that the walk to the river was one hour from the top a similar distance than the one they crossed on their way to the top. But maybe one was drinkable and not the other one. In any case given the discomfort of keeping a bottle of water in the pocket of your short this IMO an important point and it is worth to mention that between photo 491 and 505 the bottle was not with Kris.
Kind regards,
The Szekely investigation group.
Here is my theory they got hurt and someone one found the camera and bag on April 8; that someone is seeing if it works after it got wet. You can see there finger with hair on it. They snap all night photos with it. The real question is who took the photo at the swimming place. They had to be on the other side of the bank or floating in water. The girls jaw lines suggests smiling. The fact that their bras were found off of them suggests death took place after this photo. Did they put back on bra and finish hike? The last picture she has bra on? All of the alive photos likely happened with the last one having the girl
ReplyDeleteIn it. Night photos were after both girls were dead in my opinion. Maybe the night photos of kris is her dead body that random guy stumbled apon
And was like”dead girl” “ free camera I wonder if it’s ruined?”
Of course. Instead of telling the police about the bodies and asking for the reward of 30,000, he preferred to take the backpack and then throw it somewhere.
DeleteЯ убежден, что девочек похитили, правительство знает что то, скрывает и подделывает факты. Это не просто будет найти виновных, они наткнулись на какой то объект, секретный, в результате чего пострадали, вполне возможно, что их использовали для продажи органов тела. Это стоит больших денег, до 500 тысяч долларов и больше, за 2 девушки, причем молодые, кровь, органы, части тела, все это стоит денег. Местная власть явно зарабатывает на этом, по их лицам видно, что их эмоции наиграны.
ReplyDeleteThis is really some amazing work
ReplyDeleteThis is Amelia. I'm a psychologist and I've been following the case for some time casually, but found this website today and read everything from the top to the bottom. I'd like to add a few thoughts:
ReplyDeleteQuote: "My own theory has since been that Kris and Lisanne were not alone at the Pianista Trail. That there were people with them, and that the witnesses who said they saw Kris and Lisanne at the trail head again around 15:30 PM that day may have been right; that the girls took a taxi (the one of the later murdered Leonardo) and went swimming afterwards."
My answer: That doesn't add up really well. If the girls had a company during the trip, they would get photos shot together by these companions. But none of the photos present two girls at the same time made by third person (there are only selfies), which suggests they were indeed alone and made photos to one another. Of course, we can argue that there were other people with them, but they refused to take or be part of the photos, but that would contradict with the (presumably) final photo with everyone in the pond from the mobile camera.
Quite: "And the reports are pretty useless then, in my opinion. It's just, whose side are you on... the report, with the times and phone usage, manipulated by the perpetrator.. Or the boyfriend of Kris, who recites a very fresh memory, and who probably checked it thirteen times and showed it to the parents etc.."
My answer: In my opinion, the boyfriend staying in their home country wouldn't recalculate the time to 14.00 Panama, but instead recalled what he saw on his watch/phone, so that would be 14.00 Dutch time and 08.00 Panama. Which makes sense both with the the offical timeline, and girls' phone network coverage report. So the contact was made before the trip took place. This also means Roelie wrongly corrected Hans during the interview. After all, it wasn't them who made the contact, but the boyfriend, so they might be wrong. It would also be an odd detail to remember if you weren't the actual person making the contact.
Hi Amelia. Thanks for your message. Are you deducing that because there is no known (!) photo of anyone else on that trail that could have been with Kris and Lisanne, there therefore must never have been anyone else? I don't believe that is a solid argument. I am out and about with a lot of people, but never like to be photographed, for instance. That does not mean that I wasn't out there. And why would mere strangers automatically get into selfie photos? Besides, there was a photo or video number 509 that was removed; we do not know if there were other people pictured on it.
DeleteAdd to this that we now know that Pitti and her team not only looked at the photos on the memory card, but also altered them on June 17th of 2014. Rotated, brightened, then saved the new versions. We knew that already as the exif data of the photos proved this, but we know it for certain now as Pitti admitted to it. This could theoretically be a shaky alibi for her and it certainly was an opportunity to meddle much more with these photos, unbeknown to the NFI or the rest of us, the audience. Ergo: we are not 100% sure that the photos that were leaked are all the photos that were taken by Kris and Lisanne.
As for the time of the phone contact of Kris' boyfriend with her; watch the video for yourself on my youtube channel. It was the very first TV interview and the parents were prepared to appear on national television. By then the girls had been missing for some days. I don't personally believe that Roelie would correct Hans on camera unless she was certain about the time being local Panamanian time. That surely is one of the first things you verify and want to be certain of, when you find out your daughter is missing: when was the last time anyone had contact with them? But that sort of thing should have been verified by the investigators and confirmed, one way or another. Alas.. nothing ever heard about it again
Look I get that you claim to be a psychologist, but you should know then that the passive aggressive manner in which you try to bring your point across in your subsequent comment is far from effective. If you can't discuss things in a normal way and tone, you can do it elsewhere on the internet. Sorry but there is no need for that sort of stuff.
DeleteHi! Photo 541 shows the chin line and the left cheek and this is 100%, otherwise the neck would have been in the photo
ReplyDeleteAnd here's what I noticed
It does look like a chin line and cheek. the frayed hair at the top of the photo looks light in color. It would make sense if they huddle together on that ledge it would be Kris' chin and cheek since we get a picture of the back of Kris' head at 580.
DeleteSomeone on websleuths came up with what is probably the correct explanation for the nighttime photos.
ReplyDeleteWe've been misunderstanding the purpose of the nighttime photos from the beginning. They're not photos at all, but rather, at attempt to keep the camera's LCD screen lit up so that the person holding the camera can see.
From what I understand, this is the kind of camera in question:
Apparently, in order to keep the LCD screen lit up, the camera must be used every so often, or else the screen will go dark. So whichever girl was still alive on this night and was taking these photos probably wasn't using the camera for the sake of taking photos, or using the flash to scare off predators or alert potential rescuers. Most likely she was using it in order to keep the LCD screen lit so that she could see. Probably one of the girls died that night and the other one was trying to keep examining her and had no other source of light with which to do so (and the phone battery was far too precious to be used for this).
Looking at it from that point of view, the significance of the photos is... nothing. The girl using the camera wasn't doing it for the sake of taking pictures. She would have been holding the camera up in the air around her as she was looking down, taking pictures in the exact opposite direction from which she was focusing her own attention. So we shouldn't expect to find any meaning in the actual photographs. Whatever the item of interest that night was, the camera wasn't pointed at it.
For any camera, when interacting with the camera buttons, the screen turns on. Even if the screen was used for illumination, it was possible to take a photo or record a farewell video.
DeleteI thought about the photo for a long time. I am absolutely sure that night photos were taken from bottom to top - FROM DEEPENING (pit? Crevice? Ravine?) And stone "walls" - VERTICAL.
ReplyDeleteIs it possible that the person taking the night time flash photos could have been injured and layed down on the ground in a prone position because they were unable to walk or even stand upright.
ReplyDeleteThe vast majority of those flash images appear to be looking up at the trees.
Wow, this is a huge research collection and very interesting.
ReplyDeleteWhat really makes me sad is in fact the victim blaming done by some comments. They have been young adults with 21, 22 years of age. So how should parents keep them away from travelling? And who would listen to them, honestly? At least everything was planned very detailed and could have been the best trip of their life. A travel agency will never ever explain you the real danger, to avoid you from cancelling your booking. They tell you to keep an eye of your luggage and avoid huge crowds lol. The society creates the rules: Nobody wants negativity or uncomfortable facts and mentioning human trafficking is very uncomfortable. Greed for money is a global problem and the bill is always paid by the vulnerables. More awareness is necessary, maybe already starting with a better education in school already. In that area baby sloths are taken from their (killed) mother and sold to tourists. If the animal dies after a cute insta-pic, sad, but there is other entertainment waiting around the corner.
This is the so-called "modern" society.
About the case... in my opinion the girls have been lured in and got lost after their hike. A ride with new "friends" to the caldera for swimming may have been a chance to abduct them, rape them and sell them to the cartel. Keeping them alive until they are "needed" for organ harvesting. The local youth gang messed up and to protect the criminal structures, witnesses have to disappear. Even the 30000USD reward does not work, if you or your family are put in severe danger. Knowing my parents and boyfriend are worried about the whole trip and expect to receive at least a message in the evening, would drive me insane. Even if theres no network coverage, I would message them and my host to inform them we are lost, but ok. Messages may get out, they need less signal and it would be pending to be send. Apart from this, I can call 911 or 112. When the parents showed up and officially declared they are not gonna leave, remains had to be set up. Police has its hands tied up too, as they and their families wont mess with the big money. Fernando behaves suspicious, but his son was one of the youngsters and had access to his car. If this was messed up by his son, knowing who pulls the strings in the back, he may have tried to lesser the damage for himself and his family. People there have not even a chance to move somewhere else for protection. In this surroundings I would keep my mouth shut.
I feel deeply sorry for everybody involved , Sabine
I think that to put on a swimsuit in the morning, leaving the house, wants only a girl who KNOWS IN ADVANCE WHAT WILL BE SWIMMING. In addition, she knows it will not be possible to put on a swimsuit near a pond (for example, due to the presence of guys). I suppose the girls went swimming after returning from the route. And it was there that they were attacked ...
ReplyDeleteI dont know why, but the last pics when theyre in the deep jungle they dont look happy, posing, like all the other fb pics, the one where she's holding the water bottle and people thought the dog may have been resting behind her, and when shes having a pic taken from behind her as she descends the rocks and looks back, she just seems somber, not comfortable to make a bit of a dork of herself as sometimes girls might think they look when taking funny pics, but just when in eachothers company these two girls always smiling and thumbs up, but all of a sudden these shy girls, who obv arnt shy with eachother, seem shy in the last pics, just gives me the feeling someome else may have been with them at that time, mayne not a complete threat, but enough to make them go back in their shy shells again which is what their personalities seemed to be when in unknown company, have a look again, this is the first time reading this case, incred inventigation btw, i dunno, have a look at the last few pics of her she doesnt seem as happy, and if it was just her friend there why take a pic of her if shes so tired and pissed off she cant even be bothered to smile, a girl would kbow better and leave her to have the hump for a while, it was as though someone else was saying take a pic, and they reluctently obliged, just my thoughts seeing the case and reading all this for the first time, and i did for hours great job, just stood out to me even when they were chilling at the bar the pics in the jungle were posed for but not happy poses, im not sure there were any other selfies or posed pics where either seemed unhappy, even the natural bar pics, just my view, maybe look back see what you think, anyway great work!
ReplyDeleteThat in the photo 541 is pretty much middle segment of a middle finger curled downwards visible along with finger hair extending from the proximal segment, the hair curl shape is also very similar to that of the finger hair. This is pretty much how it would look like when a right hand is holding the camera but the middle finger is not bent inward enough and is clicked in the way of the lens by accident. From the day time photos neither of the girls have any hair on their fingers or at least they have it completely removed which cannot grow back to such length that quickly. This is very likely a third party who has a fair amount of finger hair, probably a male who does not remove them.
ReplyDeleteHi Scarlet,
ReplyDeleteI have found a better version of #508 (cropped) on reddit, which shows Kris's facial expression. I will add the links below.
Best regards.
In photo 580 it looks like you can see a face where the back of the neck should be
Hi everyone, I was noticing, the rock on the right of #599 photo might be what you see, extremely illuminated, in photo # 541? The light only breaks on that rock and everything else gets darkened, couldn't it be? In case it would be no human profile. Especially since the light of many photos seems to have been modified to highlight the details. I hope I have explained, English is not my first language. Tnanks for your job.
ReplyDeleteAnother thing, sorry, but I only discovered this story now and slowly I'm trying to read all the articles about it. And just reading the first part on this blog, a doubt arose: what if * all * the calls to 112/911 had been the application of the method explained in the video you posted "Iphone 4 passcode / password bypass"? Practically instead of using the correct pin they accessed like this, and had to dial the emergency number. "They" means any unknown people who attacked the girls right away, on the afternoon of April 1st, and took all their belongings. Is it possible and has this possibility been evaluated? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteHi, I have noticed that in the photo of Kris' hair in front of the camera, Lisanne's face is visible beneath her hair if you look closely. Her nostrils, upper lip and left ear are most observable. Her ear is distinguishable by her specific earrings which she is seen wearing in other images. Her darker, brown hair is also visible. It is for this reason that I believe the girls may have been using the camera's flash to try and signal for help, and Kris may have been deceased at this time and Lisanne incapacitated. I believe Lisanne was the last alive. If foul play was involved (which I do believe) then shortly after this photo was taken the girls were found by whoever attacked them and it's likely that Lisanne was taken as a captive again and abused further. If Kris really was dead by this time, then her body would have been dissolved at that point. I think Lisanne was likely kept alive for some time as she was quite an attractive young woman and would have been valuable to those arseholes. Maybe they realised their efforts at dissolving Kris' body were not very effective (hence the bone remains) and resorted to simply burying the girls at different locations. The photo that was deleted was likely of their attackers the first time they encountered them and before the girls got away the first time. They must have gone through absolute hell. I am surprised so few people have noticed Lisanne's face in that photo of Kris' hair, but it is impossible not to see it once you notice it.
ReplyDeleteAgreed, i can see a eye too.
DeletePretty sure the guide or the son of the guide is implied
ReplyDeleteOr they setted an anbush and forced the girl yo go somewhere else
Or they get lost and leet indigenousbtribe or cartel member or religious sect