Part 4 - the latest updates and info


- CANON CAMERA; Video of Night Tests with the Canon Auto-focus Feature (green light) and flashlight
- MOBILE PHONES; Video Showing how much Light the Two Mobile Phones produce (camera flash, assistive light, flashlight)
- MOBILE PHONES; the iPhone
- MOBILE PHONES; Test Dialing the Emergency Number without service with the iPhone
- MOBILE PHONES; Test Dialing the Emergency Number without service with the Samsung Galaxy
- MOBILE PHONES; the Missing Phone Logs
- MOBILE PHONES; The GPS Feature on Both Phones
- MOBILE PHONES; Power-Pixie's iPhone SIM CODE experiment
- MOBILE PHONES; Observation of Samsung's Battery Performance
- CANON CAMERA; Trying to Recreate Photo 580
- CANON CAMERA; Dave M's Photo Experiment Recreating the Orange Shapes
- Plus a bonus: Testing how to Change the date in the Canon Camera and Fake dating the Photos
I have also compiled more information about the GPS/Location Services, which has helped confirm my suspicion about the iPhone 4 and Samsung phones containing native and 3rd party apps that used GPS and Locations Services. Although having that list of apps from Kris and Lisanne's phones would have helped us cross-reference which ones used GPS/location services. I know now for a fact for instance that the Facebook app for the iPhone required Location Services to be turned on if or when Kris would have wanted to upload images from the "Photos" on the iPhone to her Facebook account. Here is the link to the source. This would enable tagging and also show the location from where she was posting. This is an important feature that was used in 2014. And it was especially important to social media users on Instagram and Facebook. But there were many more tests to be done with both phones and with the Canon camera.
These experiments were conducted over roughly the past year. Apart from having a deep interest in these topics, we're simply trying to seek the truth by clearing up doubts and by understanding the devices a bit more, especially with regards to how they could have worked for Kris and Lisanne during their final days and nights."

As for the green light: when I turn on Flash (which is in Auto Mode, like what Lisanne had on her camera), the auto focus green light will stay on as long as I have my finger depressed halfway on the button. When the flash is turned off, it only lasts 0.5 seconds. During both instances it makes a chirping sound, and during both instances I can hold the buttons half depressed without taking a photo. However in certain circumstances you could accidentally press the button, as it is a little sensitive to pressure from your finger. The Auto focus green light will also light up depending on how dark it is. When it is pitch black, like in my walk-in closet, the green light is very bright and from my 3rd floor balcony at night I was able to easily make out trees and ground that were 30 feet below me.
*If the flash is turned off, then the green light does not remain lit for the duration of the button being pressed. It only lasts for 0.5 seconds with a chirping sound. This chirping sound and the green light are related and the chirping sound is an indicator that the camera has "focused" on the subject. The chirping sound is loud and distinct each time, whether flash is turned on or off.
Power-Pixie: "The auto-focus lamp is like a flashlight, you just need to have extremely strong but nimble fingers to keep it pressed and not fire off accidental photos, which in Kris and Lisanne's scenario - in my view - would have been extremely difficult to not come away with accidental shots."

Dave M replied: "Yes, what is missing is any human element that shows that Lisanne or Kris is actually behind these activities. There really is nothing here to show them as definitively alive and active; no messages, no attempt to contact either Miriam or their parents, no photographic selfies or audio recorded. All there is is a lot of superficial use of both phones and camera suggesting they *could* be alive and active. I would like to add that I find that when using the camera in the dark like this and experimenting, I take photos that I immediately know are unwanted. And so I will delete them. This might seem irrelevant to the April 8th activity, and maybe it is, but my point is that the Camera IS tricky to use in the dark. It's partly down to it being so small and compact - all the buttons are small, tightly packed, and you are completely reliant on both touch and best guesses to find them. Apart from unintentionally pressing the power button instead of the 'fire' button, you can end up taking shots you didn't intent. I'm not for a second suggesting #580 or #576 were accidental, I am quite sure they were not. But in the state Lisanne would have been in by day 8, she would not have been so precise in her use of the camera. Not in these very challenging conditions.
You do have to keep putting yourself there, in those condition, after seven hours of sitting in the darkness, and think on what is going on here. What is Lisanne thinking? Just one snap of the branch marker boulder and that area, one photo of Kris' head, one of the SoS display, but why just ONE?! No shot of the backpack, no second shot of Kris, no shots of Lisanne's feet or leg, and definitely no selfie. Looking at these night photos, you would come away believing they are either in a cave or in a hole, as the restricted 'vision' you come away with is so extreme. But the very limited movement in those images isn't really down to the restriction of their location - we see with #550 for example that there IS another dimension to this location. It's just that the person taking these photographs doesn't want us to see it... All they want us to see is the same patch of distant trees and bushes, and three or four props. And that is all they want 'us' to see. The lack of phone activity that night is also hard to explain, it feels to me like the Camera and iPhone are not in the same hands. That these items are in two seperate locations that night."
Power-Pixie: "Yes, the iPhone and Camera are never used simultaneously enough to back up either photos or the phone logs. Like whoever used the phones only focused on that, while the camera sat unused in its case, and when April 8th arrived, it was time to use the camera and leave the phones behind. And to your point about the photo 580 for example, only one photo is made, in portrait mode, like the photographer was thinking about the composition more than an attempt of desperate flashing of their marker, which would have needed a few more shots if this was really signaling to someone. However it is well-composed shot that ensures we do not see anything of the surrounding area which you would do if this was taken in landscape mode, which is the easiest/default mode or taken haphazardly using at least 2 or 3 more shots. Lisanne’s not interested in who is going to see this photo later, more than she is about someone that night noticing their marker. And then there’s the time taken to review the photo. Like why would Lisanne care to review it? She’s supposedly signaling in desperation here, isn’t she?"

Could the flash have been the unwanted side-effect then of them trying to press the shutter button just enough to engage the auto-focus GREEN light to illuminate? And use the camera in such a way as a primary light source? As both Power-Pixie and Dave M. discovered; this is no easy feat given how quickly and easily that button is pressed too far down, resulting in a photo. And press it firmly for more than 5 seconds and there follows a flash picture as well. Even though Power-Pixie's video proves that the green light would have been a much more steady and useful lightsource in a dark jungle than the flash light, it still does not appear a satisfying explanation for all those night pictures. Because the chance of taking unwanted accidental pictures while trying to press the button just enough for the green light to appear (in the pitch black darkness outside) is very high. And the SD card showed no such accidental, failed photos. They were all well composed and taken with purpose. I went past them all again and the only night photos that could, perhaps, with a lot of good will have been accidental shots are 547, 556, 559, 561 and 597. But they are all aimed at the same sky and the treetops, like so many of the other sharp night photos. So they appear to have been made with the same intention. Those are not the type of photos you'd expect if they were truly taken accidentally, swinging that camera around while trying the look at your direct surroundings.
As Power-Pixie said about this: "The reports put the helicopter upon day 4, 5 and 6 of the disappearance. So if we look at the terrain on the map, and where their belongings were found, downstream from the Mirador, then they would have been within earshot of these helicopters. It is not a very big area to cover when you're sky high. On the ground it around 900+ km of trail according to the SINAPROC director. So if this was Kris and Lisanne taking these night photos, I would have imagined them to try and use the camera to signal on previous days and nights, possibly even try their phones thinking they could somehow reach the people in the helicopter via the emergency numbers that would relay their whereabouts. I know this sounds foolish, but put ourselves in two inexperienced women lost in this place and scared to death, they'd try anything by day or night 4."
This video shows just how easy the flashlight can be found on both mobile phones. Both phones had an inbuilt camera flash option. On the iPhone 4 you don't need to use a passcode, as you can access the camera app directly from the icon that shows up on the main screen. (along with Video, Photo and Square options). As for the Samsung, Lisanne never had a passcode. Just swipe and access. Lisanne's and Kris' first immediate extension to the outside world were these phones. Both girls were very familiar with their phones and used them all the time before their disappearance. And yet, it is highly unlikely that the phones were used as serious light sources for Kris and Lisanne, since there is no phone log info that supports this. And we also know through the phone logs how little these phones were powered on at all between April 1st-11th. The fact these flashlights were so easy to use on both phones, but were not even activated during their first night out there continues to surprise us.

Assistive Light Being Turned On
2022-05-20 17:31:05.556 714-819/? D/LightsService: setLightLocked is called
Just letting us know that the Assistive light is still engaged.
Power-Pixie purchased the exact same iPhone4 as Kris had. "I have attached a short video of how to make an emergency call without a passcode. Kris and Lisanne never had to enter a passcode for this, as far as I can tell from using this same model iphone. For me it sheds a very different light on the usage of the iPhone during the first eleven days of their disappearance, especially the 2nd day."
Dave added: "If the 'swipe & press' is what happened on the afternoon of the 1st, then that makes sense in a dangerous situation where speed (and discretion) is needed."
Power-Pixie: "From April 2 onwards Kris and Lisanne, we assume, are lost. Occam's razor says they are at leisure to dial with their phones however many times they wish to, until their battery runs out. So what's with the haste? If they are not lost and are captured/held somewhere, how come the perps didn't take their phones from them nearly 14 hours later? Why would the perps risk leaving, not one but two phones with Kris and Lisanne? If Lisanne was the only one hiding somewhere with the phones while Kris was taken away by the perps, then how come she knows Kris's passcode and SIM PIN code? That's a bit much for anyone to recall, especially during stressful situations in case one of them whispered it to the other on April 1. I find this usage very strange after April 2, and it makes me believe that Kris and Lisanne were not in possession of their phones."
Power-Pixie: "I’m in two minds as I have a different theory for April 1’s phone usage, but for now I think Kris herself used her phone to dial the emergency number on April 1st. This is Kris's iPhone and she is most familiar with this feature. [Scarlet: and the Dutch emergency number 112 was called that first day]. Imperfect Plan did not state anywhere in their analysis of the phone logs for April 1, that a Passcode and/or SIM PIN code was entered. I think they would have seen that very clearly when seeing the rest of the days/nights' entries in the phone logs. I tested dialing the emergency number on the iPhone with no service and a bunch of related gibberish gets reported on the console log screen besides the constant reporting of various events without even touching the iphone. The console log screen is the app on my macbook pro, which I used to view the real-time logging of the iPhone as I was using it. This helps me see which features are reported by the iOS."
- At 8:12am I power on the iPhone.
- I have to physically hold the top button for a second or 2 to get my iPhone 4 to turn on.
- I have to wait for ~30 seconds for it to bring me to the main screen.
- I have to swipe right to "slide to unlock" the phone that takes me to the passcode section.
- I have to enter a 4-digit passcode and I'm at the home screen when the SIM pin code challenge pops up.
- I have the option to tap OK or Unlock (OK will take me to the phone home screen but I will not be able to make regular calls since the SIM is still locked).
- At 8:12am the SIM Pin code is entered.
- Since I did not tap OK, I tap Unlock and enter the 4 digit SIM pin code.
- At 8:13am the Network is switched from 2G to 3G.
- I have to tap Settings -> Cellular -> Toggle the 3G switch to Green or ON status.
- At 8:13am 112 is "dialed".
- I have to tap on the Phone icon at the bottom of the screen. It opens up to the phone call history right away.
- I then have the option of tapping the last 112 call in the call history or tap on the "keypad" icon at the bottom to "dial" the 112 number.
- Tapping 112 from the call history would make most sense in this instance.
- I tap it and it shows me "Emergency Call - calling..." the number, and then says 'call failed'.
- The phone then presents me with two options: "cancel X" or "Call Back".
- So I tap Cancel. I'm back at the phone history screen.
- At 8:14am the phone is Powered off: I have to press the top right button and hold it for 2 seconds.
- The phone brings up the "slide to power off" and "X cancel" screen.
- Then the phone shuts down in under 10 seconds.
- Notice by the way that the 'recent' screen can easily be used as a convenient shortcut of sorts to make a repeat call.

Power-Pixie: "As for the phone logs, I also wonder about the GPS feature of both phones. This feature existed on the same phone models. Here is a link to the video that someone else has made. In it you will discover that there is GPS enabled, similar to what I have on my larger model Samsung Galaxy. For me this answers the question of whether Lisanne's phone had GPS on her phone or not. Now why the logs do not show any indication of GPS is beyond me. The same with the iPhone 4. Why was it turned off? Why is there no logged information of this for either phone? This is one of the fundamental aspects to mobile forensics; to establish a footprint of the victim or suspect. And in the Samsung Galaxy S3 mini phone real-time console log (when I attach the phone using the phone cable to my laptop) I see a very distinct call out for "GPS".
- The lack of explanatory phone log information for the heavy battery drainage between roughly 2-6 PM on April 1st, when we're told the phones were barely used and had no background activities to talk of.
- The fact that both phones were powered off around roughly the same time and were not used for fourteen hours. To me this makes no sense for two phone loving young foreign women who are supposedly out in a dark jungle unexpectedly.
- Then for the Samsung phone to be left powered on during the second night and have its battery as good as drained, without actually using that phone for anything constructive. While the person handling that phone was aware that the phone was powered on, as a weather app and another unknown app were checked by 2:21 AM. But not once was any attempt made to call the families at home, the boyfriend of Kris at home or even Miriam in Boquete (who's number wás looked at in Whatsapp) or Spanish by the River.
- The very short, ineffective and systematic switching on and off of the iPhone at fixed "office times" and never at night, when reception signals tend to be stronger. The iPhone was very efficient with its power management, but the person handling it would not even try to send out a single SMS message. Kris was described as a more feisty and impatient person, but nowhere do we ever see the girls' different personalities reflected in these sterile and uniform phone uses.
- They also had a digital camera and had every opportunity to record or document their predicament in a more straightforward manner. But no... To me it is unimaginable that the homebodies Lisanne and Kris, who documented their every day in diaries and were in daily touch with their parents, would opt out of documenting anything at all at any time during their predicament. Despite someone being physically capable of shooting vague and mysterious photos for nearly three hours by day 8. Despite the brain not usually allowing people to be in the exact same constant state of stress, but instead usually alternating hope with fear, so to speak. I suspect they were physically unable to properly reach out (because they were captured by a 3rd party in my opinion). The only thing making slight sense to me is that a 3rd party staged the 112 and 911 call attempts and the night photos, in order to mimic the behaviour of two lost hikers. Although there are arguments to make against this, such as the brains, planning and dedication it would have demanded from this 3rd party to come up with this scheme and to execute it.
Or as Dave M. put it: "The use of these two phones, like the April 8th Photographs, is very sterile. There is nothing in any of these that shows Lisanne or Kris definitely at work here... The phone use looks and feels mechanical. Impersonal. Two people with two distinct personalities, who would have handled the situation differently and thought differently. Realistically, at some point one of them would have caved in and tried to use their phone to call home, irrespective of the battery life. Fear is not easily overcome by people as inexperienced as Kris and Lisanne in an alien place like Panama. And yet I maintain that the phones do show that ONE hand is very likely in charge of the two phones. The way they are used is not showing two independent people. The only reason the iPhone is used so heavily after day 2 is probably due to the Samsung being exhausted, and in hindsight you do have to return to the old suggestion that since its battery was the weakest, did someone perhaps deliberately exhaust it that night? The iPhone is the more sophisticated, expensive and impressive of the two phones, is this not the one you would choose over the Samsung and its poor battery strength?"
Power-Pixie agreed with this: "There is no evidence that they are waiting for help, because the calls are so limited in time and frequency to create a probability that they might accidentally connect. You have to try to know. How is it they only know to try at those "certain" time frames (and numbers) and then stop? Yeah I heard the "oh they were tired and hence slept most of the time when they didn't use the phones." To that I say: then what were they doing that made them so exhausted? And when were they immobile? It is not clear to me from these logs. It is at best a very sterile use of the two very advance devices in a situation of desperation, the longer the situation went on. A 3rd party on the other hand could have been relying on the 'recently dialled numbers' to guide these switch ons and actually make the calls - the call/activity history would list the time and dates of their call history, and I suspect this might be what is informing the users switch ons. If it is a third party using them, then a glance at the phones activity tells them how the two girls were using their phones, and all they have to do is keep to that timeframe. It explains how Kris or Lisanne could ever be so accurate in the time of day for those five days - it wasn't them switching the phones on. I do feel the evidence is starting to support Marguarita's claims."
Power-Pixie: "In the context of the times and dates this was attempted, it does not make sense. However if you compress these dates and times, then it makes sense, since there is a sense of urgency there and it is Kris and/or Lisanne trying their best to get help before they go further into danger with the Pendejos on April 1. (Was this all during the missing 2 hours and 45 minutes of nothing being logged? And the 65 minutes before the shut offs on April 1?) And how about the GPS? By default that is turned on. I was looking at the iPhone 4 logs and cannot imagine how and when Kris turned off her passcode as there is no passcode entered as shown in the logs. Similar to the 2G to 3G switch, there is no mention of disabling or enabling passcode. Did the NFI leave this passcode information out of the phone logs intentionally? Or do we [óutsiders'] just not have the complete logs? The Passcode should have been a glaring and obvious logged entry, just like the switch from 2G to 3G since it is within seconds (not hours or days) when the passcode was turned off. Why disable such a thing or anything really in that situation? Did or didn't Kris turn off her passcode? Because mysteriously it suddenly appears on the Wiki page on August of 2021 with no source cited. I'd be more appreciative of a source mentioning, so we know what's actually going on.."
As Hans Kremers also stated: "What surprised us a bit in the NFI report, is that the phone data has been printed out from April 1st onward. Or at least from what we have been able to see. But what also interests us is the SMS and whatsapp history of before April 1st; from the moment they arrived in Panama."
Power-Pixie: "Exactly. You start to see a pattern emerge. If we had March 30, 31, and April 1, we would surely have at the very least had a chance to understand how they used their phones."
Power-Pixie's iPhone SIM CODE experiment
Power-Pixie: As you can see in the 1st photo below, I have the SIM card inserted in the phone and it is locked. However I was able to connect to my Wi-Fi router and you can now see the network bars, even though the SIM card is locked. So technically you don't need to enter the SIM pin code to see the network connection bars. But Kris and Lisanne supposedly were lost in a place with no network service. So by that logic they had no Wi-Fi connection either. So they would not see these bars at all. If they were lost Kris would have needed to enter the SIM pin code each time to find connectivity and view the network status and bars. But if she just wanted to call 112 / 911 she would not have needed to do this. Also please note that my iPhone 4 automatically connects to my Wi-Fi router, without entering the password for the router since it was entered once before. I would have really liked to have been able to see what Kris and Lisanne's phones activity and Wi-Fi connections were for all those days and nights before April 1st."


Power-Pixie: "I searched for "Passcode" in the phone logs from IP and in the book, and nowhere is the Passcode turned on/off or the passcode being entered officially mentioned. I have scoured the internet and developer forums to find out which log file passcodes and SIM codes get logged to. Someone on the thread helped find out that it is logged, but that only Apple Developers will know this information or Law Enforcement since they have the tools/means to look up the phone's main system log files. It is not hidden and it is encrypted (remember the same encrypted SQL database files I was trying to access on the Samsung and iPhone?). I need the forensic tools and I will be able to crack this. Now here is a method to "view" the iOS phone logs in real time. Though it is not entirely complete, it is still a way that I had tried before with both phones. So I did a quick test. It is a little technical, but I will do my best to break it down to help you understand how verbose the logging is and that the iOS does log information.

- default 18:41:19.000000-0500 lockdownd 3ad8f18c lookup_baseband_info_old: The SIM status has changed
- default 18:41:19.000000-0500 lockdownd 3ad8f18c load_activation_records: Could not extract ICCID from record
- default 18:41:19.000000-0500 lockdownd 3ad8f18c dealwith_activation: No care flag. Looking for a record that matches the SIM.
- default 18:41:19.000000-0500 lockdownd 3ad8f18c dealwith_activation: Looking up the record for ICCID 8901240160111709328
- default 18:41:19.000000-0500 lockdownd 3ad8f18c dealwith_activation: No record for the SIM. Looking for wildcard.

Now we have some visual means to understand how a simple, consumer phone like the Samsung is so verbose in its logging, not just of processes and apps but in the screenshot below you can see the Phone app tile has "Logs" as well to show you. It logs EVERYTHING...!! We just never had the privilege to view the original phones and the camera. And no explanation for the 2 hours and 45 minutes of silence. 19% battery loss in the meantime, and then emergency phone calls. This is well edited I must say, to have us believe they did get lost and called for help late in the day. And while it works off a completely different system, Kris' iPhone doesn't show such a dramatic power drain as Lisanne's. Or does this void in the phones log that afternoon link to whatever file missing #509 was? It would be nice to at some point have the original phone logs to work with ourselves.
These would be base checks, but not something that would consume 19% battery usage. But I think just out of instinct as tourists in a not so inviting section of the trail that they had no clue about since passing the known/talked about Mirador. We need to keep in mind throughout these tests and investigation into the phones that.....the most battery drain occurs when an app is recalled or opened AND used, because the system uses "background" and "cached" features to "smartly" allocate resources like memory to all the apps and processes that are competing for system resources to run and keep running until they are terminated or closed. - You know the funny thing is the iPhone 4 loses battery power faster than the Samsung phone. It may have something to do with the battery being so old or that I received a lemon. The Samsung phone I have is a thing of beauty. I can't help it, but it reflects the two women in some weird way. Samsung being so open, pliable and forthcoming. The iPhone being a stubby brick that couldn't be bothered to utilize it's extensive capabilities despite its outdated software."

Power-Pixie: "What I'm after is seeing some of the nuances that went into yielding an original photograph like 580. In other words, rather than try to recreate the exact same one, give everyone a chance to see what hair on a female's head looks like when flashed in the dark at certain distances, and with different camera orientations. While it does not prove if this is Kris or not, it is to get a frame of reference with some concrete measurements and interactions with the camera, like I also did with the cabin night photos for example. If anything it might satisfy my and some others curiosity, so we can move forward with our own theories or dismiss them. So this set of test photos is not to recreate the photo 580 of Kris’s hair, but to get a better understanding of the proximity of Lisanne’s camera to Kris’s hair and other nuances of the camera, flash and lens perspective. I used the Canon Powershot SX270 HS and a measuring tape. I shot all the photos in complete darkness as I used blackout curtains in the room at night. I used the green auto-focus light to “see” the measurements in the dark. I took photos of the model in various positions and used both portrait and landscape orientations. All of the images I took are maintained in their original state. I then made a working copy of the originals in order to logically categorize them for my own purpose of noting down my observations. (Hence image file names have been changed). No image manipulation has been conducted on the originals or the copies. Even in a controlled environment, it was not easy to take these photos with mistakes made due to lens blur/out of focus at times. I chose the best photos that illustrate what I wanted to show.
Scarlet: "Kudos PP. 6 inches appears to be the correct distance. Great fit this. I seriously wonder where those authors got that "12 inch" info from, which they claim was the actual camera lens distance from Kris' head in photo 580? But since they lazily never use any source links, or solidify their writings in any way, distinguishing personal errors of thought from actual case facts... we just never know where they juggled this 'fact' from. But this 12 inches camera distance they write about seems incorrect? Or else that photo 580 must surely have been cropped? It looks like the camera was very close behind the hair tbh. Photo 580 also shows some space around Kris' hair and head. I don't think she is lying face flat on the ground therefore, but instead sat up or held up. We tried to recreate photo 580 as well in the dark [see results below], but had to take SO many photos just to 'see' where to aim. We must have made two dozen photos before finally deciding to switch on the light and get the near exact camera angle and composition. Then had one of us switch the light back off and take the photo. I still find it surprising that there are no variants of #580 found on Kris and Lisanne's camera. Just one pristine shot. But of course we were trying to recreate an existing photo, which is bound to produce more trial and error pictures in the process. Nevertheless, 580 is a standout solo photo in the night picture sequence and for that it is surprisingly clear, well framed (as in straight) and sharp. But at the same time the photo quality - to me - does not look sharp and crisp enough for a high resolution 3000 px x 4000 px photo?"

Scarlet replied: "I seriously wonder what the NFI would have done with any findings of dubious EXIF data, if they had encountered them."
Power-Pixie replied: "The closer you are to the subject, the more you have to account for the slightly wider angle distortion. Though it will not be as apparent in a photo of hair since it is too random and irregular in shape. But the right bottom corner of picture 580 seems to catch less flash and it is a valid question to wonder about cropping here. This question of the flash is something important to keep in mind. Go back to the photos I took of my trusty assistant in crime, and see the photos of her hair from 7 inches and then at ~4 inches. Note the corners of the photo to see if you can make out any distortion. The default resolution for this canon camera's photo/JPG is 180 dpi. The dimensions are 3000px x 4000px landscape. If you cropped it, say to 300px x 400px, you will see a smaller file size, and smaller image due to the obvious dimensions that it was reduced to. And the dpi will stay the same, that is 180 dpi. I tested this with a photo I took with the camera. The resolution is poor of the 300px x 400px when you try to view it as a larger file or zoom in. My example is extreme, so we need to see the leaked photo and its dimensions to see how many pixels were cropped out. Now, say they cropped the original photo, then resized it back to 3000px x 4000px using Photoshop, and still having the same 180 dpi: then it would not be as sharp as we see it to be today, since the cropping deletes the original photo's data which is worth 10px x 10px.

Power-Pixie: "Yes the date and time can be manually altered on the camera. Scarlet: 'Go to the camera settings and manually change the time and date to April 8 2014, 01.00 am'. Here are stills from the date, time and time zone setting changes I made:

3. It is an accidental or intentional photograph taken by Lisanne for whatever reason. Otherwise, what other explanation could there be? Out of the three, only the last one fits into the April 8 photo project in a "natural" way, or so it was meant to look. It is definitely taken in landscape orientation and as Dave mentioned, gravity seems to be acting on the hair in terms of pulling it in a certain direction. To me #580 is taken carefully. I bet you if it didn't turn out right, the photographer would have been forced to take another shot of Kris's hair. So some luck was needed here. But overall I think he had all the advantage - a remote sheltered place (no interference), a dead tourist's body (no resistance) and possibly assistance from someone else. The fact that we don't see a body leads me to believe based on the tests with the camera:
- The photo was taken with Kris being close to the camera, but not too close. In other words; I think it is cropped. If you get too close, say more than 5 inches or 15 cm, then it is possible that the photo ends up with blown out sections due to the flash.
- The photo was not blurry at all and taken in landscape orientation, since the flash is located to the left of Kris's head (if this IS the back of her head). If Kris was lying down and this was taken in portrait mode, it is impossible as Lisanne would need to be lying down while Kris was sitting up. It's just not physically possible, given what has been speculated in this supposedly tight space.
- The photo of Kris's hair may be out of sequence, as there is no rain water on her hair. Go back to the list of photos with a shielded attempt. There are 7 previous photos made prior to 580, in which something is shielding the lens for those bright blobs to appear. So rain is falling on Lisanne and her camera lens, we get it. We also can entertain that all those 7 photos had Kris's hand, arm, head or whatever in the way, since she is in front of Lisanne. Then how is it that Kris's hair has not gotten wet if she is literally 5 cm - 15 cm in front of Lisanne's lens, accidentally during her hair photo and the previous 7 "blob of light" photos, as speculated by IP?

- Insert SD card into computer
- Copy all files onto computer
- Format SD card.
- Delete photo 509 from computer.
- Copy all files back to SD card."
I also tried to recreate photo #580 with two different red wigs. I used my own Sony Cybershot digital camera for this, so the cameras do not match in my series. So all I can look at here, realistically, is if I manage to capture the exact composition in one shot. And how difficult this is to do in the dark. And how many takes it costs me to do so properly. My camera's lens was at the widest angle and around 23 centimeters/ 9 inches distance from the wig.

Power-Pixie replied: "I agree. My camera was manufactured back in 2013. I bought it via eBay, so it was used, though it looked and worked as good as new considering 9 years had passed when I purchased it."
Dave M: "I did wonder whether these strange light effects on these photographs might possibly be caused by a separate lightsource next to the Camera. Someone's headlamp perhaps. But testing the idea myself I can confirm that that definitely isn't what is happening here - the camera's own flash drowns out any other lightsource. So if someone were to be using a seperate lamp or light here we would have no way to tell from looking at these photos. The orange, lit up objects are almost certainly fingers. I think even #541(?) has to be a finger most likely, as I just cannot think of what part of Kris' anatomy it could potentially be. But it is not natural, or even easy, to put your finger across the projected (telescopic) lens of this camera. I cannot offer a rational explanation for why or how someone is 'accidentally' doing this for this many shots on April 8th."
Power-Pixie replied; "I agree. It seems like it is more likely a hand that is shielding the flash or lens, though it is quite awkward and as Dave pointed on, why bother if Lisanne was trying to signal someone or trying to scare away someone? If this was some desperate attempt at trying to “see” in the dark I don’t agree at all, given my recent tests at the cabin in the woods. And so this leaves me with only a couple of scenarios - that these photos were taken much earlier by Lisanne, maybe on April 1st evening/night or it was H. and his stepfather being clever and creating their night art project."
Tharindu replied: "I agree with you Dave. This effect is not a result of the camera lens being wet. If you half press the shutter button, the red lamp will switch ON and it will stay as it is until you keep the finger at half press position. When you try to block the red lamp using your fingers, you would see these red orbs on the screen. Depending on the position of the fingers, the red orb count may differ but they always try to appear at the same location. If you carefully examine the April 8 photos, the orb count differs from photo to photo, but some of the orbs are located at the same location. This light source is effective to see closer objects in a dark environment. I was surprised to see that my camera battery was not fully drained even after 1+ year ( I have kept it in my locker for almost 2 years now)."

A very big thank you to Power-Pixie and Dave for their dedication to this case and for all the time, money and energy they put into their research until now. Also big thanks to Tharindu. We're also indebted to Imperfect Plan and Jeremy Kryt and all their excellent publications, allowing us to learn so much more about the photo's EXIF data, for one. I sincerely hope that in time to come, everyone committed to this cold case will help push matters forward and that this case will ultimately be solved, one day. Scarlet
A young woman who disappeared in a national park in Texas, United States, has been found by rescue workers after an 8-day ordeal. Christy Perry (25) had gone on a solo hike in Big Bend National Park on November 9th, 2023. She planned on hiking the Lost Mine Trail; a popular, 5 mile long trail. Near the summit of Lost Mine Trail she went missing. National park Service started looking for her after Christy's family had contacted them to report her missing after Christy did not show up on her camping reservation that evening in Chisos Basin campground. Park Rangers and US Border Agents looked for her for over a week, with the help of two helicopters and an airplane surveying from above. Texas Game Wardens and Los Diablos fire crew also helped comb the area. After 8 days she was found, a quarter mile (less than half a kilometre) from the summit. It turned out that she had wandered through the wild for 8 days without anything to eat, but able to drink rainwater. Interestingly, she took photos of her ordeal and they contain more than one selfie.. Showing us once again that even when desperate and alone in the wild, people do sometimes resort to selfies to document what they're going through. Christy's photos, which she uploaded in a TikTok video (see below), show herself during her ordeal. She also took several clear daytime photos of the places she was stuck at. No night photos. Christy is roughly the same age as Kris and Lisanne were, give or take and they all are/were social media users. Although back in 2014 Facebook was mainly still very big (Kris and Lisanne both had already posted different photos from their Bocas adventures on their facebook accounts by the time they went missing). And people used Twitter and Skype a lot. Kris and Lisanne's photos show nothing personal though, except for the back of Kris' head once. And they also do not show clearly where they're at. It remains a mystery to me how they behaved after April 1st.
November 28th 2023
It makes it all more immersive and allows you to get a real feeling of the time the photographer sat outside in the rain, making the (often bizarre seeming) photographic choices he/she did. Yes it is a long sitting to watch it all, but especially the length of the periods in which no photos were taken becomes extra obvious when you watch it as if you were there.
*Keep in mind though that this is simply a visualization of the sequence of night photos as they are claimed to have been taken. We have to rely on other parties here. First of all on investigators such as Imperfect Plan and Jeremy Kryt, who have copies of these photos in their possession and who have written about them and confirming that these photos are the actual ones that are in the file cases. They also confirmed their EXIF data and stated that the few photos that were not either leaked or published, do in fact fit in and show nothing of interest; just more darkness and reflecting waterdrops. On the other hand we have to trust the Dutch NFI, who investigated the camera and phones and who hopefully have made sure that their EXIF data are correct and unaltered and not manipulated. But I am a little but doubtful still, considering it was Betzaida Pittí and her team in David who first handled that camera and those phones on June 17th 2014. Before sending them to the NFI. And we know that on that same date, night photos were viewed in a photoshop program and some were rotated, at the very least. I still don't know if that is really all that was done to them and I certainly do not trust Pittí. But this video shows the official narrative regarding these night photos. It is up to everyone of you to decide what to think of this representation and narrative.
I will add some comments from other people and some thoughts Power-Pixie, Dave and myself have about this video
Dave wrote: "It's strange and puzzling watching this - the first photograph is taken at 1.29am, and it is 25 seconds till the next one, which as shown here is quite a long time. Then #511 is taken, and another 26 seconds until the next one... Now maybe we can argue that Lisanne was spending the time before #510 looking through the images ON the camera, and after doing so started aimlessly taking random images of her surrounding area. The pace picks up after #511 though, and I would point out that while this is pitch blackness they are supposed to be sat in, the viewfinder screen only stays lit for about five seconds after taking a picture. Might this be prompting the faster pace after #511? Possibly. But when you look at the firing rate like this, the gaps between shots taken is actually quite leisurely. It isn't someone going mad on the firing button in an emotional state. What was striking though was the first 30 images being mostly black or shots of the distant forked branch, and suddenly we are given #541... this is someone's finger, I am convinced of this. Possibly taken in landscape. It has to be the same object seen over the lens in later shots, but because the viewfinder turns off after five seconds or less, the person taking these wouldn't have realized their finger was going to be caught on Camera like this. They might well have seen it caught on the viewfinder for the three to five seconds the screen stays lit, but that would have been it - on to the next shot."

And yet, those images could have been shot anywhere after the disappearance and anywhere into early June. Imagine a scenario where he has come into possession of the camera and backpack. He reviews the content on his computer. the photographs stop at or after the second stream. This in itself is enough to strongly suggest the two carried on and got lost, but in order to create a story that convincingly shows the two 'definitely' got lost out there, some additional photography will be needed... There were two whole months, potentially eight weeks, in which to consider events, plan, and steer a series of events and discoveries that would take it all to a desired closure. I may be completely wrong to think all of this I will fully admit, but when considering the sheer weight of coincidences that bond this man to Kris and Lisanne's arrival and disappearance in Boquete, I just don't accept that this chain of events that turn around just him, and him alone, CAN be just coincidental. And above all of this is the simple truth that it is a lot easier to look at these 90 images and see *his* hand in them, rather than try and try, and try again, to rationalize them as being Lisanne and Kris sat there. Trying not to get wet... Here is one of the troubling problems I have always had with these photographs, and their suggestion that the two were 'out there' and still alive by at least the 8th. They 'show' us this is what is happening that night, but when you assess the actual pictures they don't really prove it is happening at all. The closest evidence to either Lisanne and Kris you get is the ambiguous shot of #580. There is nothing else however to suggest they are here. Not a thing. But more than that is the implied suggestion that they both died here together, maybe one went before the other, but one would then have been sat there with a dead friend and a steadily decomposing friend, and I find that difficult. The survivor sits there and fades away from exposure and exhaustion and possibly the sight of her dead friend being one of her last experiences... but apparently she also packs her bag and zips it safely shut before she goes. Let's not put aside the later hints after June that Kris must have been basically naked at this time either. But it had to be accidental as that was the only way to make sense of these 90 images, 'obviously' Kris Kremers was injured here and Lisanne is on her own with her comatose partner laid down beside her... I have always had some real problems in all of this. But the fact is if there was a murder taking place anywhere in the world then *this* is the ideal area in which to dump the evidence and use the terrain to mask it. A strange disappearance becomes an accident, never a Murder."

I wrote: "It is tempting to rationalize why the photographer suddenly started shooting photos on the 8th night. What was different that night? Why 100 photos that night, but none made during any of the previous 7 nights? Of course there is the possibility that we are being fooled with these times and dates of the night photos and they were in fact taken on the 2nd night. But then the NFI were also fooled. We have no idea though just how thorough and professional (or interested) they really were.
*Yes it rained, but according to (weather) reports it also rained for at least an hour during the night of April 2nd. Why no night photos aimed at the sky then?
*Onset of hysteria and hallucination - We don't see any evidence for this or signs of this in the manner in which the photos were taken. There are no photos that show unsteadiness or wild movement of the hand of the photographer, for instance. This set of photographs in fact feels too disciplined, with an ever repeating compositional idea of how to capture that night's sky and the V-shaped tree. Besides; wouldn't panic and hysteria have been worse during the very first nights out there, alone? When everything would have already felt like a bad dream?
*Did they hear or otherwise sense the presence of search troops in the area? - I have yet to read hard evidence that there were ever search troops moving around at night. Sinaproc never communicated this and there are no known written reports of this either, not even from volunteers. Helicopters are ruled out 100%
*Boredom. This is another decent attempt to explain these seemingly random photos. Lisanne (or Kris) fiddled with the camera when she couldn't sleep. What makes me frown here is that when you are awake and taking photos for more or less three hours in a row out of sheer boredom, it is kind of logical that you'd look for some variety. I would have expected at least some photos of feet, legs, the bag and of other personal belongings. Photos from all angles of their surroundings. I keep having the strong feeling however that whoever was using that camera, made a coordinated attempt to give only very little information away. Only the impression that the photographer was out in the jungle, in the dark and with Kris and Lisanne present, but without informing in any way whatsoever in what state they were, in what state their belongings were, what happened to them and where they were. Or who the photographer was. The only person who could have a motive for this, realistically, is a 3rd party. Sure: Losters say that Lisanne did not want to disturb her family and so didn't want to take selfies or record goodbye messages. But this does not match with their usual daily habits of documenting their days in their diaries and contacting their families.
-Photo #580 - What possible reason could Lisanne have had to deviate from her usual carefully chosen subjects and compositions, and go for such a mystifying photo? A photo that appears to have been made on purpose and with care for sharpness and composition (it even looks cropped). By now we can exclude the theory that Kris fell and had an accident and Lisanne took one single photo to check for a wound. There is no wound visible. But even if there was: would you only take only one picture then? And 99 other photos of rocks and the dark sky?
-What if a 3rd party was pretending to be K+L? The main objections to this scenario are that you'd need a perp who is both patient, thoughtful, able to plan 3 steps ahead, willing to invest all that time into the staging and willing to miss an entire night's sleep. As some people continue to ask: wouldn't it have been sufficient for a criminal to just get rid of that camera altogether? I personally believe that that camera had to be found, just like the backpack had to be found to give closure to the families. To stop the ongoing searches and to manipulate the story into an Accident conclusion. As Dave and Power-Pixie also wrote above, these night photos seem staged and coordinated, pushing a visual narrative of Lisanne photographing their last location in the jungle, with Kris identified through he red hair. Showing us not much else about themselves or their location, but hammering down the notion that they were leaving behind "SOS" markers and were totally lost. Nevertheless this remains one of the weaker arguments of the Crime believers. Many folks like to think of criminals as very lazy, casual types who won't make additional effort when they can just throw away the camera."
everybody else to do the same, as it is a great listen.

The journalists hiked the Pianista themselves and they did so on April 1st 2022. Great to have a description of the trail and the circumstances at that exact same time of year. On the terrible anniversary also of this disappearance. Some of the journalists findings: It is still not obvious on the Mirador now, in 2022, that you reached the end of the trail and have to turn around and go back down. They lose cell reception minutes into their descent down the other side of the mountain, beyond the Mirador. Twenty minutes into that descent they try to call 911, but they cannot make a connection. The call is not going through. This trail beyond the Mirador is very rocky and is muddy when Kryt and Atencio are there. The gully has rock walls, and the makers confirm that you really only can go forward or backwards. No way out when you are in danger. 'Running, you would fall and hurt yourself'. A local man on the trail tells them that it is getting dark and that the trail is too dangerous to descend at night, and that he will take shelter in one of the scattered sheds in the area until sunlight. This highlights the possibility that if Kris and Lisanne also realised by 17:00 that they wouldn't make it back to Boquete before nightfall and were not in the position to make a successful phone call for help, they could have tried to find shelter up the mountain. Jeremy Kryt and Mariana Atencio went to Boquete and interviewed Martina as well. To them she stated that she did see Kris and Lisanne going up the trail, and that she never thought they would disappear after that. When asked what she believes has happened to them, she answered that 'there was definitely someone who killed them'. She doesn't know who, but that it definitely was not due to the river that they died. And that it is all government lies, to say they drowned in the river. She says that right after the girls got lost, a man - a local guide, F. - essentially told her to shut up about this case and not talk to anyone about the fact that she had seen the Dutch girls. You can hear about this in episode 1 of 7 here. Jeremy Kryt and Mariana Atencio state that Martina is afraid of the guide and that he threatened her with jail time 'for telling the truth'. She is visibly shaking and asks the two journalists to protect her.
blog post I made for the podcast HERE.
Or listen to my summary videos:
I saw Romain's latest video, with drone footage of one of the streams behind the Mirador:

July 26, 2022 - A very sad article today in a Dutch newspaper. Guide F. told interviewers that he encounters threats as a result of this case. I will translate the important parts of the article below:

I came by this odd disappearance story off the back of a channel by Rusty West. As little as three to four years ago there was not a lot online about the story of Lisanne and Kris, and all I could find was 'Mostly Mystery' and a Reddit page. The discussion four years ago however was based on that leaf, and it being a hazy image of one of the two friends at the bottom of a cliff! That was where the discussion was at back then. No one could argue the accident verdict really, as evidence at that time was slim - some of the night photo's were available to see, but most were kept private. The Phone logs were reported on, but it is only in the last two years a full transcript has been made available. Then Jeremy Kryt did the first of his articles for The Daily Beast... and it was as if the mist had cleared and here was the explanation. Although even Jeremy Kryt initially cemented in his first article for The Daily Beast what F. and the media had reported at the time, that it was an accident at the Cable bridge, that the two had walked too far along the trail and become disorientated and lost, and he also followed the logic set out by F. and the night photo's that the two friends must have fallen from the cable bridge and trapped below it somewhere unable to move. And who were WE to question any of this. Kryt had seen all of the photographs, he had read the police reports, and so followed the received wisdom and cemented what had been set out in 2014. It was an accident. And that was very much the last word, for a while.... [Until his next articles, that was].
It is hard today to pause, and remember that it is only in the last two years or so that we have had the full night-time photo's leaked [and the diaries, and the swimming photo, all through Juan], had access to the Police files that began to be leaked, and it is directly because of this rapid release of new information and the photography taken on the Canon Camera, that interest online (probably) exploded. Back then there was a disappearance, then remains were found, and an accident verdict... and while we now see that this closure was also due to F's skilled media patter, we have to also acknowledge that he was almost certainly helped by the Panamanian authorities, who also wanted a closure on this mystery, and to put to rest theories on a crime being committed and Panama being seen as a dangerous place to visit. When I reflect on the way this disappearance was officially declared an accident, two young tourists getting lost out in the wilds, and this being taken by authorities as the official version of events, and then, as the next few years pass by, a semi-obscure story like this refuses to fade away and instead gradually takes on a life of its own... independent investigators start to take a closer look and information begins to be uncovered and released.... Something about this whole story is just not right. People outside of the Panama bubble began to look at the disappearance closely. Noting the peculiarities in the official verdict. And what had seemed a settled matter began to come to rude life again. And you can appreciate why it is that people like F. and Betzaida Pitti are becoming unsettled. We know that Pitti has to know the truth about that missing file on the Camera, that is beyond any doubt. And we know F. is a figure just as key as it was he who was conveniently there at every major turn of the disappearance, indeed he created and managed the whole search in June and declared it an accident, telling us where it happened, how it happened, and why it happened! Incredibly there was not one doubt in his mind. Not one.
I do not know his full role in the disappearance, or the finds in June, and so I don't agree with death threats and the like. And yet clearly he is pushing back here because the way the story has revived in recent years, and gained a growing amount of global interest, is affecting not just his life, but his day to day business. Kris and Lisanne died in early 2014, but eight years later and they won't stay gone. Even in the above interview he continues to try and edit reality, declaring he never saw the two. Which means at best that he is admitting he was telling lies back in April 2014 on greeting the two outside the Spanish School.... but it is this self-promotional streak, this need to be seen and heard, that has seen him arrive where he is right now - a suspicious and manipulative figure who shaped the reception and perception of the way the two tourists disappeared in 2014, was never questioned on his reasons for that declaration, and due to all of this ringleading and management at the time he now stands out as, what the police call, 'A person of Great Interest'. It isn't us who made F. a suspect, it was and is F. himself. And the people who originally helped put a lid on the disappearance and any talk of a crime have moved on."
I replied: Well said. It is a shame that all those layers, which explain so much more aptly why he has become an unofficial person of interest in the eyes of many, are absent from this news article. Just like we hear no criticism (again) on the Panamanian investigators, who did not do their job properly. I also think that Jeremy Kryts articles were the kickstart of renewed interest and scrutiny of this case and its baffling details. I really like his articles on this case tbh, and especially in light of how absolutely minimal the information in the public eye was at that point around 2016. He kick-started the resistance in a way. Especially Kryt's interest in the coroner's take and Adelita Coriats take were truly an eye-opener. Nothing beats actual 'Boots on the Ground' when it comes to researching these type of cold cases. I wonder now if he managed to get so much information out of there, because people involved (like the criminologist and the coroner for instance) were eager to talk to someone like him, to overturn the ridiculous official narrative that had been enforced on everyone. He also gave true ammunition for countless people on online forums to debate other theories.
Regarding Kryts Daily Beast series: the fascinating thing to me is the evolution shown in his articles. No doubt he went to Panama to write a single story. I am not sure what drew him there, but understand that he reports more often about crime in Latin America for the Daily Beast. This may have felt like a 'backyard crime' to him, something he would be able to poke into a bit, with his connections in that part of the world? In any case, his first article was interesting due to the few new case details he published, but his conclusion that supported the conclusion of the investigators, was unsurprising. But then he seems to have been contacted by other people linked to this case. Suddenly more articles were being published and it is still one of the more fascinating series of investigational journalism to me, to see how he started to shift his beliefs and suspicions. As I took it, based on the new info he was given by for instance the coroner who did the autopsy on the girls' remains. And the anonymous criminologist. And some other people, who all gave him inside information that radically changed his suspicions. In every new article he sounded more and more convinced that we're dealing with a crime here, as he had access to the case files and to key players very early on. That he wrote about a headwound that is supposedly visible in photo 580, ok.. That doesn't seem correct nowadays. But only 2 years after their deaths, he was in Panama, boots on the ground, interviewing people, going out on that Pianista trail and beyond, checking out F's reputation in town, making it known that he was there and open for information. And at the time, it seems to have worked. Nowadays, I bet the locals are on their guard and not happy at all with the renewed worldwide interest in this case.
Power-Pixie said: "There seemed to be little back then to really go off for anyone examining the disappearance, and with the official verdict from Panama being an accident you could argue that they had up till that time suppressed any of the evidence and information that might attract any further questions. But as time passes, so too do the people who were involved move on, new people take their place, and the active suppression of that evidence and information fades and weakens. And the drip drip on new information and insider records these last four years, inspired by Jeremy Kryt's work, is gradually revealing that there is a good deal that is odd and strange about it all. That we are right to be suspicious, and curious. The case has gone from being a cold one, to taking on a life and momentum of its own. And yes, this has to be unsettling for those in Boquete who had involvement with the two Dutch friends. As for guide F, you have to ask why it is he would be so concerned at the disappearance of two strangers. He had no real reason to think anything was amiss after all. Even after the Police and SINAPROC take over he inserts himself into the investigation, which continues to be odd, after all he is a guide and has a living to make, other clients surely beckon in the days and weeks following."
Me: Yes the long list of ways in which he mingled with the investigation, changed details of his story, invaded private space of two young women who he now says he never met before? It will probably be explained away as cultural hospitality or something. He also tried to stop the searches (monkey bridges were suddenly death traps). Of course he is innocent until proven otherwise. But when nothing is investigated, nothing ever gets answered either
Power-Pixie confirms NFI's conclusions about the deleted file #509
Power-Pixie bought the same mobile phones which Kris and Lisanne possessed in 2014, as well as the same Canon camera Lisanne used; the digital Canon Powershot SX270HS. Power-Pixie has been doing all sorts of experiments with it. I will share here PP's findings as yet with regards to the camera data extraction process.
- Shot a series of random photos
- Photos 107, 108, 109, 110 and 111 were created
- Using the camera's delete function, I deleted Photo 108
- I then took photos 112 and 113
- I then checked to see if Photo 108 was still missing/deleted. It was.
- Using the camera's delete function, I deleted Photos 109, 110, 111, 112 and 113
- Then took a couple more photos, 114 and 115
- So I was left with 107, 114 and 115
- I used Disk Drill to verify and then find the Thumbnail associated with all the photos and it found photo 108's thumbnail as well. Please see screenshot below
- SD card was not damaged or corrupted
- Camera was not damaged at the time the photo(s) were taken
- There were no software bugs that mysteriously deleted photos or renumbered them or formatted the SD card
- The camera - like the phones - were found intact and workable
- And there was no second SD card 😂 (sorry had to throw that one in here)
To find Photo 509 missing entirely on the camera's SD card and not recovered with no explanation given by either team as to why and what happened, steers me in the direction that a lot more was found and done to the SD card by someone earlier on, when K&L disappeared or when the backpack was handed over to the authorities. There was plenty of time for an amateur or professional to do this because:
- Who would risk being found out in such an easy way besides Kris and Lisanne?
- How did the NFI know a photo was missing besides the bleeding obvious of a missing number in the sequence?
- Did they check/test the actual SD card?
- What methods did they use to test? Should have been straightforward right?
- And is any of this in the case files?
Dave replied: "My understanding is that the card was opened on a computer, the April 1st and 8th photographs were accessed and many were modified. And while the Dutch did recover some deleted thumbnails, I think they were from before April's shooting. I might be wrong on that however. Since Imperfectplan did their deep-dive into the Camera card content, the reveals that Lisanne had deleted at least one video on the 30/31st March has intrigued me. There is no answer to any of these questions. My feeling is that given the Camera would have passed through Feliciano's (or someone else's) hands in Alto Romero, he would almost certainly have taken the SD Card and wanted to see what was on it - that's just simple human nature. This of course is assuming Feliciano didn't in fact have the card and phones before this point, but either way he (or someone else) could have accessed that card with no problem at all, and it could be there that the deletion of #509 took place. Betzaida Pitti (and others in the Police?) then come along and they too want to see what the card holds, making their own (reckless) adjustments on the photographs, and so what you have left is an undetectable chain of editing having taken place. One where Pitti and others know they were guilty of editing, but no one wants to own up when the Dutch have revealed it goes beyond some brightness and contrast corrections they did... and there is an actual photograph missing... everyone from thereon keeps quiet and doesn't comment on the issue. Ever." [Scarlet: True. Just check Pitti's interviews, she never touches upon the missing file and the night photo manipulations/EXIF data changes].

And why would they need to rotate these three photos? They are in vertical/portrait mode to begin with. When I pop the SD card into my laptop card reader, it brings up the landscape and portrait photo thumbnails, in other words whatever was recorded on the SD card was listed as is. Perhaps their software couldn't interpret portrait photos, but it is an Apple software that was used. I don't know of any Apple software I've used that wouldn't present portrait photos as is. No kidding! That's some amount of evidence tampering going on right there. All I did was a baseline, simple amateur test. Anyone who had possession of the SD card would just connect it to the PC, open up a similar program to dig through. Even if there was corruption to the sectors this would become apparent and show the location of the sectors and like M. pointed out, it would either contain 509's corrupted footprint or not. There's no ifs or buts here. Occam's Razor at its finest.😉"
"The above is important to note, what was used to recover and that the Canon Camera does not create or store thumbnails, but the SD Card contains this EXIF information per file. Hence why I was able to use the recovery software to pull up the deleted file's thumbnail from the SD card in my laptop SD card slot and not from the camera which was not connected. Digital photos, particularly those taken with cell phone cameras, hold more information than shows up in the pretty pictures. Stored within the photos is a type of application metadata called EXIF (for Exchangeable Image File Format). EXIF holds camera settings, including the make and model of the camera or phone, time and date information, geolocation coordinates and more. Because it’s application metadata, it’s content stored within the file and moves with the file when copied or transmitted…unless someone or something makes it disappear. Whichever way you spin it, that file #509 cannot be just missing without letting go of sectors. Regarding the missing EXIF from the night photos, it is understandable if these photos are just copies. However the original photos should have the EXIF information intact. No amount of copying and pasting the photos will erase the EXIF information.
There’s a second sort of metadata called system metadata. Its context; data about the file that’s stored without the file, typically in the system’s file table that serves as a directory of electronically stored information. System metadata includes such things as a file’s name, location, modified and created dates and more. Because it’s stored outside a file, it doesn’t move with the file but must be rounded up when a file is copied or transmitted. Precious little system metadata follows a file when it’s e-mailed, often just the file’s name, size and type (although Apple systems include the file’s last modified and created dates). Anyone with a computer can remove the above EXIF information. This is normally done when you want smaller size files to upload or share via email or websites, and for privacy reasons. So it is a very deliberate effort and process and one that has to be thought through carefully before making the decision to strip this information. Here are some methods that I am familiar with and have used to strip EXIF information:
Method 1:Use a photo editing app like PS (Photoshop) or LR (LightRoom) to save the file for "Web" and set the Metadata to None in PS, or select "Copyright info only" in LR and it will exclude certain metadata information, though LR will still show other EXIF information.
Method 2:
Download and use a program like ExifTool, which requires Command Line syntax to issue commands to overwrite the EXIF information.
Method 3:
Using Windows system, Right Click on the photo file, select Properties, click on Remove Properties and Personal Information, select Create a Copy With All Possible Properties Removed and then click OK.
Method 4:
Various apps today can also strip a photo of all or some of its EXIF information like compressor apps that reduce the image file size.
You can also remove EXIF information from batches of photograph files. However you cannot remove EXIF information by merely copying or pasting files, or dragging or dropping files/folders from SD card to computer or vice versa, unless the original file contained no EXIF information to begin with, nor can you delete it using the camera menu/lcd screen or phone screen unless you run those apps to do so. Some EXIF metadata will change when copying/pasting, dragging/dropping files/folders, depending on the system, like the modification or creation date, etc. But EXIF will not be erased or overwritten in this way. So in my experience, not having EXIF information in the original night photos is bizarre, if this is true. This then, IMO, would seem in direct violation of evidence tampering by the authorities on June 17th, unless these photos had their EXIF stripped before Pitti picked up the backpack.
That Kris and Lisanne made it back to the Mirador, becomes evident to me with photos 506, 501, 500 and 494. After reviewing as many videos of the trail and photos taken, for me 506 is before 505, while 494 comes before 493 and most likely on the way up the Mirador and back down. I know the phone logs never reported a reconnection on the Mirador, but I counter that just like when Kris and Lisanne did not have phone activity on their way up to the Mirador and then a burst of connection and activity on the Mirador, which in itself is bizarre that both phones acted this way. My thought is that their phones (as well as Hans', Romain's and Victor's) had no connection on the Serpent trail. So if they came back to the Mirador wouldn't that cause some latent delay in connection, with just a couple of photos taken before heading back down the Boquete side?"
- root the phone, which means I have full access to ALL files on the phone
- copy over the files for each application on the phone
- use a basic command to read the files, in particular, files that end with the extension .db (database); each application has these files and is encrypted.
- I cannot cleanly read the .db files. For example I copied over mmssms.db which corresponds to SMS/text messages app that I used. When I use a single command, I can see gibberish mixed with the text messages that I recall sending to my phone and to the iphone. The gibberish needs to be decoded for a clean version.
- For this clean version I need a software to do so, since I don't have forensic software that can already do this.
- The fact that I can easily copy a file onto my desktop (similar to copying photos from an SD card) informs me that it is possible to copy, then using the forensic software to read, edit and save the revisions to each .db file. Of course I need to prove this is possible if I can get my hands on a software that can emulate the forensics software.
- User wireless networks (Location determined by Wi-Fi and/or mobile networks
- Use GPS satellites (Location accurate to street level)
- Location and Google search (Allows Google to use your location data for improved search results and other services)
"Both the Samsung and iPhone have a flashlight function.
One of the other noteworthy elements to Romain and Hugo's recent youtube videos of the trail, is the number of people they either passed by on the trail, or who seemed to be lurking in some recess to the side of it. Women are always the most vulnerable in these places. Particularly given the crime reports at the time of robberies there. In the comment section, Romain also wrote that these videos capture the third time that he went up on the Pianista trail. He did it twice more, back in 2019. "The first one being a failure because I ended up going the wrong way, by taking the wrong direction at the split before the first river crossing (you can see it on El Pianista Part 2). During the second one, I went further than the Mirador." So you can easily take a wrong turn on the Pianista trail. Did someone tell Kris and Lisanne perhaps how to walk? And is it possible that they took a wrong turn themselves, say on Monday afternoon. And that they returned on Tuesday April 1st to properly walk the whole trail? With regards to mobile phone receptivity, Romain confirmed that beyond the treeline on the Boquete side of the mountain, there is no mobile phone reception. He wrote: "It only work until you are a bit into the forest area. Then it works again when you arrive at the Mirador." And also notice in these videos that there are no steep ravines along the trail beyond the Mirador, where one can make a deadly fall and do so unseen by searchers.
Passers by; notice by the way how Hugo also ran into "the professor of the mountain", aka guide F. He captured it on camera. Guide F. was also on this trail and caught on camera when the Lost in the Wild crew shot footage there. And he also features in many TV specials and reports of that trail, also from back in 2014. Close to the summit Hugo also passed another person on the trail, who he crossed again after the Mirador. This further strengthens the claim from Imperfect Plan, that one is rarely all alone on these trails: "Approximately 5-7 locals passed our camp each day, usually around 2:00PM.". Hugo had Feliciano and two of his tourist clients pass by, another local below and after the Mirador, so four people within a few hours time. The notion that Kris and Lisanne could have wandered around there, unheard and unseen for at least eleven days, remains very, very far-fetched in my opinion, going by the supposed monkey bridge they must have been or perished at (those monkey bridges are also widely used by locals) and the inhabited area where there remains were found. Collage made by Power-Pixie.
Imperfect Plan and Romain went to Boquete in July of 2021
*Bridge - The bridge seen in photo #476 takes about ten minutes to reach from the start of the Pianista trail and the Il Pianista restaurant. And right after crossing it, you find yourself among open pastures.
*It's a straightforward safe enough trail - While hiking to the Mirador, the team members quickly learned that "it’s difficult to go off of the trail. The trail is straightforward. There’s only one trail split, but that split happens far before reaching the Mirador. Therefore, considering the timeline of Kris and Lisanne’s Mirador photos, it’s clear they did not take the wrong direction at that trail split." They also exclude the possibility of diverging trails: "We learned that there’s just one trail Kris and Lisanne could have taken." "The Pianista Trail is surrounded by heavy vegetation and the trail itself is often carved deeply into the mountainside, limiting any opportunity to go in a different direction." Mostly it would be either impossible or very difficult to go off trail, not to mention illogical. And even with a 25 kilo heavy backpack on his back, Romain managed to avoid sliding off a steep incline. "It was a small scare, but it demonstrated to us that even with all our gear it’s still not difficult to avoid slipping off the edge of the trail, especially due to all the vegetation that’s available to grab onto".
*It is clear to see on the Mirador which side leads to where - "The Pianista Trail before and after the Mirador have distinct differences. It would not have been possible for Kris and Lisanne to accidentally go in the wrong direction. The positioning of the vegetation, the view of the other mountains, and the manner in which the landscape is positioned at the Mirador are all very clear indicators of which direction a person is facing. Also, the town of Alto Boquete (“High Boquete”) is visible from the Mirador on one side the mountain range, while on the other side of the Mirador there is only green forests visible for as far as the eye can see. Therefore, from these numerous factors, Kris and Lisanne would have been aware that they had passed the Mirador in their subsequent photos, such as in photo #507 and #508. Furthermore, the trail beyond the summit continues in the same direction north for several hours. After hiking north for a while, it’s unlikely that a hiker would assume that the trail would eventually lead back to Boquete." "There’s no doubt that you’re entering a totally different region. Any speculation about Kris and Lisanne having unknowingly chosen the wrong direction at the Mirador can be put to rest. They had intentionally opted to go beyond the Mirador."
*Beyond the summit - In between the first streams the men encountered after the Mirador, there lies a "small mountain". A natural obstacle in a way, that would have slowed down their pace.
*This trail is very frequently hiked by others - "We saw numerous locals hiking the trail on a daily basis. We monitored the foot traffic in the area and kept notes of the number of people that past our camp. Approximately 5-7 locals passed our camp each day, usually around 2:00PM." And this was on a random, misty day. - [Scarlet: To me this was very important information. It supports what other bloggers, hikers and locals have stated. Some mention a dozen people a day who pass this trail. Well, let it be 5 a day, the lowest mentioned number (and it was a brilliant week, that first week of April, in terms sun and temperatures): even then it is fairly bizarre that nobody saw these tall, eye-catching tourists anywhere behind the Mirador. Not a single witness has come forward in that respect. Nobody saw anything. Over the course of a week we are talking about a minimum of 35 people who could have seen them or who the girls could have seen or heard and asked for help (or smelled their bodies if the girls had died already at this point - nobody reported to have seen vultures circling either, despite there being a hefty reward at that point). Notice also that 2:00 PM is named the peak hour on this Pianista trail and beyond. Which is close to the time of the last photos of Kris and Lisanne... It also further shakes the theory that Kris and Lisanne could have endured an injury of sorts, sat down and waited, while nobody found them. If they truly did so at or right near the trail, they would have encountered that 2 PM walker rush hour every single day. They would have been found].
UPDATE: Power Pixie made this excellent photo overlap and proved that yes, indeed, what IP call 'River three' is in fact the 2nd river shown in the Answers for Kris video. IP use a different numbering for the streams behind the Mirador, but River three is the second stream with small waterfall which Hans Kremers points out in his video, HERE. Dave Mullen also mentioned correctly: "It is clear from Imperfect Plan's photographs that there has been rain", whereas Kris and Lianne were there at a time, seven years prior, when "the severe drought of 2014 thad reduced these streams to trickles. So what they call rivers here were just streams back then, and it may be that the meagre flow of water from the first stream that day is what made crossing it so easy and tempting for Kris."
*Data - At this point, so in the second week of July 2021, the river temperature was 16.5 Celsius and the air temperature was ranged between 16.8 Celsius to 17.5 Celsius, depending on the amount of sunshine.
*Monkey Bridge - the team noted while hiking on the Pianista Trail to the first Monkey Bridge, was that there was only one visible trail that spans the entire distance. "This is the same trail that the locals use and there are no alternative trails that lead to the Monkey Bridge from the Mirador. Occasionally the main trail briefly splits, with smaller trails breaking-off of the main trail for about 5 to 20 meters, but they always merged back onto the main trail." The trail was more tiring at this point, also due to mud. Again, "there aren’t many areas along the trail where you could fall and not be able to climb back. Falling down the slope certainly could result in injury, but in most cases the vegetation is dense enough to slow you down and could potentially help you to climb back up to the trail." The trail continues to Alto Romero. It took 2 days (16 hours) for Romain to reach the Alto Romero community. However, a native to the area can do the walk in only one day.
*Phone coverage - At the Mirador it’s possible to establish a cellular connection, but phone connectivity isn’t available in the area beyond the Mirador (not even in open fields), and neither in the area surrounding the Monkey Bridges. But in Alto Romero you can make phone calls, with the connection described by IP as "fairly strong". "Alto Romero is much closer to national roads and developed towns, which are located slightly east. At Laureano’s farm it’s sometimes possible to send a text message if the signal strength is strong enough." - Unfortunately IP did not document the phone connectivity as they hiked up the Mirador on the Boquete side of the mountain.
*Rain - Heavy rain is said to mainly occur in/after September. Not in July but neither in April, May and June. Scarlet: It begs the question therefore how flash floodings could have theoretically washed away the bodies of the girls during these months and deposited Lisanne's shoe and foot behind, "almost under" a tree trunk, located a fair distance away from the river. I think that the general flash flood suggestion is still a theory; I have never seen any hard evidence for it. Not even news items about unusual, extreme floodings in the months after the girls went missing. Power Pixie dug further into this topic and confirmed that no floods or heavy rains were reported in the Alto Romero/Bocas Del Toro Province region, between April 1, 2014 and June 19, 2014.
*Orbs - IP also show a preview of night photos they tried to recreate, including orbs, which they will dive deeper into in an upcoming article. But the orbs - similar looking to the one in the night photos found on the memory card of the girls - appear to be water drops, for instance from the river, according to Matt. "It's spray from the river. not dust."
November 4, 2021
A German clairvoyant weighs in on the case
Thomas kindly forwarded me email conversations he had with a relatively well known German clairvoyant, named Michael Schneider. This man has helped find several victims in recent missing person/murder cases in Germany, including the body of Carolin Gruber. In the Carolin Gruber case, he was extremely close with his information and predicted police correctly where they could find her body (at 300-400 meters, not buried, not in the water - ponds were inspected by police at the time - and he knew to tell them that the missing woman died as the result of a crime). Here he talks about missing backpacker Scarlett S., who disappeared without a trace in Germany's Black Forest in September of 2020 and in the video (which can be set to English translated subtitles) the presenter also mentions several other police cases which Mr. Schneider solved, for instance the (clairvoyant) locating of the body of Tanja Meyer in the Bodensee. Here he discusses more cases he helped solve. Thomas asked Mr. Schneider about his feelings with regards to the Kris and Lisanne disappearance. He attaching a picture of Kris Kremers in her red and white striped shirt and a photo of Lisanne Froon to his email for Mr. Schneider, without further information about the picture or the case, as requested by him. Only their disappearance in Panama was supposedly further mentioned. About the Kris and Lisanne case, Michael Schneider was short:
Michael Schneider regularly correctly predicts the place where victims are/were, and in this case he said that "I just got the place itself based on the headline (I only read superficially so as to not get too much information inadvertently and thus to be influenced incorrectly or to influence myself incorrectly)" and in Panama and the surrounding area he comes "to this very exact GPS coordinate in connection with the details" of both women having fallen victim to a crime (see also marked with a red dot in the map below):'04.4%22N+82%C2%B029'07.4%22W/@8.8076864,-82.4895404,13z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d8.8345556!4d-82.4853889
Michael Schneider is sorry as to not be able to give more positive information regarding their fate. But: "My motto in such cases is Better an end with horror than horror without end. The agonizing uncertainty is often worse than a final sad result. In any case, this has been my clear experience since 2000, since I have been working as a police reporter and since 2006 as a seer". Even after this long time, Mr. Schneider recommends "first a superficial search and then a meticulous search with trained search dogs and / or ground penetrating radar of this area in Panama." [Scarlet: the map is interesting and links to the location where the plastic bag with food wrappers and the pink shoe sole were found, as well as the area where female screams and a loud bang were heard and reported to a ranger, a few days after the girls disappeared, as well as some local guys trying to hide in the bushes. It is also where guide P. made these strange lookalike daytime photos of the V-shaped tree and of the night photos. This is also the area which has the Cave of La Pandura. Also, Ingrid Lommers first told police that the scheduled trip from the girls with tour guide F. was to visit his "ranch in Alto Quiel", which is also in this direct area].

I compared this data with network mode capabilities in Samsung S3 and iphone 4, and came up with a possible explanation. However, I have assumed that batteries of both phones performed better before the 1st of April (without suffering from unusual power draining due to improper use of battery cycles).

Generally, if we do a basic mathematical calculation regarding the power use in April 1st, we can visualize the theory regarding power control. I have assumed a ratio of power consumption between Auto mode (GSM/WCDMA) and GSM only to be 3:1 (Suppose 3G antenna chip uses twice the power as 2G antenna chip),
-𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞 (𝐆𝐒𝐌 − 𝐖𝐂𝐃𝐌𝐀) ∶ 𝐆𝐒𝐌 = 𝟑 ∶ 𝟏 = 𝟐𝟕:𝟗 -𝑺𝒂𝒎𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒈 𝑺𝟑 𝒑𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓,𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝟏𝟏𝟐 𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒔 = 𝟒𝟗 − 𝟐𝟕 = 𝟐𝟐%
-𝒊𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝟒 𝒑𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓,𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝟏𝟏𝟐 𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒔 = 𝟓𝟏 − 𝟗 = 𝟒𝟐%
This calculation is just an illustration (looks like it further confirms that iPhone 4 was operated in GSM only). However, when considering the available GSM information and their phone activities (Google maps, signal reception and camera usage), I would estimate a value around 6%-8% of battery draining in Samsung S3 during the timespan of GSM signal lost (13.40 p.m.) and first 112 attempt due to the use of LED flash light or display (since there is no phone activity and app usage).
During the night of the 2nd of April and during the early morning of April 3rd, I believe the power saving mode had been turned on in the Samsung S3. Otherwise, the battery would drain at a faster rate, like in the evening of April 1st. Generally, when the battery is at 15%, a notification pops up, asking to “Recharge Your Phone” or to sometimes “Enable Power Saving” mode. It is quite straightforward to switch Samsung S3 to power saving mode. You just need to slide down the top menu and select the power saving mode."

Or as you indicated more clearly in your blog: “how come the signal was reinstated at 13:14? And not at 13:00, when they were already standing high on the summit and taking photos?” I don’t think that trailhead from the base to the Pianista summit goes through a complete dead zone. I kind of agree with you regarding the availability of intermittent signal. The only reason I can think of why it didn’t connect to a network (during the ascent), is due to small scale fading and large scale fading. A main consequence of small scale fading is rapid fluctuations in signal strength over a small travel distance or time interval. If there are intermittent signal available with poor signal strength due to large scale fading (path loss and shadowing), there is a possibility that small scale fading could occur due to a higher pace of walking. Now we know that Kris & Lisanne almost took 1 hour and 15 minutes to travel from the base to the summit. #489 shows them at the open trailhead around 11.42 a.m. and #491 shows them inside the forest around 12.03 p.m. So it is logical to assume that they were inside the forest when the iphone lost its reception at 11.49 a.m. Compared to the other hikers, Kris & Lisanne had maintained a healthy pace throughout the period between 11.08-13.00 p.m. However, I don’t have an explicit explanation for why the phones didn’t connect to a GSM network at 13:00 p.m., when they were already standing high on the summit and taking photos. But I can think of a rare possibility for this. Even though the open trailhead and Pianista summit have GSM reception, there is a possibility that the two locations are served by different base stations (towers) of the same service provider. This can happen if the Pianista summit and open trailhead belong to different cells of the same service provider. So, at the summit you are a new user to the corresponding base station and handover is required. Imagine a situation where your mobile is willing to initiate handover but the corresponding base station is congested. In such a scenario a delay maybe possible. Maybe that’s why we see phone activities in both phones around 13.14 p.m. -13.15 p.m. I kind of feel like Lisanne had turned on data roaming when using Google maps, because using Google maps without data connection is odd. I might be wrong. It’s a pity that we don’t have the connection details of Samsung S3. Highly likely scenario is that, reception from the previously connected base station (same explanation for a new base station from the same service provider) was blocked/weak (due to multipath propagation, natural weather phenomenon, bandlimited interference or congestion) at the time, when the girls reached the summit, and available again around 13.14 p.m. Different theories can be speculated, but due to the lack of information, I would stick to this possibility. It is possible that they were not in a complete dead zone like in a jungle, instead a location with signal reception available, but it was blocked by external factors. Faraday cage (Blocks electromagnetic waves) is a good example. Inside an elevator and a box wrapped with aluminium foil are good examples for Faraday cages. Underground tunnels and caves are also good examples for places with poor signal reception.
Update: Tharindu: "Regarding the question "why the iPhone lost contact with the GSM network at 11:49 a.m. and then reconnected with the GSM network at 13:14 p.m.?" - When I was going through the GSM information table last weekend, I immediately noticed what I think may have actually happened. The iPhone lost contact with the GSM network at 11.49 a.m. and then reconnected with the GSM network at 12:33:55 p.m. After that it remained connected with the GSM network. And by the time the girls reached the summit, it was already connected to a GSM network. We simply don't see anything between 11.49 a.m. to 13.14 p.m., because the phone was in idle state. The reason why we see GSM activity around 13.14 p.m., is because they started to actively use their phones at that point, to make selfies. It makes a lot of sense to me now and looks like there is no mystery behind it. That is why I was not able to give you any explicit explanation in the first place."

Mainly, GSM network operates in 4 steps:

"You can still contact to the emergency services without having a SIM card in your mobile phone (it doesn’t matter whether you are using roaming or not). Simply speaking, you need the SIM card to make calls (to your contacts), to send SMS (to your contacts) and to use mobile data. Taking out the SIM card doesn’t block microwaves transmitting (signal reception) from base stations reaching the mobile’s transceiver (2G or 3G antenna module). But I don’t know whether an operating system log is created when the SIM card is removed. Someone from the software side of things need to confirm this. So, if you are in an area where mobile reception is available, the phone would display “No SIM Card – Emergency Mode Only”. However, this is not the case if the mobile is located in a dead zone. Mobile’s transceiver then doesn’t receive microwaves transmitting from the base station. Then, the phone would display “No SIM Card- No Service” or “No SIM Card”. Visit this page. You will find that "with some networks, a GSM phone without a SIM card may be used to make emergency calls, and most GSM phones accept a larger list of emergency numbers without SIM card, such as 112, 911, 118, 119, 000, 110, 08, and 999. However, some GSM networks will not accept emergency calls from phones without a SIM card, or even require a SIM card that has credit. For example, Latin American networks typically do not allow emergency calls without a SIM, nor British networks due to the prevalence of hoax calls.” So all in all, national authorities decide whether the network accepts emergency calls without the SIM.

Tharindu: "Personally, I don’t trust those emergency calls, because as explained earlier, it doesn’t make any sense most of the time if you pick any theory (lost, accident or crime). It does initially appear like they were lost deep in the jungle and waiting for help, but other evidence suggests that something else has happened to them. There is a possibility that they were moved to a secondary location by a 3rd party after the morning of April 3rd. We know that one specific guide searched beyond the Pianista summit on 3rd of April. And since there were too many loose ends in the investigation process, we can’t be 100% certain if the phone reception data was complete and if maybe the eyewitnesses were telling the truth after all. In fact we know that Kris’s boyfriend had contacted her around 14:00 (Panamanian time) according to Roelie. (Which was somehow not listed in the official case reports). I think the last contact time between Kris and her boyfriend is crucial here. Kris’s iPhone had lost reception around 13.38, which is 15 minutes before the last day time photo #508. Let’s assume that they had turned back to Boquete around 14.00 PM at the first stream. Then, they would have signal reception around 2.15 PM and her boyfriend might be telling the truth."

Tharindu: "Is it perhaps because the previous 112 attempt from the Samsung S3 had made a connection, and they heard the famous question “911, what is your emergency?” just before disconnecting the call? If this connection was actually made for 1-2 seconds that day, what would be the most likely and logical scenario? Consider the attempt from the Samsung S3 at 10.52 a.m. on April 2nd, the official report says: “At 10:52 the Samsung was powered on again and both 112 and 911 were dialed”. By following the CDRs updating procedure, I have a strong feeling that this 112 attempt has the highest probability for a short connection. I lean towards this idea, because all the 5 attempts up to that point were dialed to 112. Then, the immediate attempt after this last 112 call was to dial 911. So, my question is why they were suddenly attempting 911 instead of 112? If we consider this possible scenario, CDRs updates the Called Number field as 112, and the Connected Number as 911 (9911). We usually see the dialing phone number in our display, while the other party answers the call. So, when the 112 attempt was made, I believe 112 was pending for a short moment in display and suddenly connected to 911. Since the connection was brief (1-2 seconds), I believe the call was held for 1-2 seconds until an operator answers. Check the description related to Call Duration field in CDRs table. (Call Duration = Duration of call or holding time.) Unfortunately, due to poor reception the call was disconnected before an operator answers. I think at that moment, the girls realised that 911 is the emergency number in Panama. It makes a lot of sense, because after that you only see 911 attempts. It might also explains why the Samsung phone was powered ON and left ON during the night of April 2nd.


-50 to -79 dBm, then it's generally considered great signal (4 to 5 bars).
-80 to -89 dBm, then it's generally considered good signal (3 to 4 bars).
-90 to -99 dBm, then it's generally considered average signal (2 to 3 bars).
-100 to -109 dBm, then it's generally considered poor signal (1 to 2 bars).
-110 to -120 dBm, then it's generally considered very poor signal (0 to 1 bar)
Generally from -95 dBm and above, you're dealing with below average signal. However, at -100 dB, that's when you're experiencing some serious inconsistent service and weak reception. - So what I understood from the article is that the signal bars are subjective, and based on what each phone company determines their signal bar(s) to be."

Next days: There are no call attempts after April 3rd. So, no operating system logs, and no more RSSI values were reported (note that dBm values were not logged, when the phone was turned ON or OFF). However, an additional piece of GSM information (-113 dBm and 1 bar) was logged, when the contact of “Mytiam” was looked up in contacts. I don’t understand the reason for doing this because they never tried to call her or left a draft message (my first impression was that the operating person was just looked up that contact based on country code. Just an idea). In order to create an operating system log related to GSM information, there should be some sort of GSM activity - if you observe the GSM information logs, you will see that there were key events like GSM connection/disconnection, 112/911 calls and normal location updates had taken place. Since this activity is related to Whatsapp/Contacts, it is possible that Kris or whomever was operating the iPhone, might have turned on cellular data. Then you have GSM activity. After April 3rd, iPhone had only turned ON and OFF and I don’t see any more GSM related activities. So, also no more information logs. And in effect also no more call attempts."

Tharindu: "Yes, this is a really suspicious part for me, and there are a lot of unanswered questions. As the investigators say, -113 dBm (standard value in telecommunications) means no signal. Although the lowest antenna sensitivity might be below -113 dBm (probably -120 dBm), signal reception bars would indicate levels according to a predefined algorithm. So theoretically, I believe there should be no bars, if there is no signal reception. In addition to that, -113 dBm corresponds to RSSI value in airplane mode (antenna module turned off, so no signal) in Samsung phones. So, it is difficult to differentiate whether the phone is inside a natural dead zone or switched to airplane mode. In the meantime “Kris changed some settings on her phone, allowing its control panel to be used without the need to first enter PIN codes". The motive of this might be to access the control panel (conveniently) regularly for some reason. Note that each 112/911 attempt was made when the corresponding signal strength was -113 dBm (that 1 bar level is the problem here). 4 screenshots were created by the iphone 4. This might be because the operating person was nervous and he/she was simultaneously pressing the power button and home button. I have a serious doubt whether Kris was freely using the phone at that moment. During the first 112 attempts on April 2nd, a screenshot was created. This is interesting because pressing the home button ends the current call in IOS 7. I believe there is a correlation between the above mentioned activities and I will add a few links below to clarify myself. For me, it seems like somebody who was not familiar with an iPhone 4 was operating it at that moment (I might be wrong but that was my first impression)." Link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4.
Tharindu: "I suspect that that was not only #505, #506 and #507, but that also some of the nighttime photos were either rotated or flipped after capturing them. It seems the night photos are better fit to an earlier night (especially when you see Kris’s hair, which was clean and dry). Probably during the early morning of April 3rd. Do you see? The girls were using the weather app during the early morning of April 3rd at 02:21. This time period has a direct correlation with the night photo’s time interval on April 8th. Based on this argument, it is more likely that night photos were from the early morning of April 3rd, and for some reason they were shifted onto a later date. Other possibility is that those night photos were compilation of first two nights and they were shifted to a later date (early morning of April 8). Like you, I want to believe that the girls had returned back to Boquete after #508. I have noted another important fact from Samsung S3, which supports this idea. It is stated that at 13:14 p.m., the Samsung phone closed Google Maps, which had remained activated since 10:16 a.m. We usually tend to close the maps if we are going to return from the same path. However in this case, it could be possible that girls might have been accompanied by a local person at that moment, so they didn't need Google maps anymore. Most probably the girls had encountered something around that meadow area behind the summit. It might be possible that some kind of struggle had occurred around that meadow area (note down that guide F had searched for footprints around that meadow area on April 3rd. Did he cover up possible traces?), and they were captured by a 3rd party and moved to a secondary location. Those emergency calls on April 1st might have been dialed during a desperate escape attempt. It is highly likely that the backpack damage *4 and *5 has occurred due to the barbed wire at the meadow. (Trapping the backpack fabric with a barbed wire fence) while they tried to get away."

Clues from mobile phone activities starting from the 1st of April
April 1st
*Several apps like Facebook, Whatsapp and news sites have been accessed by the Samsung S3 before public Wi-Fi connection was created at 9.48 a.m. It means Lisanne might have used cellular data, when there was no Wi-Fi.
*I think they might have used Google maps to navigate from Boquete to Pianista trail. Since, there were two timelines for this disappearance case (based on eyewitness and photo details), there is a possibility that the girls might have wanted to hike the Pianista trail during the afternoon of the previous day, but instead they took a wrong turn and ended up on a different trail (I saw a few eyewitnesses statements from people declaring that they were seen on a different trail). So, they needed to make sure that they were on the right trail on April 1st.
*Kris’s iPhone lost connection to the GSM network between 11.49 a.m. -12.33 p.m. (based on GSM information).
*At 13.14 p.m. Lisanne closed Google maps. Usually someone would close the maps, if he/she is going to return from the same path. But I don’t think that the trail was properly mapped on Google maps at the time, because today we still don’t see the complete trail in Google maps.
April 2nd
*At 8.12 - 8.14 a.m. the iPhone was manually switched from 2G-network to 2G+3G-network. It means that Kris’s iPhone was operated in GSM mode only, up to that point. This was a wise move to increase the power of the mobile transceiver, which shows situation awareness. In order to make this change, the phone can't be in Flight mode, and the SIM card should be present inside the phone. For me, this is the only phone activity that shows a survival instinct, because none of the other activity makes any sense at all.
*Kris changed some settings on her phone, allowing its control panel to be used without the need to first enter PIN codes. The motive of this might be to regularly access the control conveniently. This is kind of a suspicious move for me, because if we consider the icons in this image, I can only pick four icons of relevance here, considering their situation. They are Flashlight, Brightness Control, Camera and Air Plane Mode. We can exclude the camera, because there were no photos taken from iPhone after April 1st. Then, out of the remaining 3 options, which icon has the highest probability of being used within a very short time span? (1-2 minutes, because they always powered ON their phones for a very brief time). We can also exclude the Brightness Control as well, because we usually keep it in auto control mode. Flashlight is needed, if someone is walking at night, inside a tunnel or a cave. Flashlight is rarely used outside, if someone is walking in daylight, and we also know that the iPhone was never used at night time. And if their motive was to save battery power, then using the Flashlight would not have been a great idea. I just picked the Flight Mode icon, because of that specific dBm value of -113 dBm recorded during the following days. Clearly something is going on here, but I can't quite put my finger on it based on the available facts.
Scarlet: Regarding the Mytiam info: It does intrigue me that Miriam's number was saved in Kris' whatsapp list. She must have contacted with Miriam before therefore. I don't think people preventively make WhatsApp contacts unless they actually communicate(d) with them. So if they already communicated before, and Kris (or someone else) ALSO looks up Miriam's number in whatsapp, at 15:59 PM, two days into their disappearance, then it is all the more absurd that for eleven days they only try to contact 112/911, seven times in total. When you go as far as powering on your phone, opening WhatsApp, looking up the actual number of your host mother, while 'lost' for nearly three days, why not click on it to try to make contact with her?
April 3rd and 5th
*AccuWeather-app was used on the Samsung phone during the early morning on April 3rd. I have also used AccuWeather app. Sometime's update notifications are displayed even when you are not connected to Wi-Fi or cellular data. It is possible that the girls might have heard the notification sound, and immediately checked what it was (They could have thought it might be a SMS from somebody).
*At 13:37 p.m. on April 5th the iPhone4 was powered ON and OFF. The SIM pin code was either not entered, or not entered correctly. In order to have that type of sudden memory loss, not remembering your own pincode within a short period of time, the person should experience a severe concussion of sorts, affecting your brain function. Usually concussions are caused by a violent blow to the head or by falling or enduring physical abuse (there are many causes). This was the same day that someone had reported to a nearby Ranger about having heard female screams and a loud bang.

Tharindu: "If the swimming photo is legitimate, I believe they were kidnapped soon after that or behind the Pianista trail soon after #508. Looks like most of the emergency calls and night time photos were staged later on, to narrate the lost theory. That’s why we have lots of controversies in each theory and are unable to explain what has really happened to them. For instance the introduction of extra and fake information like the story of the dog Blue. Exactly like Dave said, we see ‘two ghosts’ after #508, and ‘something or someone happened to make the photographing stop after #508’. It’s a pity that the investigators were unable to recover a single bit of information regarding the missing #509. At least the date and time. Is it possible that #509 never existed and somebody made a mistake while renumbering the photographs? For example, the night photo showing the back of Kris’s head fits better with the first night on April 1st, because after a week surviving inside a deep jungle, her hair looks very clean. Is it possible that this photo was taken during the night after they went swimming? Lots of doubts and questions remain."
"So theoretically it is possible to move the girls from Pianista to the Caldera hot springs without their phones connecting to a network. If both SIM cards were taken out from the phones, they would operate under Emergency Mode Only. Based on my understanding, VLR (Visitor Location Register) does not update location records at idle state, when the mobile operates in Emergency Mode. However, it will update location records for a connected 112/911 attempt. This is not practical, because the girls were posing happily in the swimming photo, so we have to exclude the idea of SIM card removal behind the summit. I have clues to believe at least the SIM card of the iPhone was present on April 1st and the morning of April 2nd, but I can’t be certain of the Samsung S3. There is a possibility of removing the SIM card of Samsung S3 during the following days or after the 112 attempt on April 1st, because the official case report says: “One white Samsung cell phone was found with battery but it had no SIM card and no memory card” - No SIM card and no memory? This is a big mistake in an official report". Another farfetched scenario is turning ON the Flight Mode inside the dead zone by Kris. Since the GSM information had frozen after GSM disconnection, Flight Mode would not make any change to the dBm values. Then, the girls have the possibility to move to the Caldera Hot Springs without GSM connection (we can assume this, because we don’t have GSM info from Samsung S3). But then again, the girls have to be kidnapped inside a dead zone around Caldera then - because their 112 attempts didn’t connect - or someone else has to fake those first 112 attempts. If the girls were kidnapped behind the summit, then the swimming photo might have been taken before April 1st. It is also possible that the swimming event caused Lisanne's coughing." [Scarlet: Good point also that indeed, the case report states that Lisanne's phone was found WITHOUT a SIM card or memory card. That has been mostly overlooked I think. But that could match with the SIM card having been removed from the phone at a much earlier stage in fact (also interesting in relation to that swimming photo and placing it within the timeline.]

"Another more far-fetched reason why the phones would not make connection with a cell tower while being on the go (for instance late in the afternoon of April 1st), could be the use of a Faraday bag, according to Tharindu. "Just imagine, the phones were put inside a Faraday bag soon after #508. Now, even if they returned along the same path, the phones would not connect to a network. Severe battery power draining is also applicable inside a Faraday bag as explained earlier, because inside the bag is a virtual dead zone. The Faraday bags/cages provide a possibility of creating artificial dead zones."

Here's a simple video on how they extract data. It is probably the easiest video to watch and learn how it's done when someone steals a phone or obtains a phone and has the tools to extract the data. Caveat: The video is 10 years old and has annoying background music that sounds like an 80s arcade video game 😀
Naomi S. wrote a comment on youtube about a new video from dr Todd Grande about the Kris and Lisanne case. Thank you. I checked the video out and I love his videos in general and often listen to his balanced, professional and interesting takes on personality disorders such as narcissism for instance. Thanks for the tip and thanks to Dr. Grande for his methodical analysis of some key elements of this disappearance case and for mentioning my blog, among other sites, as a source below his video. Here it is:
Signal strength as recorded by the iPhone4
18:05:25 / 11:05:25 GSM -82 5
For the next days, April 2nd and 3rd, there was a signal of -113 dbm. The investigators deemed this the lowest possible value in telecommunications and as such and in effect, that it reflects a situation where there was no GSM signal available. Matt doesn't know why there isn't a -113 dbm signal reported for later days though, so after April 3rd. Perhaps investigators simply stopped reporting about those next days, or maybe there was even less signal in the days after April 3rd? Either way, this absence of further data has not been explained in the official police files. All in all it is fair to conclude, Matt thinks, that according to this official data there was no effective GSM signal for the mobile phones to use after April 1st.
I also still find it peculiar that:
A. the parents of Kris were adamant so early on that there was phone contact at 2 PM local time between Kris and her boyfriend, but this is nowhere reflected in the official phone log info and B. that this local newspaper was the first to publish the detailed phone logs (early on) and this reporting can now be verified and proves to be as good as entirely correct. With exception of that one main detail: the supposed short connection the Samsung phone made with 112 on the morning of day 2. I understand that this event is not mentioned in the official police files. But it begs the question how a prominent newspaper had as good as everything leaked to them correctly, except for this one detail? Why would a source give 99% correct info to a newspaper with one glaring lie buried among it? And just the same: why would officials leave one peculiar detail out of the report on purpose? We already know errors were made in these official files, but this would be an error of another magnitude. So one or the other, in the case of this supposed contact with 112 for 1 or 2 seconds. Maybe the journalist just didn't understand the raw data correctly, or something.. - What we also know now, is that Matt says the official police files show that the only place that has good GSM reception seems to be the trailhead (where Kris and Lisanne were at 11:05 AM - 5 bars) and one specific section of the Mirador (where they were at 13:14 PM - 3 to 5 bars). But both the area before and after the summit has the same low 1 bar reception, which was not enough for a 112 call to get through later that afternoon. So whether or not they kept walking after photo 508 was taken OR moved around and returned to the summit - perhaps lingering a bit on the same area of the summit where they stood between 13:00-13:14 and where they had no good reception, going by this official information - the phone log would have looked exactly the same then. The same as what we see in this phone log image. Because the top half of the ascend of the Pianista trail on the Boquete side had no reliable GSM reception either, we are now being shown with this connectivity image.
Of course, one can then say that hád these girls in fact returned, then their phones would ultimately have shown 5 bars again at the start of the trail. But perhaps that moment of return was clocked after 16:40, which is when the phone log info stops. Or perhaps the phones had their sim cards removed at that point, under pressure of a 3rd party. Or perhaps.. well, it is all guessing work. But still not entirely possible to rule out, as an alternative explanation, I think. And something important we still have no reliable information about: how is it possible that both the phones were powered on between 13:38-16:40 PM, and that they were using above average battery life (draining the battery of the Samsung phone of Lisanne, in fact), but the official police files do NOT provide any extra information to explain the phone use during those 2,5 vital hours. Something must have drained those batteries during those hours, but going by the official report, there was literally nothing done with those phones then; no app use was logged, no attempts to look stuff up in the phones, nothing to explain this draining of the battery. Strange. As someone wrote to me: "I do now find myself asking the question as to IF they did find anomalies while reviewing the Phone logs, or had suspicions on their accuracy and lack of clarity, would they voice those concerns?" - Agreed. I have doubts about this as well at this point. Book from Frédéric Pirez (translated in English) about this case can be found here and here. And my review of his book can be read here.

470 images
Matt found out from the official police files that 133 photos were taken on / after April 1st of 2014, of which 33 (images 476-508) on April 1st itself. Hundred images (510-609) were claimed to have been taken on April 8th of 2014. In total investigators found 470 images on the Canon camera's memory card, as well as 7 videos, none of which taken on or after 1 April 2014.
One image is missing: image 509. The following is known about this file:
*It was taken after image 508 and could therefore at the earliest have been taken at 13:55 that day.
*It was taken before image 510 and could therefore at the latest have been taken at 1:29:32 on April 8th.
When was image 509 most likely taken within those seven days?
Matt and IP identified patterns in the way Kris and Lisanne took photos. They often took multiple photos (at least two) in quick succession. Photo 509 may therefore have been a photo similar to photos 507 and 508. But not necessarily so, as we do not know the exact time when it was taken. The taking of photo 509 may also have coincided with another known event; the first attempts to call 112 emergency services at 16:39 PM on April 1st. But Matt notices that when you are focused on calling for help, taking a photo with your digital camera at the same time may not seem like a priority. And as for image 509 being just another dark night photo like photo 510; this seems also less likely to Matt, simply because it begs the question why the photo (and only that photo) would then have had to be removed. There are about a hundred night photos which mostly show the same dark surroundings, but only one of them had to go? Unlikely. And with regards to the rest of that week-long period of April 1st - 8th Matt reckons it is also a stretch to imagine that Kris and Lisanne would take one single photo with their camera then, while they had their mobile phones powered on at least shortly on most of those days and could have more easily taken a photo with their mobiles right there and then if they felt the need to document something. Besides, their habit of taking clusters of photos would also contradict with taking this one lonely photo 509 then. And considering the stressful situation they were probably in, it also begs the question why that sole photo was then deleted again. Matt deems it most likely, all in all, that photo 509 was taken in the afternoon of April 1st, after 13:55 but before 16:39 PM.
Image numbering
All 133 images are sequentially numbered, just like the Canon SX270 HS digital camera would do by default. Out of the sequence of images there is only one file missing: image 509. It was not available to the forensic analyst who examined the SD card of the camera. Looking at the SD card on a Windows computer, it would look as shown in Picture 1 below:
Picture 1: Simulated sequence of images. Note that those are not the real
images nor times and it serves only to visualize the file names.
The Canon SX270 HS camera has two methods of numbering images, according to Matt. “Auto Reset” and “Continuous”. “Auto Reset” will give the next image a number sequential to the last image taken, regardless if the number was already used before. If image 509 was deleted befóre 510 was taken, the camera would use image number 509 again for the next photo. “Continuous” will use an image number only once and if an image was deleted, the next image will automatically be given a new number. So with this setting, once image 509 was deleted, the next image would automatically be 510. In case of the specific Canon camera from Kris and Lisanne, Matt was unable to be certain which of the two numbering methods was selected, as this info was not saved in the EXIF information. But since this camera's default setting is “Continuous”, this was used for all tests performed in Matt's article. All testing for his article was done with Firmware 1.02 (the firmware that was installed on Lisanne’s camera).
Retrieving other photos
Out of the total of 470 images found on the Canon's memory card, investigators actually retrieved 64 images and 4 videos with image recovery software that were deleted and partially overwritten. But no trace of image 509 was found or recovered. All recovered images were thumbnails and other formats of the images #476-609. Matt writes that the case file forensics commented that those thumbnails were likely created by the camera to preview images when they were replayed in the camera. However, this is not correct according to Matt, as the camera does not create or store thumbnails and the review images are created from small versions of the image that are embedded in the EXIF information, which can be seen in Picture 2 below.
Why was photo 509 most likely missing?
Matt identifies two options:
1. There never was a photo 509 to begin with and there was a camera malfunction, or glitch of sorts and this number was skipped. Matt deems the chance of this very small. Computer programs very rarely just skip a number by mistake, and this specific camera never did before, as far as could be seen in the photo history. Matt conducted his own experiments to see if the Canon SX270 HS could be triggered/challenged to skip image numbers. You can read the specifics of these extensive experiments in his article, but the conclusion is that no image numbers were ever skipped and that Matt estimates the chance of this having happened with Lisanne's Canon camera to be in the range of < 0,2%.
Experimenting with the deleting of photo 509
Forensics also reviewed the sectors on the SD card (on an image of the SD card) to locate image 509. Picture 4 shows what was found.
Matt explains in his post in detail how images are stored on a (Sandisk) memory card and how one photo takes up a certain amount of byte sectors, depending on the size of the image. When any photo is subsequently deleted, this image leaves an empty space in the byte sectors it once occupied. This space remains, as the photos coming before and after it will continue to occupy their own respective sectors. The camera will eventually fill this gap on the SD card with other data/images, but it will not move already used sectors to fill the gap (and this camera will not do it by itself on the SD card either, if I understand that part correctly). Matt did detailed testing of this mechanism with his own Canon SX270 HS camera and came to the conclusion that when (simulated) image 509 was deleted on the camera, this did not actually delete the image itself, but only the directory entry to the file. But the file was still on the SD card and recognizable. As a result, the deleted image could easily be recovered. (Which is also what image recovery software does: it looks for such image remains and restores an entry for the directory so that it is shown by the operating system).
The results
Matt also found with his camera experiments that when he deleted image 509 directly from the camera right after it was taken and before photos 510 and 511 were taken (test 1), the camera subsequently skipped number 509 for the next photo and there therefore was no photo 509 left on the SD card, but there were also no byte sectors missing: there was no byte gap between the mages 508 and 510. [Just like was the case with our own missing file 509]. The below 1st (purposely simplified) illustration shows how things were found on the original SD card:
But when photo 509 was deleted from the camera áfter photo 510 and 511 were already taken (test 2), there was again no image 509 but there wás a byte gap created between images 508 and 510.
Matt did more tests and found that if he removed photo 509 with a Windows 10 PC áfter photo 510 and 511 were already taken (test 3), there was no image 509 but there wás a byte gap created between images 508 and 510.
Matt then tested what happened if he deleted photo 509 with the camera's delete button after photos 510 and 511 were already taken (test 4) and when he then copied the remaining images onto a Windows 10 PC. Then he deleted all the images from the SD card with the help of the computer, and then copied them back onto the SD card. Result: there was no image 509 but there wére random byte gaps created between random images.
Matt also tested what happened if he deleted photo 509 with a computer after photos 510 and 511 were already taken (test 5) and if he then copied the remaining images (image folder “DCIM”) onto a Windows 10 PC. Then he deleted all the images from the SD card with the help of the computer, and then copied this entire image folder back from the computer onto the SD card. Result: there was no image 509 and there was no byte gap created between images 508 and 510.
In test 6 Matt deleted image 509 with a computer after photos 510 and 511 were already taken and he then copied the remaining images onto a Windows 10 PC. Then he formatted the SD card with the computer. And then copied the images and their folder back from the PC onto the SD card. Result: there was no image 509 and there was no byte gap created between images 508 and 510.
In test 7 he took images 505-508, then took a video (MVI 509), followed by four images (510-513). Result: there was no image 509 but there wás a video 590. And there was no byte gap created between images or videos. The video 509 was however not stored in the sequence it was taken. Matt commented on this: “The video was most likely not written right away as the camera does some processing to it and if images are taken before the camera is finished with the video, it is saved at that time and not necessarily in order.”
In test 8 Matt took again a video MVI 509 followed by three images. Again a video file 509 was found on the SD card (but not stored in the same place, image 509 would be stored) and there were no gaps between images or videos. – In test 9 Matt repeated the process of test 8, but turned the camera off and then on again after shooting video 509. This gave the same results as for test 8.
For test 10 Matt took eight pictures (504-511). Then he Secure Erased image 509 with a Windows 10 PC and Eraser 6. This overwrites the image file with random data which makes the image unrecoverable. Result: there was no image 509 to be found on the SD card and there wás a gap between images 508 and 510.
For test 11 Matt took six images and one video (509). He then turned his camera off while waiting until buffering was complete and shot two more images (510 and 511). Then he deleted video 509 in the camera or with the Windows PC. Result: there was no video 509 to be found on the SD card and there wás a gap between images 508 and 510.
Out of all test runs there were three that matched the configuration that was found on the original SD card of Lisanne's camera: Tests 1, 5 and 6. All other tests resulted in different configurations. This means that the possible scenarios have been condensed to the following three ones for our missing file 509 (which could still have been either a photo or a video, theoretically): Either #509 was deleted in the camera before image 510 was taken; Or the entire image folder of the SD card was copied and cut from the card and pasted onto a computer and then #509 was deleted before the remaining image folder was copied back onto the SD card again (sans 509). Or the entire image folder of the SD card was copied and cut from the card and pasted onto a computer and then the SD card was formatted, #509 was deleted before the remaining image folder was copied back onto the SD card again (sans 509). Matt concludes: “It would likely be possible to determine which event took place by examining the SD card or the SD card image that the forensics had available. Unfortunately, the forensics report does not go into more detail than is shown in this article and therefore Event (test) 1 or 2 or 3 cannot be distinguished based on evidence.”
Scarlet: Good to know this. Three most likely scenarios, of which the first will appeal to Lost believers and the other two to Crime followers. For your information: Dutch forensic specialists of the NFI already determined early on in the investigation that photo 510 matched photo 508 seamlessly. There was no gap between the two photos, such as you would normally see if #509 had been manually removed from the camera/card. Seamlessly means zero (micro)space. So, a difference of zero between the successive OCLs. They concluded that this can only be achieved with the use of a computer. - People have written me many times over the years about the card formatting option, but it all seemed too complex to me at the time. But now Matt singles it out as one of the 3 possible options as well. I guess that with different fingerprints found on the camera and with there being theoretically a whole week when this #509 deleting could have taken place, there is also still place for a fourth theory, one in which it could also have been someone other than Lisanne who deleted image 509 on the camera. I find the 1st test option surprising to be honest, as it was always claimed that if photo 509 was deleted in the camera before photo 510 was taken, that image 510 would automatically take on the number 509. And so file 509 had to have been deleted áfter photo 510 and probably also after the other night photos were taken. This was also claimed in The Travel Channels episode on this disappearance case. It seems Matt proved this theory wrong. Matt explained in this respect: “It would do that if you set the camera to auto reset numbering. But it's not the default so it wasn't done I am sure and there would have been no trace of 509 then.” Now Matt appears to prove however that it was either manually deleted from the camera in between April 1st-8th, or afterward with the help of a computer. I am also surprised that manually deleting 509 cán in fact lead to this situation where there is nothing left of file 509 to retrieve with special software. That goes against almost everything that has always been claimed so far, also by specialists who Jeremy Kryt interviewed about this. And we at least know for a fact now that Lisanne and Kris were fully aware of the video recording capacities of their Canon digital camera. And the fact there was no goodbye video is not down to them not realizing the camera had that recording option.
Concrete theories that are now left
*If Lisanne [or someone else] manually deleted the photo, she would have had to press a total of 4 small buttons in the correct order for this to successfully happen. It would have been done on purpose therefore and not by accident (highly unlikely, all in all). If Lisanne deleted image 509 on purpose, then the question still remains why she would delete it at that (stressful) moment in time, and why only that one photo. Matt notes that of all the images that should have been deleted, image 495 (a not published photo of Kris on the Mirador) is the likely candidate because it shows her with her eyes mostly closed. As for deleting #509 to make space on the SD card: this is very illogical because A. one photo makes no real difference and B. the 16GB SD card can hold upwards of 7000 images at the highest resolution and they were nowhere near there with their 470 images in total on the card.
*And as for a 3rd party deleting #509: this could also have happened accidental or intentional. And if a 3rd Party intentionally deleted image 509 in such a manner that it cannot be recovered anymore, we also have to wonder about their possible motive. Maybe there was something on image 509 that was not desirable for others or the police to become publicly known, such as an indication of a suspect, someone pictured who did not want to face police scrutiny or evidence of a crime. Or perhaps it was a photo showing an area away from the Pianista trail and its hinterland. As explained, it would be fairly easy to remove photo 509 permanently. Matt thinks that the methods described above to successfully remove the entire file 509, means that it would have had to be either someone (un)lucky or a knowledgeable person to perform this action. And if any 3rd party wás involved in the disappearance of image 509, it also opens the theoretical possibility that other images or videos could have been deleted, coming after the last known photo #609. Matt said about this that if we accept the phone logs as created by Kris and Lisanne, then they lived for several more days after the night photos were taken. This opens the possibility that goodbye videos could have been recorded near the end, so after the night pics and these could have been deleted (theoretically)." We now also know that 7 videos were found/retrieved on the SD card of the camera, so we know now with some certainty that Kris and Lisanne were used to shooting videos on this camera as well. Perhaps they díd shoot a video after April 1st, but whomever worked on this memory card before the Dutch investigators received it, got rid of it somehow?
Lastly: Matt also came with more clues that the Panamanian investigators worked on these photos, before the memory card and camera were sent to the Dutch investigators
Matt revealed that it is confirmed now that there was access to the SD card and that was done in a careless way. Because software was used on the SD card by someone (may have been anyone involved in finding the backpack and camera or it could have been anybody within the police forces who had access to the SD card) that created thumbnail images. Thumbnail images were also deleted from the memory card as a result and images were rotated and saved back again onto the memory card. Matt:
“This is an incredible amount of manipulation on the SD card that destroyed evidence. Whoever performed those manipulations on the SD card was extremely careless..
and it is not impossible that when the thumbnail images were deleted, also inadvertently image 509 was deleted. However, simply deleting image 509 was not done and the person doing it would also have to copy the entire image folder to a computer, accidentally deleted image 509, and then moved the folder back to the SD card. It seems unlikely that a person who carelessly works on the SD card would have gone through the trouble of also copying the images to a computer and then back onto the memory card.”
Matt made another noteworthy observation: the image names of images 505, 506 and 507 do not have the expected image name of “IMG_0xxx.JPG” but contain an appended string “~RF1xxxxx.TMP”, e.g. “IMG_0505.JPG~RF17df08.TMP”. The comment in the forensics report is that this is the version before rotation of the image. All three images are taken in portrait orientation and it is likely that they were rotated with image editing software and then saved. Matt does not know which software would do this and change the file name like that, but he suspects it was Apple software. It should be noted that those file names appeared first in Panama but it is unknown when and by who they were created. Matt concludes: “It is apparent that someone reviewed and edited those images on a computer. At a minimum those edits consisted of rotating images and deleting thumbnails that were most likely auto generated by the image viewer used. Unfortunately it was not determined when the edits and deletions were made and if it was done before or after the camera was given to the police. With the very limited information in the forensics report it is not possible to determine when all those changes were made. For this access to the disk image of the SD card would be required.” But here we have it confirmed once more that someone did mess with that SD card, probably before it was sent to the Dutch as Juan had earlier already discovered. - Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions in the comment section.

Some things that strike me right away: where is the water bottle in the report? The photo that was taken by someone of the bag and its content after it was found (and which was leaked to the Panamanian press early on) clearly shows an empty water bottle. It looks like the same one which can be seen in some of the photos the girls took. In fact, photo 491 shows Kris holding two white capped water bottles in front of her. Why was it pictured but not described in the files? The photo also shows what looks like a wrapped up sweet, above the black bra in the photo. Maybe it is a cough sweet or lozenge. It looks to be the same item that was visible in a close-up form one of the night photos; here you can see it right from the branch with red plastic. But this was also not mentioned in the police files. And about the sunglasses the police wrote that they were undamaged and not worn. Very good to see it confirmed in black and white that these fragile sunglasses were undamaged. But they were clearly worn by the girls. The top one with the 'coloured' glasses matches the one Lisanne wears on this photo of them that day. Kris seems to also wear the same sunglasses in that photo. But in their own photos her sunnies look brown, not purple'ish like the sunglasses pictured with the bags content. But they were described in the police report as 'black', so clearly the photo is not showing the colours 100% correctly. Then: a key on a chain is described (but not pictured in the photo I believe): was this key also the key of their room? Surely they brought it with them. I wonder if this is confirmed or not in the rest of those police files. In the photo, the backpack looks clean and dry. The report says that there was a bit of damage to the bag however.

There were also some translucent plastic fragments found in the bag. Police assumed the bag had drifted by the river to this spot. It had been raining heavily in the prior few weeks. I will stick to my opinion that this bag does not look like it had been drifting in a wild river full of river rocks. The content of the bag looks also dry, clean and intact. The police files reported minor dirt on the bag. The bag looks normal in the photo and was not described as 'wet' ( or 'dry') in the police files either. It is assumed or claimed at times that the backpack was wet by the time investigators got it in their possession, which was at least 48 hours after it was found on June 11th. The bag was picked up by case officials on June 13th. The assumption that investigators could have received a bag that was still 'wet on the inside and the outside', two days later, seems strange. Because on the photo of the bag, taken inside the hut where it was kept until police picked it up, not even the turquoise flap of fabric of the bag looks wet or to have sustained water damage. The police file also mentioned no recorded no damage to the sunglasses. Although the mobile phones and camera suffered water damage, there was no physical damage to the screens of the mobile phones or the digital camera, such as cracks or dents. So this bag may not have bounced off the many river rocks after all. Matt also concluded: "Although the damage of the backpack (scratches and abrasion) is consistent with travelling in a river and rocks, the damage is very light and probably not consistent with a travel of many kilometres in a wild river." Update Scarlet: the Samsung phone could be accessed without problems, the iPhone suffered water damage and only its memory card could be accessed in a separate device.

The 10 mm tear in the bag (located near and parallel to a seam) and the missing piece of fabric of apprx. 30 by 15 mm were determined to have been caused by a 'sharp edge'. The investigator did not specify if this could have been a natural object (think of a sharp rock edge) or a man-made object, such as a knife. After reading this, I remembered something which Juan told me in the past. Juan was told some time ago already - before Matt published this new case info - by locals that the backpack had been left hanging on a nail in the wall of the house of Angel Palacios, before police came and picked it up. Could this information be correct? Perhaps the tear in the bag was not sustained before it was found, but afterwards. Just a theory. It may have been one of those river rocks as well of course... Or a knife.. Unfortunately the forensic specialist did not make it clear in the police files if this 'sharp edge' was more likely a rock or natural element, or a man-made object.
Update: I received an excellent comment from Taz who wrote: "Can I just point out that the bag/rucksack is hanging up (on nail)? For some reason everyone shows this photo upside down." Thank for pointing this out Taz. Incredible that I never realized this and never heard it being mentioned by anyone in the past two years either.. And TVN-2 showed the photo up the wrong way as well then. Dutch media did the same. In this wrong version, the belongings seemed to have been spread out on river rocks. But now... the photo actually shows this bag hanging on the wall, with the personal belongings are laying on a small bench below it. Looking at the photo now, it could even confirm the story Juan was told. These belongings suddenly do seem to be kept inside a shed. In Alto Romero, as Juan already reported on before, with the bag indeed hanging from a nail in the wall. The only issue now is that the water bottle 'seems' to float a bit. Perhaps the 10 mm tear in the bag, made by a 'sharp object', may simply be the result of hanging that bag, that piece of evidence, on a nail in the wall? Or perhaps this has nothing to do with the damage of the bag. [Update: Sleuth Tharindu thinks the backpack could have gotten damaged in a manner consistent with Kris and Lisanne possibly fleeing or maybe trying to get past the barbed wire we see in areas where the Kremers hiked to.]

Matt revealed that a total of 13 DNA samples were taken of the straps, zippers, and edges of the backpack. Out of the 13 samples, DNA was only found in three of the samples. They turned out to belong to multiple people, including at least two different women and one man. But they were never identified. The DNA samples did not match the DNA of Kris and Lisanne. Their DNA may have been washed off in the water (and if that was the case, then the DNA of any other potential person handling the backpack before it ended in the water, could have disappeared as well). Because local police did not collect the DNA from people involved in the searches and the finding of this backpack and of other belongings, police did not verify if the DNA was from the couple who found the backpack, or anyone else for that matter. The police report also states: "No DNA match for the samples could be obtained from criminal DNA databases". Local newspapers had already reported that Pitti, leading the investigation, never further investigated these leads. The same media had also already reported by the way that as many as 34 different fingerprints were found; 13 on the backpack, 12 on the phones and the camera, as well as 6 different ones on the bras. But they were not suitable for identification.
Kris carried an iPhone4 with her and Lisanne Froon a Samsung Galaxy S3. The phones were packed in their backpack, which was found on June 11th on the bank of a river. Matt reviewed the use of these phones between April 1st and April 11th of 2014. He used the Dutch police report and other official reports for this, which have so far in and by themselves not been shared with the public. It has been proven without doubt that these were in fact the phones of Kris and Lisanne. It was verified through the phone's IMEI numbers and their content. The Findings:
-Neither of the phones had GPS data available for the period after April 1st.
-As for the 112 calls that were made, the author has no records from the Dutch phone system to show that there was or wasn't a connection made.
-The info about the 70-something attempts to enter the SIM pin in Kris' iPhone4 was measured over a much longer time period: from March to April. Therefore it is not relevant for the situation after April 1st, Matt says.
-No notes or messages were left in the phones.
-Fingerprints and DNA samples were taken from the phones. There was no DNA profile recovered and the recovered fingerprints were not suitable for identification.
April 5th: at 10:50 AM the iPhone4 was powered on and off. This was the last time the SIM pin was entered correctly. Until then the phone had successfully received both a SIM pin (0556) and a login PIN to unlock the screen. [Scarlet: apparently this first SIM pin needs to be entered in order to be able to see information such as the phone's signal strength. Only the time can still be checked without the correct pin codes. If entered incorrectly, the phone will be blocked ultimately]. At 13:14 a log file was created on the Samsung Galaxy phone, which is only possible if the phone had power. However, it did not power up and the conclusion by Matt is that the battery had just enough power to start the phone’s boot process, but it shut down from a lack of power before having booted up. At 13:37 the iPhone4 was powered on and off. The SIM pin code was either not entered, or not entered correctly (this cannot be determined). Whoever entered the SIM pin not/incorrectly must have known the login pin to unlock the phone.
-Despite having less battery life, the Samsung phone was activated more often that the iPhone.

It is also good to have it without a doubt confirmed now that no draft messages, notes or anything of the likes were left behind in the phones. That makes no sense. They used text message, we know that from interviews with the parents. But the girls just stopped using SMS services after disappearing? Kris' iPhone lasted a very very long time, starting off with only 51% battery on day one. Her phone only lost 29% over the span of ten days. Despite being powered on and off many times, and staying on for 64 minutes on day eleven. And afterwards it was stíll not empty. Also striking to me is the little sentence from Matt that whoever entered the SIM pin not/incorrectly, must have known the Login pin to first unlock the phone.. How can we explain this? Knowing one code but not the other? Is this an indication perhaps that the person who handled that phone simply could not remember two sets of PIN codes, only one? And why didn't Kris take out that entire login requirement early on? And then the strange last powering on of the iPhone. I always assumed that phone was ultimately powered off on April 11th because it ran out of battery. But now it appears that the phone was switched off on purpose, with battery left... Unfortunately this data still doesn't tell us with certainty what happened to them, why they did not return to the Mirador and took the same trail back to Boquete. Although the use of the phones can very well be matched with the behaviour of two young people who are lost, in my eyes they still do not exclude the possibility that they were trapped somewhere or were kidnapped, or something else along those lines.

But we have to also keep in mind that you can manually change the phone's time and date settings very easily. If you then start making mock calls or look up google maps, it will be logged on whatever time you want it to. Creating your own narrative. For people who believe that Kris and Lisanne got lost, this new info will no doubt reinforce them in their convictions. But playing the devil's advocate: what would a criminal want to convey? That they looked at google maps! The girls would certainly do that if they were lost. And look up Miriam, the host mother. (But not actually call her..). Betzaida Pitti was the first to have her team look into these phones and document and analyze the data. A Panamanian newspaper reported on this at the time. Who tells us with certainty that they did so correctly? What if they manipulated some of the data? Photo 509 went missing also, after all, and the Panamanian officials were also the first to look at those Canon photos, before sending the device to the Netherlands. In Panama many people go missing every year and many such cases are investigated. Nobody expected at the time that at some point, people from all over the world would be obsessed with these case details. I would not be surprised if it is proven one day that some vital issues have been brushed under the carpet from higher up.

March 14th 2021
Romain added some extra case file details:
-On April 1st, the iPhone 4 from Kris had 51% battery at 11:10 AM. The iPhone lost contact with the GSM network at 11:49 and then reconnected with the GSM network at 13:14. Four photos were taken then with the iPhone (Photos IMG_2125.JPG to IMG_2128.JPG). The phone lost contact for the last time with the GSM network at 13:38 PM. By the time 112 was called with the iPhone at 16:39, the phone's battery was down to 42%. It is powered off at 17:52 PM.
-On April 1st, the Samsung Galaxy S3 from Lisanne had last contact with Wi-Fi at 10:10 AM. At 10:16 Romain says she looked at a Maps application. The Samsung phone had 49% battery at 10:40 AM. At 13:14 PM the phone used a Maps application and at 13:15 the phone took five photos. By 13:40, the Samsung phone was down to 41% battery. At 16:51 it was used to call 112 and by 16:53 it had 22% battery left. By 17:40 this had gone down to 19%. At 17:52 the Samsung phone was also powered off/deactivated, at the same time as Kris' phone.

Also, Romain seems to confirm that the GSM connection on the Boquete side of the Pianista trail is not flawless. People often said that up until the summit you had reception and I always questioned this. As I know from nature hikes I made myself that connection can come and go, especially when you are away from towns and villages. This new info seems to confirm this. According to the new data, the iPhone lost GSM network contact between 11:49 AM and 13:14 PM. The same may have happened to Lisanne's Samsung phone, but her device did not create similarly detailed phone logs, apparently. Kris' phone was not powered off during this loss of connectivity. So what is this about? There may have been intermittent signal available and unavailable at the 2nd part of the Pianista trail, going up the mountain. But how come the signal was reinstated at 13:14? And not at 13:00, when they were already standing high on the summit and taking photos? Why was the iPhone reconnecting to the network so late? - Another question here could be: do hikers more often report to lose signal on the walk up there? I have not come across this info before. The Kremers family did not report this issue either when they retraced Kris' steps. Hans Kremers specifically announced the moment when his phone lost connection, and it was about 45 minutes past the summit. I have not come across information about this loss of signal on the Boquete side of the mountain by other bloggers. Maybe they all had this issue though but just did not bother to blog about it? Questions... More new questions.

Feb 28, 2021

About the time it took for the girls to reach the summit, Matt wrote: "It took Kris and Lisanne 1:52h [to reach the Mirador], since they would have started at 11:08 and took the first photo on the Mirador at exactly 13:00. This also assumes they reached the Mirador and took photos right away, while in reality they may have spent a few minutes first enjoying the view. The time they took is very short and required that no wrong turn on the trial is taken. Although it is possible to have happened, there is some doubt and it can be wondered if they had someone with them that knew the trail and also paced them."

-Photo 478: This image shows scenery very similar to #481. It shows the same landscape.
Cropped photos

Photo #509
"Image 509 seems to have simply been deleted. If someone deleted one image without correcting the meta data of the remaining images why would they have put more effort into deleting other images? It is also possible to manipulate image data and time data to make it appear as if they were taken at a certain date / time while in reality they were taken at a different date / time. For this to be done realistically with only a few images, it would be required to match the locations, lighting conditions and looks of persons shown and it would be easier to manipulate an entire series of images to make it appear as if they were taken on a different date or time. While the former appears unlikely, the latter is not impossible but not likely." - Matt adds: "I would also encourage the reader to review Juan’s analysis on some of the bushes where it appears as they are in different stages of rolling their branches. This is difficult to explain and I recommend reviewing Juan’s excellent analysis on this subject."
Before or after the summit?
Romain walked the Pianista trail twice and believes that: "When I first saw photos 493 and 494, they reminded me of the path beyond the Mirador. I didn't doubt it for a second… Today, with the official schedule, it's very difficult for me to say. However, I cannot place them other than beyond the Mirador…" He also wrote: "The place shown is a typical passage of the path located after the Mirador, which one is not supposed to find before this one. I could be wrong, however. [But] photo 493 reminds me of a place which is located four minutes after the Mirador." - If he is correct, then we are looking at photos which were shuffled to some degree and must have been renumbered, as in the current chronology they are placed before the Mirador photos, not after. And time wise it is not possible that they were taken on the way down again either.

Please note that the phones and digital photo details that are shown during this program, as well as their GPS info (set to Scandinavia) are not the phones of Kris or Lisanne. They were only shown for illustration purposes.

Toni B shared a photo with Juan, claiming that the night photo of Kris' hair is in fact a photoshopped mesh-up from a daytime photo taken of her in Boquete. Here is the image which is supposed to prove this:
So what it's supposed to prove, is that when you closely look at the night photo, you can see that Kris' hair falls in exactly the same manner as in this specific daytime photo. In other words: the night shot may be a photoshop. I get messages from people pointing me to this photo, saying it is new evidence. I have responded to those messages, saying that I believe that what Toni may have done, is placing two different photos over one another, in layers, and merging the two. But that in reality, the two photos do not look alike. The only thing the comparison shows us (imo) is the similarity in colour and hair structure, making is fairly certain that the night photo is indeed showing us Kris' hair. Here are the two photos which were merged:

In my blog part 5, you can read what other people think about the disappearance of Kris and Lisanne. In part 6 you can read the most important interviews with the families of Kris and Lisanne. And for first hand information gathered by Lee Zeltzer and provided on a local Boquete forum at the time when these girls had gone missing, keep reading here
Hi Scarlet,
ReplyDeletecan i just point out that the bag / rucksack is hanging up ( on nail ? ). For some reason everyone shows this photo upside down. Glad to see you saved the blog.
Excellent comment Taz. Thank you. Will you believe that you are the first person in two years time who points this out? And you are right. I completely overlooked this. Seems like the 10 mm tear in the bag, made by a 'sharp object', may simply be the result from hanging that bag, that piece of evidence, on a bloody nail in the wall :( Ugh.
DeleteThanks for this insight/theory about the picture of the backpack.
DeleteI've always wondering why this this photo looks very strange as the unpacked content seem to fly in the air OR is pinned to the small wall/stone above the bagpack.
Turning the photo upside down makes definitely more sense.
But I can't help myself that the photo still looks strange to me.
What's going on with the wanterbottle ?
It still looks like ithe bottle ois not lying down but flying in the air OR being pinned or glued to the wall.
In my opinion the bottle has no connectionto the ground where the bras aand the other content can be found.
This might be an unimportant detail or just an optical illusion.
But it still points out to me.
And how can it be that this bottle is not metioned in the official report ?
Such a bottle would be a crucial item to report. No one would skip it. And of course you would take DNA samples from the bottle. They took the samolea from the other items but not from the bottle and then also forget to mention that a bottle even exists ?
No way.
Not the baddest policemen (or whoever wrote this official report) would ever make such a fault.
And I would go for the absolutely same argumentation for the fact that the brand of the camera was messed up with the brand of Lisannes phone.
I really can't imagine that such silly faults could happend when writing such an official report. It would be checked by several people before it's finish and they dealed with the content and the whole case and the examinations for a long time.
In my opinion these new revelations coming from the team of "Imperfect plan" are very interesting and probably hard to generate and a lot of work...
But in my opinion as more as they reveal the more strange get this case.
The new information doesn't clarify anything. It becomes just more unbelievable and yes somehow mysterious.
The same thing with the newest leaked information about Kris' Jeans Shorts and the phone data.
Almost all old questions can't be answered and in my opinion the official report even raises only more new questions !
Thanks Nocturnal_David. Indeed, that struck me as well; the water bottle is now floating in the air, almost. I cannot place it well. But the sunglasses now are placed in a normal position. Just like the other belongings. The straps of the backpack now also fall down in a natural manner. I do think I had that photo turned upside down for all those years. But I fail to understand why anyone would chuck that backpack so carelessly to the wall, knowing it belonged to two missing tourists and contained evidence.
DeleteAnd I am convinced that Kris had that water bottle in her hand and pocket in some of the daytime photos of April 1st. So why has it been left out of the police files altogether, as Matt also reconfirmed again? Sh*tty police work? Or left out on purpose because Pitti never investigated the water bottle for fingerprints, DNA and lab testing of the water remnants?
And there were other errors and omissions and spelling errors and such in those police files. Disappointing. I am extremely glad that Matt and his mates are revealing all this. Because I somehow doubt that Pitti and her ghost writers would have highlighted (or even admitted) police report errors...
Lovely evening Scarlet, its me again Magick hike, pls, i think his names is Matt made all that explanation on phones, pls is it possible to find when was mooved out SIM and Memory card was took out? Samsung S3 easy , open, and take it out, iphone4 is not that easy you have to press a small hole on the side, becuase you wrote that it was without it. And i think , we are all wrong about timing ( camera, witness ), i personally believe, to stuck 2pm when she have had last contact with boyfriend. I did hike Asia well, i also spent almost 5 years between India and Nepal, and i met couple of people to tell story about animal attack/ way, animal eat whole body, or drag it xx km away! They keep it in safe place and coming back, or even whatch it from nearby!!! i am not really into this. Fall, it can easily happened, and yeah you can be lost in 20m above trail, but after all reading on the case, for me very unliked. Maybe , if the girls fall down in water, dog loos the smell, about this i am not sure. For me most likely, there were not there.
DeleteBy the way I doubt that the back was nailed on the wall.
ReplyDeleteIt was probably hanged on a nail which already existed before and the used the little half round strap which can be found at the top of every backpack in the world. Sorry, I don't know the English term for it. In German it's something like "Handgriff" or "Schlaufe".
So this little hole could really had been caused by any sharp object in the world.
May it due to the ride in the river or within the 11+ days in the jungle or even before their dissapperance.
Auch little damage wouldn't had minimized the usability of the backpack in any way during their no need for replacement.
Of course it can't be ruled out for 100% that the backpack was literally nailed on the wall and thats how the tear was created. But again...I think this is very unlikely.
Sad but true : We all are none the wiser.
Nothing can be ruled out.
With or without the new findings.
Yes, I will look again at how I described it on my blog because I did mean as well that it was hung up on an existing nail. Not that a new nail was hit through the backpack's fabric n order to hang it on the wall. This nail may, or may not, be (partly) responsible for the 10mm. tear in the bag. It may have nothing to do with it,
DeleteHi Scarlet,
Deletemost bags/ rucksacks have a loop of material at the top that you can hang the bag onto existing nails. I dont believe it would have been really nailed to the wall, just hung there for show. The water bottle is wedged/ balanced in a gap between the bench and the wall and the top is being pushed towards the front by a strap it is holding back out of the way. To the left of the sunglasses is a boot, showing that this is the right way up. there is water / moisture coming from the bras, ie. wet. On the right / top of the bench is a phone but to the right of the memory card is what appears to be a post it pad, sticky pad, that is also wet. I think a lot of this photo to the right is missing / cropped. would be nice to see the whole photo. Just my observations, and i dont mind anyone correcting me. Also , if you zoom in on the glasses you can see faces ! just pixelation , i think, but some people will read things into it.
I have a question for all people here, i will always put my bottle of water back in ruvksack unless its almost empty, than it has a place in tiny jeans shorts pocket. That what Kriss have done.( not very comfi have it in pocket while hiking, keeps going out) Than on a photo with rucksak, i THINK i see also not much water in bottle. Coinsidence, or ? I dont even think that that bottle was filled up on the way, so and it was small bottle/ short and quick trip! I dont thing girls planned filling up that water bottle from outside rivers as i asume not well traveled, not enough experience.when i was first abroad i did not even eat street food, but time and more travelling learnt you. So i assume eather they turn back, or was after shor time of pict 509 abducted. And how the other things fit in? ( maybe someone want to make the path haunted with the people looking out for mysterious and making it by all that nonsence things famous!...tourist attraction :(( ) I think I dont know if thats telling smtg or just stupid thoughts telling/proving anything...i wish all of you great week! Thank you Scarlet gor such a huge amount of infos!!..and of course a very precises work!
ReplyDeleteHi Scarlet,
ReplyDelete**Regarding the update on the GSM connectivity of iPhone 4 of Kris
Instantly, I find two careless mistakes in the above table.
Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) should be a negative dbm (decibel milliwatts) value (should be -82 dbm). Because the transmitted network is not strong enough to counteract the signal fading (multipath, shadowing and path loss) along the propagation medium between the base station and the mobile. Generally speaking, we want a powerful transmitter at the base station while sensitive receiver at the mobile phone
Although different mobile types (Apple, Samsung, Nokia…) interpret different RSSI (dbm) intervals for signal reception bars, it is highly unlikely that one signal bar and five signal bars represent the same RSSI value of 82 dbm (should be -82 dbm)
If you calculate the received signal power for 82 dbm value. It will be roughly around 158 kW (212 horsepower), which is comparable with an engine power of a luxury car. Such a mistake in an official report? Ridiculous! It’s a pity that we don’t have dbm values related to other timestamps. Especially at the summit, because in a dBm scale, a 3 dbm increase will actually double the received signal power (reduced by half on other way), and I would have able to determine how much weak the signal strength at the summit compared to the start of the pianist trail.
I have answered your specific questions related to my previous pdf and I emailed you the "New Information Analysis" pdf.
Best Regards,
Thanks for your thoughts and info Tharindu. I am completely clueless about technical details regarding cell phones and GSM connections but I will make a little paragraph with your objections on my blog. Thanks for sharing and best wishes
DeleteIt is good that now it has been corrected to negative dbm values, and the dbm values correspond to the rest of the timestamps are available. I will comment my observations below.
Delete**Based on the available dbm values, RSSI value correspond to the strongest signal is -76 dbm. Surprisingly, it was at the Pianista summit around 13:16:03 p.m. (I guess this was due to the higher altitude and probably a Line Of Sight path was created between mobile phone and the base station for a short moment.) It was 6 dbm greater than the RSSI value (-82 dbm) at the start of the Pianista trailhead around 11:05:25 a.m. In addition, the received signal power (-76 dbm) at the summit was 4 times powerful than the received signal power (-82 dbm) at the Pianista trailhead. Apart from that, the signal strength at the summit was fairly strong and it was varying between -76 dbm and -91 dbm within 2 minutes. I find it completely natural, and such variations would occur, when you move the phone into different positions. Bar levels also fairly okay.
**At 11:49:41 a.m., the phone was disconnected from GSM network, probably at the start of the jungle trail (can be clarified from the photo timings). The phone is showing a single bar and it can be tallied with the poor signal reception. However, if you only consider the RSSI value of -82 dbm, it is more than enough to maintain a connection, but it looks like the iPhone was keeping the finally recorded RSSI value, when the signal reception is not available (I'm not 100% sure but the same thing can be seen for the rest of the timestamps).
**Do you see now at 12:33:55 p.m., the RSSI value is -82 dbm, which is the same value recorded at 11.49.41 a.m.? The phone had connected to the GSM network for a brief time (few seconds). Here also a single reception bar was shown and it can be tallied with the poor signal reception. I think this connection was made due to the intermittent signal reception at the 2nd half of the mountain. The mobile phone was unable to maintain a proper connection due to the movement (rapid fluctuations occur due to movement) and large scale fading.
**Again the same thing happens at 13:38:31 p.m. The iPhone enters to the dead zone (disconnected from GSM) and the RSSI value is -94 dbm. Similarly, we see a single reception bar, which indicates poor reception. Here also, if you only consider -94 dbm, it is fair enough to establish a connection, but similarly the iPhone was keeping the finally recorded RSSI value. (In telecommunications perspective, it looks like the RSSI value recorded during the last location update before disconnecting from GSM).
**Again the same observations at 16:39:26 p.m. and 16:40:07 p.m. The single reception bar shows poor reception and the phone was still disconnected from the GSM network. Here also the RSSI value (-94 dbm) is fair enough to maintain a GSM connection, but it was the RSSI value correspond to the last location update at 13.38.31 p.m. and not the actual RSSI value at 16:39:26 p.m. Otherwise it is highly unlikely to have the same RSSI value for several timestamps. For example see the fluctuation of RSSI value during the 2 minutes at the summit.
**Then comes the most interesting part for me.**
DeleteYou wrote: “For the next days, April 2nd and 3rd, there was a signal of -113 dbm. The investigators deemed this the lowest possible value in telecommunications and as such and in effect, that it reflects a situation where there was no GSM signal available. Matt doesn't know why there isnt a -113 dbm signal reported for later days though, so after April 3rd.”
I did a simple test with different Samsung phones available in my home. I have used Samsung S20+(android 11), Samsung S7 (android 8.0), Samsung M21 (android 11) and Samsung Galaxy Trend-2013 (android 4.1). I turned ON the Airplane/Flight mode of each phone and checked the RSSI value. Guess what! All the phones instantly showing -113 dbm. It is highly likely that Samsung S3 would show the same RSSI value for Airplane mode. Unfortunately, I don’t have an iPhone at my home to test this theory. But one thing I know is that when you switch ON the airplane mode, both the Wi-Fi and cellular antennas will turn OFF. So no more signal reception. Investigators have also commented the same thing “this the lowest possible value in telecommunications and as such and in effect, that it reflects a situation where there was no GSM signal available”.
Another important thing I notice was the last RSSI value (-94 dbm) recorded by the iPhone. We have seen that it had been not changed for 3 consecutive timestamps in April 1st, although it was in a dead zone. Instantly, it had jumped from -94 dbm to -113 dbm on April 2nd. So, going by the above theory 2 options possible.
**iPhone had a weak signal reception (connected to GSM) during the morning of April 2nd, and it was able to update its location before it disconnect from the GSM network at a RSSI value of -113 dbm. (We know that 112 call was not connected and the official reports also confirms no GSM connectivity. So, the chance of happening this is highly unlikely.)
**Airplane mode had been Switched ON (RSSI value goes to -113 dbm instantly) before 112 attempt and when the operating system log was created, the RSSI value was -113 dbm. According to the investigators it was remained in -113 dbm for the rest of the time.
Based on my knowledge, I highly doubt that RSSI value will be remained in the same value (-113 dbm), if the antenna module is turned ON. Although the lowest value for healthy communication is stated as -113 dbm, I believe the lowest sensitivity of the antenna module is less than -113 dbm (we have to check in the data sheets). In addition, there will be AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise) present at the receiver, and there will be small fluctuations in the RSSI value due to that.
At the moment, we need to confirm this theory using iPhones, because we don't have the RSSI values for Lisanne's Samsung S3. If it works, as you say, "it raises more questions than answers to me".
Best Regards,
Nocturnal David left a comment, sorry David for editing your comment slightly this way, but the main part of your comment was about a new book from Frédéric Pirez:
ReplyDelete"Hi Scarlet !
I'd like to inform you about some news that are maybe of interest.
On reddit there is one guy claiming he is going to release a bock about the disappearance of Kris & Lisanne by the end of April.
The author Frédéric Pirez claim his upcoming book will focus on the crime hypothesis.
I'm not sure how reliable this information is because a first quick Google search failed to give me any infos."
Here is a photo of the cover of Frédéric's book on the disappearance of Kris and Lisanne:
I know that the author already has a French book out on this case:
Hopefully his latest work is an English translation of this book. Do give people a link Frédéric once you have it online for sale
Thanks for clarifying Scarlet.
DeleteI was irritated because the post on reddit was removed/deleted after just an hour. And I didn't know the author and his french book before.
Agreed David, very annoying. So reddit has only very specific people who can promote on there, but not this French author it seems, great.. I know the author a little bit from emails we exchanged a while ago and he also spoke with Juan about his work. I hope he managed to get his work translated in English and that he can somehow let us all know where it is available.
DeleteHi Scarlet,
ReplyDeletejust another observation from staring at the night photos for hours. Photo 550 (rock and twigs ) shows the same pointed rock in background as photo 599 ( someone commented on this before , and i agree ).
1. if Kriss and Lisanne were injured with broken pelvis and broken foot, how did they cross to take photo 599?
2. in photo 599, you should be able to see the end of the cable bridge that people can "see" in photo 550, but its not there.
keep up the good work, and ill keep staring,
Hi taz, correct! I only see the supposed 'cable bridge' in one photo or so, not in all of them. I'm not convinced there is a cable there but if there is, I would place the location of these night photos much sooner in the Caldera area near the Tree Trek area, than near any monkey bridge. Bloggers who went past those monkey bridges in May did not see anything there, and they were out looking for signs of Kris and Lisanne. Yeh indeed, if Kris had her pelvis broken in two and Lisanne had her foot smashed, unfortunately, then there is no way they would have moved far by their own account.
DeleteThanks taz
I used to think they were kidnapped at 2 PM and then transported away immediately, or held in the jungle until dark and then transported away. But that would require more than one kidnapper, would be risky because they would have to go several kilometers through the jungle, and would probably have to be planned in advance. I now believe they were simply raped and killed immediately afterwards, probably by just one person, who hid the bodies in the bushes until dark and then transported them away. Speaks for itself that the strange phone and camera usage are not the work of two damsels in distress.
ReplyDeleteTrue. I think we are dealing with more than one attacker for sure, IF they met foul play. two tall atheltic young women cannot be both contained by a single attacker, unless he is armed. It is well possible that they knew their attackers from previous encounters and it all started off friendly, but for the mood to switch at some point, when it was too late for Kris and Lisanne to flee.
DeleteHi Scarlet,
ReplyDelete**Regarding the backpack and its damages
A couple of weeks ago, I have shared few pdf documents to your Protonmail regarding new information analysis. I'm not sure whether you had free time to go through all of them. I wrote a new theory regarding the backpack damages. The pdf document has a detailed explanation and I will write a brief summary below.
Theory is based on the following reasons: The location and nature of damages 1, 4&5, undamaged contents inside the backpack, last known location of the girls (at #508) was nearly 35 minutes away from the meadow area, abrupt stop in photographing + missing photo #509, girls were on the main trail around 14.00 p.m (hard to get lost, and there were no other trails & cliffs close to the main trail according to parents), they were hours away from the first monkey bridge around 14.00 p.m, phones didn’t connect to a GSM network after 13:38 p.m and not prepared for a longer hike (perfect weather conditions).
I believe they encountered some kind of problem in between the time span of 13.54 p.m. to 14.40 p.m. The girls were really active, and took photographs at regular time intervals, but suddenly everything had frozen in time. I think the problem had occurred very close to that meadow area. A damage around top right/left corner is a rare occurrence (I have explained why in the pdf), if you slip along a steep slope. However, it can happen, if the backpack fabric (top right corner) is trapped with a sharp edge, while you are walking/running. When considering the above reasons, it is highly likely that damage 4 and 5 had occurred due to a Barbed Wire. Why? Because do you see? Around that meadow area, the trail is narrow and both sides have barbed wire fences. So, most probably the girls encountered something around 14.00p.m. -14.40 p.m. close to the meadow area. For some reason, whoever (Kris or Lisanne) carried the backpack had decided to pass through that barbed wire fence in a jiffy (or some kind of struggle had occurred). I think at that moment, the top right corner of the backpack had suddenly trapped with a barbed wire (maybe Kris’s Jean short as well). Due to the dragging force generated by the person, the damage 4 and 5 might have occurred instantly (I have added sample images of fabric trapping). However, the official report doesn’t mention which strap (right or left) has damage 1. In my opinion, it is highly likely to occur in the right strap, because when the top right corner is trapped, the dragging force is fully exerted on the right side, and the seam can be loosened. Other important thing is that the contents inside the backpack would not damage, because the effect of dragging force is focused on the top right corner.
I believe this explanation makes a lot of sense based on the evidences available to us. It might be possible that they were already under the influence of someone/something at the time of #508. The guide claimed (Answer for Kris video) that he had not found any traces of them including footprints. I think the guide had accidently slipped an important point here. Why would he search beyond the Pianista summit, when he already had the chance to return at the summit? At the time, no one exactly knew that the girls had gone beyond the Pianista summit. Specially searching for footprints around that meadow area. Highly suspicious! We need to keep in mind that no official search operations were ongoing on April 3rd. It might be possible that some kind of struggle had occurred around that meadow area, and this guide had covered possible traces of it. Why he was searching for footprints?
I might be totally wrong about this theory, but I have tried to look at this in a different perspective.
Best Regards,
Thanks Tharindu, your detailed work on this is very much appreciated. As you know I added a large update at the top of this part 4 blog post, covering your findings. Thanks!
You are welcome Scarlet..! I have gone through the updated part (my findings) and I'm very pleased that you have put all the information into well connected topics. As you know some of the case report details regarding GSM reception and mobile phone activities were not available, when I was writing those documents in the first place. So based on recent updates, I did an extensive analysis and had to modify some parts. I have shared a modification pdf several weeks ago, which includes your questions, answers, PowerPixies comments, my detailed analysis and thoughts within the discussion part. With regard to the modifications part, most of the modifications are simple additions, sentence changes, image replacements and repositioning. I have clearly written what to do under each modification for your convenience. I did the best I could based on the available case information and hope the extensive analysis will be useful for you to clear some of the doubts.
DeleteBest Regards,
After you mentioned the earrings, I thought maybe those are the dots on the hair photo?
ReplyDeleteJust speculating here...
Good point. Yes I wondered about that as well, but in the hair photo it looks more like a couple of 'teeth' in a row, to me at least... Kris wore one silver small earring and a black one above it. It should have looked different therefore..
DeleteAll the info from imperfect plan was already known, it is not new info, I wrote messages to you a year or so ago about the phones never connecting to a network during the emergency call attempts and about having done the tests with the camera using the method of taking 10 photos, deleting photo no. 9 and then taking more photos and 9 being gone forever.
ReplyDeleteJuan and Matt go into too much depth with their testing that it is just overdose of info. Same with the GSM analyses.
not to be rude to any of them but the Definition of overthink: to think too much about (something) : to put too much time into thinking about or analyzing (something) in a way that is more harmful than helpful.
Hi Tony. Thanks. You do not have the official case files though, from what I understand? Imperfect Plan has and has published what the case officials have declared. Which in interesting for various reasons. Those phone logs are interesting to analyse, based on the details with which the Panamese prosecutor worked herself. As for the missing photo 509, there are still debates about whether or not the method you describe would have worked for this canon camera. Some say yes but some people also say no, it does not. I cover all opinions here on this blog. But I believe that #509 was removed thoroughly with the help of a computer. We now know for a fact that Betzaida Pitti and her team manipulated the photos on the memory card back on June 17th of 2014, permanently changed parts of these photos in photoshop, before sending it off to the Dutch investigators. To me, that is where the key of this sub-mystery lies.
DeleteCouldn't find anywhere on your blog about the allegation that SINAPROC or some other search team had stayed overnight in the Jungle on 8th April.
ReplyDeleteThe picture you have of the Local Panama Authorities search Area that has pictures of dogs and helicopters pinned to it?
It shows that no search at that time went any where near a monkey bridge...
Jean-Claude Latombe hiked the exact path and has at least one photo on his webpage that shows the same location of a photo of Kris on the serpent trail. He does an 8.5 hour hike on day 1 and makes it almost 2 hours past the location of the denim shorts and crosses all 3 of the monkey bridge.
I don't know if you are aware of a survivor type show by the name of "Naked and Afraid" but in June 2013 the executive producer was bitten on the foot by a Fur De Lance viper while scouting locations in Costa Rica.
Hi Tony,
Deleteyes it is covered on my part 1 blog. For instance in the sub topic about the night photos and why Kris and Lisanne would have taken those 100-something night pictures, flashing at the sky. It is a carefully cultivated suspicion that was created by Pitti and co, that they 'must' have therefore heard search troops in the distance and tried to capture their attention. But what I am saying is that there is 0,0% evidence for this. Nowhere in the official case files or by Sinaproc is it mentioned as far as anyone knows at the moment, that their search groups were out moving in the jungle at night. Which is dangerous. Same for the theory that a helicopter was flying at night; people keep bringing this suggestion up, but it is thoroughly disproven; there were no helicopters flying over that jungle at night. I specifically mentioned under one of those Sinaproc maps on my blog that it is a capturing of a moment in time, when the searches were still ongoing. Not the end map. Sinaproc members and its director have spoken in front of the camera or to news reporters since, and declared that the entire area was combed through. From Boquete to Bocas at the coast and back again; east, west, north and south. Including all the monkey bridges, including the rivers. Including Alto Romero and surroundings. These women were not there, the head of Sinaproc vowed that they weren;t there but must have been somewhere else. I think we better belief the guy who lead these searches for months. At least, I do. Unless someone was actually there in person and knows from experience that it went different than claimed, of coure ;)
I would like to say it is very good this site is created for clearing things up, warning other hikers with this story and support can be done to charity.
ReplyDeleteI often found similar sites and videos, not about this case but the purpose of other people with such story is to raise money and attention.
What i believe might happend to the both girls is that they came across drug traffikers or entered private property, got warned but havent understood what was said to them so maybe the inhabitants of the area became scared and killed them.
Is it possible that european behaviour and body language can be threatening and their bare spanish, wrongly spoken, was a threat or something?
Maybe a naive question but i am not a hiker, the farthes point me travelling out of europe, was the state of texas,usa 20 years ago. i have no real experience with people outside my cultural circle and being a bit shy in general.
Despite that i am a big fan of japan, want to go there and almost have had the opportunity to go there with my former girl friend, but we split up.
We were planing that trip and read alot what to do and what not to do in such countries and that what we think is ok, can be totally wrong percepted.
Dont stick your chop sticks into the served rice as an example.
Same with my next holidays i plan to go to switzerland.
I love the language, listen to swiss hip hop and rap music to train myself the understanding because i work in customer support and try to welcome my customers letting them speak in swiss language which i think understand to some level.
But with that said, i know their slang as it often is, it a language they are proud of and you can get in trouble making fun of their pronounciation of some words.
They are not so open minded as one might think, as a bavarian myself, its here sometimes the same.
But not live threatening, germany and switzerland are as 10 times richer than panama and the living standard is very high, guns are prohibited everywhere and its almost impossible to get a permit to buy a gun or carry it.
So, might have been that the girl were misunderstood at some point?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe German psychic said that the killer(s) lived in Alto Quiel. Do we know anyone connected with the case that has a property in Alto Quiel?
ReplyDeleteHi Scarlet,
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting and linking that great video, which shows the gulley path of Pianista trail. At the first part of the video, isn't he walking along the gulley that located after the summit? Because, I have compared this video with an older video linked to Romain's channel. It appears like there is a similar location in both videos. I have added the timestamps below.
(I believe the Boquete local is at the location of #506 in the above timestamp and few seconds later at the location of #505)
(Clearly in the above timestamp, Romain is at the location of #505 and several seconds later, at the location of #505)
Although the local person was going in the opposite direction to Romain, I believe both of them were at the same spot. I think the local person has combined several clips together, so we are not sure whether he is walking before the summit or after the summit. For example, he is passing the same location at below timestamps, but in opposite direction to each other.
If you look carefully, you can identify the location #493 at the end of the video (path has eroded due to water flow but I believe it is the same spot).
Best Regards,
Hi Tharindu,
Deletegood hearing from you and thanks for your observations. I understan what you're saying and when I first watched the video of Lemo Ngäbere, I thought the same: that he seemed to be hiking through the gorge at the óther side of the summit, towards Bocas. But when you compare Lemo's arrival at the summit with that of the Kremers, it does seem to me that he approached the mountain from the Boquete side.
Look at this for instance:
Here we see Roelie sit with her back towards the side of the Mirador that has the tree and shrubbery cover as well as a small open spot, next to which there is a memorial with both the girls' names currently. The road to the 'wrong' side of the mountain lies to the viewers' right. Just like here in Lemo's video:
At minute 10:00 of Lemo's video, you can see that he came from the other side. The Boquete side. He even points to the wrong side at minute 12:50 and 14:10. But, I agree that the places he films sometimes look very much like what Romain filmed on the Bocas side. Almost identical. But perhaps that's just the case when you walk all the way and it is a continuation of the same scenery and the same looking gully? I never realized that this gully was this long before you reach the summit on the 'right' (Boquete) side, though..
But yes, another explanation is that he did not show us one chronological reportage of the hike up the mountain, but edited parts and incorporated several clips from before and after the summit
in his video? I wouldn't understand the reason for this tbh, but who knows. Could indeed be the spot of photo #493, although it all looks slightly different now, perhaps also due to the different weather conditions.
Hope you are well!
You are correct, he approached the summit from Boquete side at 10.00. and it matches to the Kremers arrival. Precisely speaking, there is a video clip transition around 9.50 (there were transitions before as well). Clearly he was passing the same location at two timestamps (different direction). I may have found the reason why we don't notice his bidirectional walk at a glance. From 5.49 to 5.50, there is a transition and part of the video is missing. The missing part is 2.27 to 3.13 in the same video, which most probably shows the location of #505. I believe now you would recognize it. As you say, I too don't understand why these clips are jumbled up. Maybe he was explaining that it was Bocas side of the trail at the first half of the video, but I don't understand Spanish. My opinion is that it was Bocas side of the trail. Hopefully, We will be able to clarify these doubts very soon after the article publications from Imperfect Plan team. For the moment, check the below video.
As you say, during the rainy season, those crevice passages (gullies) are gloomy and gives you the creeps. I believe the gully, which located after the summit is much narrower (also lengthier) and it is the creepiest one out of two.(JJ and Kinga mentioned about it in the documentary, if I remember correctly). shows the part of the gully before the summit (probably the location #493).
I would like to thank you for updating my findings in your blog. I was kind of busy during the last couple of months and didn't have free time to go through it. I went through the updates recently and now everything is fine. I hope that you are able to clarify some of the doubts. Looking forward to read the updates from Imperfect Plan team.
Hope you too are doing well and safe!
CORRECTION. Looks like you were right again Tharindu :)
DeleteLemo responded on youtube: I started from Boquete, and crossed the mountain range towards Bocas del Toro. Greetings" (Comencé desde Boquete, y crucé la cordillera hacia Bocas del Toro. Saludos)
I assume this implies that he also shot footage after he crossed the mountain range. But it isn't super clear from the video.
Thanks for your thoughts, as always
Hi Scarlet,
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the summary of Nina's story on your blog and Youtube. Very interesting story, if her experiences were authentic. As you mentioned, personally I also feel like most of her experiences were truthful, when it comes to guide F. I'm not sure whether it from the same source or not, but even before reading Nina's story, I have seen reviews, which mentioned this guide as a red light for northern European women. If I remember correctly, there are several photos on Juan's album, which shows this guide swimming with a woman (It appears like the woman was comfortable and enjoying with him like the Czech woman in Nina's story). Therefore, it is possible that he only works with European women or women with white descent. The interesting part for me is how Nina describes F's daily working routine.
In relation to K&L disappearance case, too much involvement from the beginning makes him as a person of interest. Up to date, we still don't know for sure about the tour plans of K&L on April 2nd with F or if there was any kind of arrangement with F at all (no diary entries and we only have F's claims). Only proof we have is that visiting card (F's tour guide card) on Lisanne's bed (it might have put there by F himself). Note how Nina exchanged their phone numbers when they first met F. I have a doubt why F didn't try to call K&L rather than going into their room, when they didn't show up on April 2nd. Maybe they didn't exchange their phone numbers, but instead the visiting card was given. According to Nina, time is money for F, so it is rather very strange that F had decided to search K&L on his own free will for several days by deviating from his daily routine. Personally, I feel like he knew too much at the beginning (where to search/beyond the summit searching for footprints/where to look for remains).
Nina's story reminded me a specific Ancestor Card reading video regarding the disappearance of K&L (It was linked to your earlier Youtube channel, if I remember correctly). I have found the video in the link below.
Personally, I don't believe such readings are completely accurate (I need logical proof),but I don't exclude them either. So, I watched it again and found that both Nina's story regarding K&L disappearance case and this card reading are highly correlated. Very Interesting! After watching recent videos related to the Pianista trail, I'm pretty sure that the girls didn't accidently continue walking towards the wrong side, when they clearly see Boquete from the summit (Return path is also towards the view of Boquete). This is where I remember the famous quote from F "It's not like with those idiot Dutch women". I feel, this quote means F knows that the girls were deceived by someone and they fell for it. Who knows?
Best Wishes,
"killed four more girls in the past": any idea who?
ReplyDeleteHad Panama not made an agreement with the girls' families?
Hi Scarlet,
ReplyDeleteCourtesy to the great videos by Victor, now we can digitally hike the Pianista trail up to river 3. It is very clear from the video that their is only clear single path up to river 3. He has also maintained a similar hiking pace as K&L maintained up to river 1.
**Now it is almost certain that their phones were already connected to a roaming network by the time they reached the summit (exactly I predicted earlier). There was a weak cell reception (30 minutes before summit) and the connection became stronger as he(Victor) was hiking towards Mirador. Iphone connected to a roaming network around 12.33 p.m.
**He reached the river 1 within 25-30 minutes while K&L did it within 35-40 minutes. I was surprised by the observation that his phone was completely disconnected from the roaming network about 7-8 minutes walking distance before river 1. However, the Iphone fully disconnected from the roaming network at 13.38 p.m. (16 minutes before #507). There exists a small time gap, but I can't give an explicit reason for that. Around 13.38 p.m. K&L almost walked 23 minutes beyond the summit. If we add 7-8 minutes it will be 30 minutes and it fairly matches with Victor's timeline. It is well supported by the fact that, the girls had better hiking conditions on April 1st. Therefore, I assume K&L were at the same location as Victor was when their phones disconnected from the roaming network around 13.38 p.m. If they turned back around 13.54 p.m., there exists a possibility of contacting Kris's boyfriend around 2 p.m.
**I asked on YouTube whether the trail was slippery beyond the summit and Victor responded that he slipped 2 times before river 1. It might explain why Kris had slipped and fallen on her back. Furthermore, he encountered only a single native person beyond the summit, and he thinks the same person had left those soda cookie wrapper and a sweet wrapper on the rock at river 2.
**For me, the distance to the river 1 is too much to have a random exploration for two cautious girls and there was not much scenery after the gully until river 1. They also didn't photograph anything in between. You would never continue along the trail unless you have a good reason. It appears like K&L had a certain destination in their minds beyond the Mirador. But then again, anyone hiking beyond the summit (in 2014) without a guide has no idea about the long gully, rivers 1/2/3, the paddock, monkey bridges etc. However, it appears like they never walked back at least 10 minutes towards the summit after #508 due to no roaming connections. What were they searching?
**After seeing the complete path up to river 3: if someone would intercept by a 3rd party from behind, the only option left is to rapidly continue along the trail because there are no exit trails except for river 1/2/3. If the interception is from front, someone would rapidly hike back to Mirador. Personally, I think the evidences suggest that they were intercepted from behind and it happened soon after #508.
Best regards
The sunglasses that are supposed to be Kris's look like the same sunglasses her boyfriend was wearing in a picture with her. Maybe she took two?!
ReplyDeleteI just listened to episode 4 and this comment relates to the isolated ‘bleached’ rib bone and a possible explanation for it. I once gave my big dog (Rottweiler, Golden Retriever cross) some mutton flaps (basically sheep ribs) on recommendation from his vet. He managed to swallow a rib. After watching him carefully for 3 days, he vomited up the bone. It was clean as a whistle and very white. There was animal predation noted in the autopsy and if the predator was around the size of a large dog, it could have swallowed the rib and vomited up. This could explain why the rib was bleached in a very short time.
ReplyDeleteI really doubt they decided to hike down the stream shown in #508. Hiking along streams in your hiking boots is quite hard work physically and not really pleasant. And then you have to walk all the way back with sodden footwear. From what I have read, the girls were not super outdoorsy or adventurous, and liked things to be well-planned and organised. Jumping off the track to hike down an unknown stream by themselves to look for a waterfall seems pretty out of character. At the least I’d have expected them to check Google maps again if they were going to do that.
ReplyDeleteSeparately though, I notice more than a touch of misogyny in the “Lost” narrative. If the two missing persons were young men, would people be so ready to accept that they were just young, inexperienced, unprepared tourists who somehow wandered off a clear path in broad daylight & ideal conditions? Honestly, I don’t think so. Some comments are giving “they’re just young women, of course they’re prone to silliness and get lost & confused easily”.
Dudes, you don’t need to be Bear Grylls to undertake a day hike. Hundreds of people have done El Pianista without incident, many of them not experts. From all accounts navigation is more challenging before the Mirador rather than on the other side (at least for the first few hours). I’d bet all I own that foul play is involved.
And I’d expect the local cartel was less than happy about all the searching between the Mirador and Alta Romero and put a lot of pressure on people to get that to stop. Hence the “remains” turning up, even though that increased risk to the perpetrator(s). I also think someone incentivised the local woman to come forward with the backpack, by promising her (or her village) that they’d get the reward money. They seem to be very certain they were going to get that money.
I’m so sorry for the senseless loss of these lovely young women, and for all the other deaths by femicide in this region that go unprosecuted.
Good point about the misogyny issue. If K & L had met hostile persons after photo 508, no one really knew who they were.
ReplyDeleteBecause of the misogyny question, people wanted to associate with Leonardo, Jose and Omar. 2 young women with 3 young men. (Yes, I understood Leonardo was slightly older).
2 young men standing confidently in waist deep water, including one without his shirt. 2 young women cautiously kneeling in the water because their decision to be a bit more daring had apparently backfired. The genders were equal until the point they were not equal.
Was it K & L inside the photo? I would say a reasonable degree of probability. Was it directly linked to the disappearance? I am somewhat skeptical but we can agree to disagree.
The subsequent deaths of the 3 men fueled the speculation. From known media reports, the foul play scenario which had put aside for a while, regained interest after Leonardo's death was announced in local media.
After trekking for 3 hours or so, perhaps it made sense to leave the trail to do something mundane such as relieving themselves.
If they left the trail, a interesting contrast could have occurred. It would very unlikely for them to encounter anyone else. At the same time, anyone else who happened to encounter them was less likely to be friendly because these persons were not expecting other people appearing.
Any hostile person was more likely a result of an unexpected counter rather than something pre-planned.
Scarlet. I am very grateful for all the valuable information on your blog about the disappearance of Kris and Lisanne. This case should be shared with the University of Panama City to be taken as a research project. In this comment I am going to highlight the most shocking stories or facts, which lead to lines of investigation:
ReplyDelete1. Making the hike to the top of Mirador del Pianista in under 2 hours, Kriss and Lisanne were accompanied on their hike.
2. The position of your thumbs in the Mirador photos are difficult to achieve without the help of a person who makes that sign beforehand.
3. There is a 2 hour time lag between the last photo taken on that tour and the first emergency call.
From the above facts we can infer that after 2 pm on April 1, 2014, Kriss and Lisanne were intercepted by one or more people in a friendly manner or assaulted.
Due to the scarcity and regularity in the time of emergency call attempts between April 2 and 5, we can infer that they were captured.
4. On April 5, a French couple was warned by a ranger not to continue their journey along the Quetzal trail, because they had heard a woman's scream and then a very loud blow, and seconds later they had seen 2 men run and crouch among the trees.
5. As of April 5th, there were no more emergency call attempts from Kriss and Lisanne's cell phones.
Scarlet. I am very grateful for all the valuable information on your blog about the disappearance of Kris and Lisanne. This case should be shared with the University of Panama City to be taken as a research project. In this comment I am going to highlight the most shocking stories or facts, which lead to lines of investigation:
ReplyDelete1. Making the hike to the top of Mirador del Pianista in under 2 hours, Kriss and Lisanne were accompanied on their hike.
2. The position of your thumbs in the Mirador photos are difficult to achieve without the help of a person who makes that sign beforehand.
3. There is a 2 hour time lag between the last photo taken on that tour and the first emergency call.
From the above facts we can infer that after 2 pm on April 1, 2014, Kriss and Lisanne were intercepted by one or more people in a friendly manner or assaulted.
Due to the scarcity and regularity in the time of emergency call attempts between April 2 and 5, we can infer that they were captured.
4. On April 5, a French couple was warned by a ranger not to continue their journey along the Quetzal trail, because they had heard a woman's scream and then a very loud blow, and seconds later they had seen 2 men run and crouch among the trees.
5. As of April 5th, there were no more emergency call attempts from Kriss and Lisanne's cell phones.
Interestingly, the Quetzal trail is closed
DeleteI have not seen you post in awhile, i also thought more people would be posting on here this time of April, is there a different blog everyone is using or just nobody commenting any more?
ReplyDeleteScarlet, thank you for your work! At the end of this video from SCROSS NX you can see a red pickup truck at the beginning of the trail. Why should the florists stand by the path? Jeep guide?
ReplyDeleteIs there a photo that marks on a map where the trail started, where the photos where taken, and where the remains/backpack were found?
It's still November, Scarlie
ReplyDeleteThank you! I'm so overworked, I can't believe I overlooked that wrong month 🤭😵💫 Tell it is almost December at least haha
DeleteHi Scarlet,
ReplyDeletethanks for all the Informationen on this Case. Like most people I find the behaviour of Guide F. very suspicious. If a third party is involved you will be looking what is called in profiling an "organised offender".
But if the Phone was used by a third Person, it probably could not have been Guide F, at least for the 2. April. I think He met Eileen around 8 AM at the language School or am i wrong here? For the next days It needs to be a Person who was Regulary Free (work break, sprach Break etc) and away from Phone reception between 10 am and 11am and 14pm and 15pm. But who can Tell after so many years.
Thanks. Yes... I don't think that guide is personally responsible for their deaths, but I do believe some people knew about them being kidnapped and later killed and helped cover the matter up. Even Betzaida Pitti and the NFI called this case a kidnapping and a crime, all the way up til the moment that backpack was suspiciously found in June 2014. The backpack was found by employees of the tour guide's brother, who handled that bag, handled the bag's content before giving it to police days later. The camera was viewed and some photos altered before the NFI was given the camera. The evidence was messed with if you ask me and the bag planted, to change the investigation, and it did. It turned the case from a kidnapping and murder investigation into an accident investigation (I saw the files, I now know this is a fact). Somebody created those night photos and ensured that the employees of the Gonzalez family found it, passed it through the brother before Pitti messing with the photos. It is a corrupt mess.
DeleteObviously I don't know if it's true, but according to the book lost in the jungle(Eu sei, zero credibilidade), the girls' cell phones were found without the sim card, and they could have taken it out as soon as they arrived in Panama to avoid additional expenses. If I'm not mistaken, I had already read the It's been a long time since cell phones had actually been found without a SIM card.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I find it a little strange that the police or the family never said that, it would make sense that the girls never tried to call Miriam or they familys, they would be sure that they wouldn't be able to get in and they wouldn't waste time trying. I think 50% accident and 50% murder but we have to think about this possibility since I don't think their sim card would work in Panama.But I'm not sure about that either because there is data on their phones when they lose signal so they must have had sim cards on their phones and were only able to call emergency services because the sim cards didn't work in Panama(i think).
I appreciate your effort in bringing light to this case that was very poorly "solved". I am also obsessed with this case and I am always checking your blog to see if there have been updates and in the future bring closure or justice to this sad case. Note: I'm Brazilian and I used the translator, so sorry if there are any errors.
So, was it about getting lost or were they kidnapped? Personally, I'm convinced they were kidnapped. But we don't know. If we look at the phone calls, it resembles a coffee break at work, almost the same time every day. My educated guess is they've been held captive, abused, with minimal access to their phones, likely in a location with toilet facilities they've been allowed to use in shifts. In those instances, they've tried calling for help. At one point, the fair-haired one dies, she gets dismembered, and her body parts are thrown out into the jungles. During that time frame, the dark-haired one has access to the phone, unfortunately, she can't unlock her friend's phone and keeps trying to call for help. She suffers the same fate as her friend.
ReplyDeleteRemember, I could be completely wrong, but that's what I see. If anyone can provide a better explanation, please feel free. What do we see? Some light-colored hair. My qualified guess is it's Kris. But we don't know, so if there's only a head, it's probably because there's only the head, which has been carried in the red bag, conveniently red. It's been torn open on the stone with a dark spot under the bag, and the contents have spilled out. To locate where the contents have spilled, a camera light has been used.
I'm convinced it's a crumpled cigarette pack held between the thumb and forefinger, with a cigarette butt lying next to it. on the stone That's what I see. If anyone can provide exact details, it would be appreciated.
It's sad that the people tasked with solving these things come up with such a weak conclusion that nobody buys. Yet, it's uplifting that someone who made this blog says, 'No, we don't buy this, we can do better.' Keep up the good work. I'm sure this case will be solved one day."
It's obvious there is foul play involved and they're just protecting the tourist industry and international relations. That is why the case files are kept under wraps, the families probably had to sign non disclosure agreements to get compensation and their children's tampered remains and belongings. Only lazy people believe two young pretty girls go missing and only some dismembered body parts separated from their underwear turns up and that this points to a double accidental fatality. Ofcourse they're going to undress and turn off their phones while lost in the jungle.
ReplyDeleteJuan's album is gone?
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately yes :( It cost him quite a bit of money to keep online, as it used a lot of space due to the sheer size and amount of high quality photos and videos.
DeleteLooking at the case as a kidnapping, rape, murder and staging. A native woman said she found the backpack in the Changuinola River, but looking at the location indicated on the maps, this narrative seems false to me. Looking at the Satellite Pro website, it makes much more sense and is much more convenient, simple and much less tiring, to walk about 1.5km northeast of the community of Alto Romero, and wash dirty clothes in a nearby stream. Or walk about 2.5km to the northeast and use the Romero River, if you want a greater flow of water. There are clearly trails heading towards the Rio Romero, but there do not appear to be any trails from the community of Alto Romero to the Rio Changuinola, a likely indication that this community always seeks the opposite direction to the place where the backpack was found, to satisfy their needs. basic. The Changuinola River is about 3.85km from the community of Alto Romero, in a straight line! But someone walking across the land would certainly travel more than 4km! Walking a long distance like this and still returning the same distance carrying wet and much heavier clothing is a very arduous task! Especially when performed by women. It is less painful to use the waters that are to the northeast, not to the southwest of that community. That's why I find this narrative inconsistent with reality. Perhaps this community is being coerced into supporting this narrative.
ReplyDelete"And there is the fact that search dogs cannot follow a scent through water as easily."
ReplyDeleteNo. This is simply false. Even Mythbusters had a segment on that. Water DOES NOT WASH AWAY BODY SCENT. If you call this obvious myth "a fact", then I must question your definition of the word "fact".
""And there is the fact that search dogs cannot follow a scent through water as easily."
DeleteNo. This is simply false."
- 'As easily'. Can you link me to something scientific that proves that search dogs can as easily or more easily follow a human scent in the running water of a river as they do on land? I'm happy to change my sentence then.